Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history

Neither of us is.

We're both mindful people :)

But one of us is high on Democrat/DeepSwamp Kool-Aid.

Not even close.

Looking forward to the day you sober up; you're much too smart to continue in this haze.
Yes, Trump is the worst. Just look at the motions he's filing. He's not arguing that he is innocent, he's arguing that he has the right to be a criminal.
Well, as you see here, people on line tend to get wound up and spew a lot of shit, how many actually act on it? And excuse me if I take a report compiled by commiecrats with a grain of salt.

i agree alot of people here get wound up & spew shit.

but on the subject of FBI and jan 6th. Lawfare has a report on the FBI failures, summarizing a senate report about it. Basically, you can think of the story you saw on FBI not seeing any coordination on capital attack as being related. i.e. what about the Willard Hotel "war room" ?

on the senate report --> "It pulls no punches in setting out just how the agencies floundered in identifying, communicating, and responding to threats before and during the riot."
Four years of peace, economic prosperity and energy security. Trump was one of the two best presidents in my lifetime. I look forward to voting for him again.
Under Biden, we have had peace, economic prosperity, and we are producing more oil than ever before.

Under Trump, we had a completely bungled pandemic resulting in over a hundred thousand deaths, two impeachments, an attempted coup, and a crashed economy.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

All true conservatives and real Republicans know the danger Trump and his MAGA cult are.
You are best example of TDS there is lets do a little comparison on the number of Trump threads we started in 2023. Mine is zero I suspect you were in triple digits.

TDS is a normal healthy response to the sick depraved world of MAGA.
President Donald Trump threatened Thursday to “put … down very quickly” riots on election night should aggrieved Democrats take to the streets in the wake of his potential victory.


“We’ll put them down very quickly if they do that. We have the right to do that. We have the power to do that, if we want,” Trump said.

“Look, it’s called insurrection,”
he added. “We just send in, and we do it very easy. I mean, it’s very easy. I’d rather not do that because there’s no reason for it, but if we had to, we’d do that and put it down within minutes.”

‘We’ll put them down very quickly’: Trump threatens to quash election night riots

So like I said, by Trump's very own definition, January 6 was an insurrection.

He also said he would "put down very quickly" an insurrection by Democrats who took to the streets in the wake of his victory.

And he yet jerked off for over three hours during the MAGA insurrection while people were dying.

The blood of the five people who died that day are on Trump's hands.
COVID response aside, what policies of Trump were detrimental?

His trade war was a disaster, mostly because he choose to fight it against the whole world instead of just China.

His spending was no better than that of a Dem, he essentially doubled the deficit, before COVID.

He issued an anti-2nd amendment EO

His foreign policy was chaotic at best, sucking up to dictators while pissing off our allies.

To name a few, but your question is akin to asking, "other than giving up those 12 runs, what else did the pitcher do wrong"
i agree alot of people here get wound up & spew shit.

but on the subject of FBI and jan 6th. Lawfare has a report on the FBI failures, summarizing a senate report about it. Basically, you can think of the story you saw on FBI not seeing any coordination on capital attack as being related. i.e. what about the Willard Hotel "war room" ?

on the senate report --> "It pulls no punches in setting out just how the agencies floundered in identifying, communicating, and responding to threats before and during the riot."

Yeah, and they ignored palousey and bowser declining national guard assistance because of OPTICS. The fact is, everyone wanted something bad to happen so they could blame Trump and call it an insurrection. It was all about the politics, they wanted the shit that's happening today, since they couldn't get a conviction in the second impeachment. They were planning on disqualifying Trump then.

COVID response aside,
Yes, let's blow off more than 100,000 dead Americans due to his incompetence. May I offer you a detergent hypodermic?

“When you test, you have a case. When you test, you find something is wrong with people. If we didn’t do any testing, we would have very few cases.” - Donald Trump, stable genius.

what policies of Trump were detrimental?
The only thing Trump achieved was a big tax break for himself.

Trump failed to pass a promised infrastructure bill. Biden got it done.

Trump failed to repeal and replace Obamacare with something "beautiful".

He failed to build the wall, and he failed to get Mexico to pay for it.

He failed to grow the economy by the promised 4 to 6 percent.

He failed to achieve his promised $4,000 pay raise for workers.

He failed to eliminate the deficit as promised.

He failed to bring down drug prices as promised.

He utterly failed to drain the swamp, and enlarged and widened it instead, creating the most corrupt Administration since Harding.

He failed to provide maternity leave, as promised, to women whose employers didn't provided that benefit.

He failed to bring back coal jobs as promised.

He failed to release his tax returns as promised.

He failed to protect American steel jobs as promised.

He alienated our allies and sucked up to communist dictators and thugs.

He doubled the federal deficit.

He added $8 trillion to the debt in half the time it took Obama, contributing to the current inflation.

He widened the trade deficit with China and Mexico to record levels.

His far left protectionist tariffs cost Americans $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 jobs, and cost taxpayers $22 billion in rescue subsidies for farmers.

He blew off Covid as a hoax, and ignored it until it could no longer be ignored. He said Covid would magically go away and refused to enact testing and contact tracing, allowing Covid to spread completely unhindered at the most critical period in the beginning of the pandemic.

He spent more time golfing than Obama, despite saying he would "not have time to go golf" during the campaign. He spent nearly a third of his term golfing.

He lost the House, the Senate, and the White House. An achievement not seen since the last businessman president, Herbert Hoover.

And of course, he staged a coup when the American people kicked his incompetent game show host balls over the moon.

Worst. President. EVAH!

I am STUNNED you needed to be reminded of this!
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Ahh, so a RINO. People who hate trump don’t leave their party, they try and improve it. As much as I think the Lincoln project and never trumpers are misguided, at least they are not bailing on their party. Someone who claims to be an “ex conservative”, meaning they left their party to join the other side, likely was never a conservative at all. Most likely already has liberal leanings and this is just an excuse to take the next step.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Jennifer Rubin?

Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

When I claim, and I believe I am accurate, that it still is the media that is trashing Trump with the desire to change an election outcome. Well that is what the Democrats said Trump was trying to do. We see it daily in our media. They want their way in our elections and their way trashes Trump constantly.
TDS is a normal healthy response to the sick depraved world of MAGA.
Actually it’s the sign of a sad and rather disturbed mind that needs to realize there is more to life than Trump. I sincerely hope they at some point come to that realization but I’m not holding out much hope for that.

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