Evolution question.

Or, you could just type like a normal person
No. Take your time and read again. That's more easy.

PS. My young dog said to me in the morning she likes to become the ruler of the whole world. And when I asked her whether she will have the ability to be a good ruler she said "yes" ... ah sorry "wuff"; she said "wuff". Her pronunciation is sometimes a little unclear.
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Mankind is just now reaching the life span of people thousands of years ago,

No. The life span is the same. The living conditions changed. That's why the average life span grew ... and sank again if I calculate the average life span in the USA including abortions for example.
Mankind is just now reaching the life span of people thousands of years ago, and we need modern medicines and procedures that the ancients didn't need.

God did plan it. Our existance on earth is just a small part of a larger plan.
Based on what?

Just because the Bible says people routinely lived well over 100 thousands of years ago, you believe it?
A hygienist in the same dental office once told me that I had 'geographic tongue', although my tongue was quite healthy. I don't know why she said that.
Boy. You don't know a lot of things. One of them is how much you don't know.

Geographic tongue is where markings shift location - geography.
... Dinosaurs were wiped out because they served a purpose?

If the Dinsosaurs had not nearly died out - exception: the birds - then we mammals could now not discuss about.

PS. It's by the way a fascinating imagination how a great sorcerer waved his magic wand and transformed a T-Rex into a hummingbird in only some million years. Whatever we can say about evolution: it is magic, isn't it?
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When did Jesus become part of the trinity?

Counterquestion: Do you really like to discuss with me about the triune god? I warn you: My wife is still proud on me because I discussed with some JW's so they never came back.
Ah. Were they the designated target or were they collateral?

It is what it is. If the destructive powers in the world would not be also the constructive powers in the world could not be. Was the destruction of Pompeji "target" (a consequence) or a collateral damage (an accident)? Changes this anything in the tragedy? For us this are warnings.
When did Jesus become part of the trinity?
Counterquestion: Do you really like to discuss with me about the triune god?
What I'd really like is an answer to my question. If that's the definition of a discussion about the triune god then, yes please.. And for good measure, an answer to another one. Was Jesus a man?
If the cornerstone of evolution is the extinction of species with 'undesirable traits' why do we go out of our way to save people who have these traits? Kinda makes the ToE irrelevant doesn't it? Don't we need the "Darwin Effect" to improve our species?

My (science/ToE oriented) dentist wanted to pull my wisdom teeth, which no doubt took evolution some time to 'select for'. He said it would prevent any dental problems later on. I was 45 at the time and had never had any problems with my wisdom teeth. I'm now 83 and except for having one crowned have never had a problem with them. Why would a strong believer in evolution want to thwart one of its successful accomplishments?

Because evolution is logical, and humans are emotional.

Humans will see other species and feel they're losing something if a species goes extinct. We are made up of emotions because it's how biology forces us to have sex. Otherwise we just wouldn't bother. A logical species would die out pretty quickly.
And is it design or accident?

The "design" is "accidents are possible". And "design" also means "crimes are possible". Or did you never hear that the victims of a murder are able to be innocent? Perhaps aliens killed the Dinos? Perhaps we will do it in a billion years? Who knows?
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What I'd really like is an answer to my question. If that's the definition of a discussion about the triune god then, yes please.. And for good measure, an answer to another one. Was Jesus a man?

Okay. All Christians believe in the triune god: god father (creator), god son (redeemer) and holy spirit (holy spirit). And we believe Jesus was 100% a human being as well as he is 100% god. For more information read the Athanasian creed - or some other hyper tons of literature.
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The "design" is "accidents are possible". And "design" also means "crimes are possible". Or did you never hear that the victims of a murder are able to be innocent? Perhaps aliens killed the Dinos? Perhaps we will do it in a billion years? Who knows?
Accident then. So much for god's chosen people...
The question was: when did Jesus become part of the trinity?

I do not give you an answer to this question because I hate endless provocative nonsense discussions.
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