Evolution v. Creationism

No need. ...

So you think the bible which you are not able to understand and the god which you hate and whom you try to make to your personal kind of anti-god is doing for you the genocide which you wish to be done - so you are able to stay for an eternity in your lazy stupidity and brutal anti-gnorance? Satana - you are really very satanic ... but how do you make it to let people believe the hell which they are will become their paradise?

It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man
Albert Einstein
So you think the bible which you are not able to understand and the god which you hate and whom you try to make to your personal kind of anti-god is doing for you the genocide which you wish to be done - so you are able to stay for an eternity in your lazy stupidity and brutal anti-gnorance? Satana - you are really very satanic ... but how do you make it to let people believe the hell which they are will become their paradise?

ZOMG, you're another who goes bonkers when evolution is disproven and science backs up creation. Of course, you'll have to pay for this indiscretion and pay dearly. It's what written in the Bible about it. Do you want the quotes to see if science backs it up?

Let's look at how long it took for creation versus how long it took for evolution. No one can observe a billion nor millions of years. Thus, what is observable to back this up?

Let's see if you know what your atheist scientists wrote to gain funding, you miserable worm?
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There are so many threads from religious fundamentalists trying to debunk the Theory of Evolution. And, I might add, failing.

My question is simple. Why? Why does what happened millions of years ago matter so much?
Nothing. There were no millions of years ago and you can't prove that. It's your claim of the universe and Earth being billions and millions of years ago. Answer my question above?

>>Let's look at how long it took for creation versus how long it took for evolution. No one can observe a billion nor millions of years. Thus, what is observable to back this up?<<

OTOH, God's reply to snakes and their backers was crystal clear:

"Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?" Matthew 23:33

Instead of more Biblical quotes, why not something observable?

'What they found is a world of extremes.

  • The planet is tidal-locked, meaning one face is permanently pointing toward the star.
  • This face is a sea of molten lava, with a surface temperature of 2,400 degrees C (4,352 F).
  • The “dark side” is barely better.
  • It’s solid — but simmering at 1,100 C (2,012 F).
All this is odd: It shouldn’t be that hot, astronomers say, even though it does sit relatively close to its star.

They also found an out-of-place “hot spot.”'

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ZOMG, you're another who goes bonkers when evolution is disproven and science backs up creation. Of course, you'll have to pay for this indiscretion and pay dearly. It's what written in the Bible about it. Do you want the quotes to see if science backs it up?

Let's look at how long it took for creation versus how long it took for evolution. No one can observe a billion nor millions of years. Thus, what is observable to back this up?

Let's see if you know what your atheist scientists wrote to gain funding, you miserable worm?
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 you've never disproven evolution.
Nothing. There were no millions of years ago and you can't prove that. It's your claim of the universe and Earth being billions and millions of years ago. Answer my question above?

>>Let's look at how long it took for creation versus how long it took for evolution. No one can observe a billion nor millions of years. Thus, what is observable to back this up?<<

OTOH, God's reply to snakes and their backers was crystal clear:

"Ye serpents, ye offspring of vipers, how shall ye escape the judgment of hell?" Matthew 23:33

Instead of more Biblical quotes, why not something observable?

'What they found is a world of extremes.

  • The planet is tidal-locked, meaning one face is permanently pointing toward the star.
  • This face is a sea of molten lava, with a surface temperature of 2,400 degrees C (4,352 F).
  • The “dark side” is barely better.
  • It’s solid — but simmering at 1,100 C (2,012 F).
All this is odd: It shouldn’t be that hot, astronomers say, even though it does sit relatively close to its star.

They also found an out-of-place “hot spot.”'

That's about the Edomites who were forcibly converted to Judaism.
My current working theory is that evolution simply hasn't gotten around to affecting a good percentage of the posters here at USMB.

I hope that helps.
You know nothing but self-hate. It's the consequence of hyper-religious extremism.
I see it more in terms of the need for a sense of security, myself.

The more fixed and finite one's world, the easier it is to navigate. People who fear ambiguity and complexity reduce their word down to the simplest terms possible in order to feel safer.

I would rather understand WHY anything is the way it is, myself, but many people are so busy looking for answers that they never ask questions. True believers abound, but the tendency towards belief without questioning sure isn't limited to just the religious. Looking around this form, I would say that political fundamentalism is every bit as strong as religious.
What I do here is expose evolution is a LIE;

In your imagination. That's it. No offense but you are exposing nothing of the sort. But if it makes you feel like you have a holy crusade then have at it.

It truly has become EVIL-ution as more and more innocent people end up believing the LIE.

And that "evil" is also responsible for the massive flourishing of biology, genetics and medicine which all lead to longer and healthier lives. I can see why it's "evil".

Instead, the creationists have found science backs up the Bible

Not even close. Sorry to break it to you.

and can use that as a weapon to counter the LIE of evolution.

Not really.

But this is your faith. Your religion. So you can believe whatever you like. But maybe stick to your lane? Stick to the things you actually DO know and leave science out of it. No one begrudges you whatever belief you have, but when going up against science it is probably best to actually have some scientific background rather than an intense dislike of the science for religious reasons.
But you believe a Flat Earth is a rational position.
Flattie Hollie, you should know better than anyone else not to believe in a flat Earth lol, but you just can't help it. It's your flattie nature.

Who else have I communicated with more than you? LMAO.
In your imagination. That's it. No offense but you are exposing nothing of the sort. But if it makes you feel like you have a holy crusade then have at it.

And that "evil" is also responsible for the massive flourishing of biology, genetics and medicine which all lead to longer and healthier lives. I can see why it's "evil".

Not even close. Sorry to break it to you.

Not really.

But this is your faith. Your religion. So you can believe whatever you like. But maybe stick to your lane? Stick to the things you actually DO know and leave science out of it. No one begrudges you whatever belief you have, but when going up against science it is probably best to actually have some scientific background rather than an intense dislike of the science for religious reasons.
It's not MY imagination. It's the evolutionists. There is not one single evidence for evolution, but I have plenty for the global flood as it caused the Earth layers and mountainous surfaces. All of it is covered by marine fossils. Even on top of Mt. Everest. With that, you can crawl back into your evolution hole. Evolutionists are prolly the most despicable kind of fake science people and scientists.
Lol 🤣🤣🤣 you've never disproven evolution.
LMAO. With that comment, you are with the LOWEST of the LOW. Just the evidence for the global flood disproves it. Just the evidence for a young Earth disproves it. The evolutionists believe in long time based on wrong processing and thinking from 1956 on space rocks.
My current working theory is that evolution simply hasn't gotten around to affecting a good percentage of the posters here at USMB.

I hope that helps.
Give me one simple evidence for macroevolution. There isn't any evidence for microevolution, either.
LMAO. With that comment, you are with the LOWEST of the LOW. Just the evidence for the global flood disproves it. Just the evidence for a young Earth disproves it. The evolutionists believe in long time based on wrong processing and thinking from 1956 on space rocks.
There is NO evidence for a global flood. Even the Bible uses the word Erets.
There is not one single evidence for evolution,

You must know this is not true.

but I have plenty for the global flood

Not really. I say that because geologists know what a "flood deposit" would look like and no such thing is found globally. Yes there are local floods all over the place. No global flood. The Genesis story of Noah doesn't even marginally pass the rational thought test. There's no major die-off like that within human history and there's no marker for it in the genetics of the animals we see today.

The Noachian Flood is a myth. Perhaps a local event but no global flood.

as it caused the Earth layers and mountainous surfaces.

No the earth layers all have radically different ages and a lot of technical details which can't be explained by a global flood. This is just mushy thinking and ignores the entire field of geology.

For instance the Flood wouldn't make something like this:


All of it is covered by marine fossils. Even on top of Mt. Everest.

Even Steno knew this was problematic.

With that, you can crawl back into your evolution hole. Evolutionists are prolly the most despicable kind of fake science people and scientists.

How do YOU come to sit in judgement? Are you not arguing on behalf of God himself? What makes you think God would be OK with YOU passing judgement on others in a field you know nothing about?

Do you not read your bible????

Judge not lest ye be judged.
There is NO evidence for a global flood. Even the Bible uses the word Erets.
LMAO, you need to fail yourself outta of the science section. 3/4 of the planet is covered by sea water. There are marine fossils everywhere. They're on every elevation. We have underwater civilizations around the world. You're better off being hypocritical in the religion section.
LMAO, you need to fail yourself outta of the science section. 3/4 of the planet is covered by sea water. There are marine fossils everywhere. They're on every elevation. We have underwater civilizations around the world. You're better off being hypocritical in the religion section.
Lol 😂😂😂 Have you ever heard of plate tectonics? Even a baby geologist knows how marine fossils came to be on mountain tops 35 million years ago.
LMAO, you need to fail yourself outta of the science section. 3/4 of the planet is covered by sea water. There are marine fossils everywhere.

They're on every elevation. We have underwater civilizations around the world. You're better off being hypocritical in the religion section.

The best part of reading these posts of yours about fossils is knowing you have never been in a paleontology class. Your understanding of geology and paleontology is a cartoon.

Be honest: do you know ANYTHING technically about geology or paleontology from an actual geology class? Or is all your knowledge from Ken Ham and others of his ilk.
You must know this is not true.

Not really. I say that because geologists know what a "flood deposit" would look like and no such thing is found globally. Yes there are local floods all over the place. No global flood. The Genesis story of Noah doesn't even marginally pass the rational thought test. There's no major die-off like that within human history and there's no marker for it in the genetics of the animals we see today.

The Noachian Flood is a myth. Perhaps a local event but no global flood.

No the earth layers all have radically different ages and a lot of technical details which can't be explained by a global flood. This is just mushy thinking and ignores the entire field of geology.

For instance the Flood wouldn't make something like this:


Even Steno knew this was problematic.

How do YOU come to sit in judgement? Are you not arguing on behalf of God himself? What makes you think God would be OK with YOU passing judgement on others in a field you know nothing about?

Do you not read your bible????

Judge not lest ye be judged.
Dang, I am speaking with another SAF. Your photo is a monument to the global flood. It curves like that and is comprised of marine fossils due to the fountains of the deep as explained in the Bible. We know from creation scientist Alfred Wegener about plate tectonics, but he was wrong about continental drift. The one or two large land masses were broken up by the global flood. I just explained how our continents were formed, 3/4 of Earth is covered by sea water, how we have oceans of water below the seafloor and more while you gave me sh*t for brainz.

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