Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

Also no means to falsify the concept either. We really have no way of knowing do we?

Do you really think that the ideas about the formation of the solar system are not informed by any evidence?
So you are one of those who actually accepts this stuff

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters receded/evaporated?

Big fish puking up live men?

Folks enduring a 1200 degree furnace?

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys?

Stone walls falling on command?

Evil people being turned into salt?

The sun blacked out by a god?

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected?

Virgin Birth?

Healing by touching?

Walking on water?

Water into wine?

Raising from the dead?

Hanging a man on a tree and bleeding him to death only to see him rise again?

That's besides the point, koshergirl has no concept of what science is if that is the claim she wishes to make.

Someone had already posted that a settled science was no longer science. That superstitous nonsense can only be seriously believed by those who have been brainwashed as children or somebody with a subnormal IQ.

*I* posted that. Me. A scientist. If a theory is complete it becomes public knowledge, if we know everything about something, the scientific process can no longer apply to it.

It isn't science at that point.
So you think the earth was created before the sun?

Would you have a problem with the Earth being created before the Sun was lit?

Ah, that's very clever! I admire your deft response!

But there was no water before the sun.

So, yes, Genesis is wrong.
You're presuming that the sun is required for liquid water. But there are plenty of other heat sources available. Like, for instance, if the Earth had a molten center...

Interestingly, "Let there be light", came considerably before the Sun lit up (verse 1:3, the Sun in 1:16). So the first light came from elsewhere. But there wasn't day & night until there was daylight (that's one of them "DUH!" things...)

They tell me God Himself exudes quite a bit of the photonic stuff; but you pro'lly won't consider that God could be real.
Would you have a problem with the Earth being created before the Sun was lit?

Ah, that's very clever! I admire your deft response!

But there was no water before the sun.

So, yes, Genesis is wrong.
You're presuming that the sun is required for liquid water. But there are plenty of other heat sources available. Like, for instance, if the Earth had a molten center...

Interestingly, "Let there be light", came considerably before the Sun lit up (verse 1:3, the Sun in 1:16). So the first light came from elsewhere. But there wasn't day & night until there was daylight (that's one of them "DUH!" things...)

They tell me God Himself exudes quite a bit of the photonic stuff; but you pro'lly won't consider that God could be real.

Lol, it's funny that you attempt to use science after denying the science.

You really don't like facts, do you?
Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.

That is without reservation the most idiotic assertion I've ever seen in my life...of course I'm only 77
Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.

That is without reservation the most idiotic assertion I've ever seen in my life...of course I'm only 77

I think he's joking.
Ah, that's very clever! I admire your deft response!

But there was no water before the sun.

So, yes, Genesis is wrong.
You're presuming that the sun is required for liquid water. But there are plenty of other heat sources available. Like, for instance, if the Earth had a molten center...

Interestingly, "Let there be light", came considerably before the Sun lit up (verse 1:3, the Sun in 1:16). So the first light came from elsewhere. But there wasn't day & night until there was daylight (that's one of them "DUH!" things...)

They tell me God Himself exudes quite a bit of the photonic stuff; but you pro'lly won't consider that God could be real.

Lol, it's funny that you attempt to use science after denying the science.

You really don't like facts, do you?

His religion forces him to deny them. Ideology over common sense.
Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.

That is without reservation the most idiotic assertion I've ever seen in my life...of course I'm only 77

I think he's joking.

That would make a lot more sense.
Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.

That is without reservation the most idiotic assertion I've ever seen in my life...of course I'm only 77

It was pretty blatant sarcasm.
Yes, the earth growing and creating oceans is a much more simpler and reasonable explanation than ancient civilizations often being centered around rivers (the Nile, Euphrates, etc) that would flood annually.

I suppose all the sea life that's existed for millions of years are going to be quite surprised that humans came first before them and the water they lived in.

That is without reservation the most idiotic assertion I've ever seen in my life...of course I'm only 77

It was pretty blatant sarcasm.

We have already mapped the genome. We know what we are and what we came from.

That's funny (aside from being a lie) because the principle player in mapping the human genome, the #1 genetecist in the world, believes God created us.
We have already mapped the genome. We know what we are and what we came from.

That's funny (aside from being a lie) because the principle player in mapping the human genome, the #1 genetecist in the world, believes God created us.

Anybody who believes some invisible man in the sky created us and only let ignorant goat herders from the stone age have the information is definitely not number one in anything...maybe insanity.
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and in the case of evolution its a theory

Your statement proves that you absolutely deny all the anthropological reaserch which has been conducted by scientists over the last century. Congratulations

No that statement doesn't prove that. Maybe he does maybe he doesn't. Scientific theory has a specific meaning in biology, and evolution IS such a theory. Do you understand the weight the word theory has in science? Telling a biologist that "evolution is JUST a theory" would be like telling a criminologist that it's just a theory Jeffrey Dahmer ate people. Doesn't matter what a creationist thinks scientific theory means; they reject the process of science to begin with.
We have already mapped the genome. We know what we are and what we came from.

That's funny (aside from being a lie) because the principle player in mapping the human genome, the #1 genetecist in the world, believes God created us.

Name? Francis Collins?

In his 2006 book The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Collins considers scientific discoveries an "opportunity to worship". In his book Collins examines and subsequently rejects Young Earth creationism and intelligent design. His own belief system is theistic evolution or evolutionary creation which he prefers to term BioLogos. He appeared in December 2006 on The Colbert Report television show[39] and in a March 2007 Fresh Air radio interview[40] to discuss this book.
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We have already mapped the genome. We know what we are and what we came from.

That's funny (aside from being a lie) because the principle player in mapping the human genome, the #1 genetecist in the world, believes God created us.

Name? Francis Collins?

Francis Collins - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
In his 2006 book The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, Collins considers scientific discoveries an "opportunity to worship". In his book Collins examines and subsequently rejects Young Earth creationism and intelligent design. His own belief system is theistic evolution or evolutionary creation which he prefers to term BioLogos. He appeared in December 2006 on The Colbert Report television show[39] and in a March 2007 Fresh Air radio interview[40] to discuss this book.

Proof texting is rarely useful in getting to the truth of something. Francis Collins absolutely believes in God and in the concept of intelligent design as well as also embracing the concept of evolution which I think most believers in God do.

If God chose to create you and me as natural and spiritual beings, and decided to use the mechanism of evolution to accomplish that goal, I think that's incredibly elegant. And because God is outside of space and time, He knew what the outcome was going to be right at the beginning. It's not as if there was a chance it wouldn't work. So where, then, is the discordancy that causes so many people to see these views of science and of spirit as being incompatible? In me, they both exist. They both exist at the same moment in the day. They're not compartmentalized. They are entirely compatible. And they're part of who I am. -- Francis Collins
The Question of God . Other Voices . Francis Collins | PBS

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