Evolution v. Creationism

Maybe. I think faith in and of itself is a religion. Or at least it has a religious aspect. It is the belief in something for which there is no evidence.

Religion requires faith because face it, there ain't no evidence for a God. The modern theory of the creation of the Universe requires faith as well.

There actually is evidence to support the theory of evolution. It is limited, but it is there.
I totally understand and agree. When I say "faith", it means I want people to be good, regardless of their "gods". And not kill each other over their false gods. Just do the right things, we all know what they are, and that's faith. It doesn't require a god or religion. It's part of evolution. We're the only species that destroys itself, and that's because of religion. If people had faith, they would never have committed the atrocities that religion demanded upon them.

I never said they SHOULDN'T be. I said they don't necessarily HAVE to be.

Why do you lie so much?
Dude, just sayin, that's ding... I have him on ignore. I can only imagine what bs he's saying. It's not worth the effort. And he'll get his posse of ankle-biters and socks on you everywhere you go.
I keep winning my arguments in the science forum. Recently, westwall claimed horses were the size of cats, but had no evidence. I don't think you know much science as you're a human ball of confusion. Otherwise, you would've showed us the PROOF of what you claim. Farmers are farmers. They didn't believe in evolution and don't have to today -- I know Marge doesn’t believe in evolution. You don't have anything to back up what you said about a normal farmer or shepherd lol. What an embarrassment you are.
Yes they were once about that small based on fossil evidence. Large horses did not just appear out of thin air.

So since you believe humans and dinosaurs lived together, why aren't there any dinosaurs left besides birds? Did we eat them all?

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You should have seen what happened on another thread. I responded to a flame by ding and another poster responded as if he was responding personally. Then he IMMEDIATELY changed it so it would look like he wasn't a sock.

It's hilarious!
told ya, see my previous reply. I call them the ankle-biters, but some of them aren't socks, which is skerry....
Flat Earthers at creation.com?

Now that's pretty darn funny.
He's going to say that he's not a flat earther. But if you press him, he's a 6000-yr earther. Meaning the universe, according to him and his crazy brethren, was created a mere 6000 years ago. And humans and dinosaurs lived together. Try him on it.

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You didn't get it. Faith has to start with you first.

¿Says a faithless man who is much too lazy and likes to make others much too fearful to accept the reality all around within the very concrete world here all around, because he thinks god made wrong the "opus dei" and should listen to his own totally wrong and absurde ideas? Very most Christians have absolutelly not any problem with the real scientific theory of biological evolution. This doesn't mean to agree with any form of racist Darwinism or other murderous ideologies.
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¿Says a faithless man who is much too lazy and likes to make others much too fearful to accept the reality all around within the very concrete world here all around, because he thinks god made wrong the "opus dei" and should listen to his own totally wrong and absurde ideas? Very most Christians have absolutelly not any problem with the real scientific theory of biological evolution. This doesn't mean to agree with any form of racist Darwinism or other murderous ideologies.
He's just a jerk, and has no faith. He actually does not believe what he spews. He's just in it for the fun of messing with us.
He's just been having fun with your responses. He can't actually believe that shit, and still hold a job...

Can you imagine his conversations at work?!?
yeah bond has serious HR issues... could you imagine working with him?!?

He's full of shit, in and out.

And he's going to explode his shit because he's so full of it. So put some masks on. Eye goggles too... because here comes the shit explosion from bond!!!!
Yes they were once about that small based on fossil evidence. Large horses did not just appear out of thin air.

So since you believe humans and dinosaurs lived together, why aren't there any dinosaurs left besides birds? Did we eat them all?

View attachment 634926
You are SAF and shows your limited POS capacity like many atheists and ags here. All you have are paper cut outs.

What I have here demonstrates creation science and so I KNOW that your kind will get theirs in the 21st century. All you have to do is die lol.

We know T-Rex's aren't as old as claimed. Here's the ICR museum -- Things to Do.

Your paper cutouts show your capacity Freedom Crows Nest :auiqs.jpg:.
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You are SAF and shows your limited POS capacity like many atheists and ags here. All you have are paper cut outs.

What I have here demonstrates creation science and so I KNOW that your kind will get theirs in the 21st century. All you have to do is die lol.

We know T-Rex's aren't as old as claimed.

Christians are not required to reject science and education.
There are so many threads from religious fundamentalists trying to debunk the Theory of Evolution. And, I might add, failing.

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?
Legalistic religious folks cannot accept evolution, because it goes directly against what they think the Bible says.
Even though, it doesn't specifically. I don't think there is another book in the world that is more vague and full of holes as the Bible. Because of that vagueness, the book can be interpreted 1000 different ways.
And is.
You are SAF and shows your limited POS capacity like many atheists and ags here. All you have are paper cut outs.

What I have here demonstrates creation science and so I KNOW that your kind will get theirs in the 21st century. All you have to do is die lol.

We know T-Rex's aren't as old as claimed. Here's the ICR museum -- Things to Do.

Your paper cutouts show your capacity Freedom Crows Nest :auiqs.jpg:.

ICR. For the weak and infirm.
¿Says a faithless man who is much too lazy and likes to make others much too fearful to accept the reality all around within the very concrete world here all around, because he thinks god made wrong the "opus dei" and should listen to his own totally wrong and absurde ideas? Very most Christians have absolutelly not any problem with the real scientific theory of biological evolution. This doesn't mean to agree with any form of racist Darwinism or other murderous ideologies.
Huh? English gets difficult when reality hits you?

First and foremost, I explained to the non-believers how to get to where the believers and I are at.

Basically, you're not listening to the Bible as it was there way before evolution came along. The facts are evolution was not founded by the creation scientists who were and still are the GREATEST SCIENTISTS ON EARTH AND HISTORY. Thus, there is no reason for me to subscribe and spout totally wrong and absurd ideas regarding science, much less accept them.

If you want to believe false science, then it doesn't matter nor bother me. From the very beginning, Christianity taught non-believers will go to the other place. I won't even know what happened to you so may as well say adios right now. However, you'll be able to witness what happens to the believers. That's the wisdom of God and not the wrath of God.
ICR. For the weak and infirm.
When you're weak and infirm, all you have to do is die and then you'll know what I know and that I was right. However, it will be too late.

Is learning too late or experiencing God's wrath science? I don't think so. It's the consequences for believing in evolution.
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Legalistic religious folks cannot accept evolution, because it goes directly against what they think the Bible says.
Even though, it doesn't specifically. I don't think there is another book in the world that is more vague and full of holes as the Bible. Because of that vagueness, the book can be interpreted 1000 different ways.
And is.
Evolution does a fantastic job of examining why things that may appear to be designed, aren't. And it shows humans are animals who vary from other animals more in degree than in kind.

When one believes a designer created the entire universe just for the very special little humans, these ideas are not acceptable.

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