Evolution v. Creationism

No. Creation is a singular individual process without parallels or any form of other systematics. About such single singular events exists not any form of systematic science because it exists no system.

You do not speak in the name of spiritual people (="believers"). Very most of them do not agree with people like you and their weird political nonsense which they like to sell under the wrong label "Christian religion".

Nonsense feeds nonsense.

Again: Nonsense feeds nonsense.

You explain never anything. You agitate.

Every living biological structure on planet Earth has in the past a common biological structure (="ancestor") together with any other biological structure. Or with other words: the biological structure behind the avatar "James Bond" has very concrete together with "Mary Poppin's tree" - a real concrete tree somewhere in England - a common ancestor. Saint Francis would say you and "Mary Poppins's tree" are sisters and brothers. And the scientific evidence for this sentence of Saint Francis' way to feel and to interpret the world is today called "theory of evolution".

I know. With nearly no transitions exist for example the species "crocodiles" since about 300 million years. Another species exists even since 400 millions years. Not so the biological species "homo sapiens sapiens".

And by the way: We learned "selective breeding" from "natural breeding" - and Charles Darwin is not half as intellligent as the most city dwellers seem to think. For a normal farmer or shepard is since thousands of years the "practice of evolution" not very astonishing. Since Christians exist - and longer - we live with the facts around biological evolution.

I keep winning my arguments in the science forum. Recently, westwall claimed horses were the size of cats, but had no evidence. I don't think you know much science as you're a human ball of confusion. Otherwise, you would've showed us the PROOF of what you claim. Farmers are farmers. They didn't believe in evolution and don't have to today -- I know Marge doesn’t believe in evolution. You don't have anything to back up what you said about a normal farmer or shepherd lol. What an embarrassment you are.
No, I mean in your own words. You clearly don't understand a THING Wald is saying, so tell us in your own words.
Dear, it's not about me. It's about the truth. HOCN's unique position in chemistry is that they are the lightest elements that achieve stable electronic configurations. Of all the natural elements, only oxygen, nitrogen and carbon regularly form double and triple bonds with one another, so saturating all their tendencies to combine further which makes those molecules stable.

So again... HOCN are the ONLY elements which naturally bond together to form strong and stable bonds that can create a rich tapestry of life.
Silicon isn't creating a rich tapestry of life for the following reason which I have repeatedly shared with you.

...in carbon dioxide the central carbon is tied to both of the oxygen atoms by double bonds O=C=O. Those double bonds completely saturate the combining tendencies of all three atoms, hence CO2 is a happy, independent molecule. It goes off in the air as a gas, and dissolves in all the waters of the Earth, and those are the places from which living organisms extract their carbon....

...silicon cannot form a double bond, hence in silicon dioxide the central silicon is tied to the two oxygens only by single bonds, leaving four half‑formed bonds -- four unpaired electrons -- two on the silicon and one on each oxygen, ready to pair with any other available lone electrons. But where can one find them? Obviously on neighboring silicone dioxide molecules, so each molecule binds to the next, and that to the next, and on and on until you end up with a rock -- for example quartz, which is just silicone dioxide molecules bound to one another to form a great super-molecule. The reason quartz is so hard is that to break it one must break numerous chemical bonds. And that is why, though silicon is 135 times as plentiful as carbon in the Earth’s surface, it makes rocks, and to make living organisms one must turn to carbon. I could make a parallel argument for oxygen and nitrogen...."

George Wald: Life and Mind in the Universe
"...Of the 92 natural elements, ninety-nine percent of the living matter we know is composed of just four: hydrogen (H), oxygen (O), nitrogen (N), and carbon (C). That is bound to be true wherever life exists in the universe, for only those four elements possess the unique properties upon which life depends.

George Wald: Life and Mind in the Universe
Can I ask why you simply ignore my point-by-point addressing of Wald's comments?

Is it because you don't understand any of this?

Says the poster who mostly lies.
Dear, you are literally arguing why the building blocks of life shouldn't be the building blocks of life. You are making fringe arguments that serve no other purpose but to detract from the fact that there is no scenario where any other elements can create the rich tapestry of life that hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen do.

Clearly there is a logical reason why oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are fundamental to living organisms because 99% of all living beings is made up of HOCN. If the logical reason isn't because HOCN's unique position in chemistry is that OCN are the lightest elements that achieve stable electronic configurations and are the only natural elements that regularly form double and triple bonds with one another, so saturating all their tendencies to combine further which makes those molecules stable, then what is it?
Dear, you are literally arguing why the building blocks of life shouldn't be the building blocks of life.


Clearly there is a logical reason why oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are fundamental to living organisms because 99% of all living beings is made up of HOCN. If the logical reason isn't because HOCN's unique position in chemistry is that OCN are the lightest elements that achieve stable electronic configurations and are the only natural elements that regularly form double and triple bonds with one another, so saturating all their tendencies to combine further which makes those molecules stable, then what is it?

STOP. I took time to address it point by point. You simply chose to ignore it because you are a giant troll.

You aren't interested in talking science.


STOP. I took time to address it point by point. You simply chose to ignore it because you are a giant troll.

You aren't interested in talking science.

Again... You are making fringe arguments that serve no other purpose but to detract from the fact that there is no scenario where any other elements can create the rich tapestry of life that hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen do.

I can do this all day.
Again... You are making fringe arguments that serve no other purpose but to detract from the fact that there is no scenario where any other elements can create the rich tapestry of life that hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen do.

I can do this all day.

I know. You're a troll.

That's why.

I love how sure you are of something you know nothing about. And you based it all on a CARTOON I MADE IN PHOTOSHOP.


You are so easily mislead because you aren't the intellect you THINK you are.

Actually I didn't notice that until after I determined you were female. You are irrational and overly emotional.
I know. You're a troll.

That's why.
HOCN are the ONLY elements which naturally bond together to form strong and stable bonds that can create a rich tapestry of life.

Clearly there is a logical reason why oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are fundamental to living organisms because 99% of all living beings is made up of HOCN. If the logical reason isn't because HOCN's unique position in chemistry is that OCN are the lightest elements that achieve stable electronic configurations and are the only natural elements that regularly form double and triple bonds with one another, so saturating all their tendencies to combine further which makes those molecules stable, then what is it?
See, this is how I know you are an incel.

You disgust me at all levels. A liar, a troll and an incel.

A troll would be someone who can only argue what something isn't. A troll can't argue what something is. Which is why PV System can't name any elements besides HOCN that can create a rich tapestry of life like HOCN because the universe is so finely tuned to produce life and intelligence there aren't any other elements capable of producing a rich tapestry of life like HOCN.

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