Zone1 Evolution of Rational Theism beyond Christianity gave us America

I can't follow your goofy formating.
That is not my problem - you run away whether I use a reference system or not with my posts.

Christianity, the “Body of Christ” gave mankind “original sin” to contend with and for which Catholics like Saint Ding are “baptized” when they are babies to save their dead souls.

That ritual of Christian baptism had nothing to do with the founding, origination or creation of the United States of America.

Saint Ding’s proclamation that Christianity gave us America is not connected to any basis in reality, fact or truth.

If Saint Ding could back up his white Christian nationalism nonsense - Ive seen his work - he would do it.
That is not my problem - you run away whether I use a reference system or not with my posts.

Christianity, the “Body of Christ” gave mankind “original sin” to contend with and for which Catholics like Saint Ding are “baptized” when they are babies to save their dead souls.

That ritual of Christian baptism had nothing to do with the founding, origination or creation of the United States of America.

Saint Ding’s proclamation that Christianity gave us America is not connected to any basis in reality, fact or truth.

If Saint Ding could back up his white Christian nationalism nonsense - Ive seen his work - he would do it.
It is your problem. You need me.

Then ignore it. Problem solved.
Americans have been ignoring white Christian nationalism!’s lies for too many generations.

You are a WCN leader through apologetics for Catholicism Saint Ding. I am more than happy to continue exposing your absurdities. Just because you cannot defend yourself doesn’t mean I should quit..
Americans have been ignoring white Christian nationalism!’s lies for too many generations.

You are a WCN leader through apologetics for Catholicism Saint Ding. I am more than happy to continue exposing your absurdities. Just because you cannot defend yourself doesn’t mean I should quit..
Really? I thought I was a semi-retired oil and gas engineer. Are you going to save America from Christianity?
Are you going to save America from Christianity?

America does not need to be saved from Christianity. It is a great religion. It just is not the one and only true religion.

America Needs to be saved from white Christian nationalism propaganda was founded as a Christian nation. That’s because it was not founded as a Christian nation..

Rational Theism had much more to do with the founding of America than christianity . Salvation by the blood of Jesus Christ; the son of God, born of a virgin a couple thousand years ago; had absolutely nothing to do with the founding of America.

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