Evolution v. Creationism

When you're weak and infirm, all you have to do is die and then you'll know what I know and that I was right. However, it will be too late.

Is learning too late or experiencing God's wrath science? I don't think so. It's the consequences for believing in evolution.

You know nothing but self-hate. It's the consequence of hyper-religious extremism.
You know nothing but self-hate. It's the consequence of hyper-religious extremism.
Satan has fooled many and is prophecized to gain the majority.

You know how he tricked Adam and Eve. He's going to do it again to non-believers and believers alike. It will be too late for one of the atheists/ags here in June and another in 2023. I'll miss the one for June, but won't miss the one in 2023.
Satan has fooled many and is prophecized to gain the majority.

You know how he tricked Adam and Eve. He's going to do it again to non-believers and believers alike. It will be too late for one of the atheists/ags here in June and another in 2023. I'll miss the one for June, but won't miss the one in 2023.

He's just been having fun with your responses. He can't actually believe that shit, and still hold a job...

Can you imagine his conversations at work?!?

Looks like you are right. What he says sounds like ¿self?-organized stupidity. In the USA lots of people seem to have a very big wrongly understood Zoroastrian element in their belief which seems to maximize the fear in evil and minimizes the trust in god. They seem to see in the Satan (="the challenger") a kind of evil god - but only god is god. And they ignore the same time that Satana is creation - not creator. A mutation in the genome for example is in very most cases a bad thing - but sometimes happens a wonder and a mutation has a positive side effect. But for "the evolution" - what is also not god but only a natural law - it's totally unimportant what happens. Evolution has no intention nor plans. Same with natural catastrophes. But not so wars or man made slow speed catastrophes like the climate change or the destruction of the biosphere. Such evils do we cause on our own - but we are the same time also the hope, if we decide to accept to be His real children and to take care for each other including the unborn and the whole living creation of god.

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Looks like you are right. What he says sounds like ¿self?-organized stupidity. In the USA lots of people seem to have a very big wrongly understood Zoroastrian element in their belief which seems to maximize the fear in evil and minimizes the trust in god. They seem to see in the Satan (="the challenger") a kind of evil god - but only god is god. And they ignore the same time that Satana is creation - not creator. A mutation in the genome for example is in very most cases a bad thing - but sometimes happens a wonder and a mutation has a positive side effect. But for "the evolution" - what is also not god but only a natural law - it's totally unimportant what happens. Evolution has no intention nor plans. Same with natural catastrophes. But not so wars or man made slow speed catastrophes like the climate change or the destruction of the biosphere. Such evils do we cause on our own - but we are the same time also the hope, if we decide to accept to be His real children and to take care for each other including the unborn and the whole living creation of god.

Sure. Good company can't always avoid bad company, so it's best I take my leave of your posts.

"Company, always on the run
Destiny is the rising sun
Oh, I was born 6-gun in my hand
Behind the gun I'll make my final stand
That's why they call me

Bad company
And I can't deny
Bad company
'Til the day I die
Oh, 'til the day I die
'Til the day I die

Rebel souls, deserters we are called
Chose a gun and threw away the Son
Now these towns, they all know our name
6-gun sound is our claim to fame
I can hear them say

Bad company
And I won't deny
Bad, bad company
'Til the day I die, oh, yeah
'Til the day I die,


Bad company
I can't deny
Bad company
'Til the day I die

And I say it's bad company, oh yeah yeah
Bad company
'Til the day I die

Tell me that you are not a thief
Oh but I am bad company
It's the way I play dirty for dirty
Oh, somebody double-crossed me
Double-cross, double-cross"

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Then leave yourselve and look for good company.
Sounds like you still don't get it. This is why the wrath of God is prophecized to wipe you and your kind off the face of the Earth.

Even I didn't get it. It gives ANTD a new meaning (nervous lol).
Satan has fooled many and is prophecized to gain the majority.

You know how he tricked Adam and Eve. He's going to do it again to non-believers and believers alike. It will be too late for one of the atheists/ags here in June and another in 2023. I'll miss the one for June, but won't miss the one in 2023.
A child who never lets go of his juvenile fears and superstitions is said to have never grown up.
A child who never lets go of his juvenile fears and superstitions is said to have never grown up.
Satan loves to hide, so it's not he that which we'll face in real life. I may face a gang of heathens ready to burn down a church. You may face a bunch of creationists set to make an example on a burning cross.
You plan a genocide, godless Nazi?
No need.

We've had a mini fire in the sky already with Sodom and Gomorrah.

'We all know the biblical story of how the sinners of the decadent cities of Sodom and Gomorrah why destroyed by a Godly rain of “fire and brimstone” from on high. Archeologists may have recently discovered proof of this cleansing of biblical proportions.

A group of archeologists and other scientists say they have discovered strong evidence that the region of the “Middle Ghor,” where the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah are believed to have existed, were in fact destroyed by a meteor that exploded in the sky above, raining down superheated matter and raising temperatures to thousands of degrees — a theory that matches the account of the cities’ fiery destruction as described in the Book of Genesis.

According to the theory, the meteor exploded at low altitude with the force of a ten megaton atomic bomb at an altitude of about one kilometer over the northeast corner of the Dead Sea, and obliterated all of civilization in the 25-kilometer-wide circular plain that constitutes the “Middle Ghor.”

The researchers presented preliminary findings on the subject at last year’s annual meeting of the American Schools of Oriental Research in November, and have been developing the theory since at least 2015. They state that the evidence from radiocarbon dating indicates that a group of civilizations flourished in the area for over two millennia, until approximately 1700 BC, when the mud-brick walls of the buildings in the region simultaneously disappeared and only the stone foundations remained.

Further evidence is that the scientists described the discovery of, “pottery in the settlements that had been super-heated into glass in the space of milliseconds.” The explosion also rained down platinum as well as molten lava on the region, according to two of the archeologists, and this further confirms that a meteor was the source, given that platinum is found in higher concentrations in meteors than on earth.

The settlements that were annihilated in the event include the principal excavation site, “Tall el-Hammam,” which the archeologists believe is the city of Sodom, whose destruction is recounted in the Book of Genesis, chapter 19. The approximate date of the annihilation also matches the time period corresponding to the event in Genesis, according to archeologists.

Two archeologists involved in the Tall el-Hammam Excavation Project, Steven Collins and Phillip Silvia, wrote in a 2015 conference paper that “the physical evidence from Tall el-Hammam and neighboring sites exhibit signs of a highly destructive concussive and thermal event that one might expect from what is described in Genesis 19.”

According to the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Genesis, verse 24, “The Lord rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven,” a statement that matches well the high temperatures and superheated stones that would have rained from the sky in such an event.

Genesis 19 also seems to describe the general devastation in the region, including the loss of plant life discovered by the archeologists, stating in verse 25, “And he destroyed these cities, and all the country about, all the inhabitants of the cities, and all things that spring from the earth.”'

What will be the FINAL fire in the sky? Jesus? Check out #19.

Satan loves to hide, so it's not he that which we'll face in real life. I may face a gang of heathens ready to burn down a church. You may face a bunch of creationists set to make an example on a burning cross.
You need medical attention.
I have an observation to make. It's when we get close to the nitty gritty of discussing the truth or the end of the world, the non-believers go off their rockers. It's like they didn't know of the possibilities. Just observe zaangalewa lol.

You need medical attention.
You should discuss the possibility of the end of the world with someone you trust. Obviously, I would say you get the short end of the fiery stick. Maybe a psychiatrist would be most appropriate for you.

I have an observation to make. It's when we get close to the nitty gritty of discussing the truth or the end of the world, the non-believers go off their rockers. It's like they didn't know of the possibilities.

Many of us grew up with the stories of the world's imminent demise. My grandma died in 1994 at the age of 94 and the entire time I knew her (30 years at that point) she had believed that the end was nigh. (Of course the Beatles were partially resonsible).

Don't get me wrong, I loved my grandma. She was the greatest. But her faith had, as a constant reminder, that the end was coming soon.

Is it healthy to live like that? I dunno. Everyone seems to think of their own Armageddon. Even secular folks. Maybe it's part of being human. We ourselves have limited time on the earth and we know that. Perhaps we are projecting our own egotism on the rest of the world. When we are gone everything will be gone.

You should discuss the possibility of the end of the world with someone you trust. Obviously, I would say you get the short end of the fiery stick. Maybe a psychiatrist would be most appropriate for you.

That almost reads like the standard issue "schadenfreude" of the pious fantasizing about the horrors those who didn't believe as they do are about to experience.

It's definitely NOT the most appealing aspect to Christianity.
It's definitely NOT the most appealing aspect to Christianity.
It was Adam and Eve's sin that isn't the most appealing, but it could not be helped or else we wouldn't have FREE WILL. Now that we do, I think most Christians think the EOW is the MOST APPEALING ASPECT!!! Obviously, we look forward to it!!!
It was Adam and Eve's sin that isn't the most appealing,

Actually the "Fall" is a wonderful metaphor for "growing up". It is a point in our lives when we can no longer claim "innocence" and we are required to take responsibility for our own deeds. We know what is good and what is evil and it's up to us to figure out which we really want to do.

but it could not be helped or else we wouldn't have FREE WILL.


Now that we do, I think most Christians think the EOW is the MOST APPEALING ASPECT!!!

I think there are a lot of Christians who look forward to the end a bit too much. But it's also understandable. The possibility of catching a flight out of a disaster before the s**** hits the fan is appealing. And then getting a whole pile of "presents" from their favorite God forever is probably a big draw as well.

Obviously, we look forward to it!!!

And if one talks about it enough it allows them to not take part in making this world a little better instead. It is kind of tapping out of the game. But still being a part of the game. Just an obstacle to changes that need to be made.
I have an observation to make. It's when we get close to the nitty gritty of discussing the truth or the end of the world, the non-believers go off their rockers. It's like they didn't know of the possibilities. Just observe zaangalewa lol.

You should discuss the possibility of the end of the world with someone you trust. Obviously, I would say you get the short end of the fiery stick. Maybe a psychiatrist would be most appropriate for you.
You should discuss your fears and superstitions with a competent psychiatrist.
Actually the "Fall" is a wonderful metaphor for "growing up". It is a point in our lives when we can no longer claim "innocence" and we are required to take responsibility for our own deeds. We know what is good and what is evil and it's up to us to figure out which we really want to do.


I think there are a lot of Christians who look forward to the end a bit too much. But it's also understandable. The possibility of catching a flight out of a disaster before the s**** hits the fan is appealing. And then getting a whole pile of "presents" from their favorite God forever is probably a big draw as well.

And if one talks about it enough it allows them to not take part in making this world a little better instead. It is kind of tapping out of the game. But still being a part of the game. Just an obstacle to changes that need to be made.
What I do here is expose evolution is a LIE; It truly has become EVIL-ution as more and more innocent people end up believing the LIE. Instead, the creationists have found science backs up the Bible and can use that as a weapon to counter the LIE of evolution.
You should discuss your fears and superstitions with a competent psychiatrist.
I knew you needed a psychiatrist, but couldn't get any help from one. Anyone who thinks evolution is science is crazy. You are too far gone lol.

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