Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

That's exactly what it's about.Hank said that the island of Guam would tip over if it was over populated.

YOU, I believe are honestly confused. Si Modo is not. She, unlike you, has a scientific background and knows EXACTLY what the OP on that thread meant by "ignorance."

You are not lying, you are just wrong.

She is lying.
All you and I are talking about is what hank johnson said nothing else so drop the OP spin and twist deflection
Let's finish up my comment that you deleted. Now let's talk about being honest.

If hank is not ignorant of the fact that islands do not tip over, why did he make the comment?
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[No I don't know anything of the sort.

Like hell you don't. You're disgusting.

I'm telling you that your statement that Hank is not ignorant when he says that an island can capsize is stunning.

Obviously, that is what I understand your 'point' as being.

Now, I get the "you do so know what I am saying!" crap from you?

I asked you to articulate it, and you refused and decided to call me disgusting for not understanding what the hell your point possibly could be.

You're having a bad day, obviously. But, if it keeps up, you can join the ranks of TM.
All you and I are talking about is what hank johnson said

Untrue. That isn't even very important to what we're really talking about. In fact, I don't think you remotely understand what we're really talking about.
I'm telling you that your statement that Hank is not ignorant when he says that an island can capsize is stunning.

You know perfectly well I made no such claim. You may be able to fool the likes of bigreb that I did, but you know better yourself, and so do I.

I've had it with you. Don't even bother addressing any further comments to me unless you feel like being honest. You'll be ignored.
I'm telling you that your statement that Hank is not ignorant when he says that an island can capsize is stunning.

You know perfectly well I made no such claim. You may be able to fool the likes of bigreb that I did, but you know better yourself, and so do I.

I've had it with you. Don't even bother addressing any further comments to me unless you feel like being honest. You'll be ignored.
Sooooooo, thinking an island can tip over is not ignorance, even though most grammar school children learn what an island is.

By proper use of the word, it is. But it's obvious that on that thread, the word was being misused to mean stubborn, don't-confuse-me-with-facts-my-mind-is-made-up dogmatic thinking that is, and is determined to remain, completely out of touch with reality. That is not what Henry was displaying.

The OP should have chosen another word, but I knew what was meant. You have the background to understand it, too. I have my doubts that any unscientific religious dogmatist can grok it, though.
Honestly, I have no idea what thread you're talking about. I am talking about Hank thinking an island can capsize. He said that in Congress.

He is clearly an idiot AND ignorant about what islands are.

Perhaps you could update me on what your point is with respect to this thread - that evolution is not a theory (which it most certainly is, a scientific theory at that which has no meaning other than the fact that it is a scientific theory).

I'm really not trying to be difficult with you because I actually like you, as pinko commies go, that is. ;)
All you and I are talking about is what hank johnson said

Untrue. That isn't even very important to what we're really talking about. In fact, I don't think you remotely understand what we're really talking about.

Stop it, any further comments like untrue will be a lie from you.
You and I are talking about what hank Johnson said nothing else.
and in the case of evolution its a theory

Your statement proves that you absolutely deny all the anthropological reaserch which has been conducted by scientists over the last century. Congratulations

You appear to have a room temperature IQ (In late fall). In fact, your ability to reason would appear to argue against the evolution of man.

Evolution is a scientific theory.
How did scientists prove God does not exist?

Everything that cannot be studied and tested does not exist in the minds of scientists.

And this didn't have anything to do with it I suppose:

The entire universe being created in six days 6,000 years ago

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters

Big fish puking up live men

Folks enduring a 1200 degreefurnace

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys

Stone walls falling on command

Evil people being turned into salt

The sun blacked out by a god

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected

Virgin Birth

Healing leprosy by touching

Walking on water

Water into wine

Raising from the dead

Hanging a man up and bleeding him to death only to see
him fit as a fiddle two days later

Another thing...If the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 gods being worshipped now. Break down Christianity and there are more than 44,000 different denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults, etc.

Which god
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I'm telling you that your statement that Hank is not ignorant when he says that an island can capsize is stunning.

You know perfectly well I made no such claim. You may be able to fool the likes of bigreb that I did, but you know better yourself, and so do I.

I've had it with you. Don't even bother addressing any further comments to me unless you feel like being honest. You'll be ignored.

Ouch, you must've nailed him, Si. He ignores me too, ever since I fingered him for an idiot, and he recognized it. He put me on ignore to save himself from having to itemize his idiocy.
How did scientists prove God does not exist?

Everything that cannot be studied and tested does not exist in the minds of scientists.

And this didn't have anything to do with it I suppose:

The entire universe being created in six days 6,000 years ago

Mankind and dinosaurs on a boat till nearly four mile deep waters

Big fish puking up live men

Folks enduring a 1200 degreefurnace

Seas opening long enough for the white hats to pass then closing on the bad guys

Stone walls falling on command

Evil people being turned into salt

The sun blacked out by a god

5,000 hungry pilgrims plus women and children being fed with two fish and five loaves then twelve baskets of leftovers collected

Virgin Birth

Healing leprosy by touching

Walking on water

Water into wine

Raising from the dead

Hanging a man up and bleeding him to death only to see
him fit as a fiddle two days later

Another thing...If the south sea islands are included there are more than 4000 gods being worshipped now. Break down Christianity and there are more than 44,000 different denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults, etc.

Which god

I'm telling you that your statement that Hank is not ignorant when he says that an island can capsize is stunning.

You know perfectly well I made no such claim. You may be able to fool the likes of bigreb that I did, but you know better yourself, and so do I.

I've had it with you. Don't even bother addressing any further comments to me unless you feel like being honest. You'll be ignored.

Ouch, you must've nailed him, Si. He ignores me too, ever since I fingered him for an idiot, and he recognized it. He put me on ignore to save himself from having to itemize his idiocy.

Why would anyone want to ignore an avatar like that
Hank Johnson is down this way. He is well known for his humor. He defeated the moron Cynthia McKinney so he ain't all bad.
Look at the context of what he said. He was stating that he didn't believe they could handle the increase in those goods adequately and timely.
I oppose him politically because he is a liberal but the bit about him believing an island would sink is absurd. No one around here believes that.
You know perfectly well I made no such claim. You may be able to fool the likes of bigreb that I did, but you know better yourself, and so do I.

I've had it with you. Don't even bother addressing any further comments to me unless you feel like being honest. You'll be ignored.

Ouch, you must've nailed him, Si. He ignores me too, ever since I fingered him for an idiot, and he recognized it. He put me on ignore to save himself from having to itemize his idiocy.

Why would anyone want to ignore an avatar like that

Well....I do have a theory about that as well....
Hank Johnson is down this way. He is well known for his humor. He defeated the moron Cynthia McKinney so he ain't all bad.
Look at the context of what he said. He was stating that he didn't believe they could handle the increase in those goods adequately and timely.
I oppose him politically because he is a liberal but the bit about him believing an island would sink is absurd. No one around here believes that.

Really? Where he made the comment was not an appropriate place if he was trying to make a funny..
Evolution Is Not A Theory..........................

FYI, Gravity is a THEORY, too.

Sir Isaac Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation is a general physical law derived from empirical observations. I would not call it a theory.

Gravity has both the law factor and the theory factor. Just like evolution has the fact that we know there is descent with modification (a change in allelic frequency in a population over time) and the theory factor.
Mutations are common and the whole beneficial thing is a misnomer.

There's a valid distinction to be drawn between a mutation that harms chances of survival and/or procreation, and so will tend to be selected out, and one that helps survival or procreation chance, and so will tend to be selected in. The latter might reasonably be termed "beneficial" and it is certainly much rarer than the former.

It is rare to have a mutation that is beneficial to begin with. Now, granted deleterious mutations are a different thing, but most mutations only turn out to beneficial when the environment changes. I guess that mutations that happen in organisms where there was a duplication event could turn out just to be beneficial, but that has nothing to do with natural selection because as soon as one gene is turned off, natural selection doesn't work on it anymore. They could mutate all day, and do. That is how we ended up with a lot of paralogs, but it is also how we got a lot of hereditary diseases.

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