Evolution v. Creationism

There you have it folks...HOCN are the ONLY elements which naturally bond together to form strong and stable bonds that can create a rich tapestry of life.

George Wald pointed to chemical bonds in more detail than anyone else I have read

LOL. Yeah, you don't even know what he's talking about.

and you are criticizing him for providing too much of an explanation

Nope. But you can be forgiven for not understanding what I said.

for something you know has a logical reason for being because 99% of all living beings is made up of HOCN.

Have you ever heard of post hoc ergo propter hoc?

I didn't think so.

I never said they SHOULDN'T be. I said they don't necessarily HAVE to be.

Why do you lie so much?
You are making fringe arguments that serve no other purpose but to detract from the fact that there is no scenario where any other elements can create the rich tapestry of life that hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen do. You are literally pissing in the wind and trying to convince me that it's rain.
LOL. Yeah, you don't even know what he's talking about.

Nope. But you can be forgiven for not understanding what I said.

Have you ever heard of post hoc ergo propter hoc?

I didn't think so.
Clearly there is a logical reason why oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are fundamental to living organisms and you are literally arguing that there isn't. George Wald pointed to chemical bonds in more detail than anyone else I have read and you are criticizing him for providing too much of an explanation for something you know has a logical reason for being because 99% of all living beings is made up of HOCN.

For example:
...in carbon dioxide the central carbon is tied to both of the oxygen atoms by double bonds O=C=O. Those double bonds completely saturate the combining tendencies of all three atoms, hence CO2 is a happy, independent molecule. It goes off in the air as a gas, and dissolves in all the waters of the Earth, and those are the places from which living organisms extract their carbon....​
...silicon cannot form a double bond, hence in silicon dioxide the central silicon is tied to the two oxygens only by single bonds, leaving four half‑formed bonds -- four unpaired electrons -- two on the silicon and one on each oxygen, ready to pair with any other available lone electrons. But where can one find them? Obviously on neighboring silicone dioxide molecules, so each molecule binds to the next, and that to the next, and on and on until you end up with a rock -- for example quartz, which is just silicone dioxide molecules bound to one another to form a great super-molecule. The reason quartz is so hard is that to break it one must break numerous chemical bonds. And that is why, though silicon is 135 times as plentiful as carbon in the Earth’s surface, it makes rocks, and to make living organisms one must turn to carbon. I could make a parallel argument for oxygen and nitrogen...."
You are making fringe arguments that serve no other purpose but to detract from the fact that there is no scenario where any other elements can create the rich tapestry of life that hydrogen, oxygen, carbon and nitrogen do. You are literally pissing in the wind and trying to convince me that it's rain.

Oh my. It is telling me all sorts of things about chemistry. Yet it doesn't even know what a stable octet is.

Funny funny.

I wonder if it is going to hold forth on any other big topics it clearly knows NOTHING about.

You've never heard that one? That's weird. You seem to fit the bill. Well, now you have a community! Congrats.
You are reading a lot from very little. ;) I love the gals but I'm too old to get serious with any of them.
Clearly there is a logical reason why oxygen, carbon and nitrogen are fundamental to living organisms and you are literally arguing that there isn't.

I wonder what it is like to post ONLY lies as you do.

Are you able to actually post truth at some point? Or does it make your fingers burn?
Oh my. It is telling me all sorts of things about chemistry. Yet it doesn't even know what a stable octet is.

Funny funny.

I wonder if it is going to hold forth on any other big topics it clearly knows NOTHING about.

HOCN are the ONLY elements which naturally bond together to form strong and stable bonds that can create a rich tapestry of life.
I wonder what it is like to post ONLY lies as you do.

Are you able to actually post truth at some point? Or does it make your fingers burn?
HOCN are the ONLY elements which naturally bond together to form strong and stable bonds that can create a rich tapestry of life.
...in carbon dioxide the central carbon is tied to both of the oxygen atoms by double bonds O=C=O. Those double bonds completely saturate the combining tendencies of all three atoms, hence CO2 is a happy, independent molecule. It goes off in the air as a gas, and dissolves in all the waters of the Earth, and those are the places from which living organisms extract their carbon....

...silicon cannot form a double bond, hence in silicon dioxide the central silicon is tied to the two oxygens only by single bonds, leaving four half‑formed bonds -- four unpaired electrons -- two on the silicon and one on each oxygen, ready to pair with any other available lone electrons. But where can one find them? Obviously on neighboring silicone dioxide molecules, so each molecule binds to the next, and that to the next, and on and on until you end up with a rock -- for example quartz, which is just silicone dioxide molecules bound to one another to form a great super-molecule. The reason quartz is so hard is that to break it one must break numerous chemical bonds. And that is why, though silicon is 135 times as plentiful as carbon in the Earth’s surface, it makes rocks, and to make living organisms one must turn to carbon. I could make a parallel argument for oxygen and nitrogen...."

George Wald: Life and Mind in the Universe
...in carbon dioxide the central carbon is tied to both of the oxygen atoms by double bonds O=C=O. Those double bonds completely saturate the combining tendencies of all three atoms, hence CO2 is a happy, independent molecule. It goes off in the air as a gas, and dissolves in all the waters of the Earth, and those are the places from which living organisms extract their carbon....

...silicon cannot form a double bond, hence in silicon dioxide the central silicon is tied to the two oxygens only by single bonds, leaving four half‑formed bonds -- four unpaired electrons -- two on the silicon and one on each oxygen, ready to pair with any other available lone electrons. But where can one find them? Obviously on neighboring silicone dioxide molecules, so each molecule binds to the next, and that to the next, and on and on until you end up with a rock -- for example quartz, which is just silicone dioxide molecules bound to one another to form a great super-molecule. The reason quartz is so hard is that to break it one must break numerous chemical bonds. And that is why, though silicon is 135 times as plentiful as carbon in the Earth’s surface, it makes rocks, and to make living organisms one must turn to carbon. I could make a parallel argument for oxygen and nitrogen...."

George Wald: Life and Mind in the Universe

No, I mean in your own words. You clearly don't understand a THING Wald is saying, so tell us in your own words.

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