Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history

There was an offer. Which is what I had said.

He made an offer. She was in overall charge of Capitol security. She didn’t accept the offer.

Stop trying to lay blame at Trump’s feet when the blame is found elsewhere.

I didn’t claim “order.” That’s you.

It was denied by the board over which the Speaker had authority.
an offer doesnt cut it, there has to be a signed order from the president to request the national guard.

Or the capitol police board could also have requested it, but they didnt obviously.
an offer doesnt cut it, there has to be a signed order from the president to request the national guard.
No shit, Sherlock. But a President doesn’t impose it on a coequal branch. He extends an offer. If the offer is accepted, then and only then would there be an order.
Or the capitol police board could also have requested it, but they didnt obviously.
They wouldn’t have Pelousy didn’t request it or is she more proactively opposed it.
1. He's a pathalogical liar
2. He's corrupt
3. Tried to overturn an election that he lost
4. Incompetent, has no real policy objectives
5. Mussollini wannabe/despises Democracy
Subjective, regurgitated talking points .. If these are your points .. Biden meets most of those as well (although #3 is fictitious).
No shit, Sherlock. But a President doesn’t impose it on a coequal branch. He extends an offer. If the offer is accepted, then and only then would there be an order.

They wouldn’t have Pelousy didn’t request it or is she more proactively opposed it.
Trump wanted his armed militia into the Capital grounds. Gee, I wonder why the bastard was pissed when his wishes were denied.
Actually it’s the sign of a sad and rather disturbed mind that needs to realize there is more to life than Trump. I sincerely hope they at some point come to that realization but I’m not holding out much hope for that.

Sorry, I will fight to retain the republic as a world beacon of freedom.
No shit, Sherlock. But a President doesn’t impose it on a coequal branch. He extends an offer. If the offer is accepted, then and only then would there be an order.

They wouldn’t have Pelousy didn’t request it or is she more proactively opposed it.
The insurrection act (as its currently written) allows the president to unilaterally deploy national guard, even without state authorization. Its ripe for abuse, but it could have been used jan 6th without anything like an "offer".
The insurrection act (as its currently written) allows the president to unilaterally deploy national guard, even without state authorization. Its ripe for abuse, but it could have been used jan 6th without anything like an "offer".
There was no insurrection. So no reason to worry about that.

However, he offered the NG. Nancy didn’t choose to act on it.

Perhaps she realized there was no insurrection.
Trump was indeed the worst president ever. On top of that, the most corrupt. As a country we must Wake up.

Ex-conservative brutally blasts Trump as worst president in U.S. history​

Donald Trump's efforts to arouse hate and undermine elections make him the worst president in U.S. history, according to a Washington Post columnist.

Jennifer Rubin, a self-described ex-conservative, writes that the 45th president and his MAGA mantra pines to return to a golden age back in time.

"Wielding nostalgia for a bygone era — one that is invariably mischaracterized — is a favorite weapon for fascist movements (Make America Great Again), harking back to a time before their nation was “polluted” by malign forces," she writes.

But Rubin contends too may are experiencing selective amnesia, propping up the good and erasing the bad of the 1950s, an era to which conservatives would like to see the nation return.

"What we have not had before is a president who rejected democracy, attempted to retain power by force and wound up indicted on 91 criminal counts," according to Rubin. "So yes, four-times-indicted Donald Trump was worse than every president who preceded him.

Opinions are like a**holes. The fact that you found an opinion to fit in your a**hole say's more about you, than it say's about the person you quoted-}

Maybe Bud Lite would like you as a spokesperson too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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