Evolution question.

Are you denying that there is much disagreement in the scientific community regarding evolution?
This red herring won't help you. You cannot produce a shred of evidence or argument. You are the kid in the back row babbling, while failing the science class.
True. I assume it's true.

Here's a brief article about the disagreements of scientists.

Oh look, an article you didn't read.

Scientists are 100% in agreement on the fundamental Theory of Evolution.
Oh look, an article you didn't read.

Scientists are 100% in agreement on the fundamental Theory of Evolution.
I read every word. I especially liked the example of circular reasoning regarding the foxes and rabbits (that if true would produce foxes and rabbits that could outrun a cheetah).:auiqs.jpg:

Of course, they're in agreement. Why wouldn't they be?
I read every word. I especially liked the example of circular reasoning regarding the foxes and rabbits.

Of course, they're in agreement. Why wouldn't they be?
Why wouldn't they be? Is this a joke?

For the same reason they aren't in agreement that exorcism cures mental illness: if the evidence did not all show the same thing.

You're just here to waste people's time. You are not a serious person.
False. If it is random, why aren't there cubical planets?

It is most assuredly not random. The laws of physics are the same everywhere

The laws of physics.

Same, correct answer as the 20 other times you asked the EXACT SAME QUESTION.

So you're saying its the force of gravity (maybe) that binds molecules together into proteins?
Why wouldn't they be? Is this a joke?

For the same reason they aren't in agreement that exorcism cures mental illness: if the evidence did not all show the same thing.

You're just here to waste people's time. You are not a serious person.
I'm very serious.

Your belief in evolution is transitory. Tomorrow's scientists may evolve a different point of view and abandon it altogether. My belief in creation isn't subject to evolution.
Why wouldn't they be? Is this a joke?

For the same reason they aren't in agreement that exorcism cures mental illness: if the evidence did not all show the same thing.

You're just here to waste people's time. You are not a serious person.
Scientists are in agreement about the overall theory, but disagree over the details. It's the 'details' that hold the whole thing together. Agree?
As soon as you make a specific argument against one fundamental part of evolution, I will obliterate it.

Which will be never. Because you know less than nothing about evolution.
I'm just pointing out that there are disagreements and assumptions, which don't make for a sound theory.
Which will be never. Because you know less than nothing about evolution.
I've read enough scientific articles on evolution to realize that no one knows anything about it. It's all gobbledygook. Read it for yourself some time.
True. I assume it's true.

Here's a brief article about the disagreements of scientists.

What is the “unifying theory” that is required in biological evolution?

What disagreements are there among scientists?
Now you are just shamelessly lying. This is embarrassing behavior, for a grown man.
I'm not trying to convince you to believe what I believe about evolution. I do want to convince you that I don't believe it. Why would that require proof?

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