Evolution question.

I understand your explanations are just a reflexive reaction to the idea that we are in a Creation.
No, because there could still be creation. Magical gods could still have created the universe, even if everything I say is true. Or maybe it was leprechauns.

So as usual your accusations are more true of yourself than of anyone else. You are responding reflexively and vapidly, because you erroneously think someone is arguing agavalidly, fetish idea of creation. When they are not.
No, because there could still be creation. Magical gods could still have created the universe, even if everything I say is true. Or maybe it was leprechauns.

So as usual your accusations are more true of yourself than of anyone else. You are responding reflexively and vapidly, because you erroneously think someone is arguing agavalidly, fetish idea of creation. When they are not.

See? Your mockery makes you look and sound foolish.

It's all random is a mathematical IMPOSSIBILITY and couple that with the self awareness, well IMPOSSIBLE SQUARED.
See? Your mockery makes you look and sound foolish.

It's all random is a mathematical IMPOSSIBILITY and couple that with the self awareness, well IMPOSSIBLE SQUARED.
You sound exactly like one of those dumbass leftards in the other thread.

You obviously don't know anything, so why don't you just read and absorb instead of making unsupportable statements?

There's at least three people here that know what they're talking about. How about you listen to them?

You might try reading the rest of the thread, the "mathematical impossibility" bit has already been blown out of the water.
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits'
A better way of thinking of it is that successful traits are those better adapted to the changing environment so you have a matrix of two variables: both random mutations and the changing planet, so, traits conducive to succeeding tend to survive and go on while traits contrary to better success tend to cancel out.

why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits?
Because we are idiots. Guilty liberals tends to see changes to the planet which we may contribute to as being "unnatural" so try to "fix" it by "saving" them. I suppose the good in that is if we can save a plant or a species artificially, at least they are around to study and learn from.
You sound exactly like one of those dumbass leftards in the other thread.

You obviously don't know anything, so why don't you just read and absorb instead of making unsupportable statements?

There's at least three people here that know what they're talking about. How about you listen to them?

You might try reading the rest of the thread, the "mathematical impossibility" bit has already been blown out of the water.
We’re talking about the impossibility of random events making life. Nothing anyone said here “blows that out of the water”

Where did you hear anything so amazingly stupid?
walk me through the random process by which molecules make proteins which then randomly assemble themselves into fully functional cells.

If it’s random, it’s like a poker game for no money where 7 2 is as good a hand as pocket Aces.
walk me through the random process by which molecules make proteins which then randomly assemble themselves into fully functional cells.

If it’s random, it’s like a poker game for no money where 7 2 is as good a hand as pocket Aces.
Dude - read the fucking thread.

No, I'm not going to give you an education for free. Go to school for 12 years like I did.

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