Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

You know, the funny thing is science can be wrong, and it doesn't matter.

The problem you see is because if your bible was wrong, your world would be shattered. Science doesn't work like that.

We learned more from this.

If it turns out to be true this could be an incredible scientific breakthrough.

I've never seen the bible be proven wrong.
I have, however, seen scientific theories come and go.

So you are one of those who actually accepts this stuff

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?

Big fish puking up live men?

Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?

Stone walls falling on command?

Evil people being turned into salt?

The sun blacked out by a god?

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected?

Virgin Birth?

Healing by touching?

Walking on water?

Water into wine?

Raising from the dead?

Hanging a man on a tree and bleeding him to death only to see him rise again?

That's besides the point, koshergirl has no concept of what science is if that is the claim she wishes to make.
**Breaking News** New York Times - Saturday 19 November 2011: Einstein's laws questioned as speed of light is broken again

Einstein's laws questioned as speed of light is broken again in a second experiment

Settled Science My Ass!!!!

:lol: So Much For All You Wacko's Claiming Science Is Settled & The Debate Is Over! :lol:

You know, the funny thing is science can be wrong, and it doesn't matter.

The problem you see is because if your bible was wrong, your world would be shattered. Science doesn't work like that.

We learned more from this.

If it turns out to be true this could be an incredible scientific breakthrough.

I've never seen the bible be proven wrong.

I have, however, seen scientific theories come and go.

So you think the earth was created before the sun?

I've never seen the bible be proven wrong.
I have, however, seen scientific theories come and go.

So you are one of those who actually accepts this stuff

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?

Big fish puking up live men?

Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?

Stone walls falling on command?

Evil people being turned into salt?

The sun blacked out by a god?

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected?

Virgin Birth?

Healing by touching?

Walking on water?

Water into wine?

Raising from the dead?

Hanging a man on a tree and bleeding him to death only to see him rise again?

That's besides the point, koshergirl has no concept of what science is if that is the claim she wishes to make.

Someone had already posted that a settled science was no longer science. That superstitous nonsense can only be seriously believed by those who have been brainwashed as children or somebody with a subnormal IQ.

OK...now let's talk about big fish puking up live men and five mile high flood waters that evaporated within a few weeks........or, how long could two dinosaurs live without food. You can't make up shit like this..............OH! I forgot.......they did

You know what It just occurred to me that maybe Noah and his family were mice and they were the largest of a million species at that time. That way a 450 ft. long boat might have held all of them and enough food. 'Course God would have had to build the boat. If one is going to make a fairy tale interesting they have to use their imagination.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJfBSc6e7QQ"]Earth is in fact growing[/ame]

The universe is and has been expanding and widening since the big bang. The common factor is a galaxy. In billions of years all galaxies, including ours...the milky way will be sucked into a black hole and the only thing which will remain is scattered atomic particles which were too small to be affected. That works out mathmatically...that's the only thing to which I pay much attention.

Ok now, this video matches all the old texts like Gilgamesh, Koran & Bible. The old religions & books don't agree on how long the flood lasted. It could have been 7 days, 40 days or a year. The bible described it as "all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights." It must have been an awesome sight for man to see the earth's crust break apart & form the oceans as the expanding earth science video shows. The water would have been fresh at that time & perfectly drinkable for the inhabitants of the Arc. Most doctors agree that healthy humans can go up to eight weeks without food as long as they have water. Fishing would also have been a good source of food at that time.

Remember that a smaller earth was likely spinning faster than todays expanded earth just like an ice skaters high speed pirouette slows as they spread their arms & legs. This would have changed time & days.
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The universe is and has been expanding and widening since the big bang. The common factor is a galaxy. In billions of years all galaxies, including ours...the milky way will be sucked into a black hole and the only thing which will remain is scattered atomic particles which were too small to be affected. That works out mathmatically...that's the only thing to which I pay much attention.

Ok now, this video matches all the old texts like Gilgamesh, Koran & Bible. The old religions & books don't agree on how long the flood lasted. It could have been 7 days, 40 days or a year. The bible described it as "all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights." It must have been an awesome sight for man to see the earth's crust break apart & form the oceans as the expanding earth science video shows. The water would have been fresh at that time & perfectly drinkable for the inhabitants of the Arc. Most doctors agree that healthy humans can go up to eight weeks without food as long as they have water. Fishing would also have been a good source of food at that time.

Remember that a smaller earth was likely spinning faster than todays expanded earth just like an ice skaters high speed pirouette slows as they spread their arms & legs. This would have changed time & days.

It absolutely drives me up a wall that any intelligent human being actually buys that crock of shit.
The universe is and has been expanding and widening since the big bang. The common factor is a galaxy. In billions of years all galaxies, including ours...the milky way will be sucked into a black hole and the only thing which will remain is scattered atomic particles which were too small to be affected. That works out mathmatically...that's the only thing to which I pay much attention.

Ok now, this video matches all the old texts like Gilgamesh, Koran & Bible. The old religions & books don't agree on how long the flood lasted. It could have been 7 days, 40 days or a year. The bible described it as "all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. And the rain was upon the earth forty days and forty nights." It must have been an awesome sight for man to see the earth's crust break apart & form the oceans as the expanding earth science video shows. The water would have been fresh at that time & perfectly drinkable for the inhabitants of the Arc. Most doctors agree that healthy humans can go up to eight weeks without food as long as they have water. Fishing would also have been a good source of food at that time.

Remember that a smaller earth was likely spinning faster than todays expanded earth just like an ice skaters high speed pirouette slows as they spread their arms & legs. This would have changed time & days.

It absolutely drives me up a wall that any intelligent human being actually buys that crock of shit.

If you buy the idea that the earth expanded, then where was the water that now fills the oceans & what happened to time or genetic code. People lived longer before the flood than after. This could have been due to a genetic bottleneck, slowing of day & night cycles or time itself is different on different sized planets. In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observed difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses. An accurate clock at rest with respect to one observer may be measured to tick at a different rate when compared to a second observer's own equally accurate clocks. This effect arises not from technical aspects of the clocks nor from the fact that signals need time to propagate, but from the nature of space-time itself.

I guess someone got high one day & dreamed all that shit up.
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Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.
**Breaking News** New York Times - Saturday 19 November 2011: Einstein's laws questioned as speed of light is broken again

Einstein's laws questioned as speed of light is broken again in a second experiment

Settled Science My Ass!!!!

:lol: So Much For All You Wacko's Claiming Science Is Settled & The Debate Is Over! :lol:
The speed of light was broken long ago. "Cerenkov Radiation" is the compilation of "optical booms" (exactly like SONIC booms) as particles break the speed of light...
The speed of light was broken long ago. "Cerenkov Radiation" is the compilation of "optical booms" (exactly like SONIC booms) as particles break the speed of light...

"The speed of light" is understood to mean the speed of light in a vacuum. Cerenkov radiation does not surpass that speed.
I never said I could prove the bible was correct. My world is not shattered. What keeps on getting shattered is the faith in "Scientific Facts" & "Settled Science" such as the OP starting this thread. Can he explain Ardipithecus & what it means to the "settled science" of the so called "Evolutionary Tree"?

He may be wrong in his stance on "settled science." <--There is no such thing.

Complete, possibly not, wrong? There is simply far too much to say its wrong. It is far more likely that we haven't finished explaining it.

This is coming from a scientist, just for you though.

If settled science existed, it would cease to be science.
That's silly. Science is the observation of physical phenomena. Doesn't matter if we understand it or not.

In "The Day the Universe Changed", James Burk (from memory), said
"Science is walking into a dark room with a flashlight. The assumption is that there is something to be discovered IN the room, that it is of a nature that the flashlight beam will reveal it, and that we know where to shine the light. Any one of which could be wrong..."

Kiss's point about the "evolutionary tree" is well taken. Every branch in that tree is a missing link; every main branch between kinds. Never has one KIND become another KIND, in the record. We see new species, but that's explainable by "designed adaptability" (the light/dark moth for instance).

I loved the comment I posted yesterday about "We know there MUST have been precursors for the Cambrian life forms, because there are so many complex forms IN Cambrian stata!"

Uh, huh...
The speed of light was broken long ago. "Cerenkov Radiation" is the compilation of "optical booms" (exactly like SONIC booms) as particles break the speed of light...

"The speed of light" is understood to mean the speed of light in a vacuum. Cerenkov radiation does not surpass that speed.
Heh heh --- very good, was seeing if anyone was on his toes...

The speed of light was broken long ago. "Cerenkov Radiation" is the compilation of "optical booms" (exactly like SONIC booms) as particles break the speed of light...

"The speed of light" is understood to mean the speed of light in a vacuum. Cerenkov radiation does not surpass that speed.

But it's important to understand that if a basic theory in science changes, scientists will change their fundamental beliefs. If science could prove the existence of a Christian God, most scientists will believe in a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish) God. But if science could disprove a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish) God, many Christians (or Muslims or Jews) would still refuse to believe that God doesn't exist.
I've never seen the bible be proven wrong.
I have, however, seen scientific theories come and go.

So you are one of those who actually accepts this stuff

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?
The boat's been discovered, last time I heard.
Big fish puking up live men?
Not a problem; it's just a question of "resuscitation".
Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?
Heck yes. We know how to build thermoses to block "convection, conduction, and radiation" --- the three means of heat transfer.
Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?
I have no problem with this either; we're about to engage "force field technology".
Stone walls falling on command?
Does your TV turn on by remote command?
Evil people being turned into salt?
What does a Human look like when the water is removed?
The sun blacked out by a god?
I went to Mexico in 1991 to see an eclipse.
5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected?
It's just a question of moving molecules around; no big deal for someone who built the place in the first place.
Virgin Birth?
Heck, we can do that now; "artificial insemination".
Healing by touching?
More "moving molecules around". NBD.
Walking on water?
Simple physics; if a force is applied equal to and opposite of one's weight, he can walk on anything.
Water into wine?
No worse than "multiplying food" --- molecule manipulation.
Raising from the dead?
Again, moving molecules; fixing whatever system failed, and a pair of "jumper cables".
Hanging a man on a tree and bleeding him to death only to see him rise again?
More molecules.

Here's the $64,000 question --- why do you need to have things fit into what your are accustomed to understanding from your five senses?

Can your senses be lied to? Yup.

Take the last one --- can you successfully and credibly deny the guy was raised from the dead? Thousands of people saw Him. The records were not written long after the event, they were written while observers were still around; the records are credible, the testimony is credible --- and you "reserve the right to REJECT the story because it doesn't make sense to you".

With respect, where did you get the pedestal from which you assert the authority to believe things or not?
But it's important to understand that if a basic theory in science changes, scientists will change their fundamental beliefs. If science could prove the existence of a Christian God, most scientists will believe in a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish) God. But if science could disprove a Christian (or Muslim or Jewish) God, many Christians (or Muslims or Jews) would still refuse to believe that God doesn't exist.
If there is a hyperdimensional Being capable of assimilating energy into a bound form "atoms", and figuring out biological systems etcetera, then HE and what He's DONE are the science; we could expect to find agreement with observable phenomena and the writings. No disagreement has been found.

But what laboratory apparatus could prove the existence of God? That's more of a legal issue, isn't it? In a legal sense, the Bible is credible, has sufficient documentation, and records words of witnesses.

Science is also moving to where God is more and more of a consideration; more than a dozen cosmological constants have the distinct appearance of having been "tuned" such that life as we know it is possible. Any one of which, if a little off, and we wouldn't be having this fun discussion...
'Faster Than Light' Particles Make Time Travel Possible, Scientist Says

Can you imagine the God-like things future people can pull off if they travel back in time?
I own most every time-travel movie ever made. I would be such a tourist.

I really think that if one went back to major events, the Crucifixion, Hindenburg, etcetera, he or she could just look around and would see several others who also don't quite fit in.

Of course the big give-away would be when my cell phone rings in front of Pharaoh.
"I told you never to call me here!"
If you buy the idea that the earth expanded...
The earth is still expanding. We get hit by asteroids and comets daily.
then where was the water that now fills the oceans & what happened to time or genetic code.
Genetic codes were stronger in the past; it was possible for brothers and sisters to marry once.

"Entropy increases".
People lived longer before the flood than after. This could have been due to a genetic bottleneck, slowing of day & night cycles or time itself is different on different sized planets.
A high-altitude water vapor layer (commonly considered) would have moderated light, and radiation; promoting longer lives.
In the theory of relativity, time dilation is an observed difference of elapsed time between two events as measured by observers either moving relative to each other or differently situated from gravitational masses. An accurate clock at rest with respect to one observer may be measured to tick at a different rate when compared to a second observer's own equally accurate clocks. This effect arises not from technical aspects of the clocks nor from the fact that signals need time to propagate, but from the nature of space-time itself.
True. I've always pondered the question, "Define time for a PHOTON" --- the question has no meaning!
I guess someone got high one day & dreamed all that shit up.
With the comets and meteors, the oceans should be getting higher; thankfully they're not too frequent.

Hey --- everyone remember "Heaven's Gate" cult? Thought they would kill themselves and join the comet-aliens? I heard they found a FORTIETH person when they were cleaning the house!

He was downstairs.
In the Kitchen.
Under the sink.
...behind the Comet...

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