Ex-Fox News Anchor Juliet Huddy Says Trump Kissed Her On Lips After A Lunch - And Bragged

Are you required now to be a hypocrite in order to get your Trumptard membership? It appears so.
Note also she is not making this claim just before the election and then disappearing. It has nothing to do with an election. Trump has more accusers than many who have lost their jobs or been pressured into resigning.

"Just before the election" sounds like a typical Democrat last minute smear campaign to me. No actual evidence but repeated and obnoxious claims from the collusion of Fake News, Democratic politicians and liberal bimbos looking for attention. All of which lack any credibility whatsoever.
The point is that this claim or accusation is not happening before an election, Trump's election. I have read a hundred dismissals by the rightwing on here of the past claims about Trump's misconduct because they occurred just before the election. Well this one doesn't, so the rightwing cannot dismiss it as political.

Now you say she is just looking for attention. People like you believe the accuser if it is against a Democrat but dismiss it when it is against a Republican. Total bias.

Get off your high horse...

Can you say bill clinton?
So you approve of men assaulting women? Well, that's you, but it is not true for me.

No I didn't approve of bill clinton...

But I am sure you did.
You do, apparently, approve of Trump.

You shouldn't make assumptions. Makes you into a fool.
Uh ,.. who the fuck cares?
Cons don't, they're voting for a pedophile in AL after electing Trump.

Yea and you supported a man that was sticking

cigars in a young girl in the White House...

You are only moral when it suits you..

She was not a young girl, she was an adult female. Their relationship was consensual; in fact, she went to Washington with the intention of seducing the president, saying she would 'take her kneepads' with her.
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

What the fuck did you say Esmeralda? What the fuck did you say?
I was responding to the assertion that Lewinsky was a young girl and the suggestion that his affair with her was sexual misconduct. It was consensual, between two adults.

Trump has even more accusations against him and you ignore them and think he is just the greatest thing to happen to you. So your level of morals is that if one person behaves disreputably, it is okay for others to do so too? Is that what you teach your children and grandchildren?
I kissed a girl and I liked it
The taste of her cherry chap stick
I kissed a girl just to try it

Natasha Stoynoff
Allegation: While she was interviewing Trump in 2005 for
an article for People magazine about the first anniversary of his third marriage, Trump lured her into a room at Mar-a-Lago, forced her against a wall and abruptly kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth. He then said they were going to have an affair.

Kristin Anderson
Allegation: While she was at a Manhattan nightclub in the early 1990s, Trump slid his fingers under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh and touched her vagina through her underwear.

Summer Zervos
Allegation: Trump kissed Zervos on the lips when he met her in his New York office, which upset Zervos, who had been a contestant on Season 5 of Trump’s “The Apprentice.” She then met Trump at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2007 for what she thought would be dinner; instead, she was escorted to his private bungalow. “I stood up and he came to me and started kissing me open-mouthed as he was pulling me toward him,” she said. “He then grabbed my shoulder and started kissing me again very aggressively and placed his hand on my breast.” He kept pursuing her, she said, at one point “thrusting his genitals” against her as he tried to kiss her. She said she again rebuffed him.

Mindy McGillivray
Allegation: McGillivray said she was groped by Trump at Mar-a-Lago in 2003, when she was 23, at a photo shoot during a concert by Ray Charles. “All of a sudden I felt a grab, a little nudge. I think it’s Ken’s camera bag, that was my first instinct. I turn around and there’s Donald. He sort of looked away quickly. I quickly turned back, facing Ray Charles, and I’m stunned.’’ She told the Palm Beach Post she was certain it was not an accident. “This was a pretty good nudge. More of a grab,’’ she said. “It was pretty close to the center of my butt. I was startled. I jumped.’’

Jill Harth
Allegation: In the early 1990s, Jill Harth and her boyfriend at the time, George Houraney, worked with Trump on a beauty pageant in Atlantic City, and later accused Trump of inappropriate behavior toward Harth during their business dealings. She said that Trump pursued her and groped her; she alleged attempted rape in a sexual harassment suit that was withdrawn as a condition for settling a contract dispute. (We are including her account here because she gave interviews making these charges even after the lawsuit was withdrawn.) Trump had “his hands all over me,” Harth told the New York Times. “He was trying to kiss me. I was freaking out.”

Rachel Crooks
Allegation: Trump in 2005
kissed her directly on the lips after she introduced herself and said she was a receptionist who worked for a company that did business with Trump.

Cathy Heller
Allegation: While having Mother’s Day brunch at Mar-a-Lago in 1997 or 1998, her mother-in-law introduced her to Trump. She extended her hand to greet him and he
grabbed her and kissed her on the mouth. She did turn her head slightly and so he wasn’t able to “get my whole mouth.”

Jessica Leeds
Allegation: Trump attacked her while seated next to her on an airline flight. More than three decades ago, when she was a traveling business executive at a paper company, Leeds told the New York Times in 2016, she sat beside Trump in the first-class cabin of a flight to New York. They had never met before. About 45 minutes after takeoff, Trump lifted the armrest and began to touch her. Trump grabbed her breasts and tried to put his hand up her skirt. “He was like an octopus,” Leeds said. “His hands were everywhere.” She fled to the back of the plane. “It was an assault,” she said.

Temple Taggart McDowell: The 1997 Miss Utah USA
said Trump kissed her directly on the lips, at a time he was married to Marla Maples and McDowell was 21. Later, when she visited Trump Tower to discuss a modeling contract, she says Trump again embraced and kissed her on the lips, this time in front of two pageant chaperones and a receptionist. The New York encounter made one of the chaperones so “uncomfortable” that she advised McDowell not to go into any rooms with Trump alone, McDowell told NBC News.

Karena Virginia: A yoga instructor said Trump harassed and groped her during a chance encounter at the U.S. Open in 1998. Virginia said Trump, a total stranger, then grabbed her arm and touched her breast. “I was in shock,” Virginia said. “I flinched. He said, ‘Don’t you know who I am?’ I felt intimidated and powerless. I said ‘yes.’”

Jennifer Murphy: A former Apprentice contestant
said Trump in 2004 kissed her on the lips. “He walked me to the elevator, and I said goodbye. I was thinking ‘oh, he’s going to hug me,’ but … he pulled my face in and gave me a smooch.”

Ninni Laaksonen: A former Miss Finland
said Trump in 2006 grabbed her bottom shortly after he had married Melania. “Trump stood right next to me and suddenly he squeezed my butt. He really grabbed my butt.”

Jessica Drake: A porn star and sex educator
said that during a 2006 golf tournament in Lake Tahoe, Trump “grabbed” her and two other unnamed women tightly and kissed them on the lips “without asking permission.” He then offered Drake $10,000 and the use of his private plane, she said, if she would agree to come back to his room and accompany him to a party.

There are also the accounts of former beauty contestants who say Trump walked in on them when they were half nude.

And, Trump bragged on the Howard Stern show of his “inspections” during the pageants: “You know they’re standing there with no clothes. Is everybody OK? And you see these incredible looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.”
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Last time I checked, there's nothing wrong with trying to kiss a woman. Context matters and it's a little weird if there isn't at least some relationship, but as long as he didn't get turned down and keep pushing, or offer some quid pro quo, who cares?

Granted, you should probably not just go for a kiss out of the blue. That would be inappropriate. Still not some grievous sin though.

: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

The absolute yet unfairly unprotected, "private conversations" of the wealthy and the privileged many years ago... great ammo for a lefty smear monger...:ack-1:

That taped conversation is not a private conversation. He was talking to a journalist and he knew it. He didn't ask for the conversation to be private and off the record. Certainly he was savy enough about the media, being a media whore himself, to specify if a conversation needed to be off the record and private before speaking. He made no such conditions when he bragged about sexually assaulting women.

BTW exposing the true character of a man running for president is not smearing him. He smeared himself with his own filthy words, thoughts and actions.

Enough Americans forgave him for making a private stupid comment years ago and he went on to win a legal election and become President of the United States. You prefer to, justify the political tactics, use it as a weapon and that's your choice.

btw. I do agree, he's an imperfect human but he has a job to do and Trump seems very willing to lead.. I'm seeing nothing from Democrats but resist and smear..

The majority of Americans didn't vote for him and definitely now don't approve of him. His approval rating has always been below 50%, and currently his disapproval rating is 63%. A majority of Americans did not forget or forgive what he said and do know what a sleaze he is. You don't have to smear him: he does a perfectly good job of that himself everyday.

Eh, Trump won fair and square.. and yup, fake news and 24/7 hate Trump has/had an effect but it's dwindling, they've lost all credibility and their polls are more laughable than during the election....no worries
I wonder if all the people saying that kissing someone out of the blue that you have no relationship with is a normal thing to do would be so cool with it if it happened to their wives or daughter or mothers?

It is amazing how much politics fucks up our country. only in the realm of politics could people defend someone doing this sort of shit. We all know that it is wrong which is why none of us, and yes I am assuming not even you Trump supporters wouldn't, would kiss a co-worker on the lips in an elevator. If we know that is wrong what makes it right for Trump to do it?
Uh ,.. who the fuck cares?
Cons don't, they're voting for a pedophile in AL after electing Trump.

Yea and you supported a man that was sticking

cigars in a young girl in the White House...

You are only moral when it suits you..

She was not a young girl, she was an adult female. Their relationship was consensual; in fact, she went to Washington with the intention of seducing the president, saying she would 'take her kneepads' with her.
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

What the fuck did you say Esmeralda? What the fuck did you say?
I was responding to the assertion that Lewinsky was a young girl and the suggestion that his affair with her was sexual misconduct. It was consensual, between two adults.

Trump has even more accusations against him and you ignore them and think he is just the greatest thing to happen to you. So your level of morals is that if one person behaves disreputably, it is okay for others to do so too? Is that what you teach your children and grandchildren?

You don't think a 49 year old married man with a lecherous history could convince a starry eyed 21 year old that the relationship was consensual, add in that is a workplace/Oval office and his only intention was to use her like a whore?
Last edited:
Cons don't, they're voting for a pedophile in AL after electing Trump.

Yea and you supported a man that was sticking

cigars in a young girl in the White House...

You are only moral when it suits you..

She was not a young girl, she was an adult female. Their relationship was consensual; in fact, she went to Washington with the intention of seducing the president, saying she would 'take her kneepads' with her.
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

What the fuck did you say Esmeralda? What the fuck did you say?
I was responding to the assertion that Lewinsky was a young girl and the suggestion that his affair with her was sexual misconduct. It was consensual, between two adults.

Trump has even more accusations against him and you ignore them and think he is just the greatest thing to happen to you. So your level of morals is that if one person behaves disreputably, it is okay for others to do so too? Is that what you teach your children and grandchildren?

You don't think a 49 year old married man with a lecherous history could convince a starry eyed 21 year old that the relationship was consensual, add in that is a workplace/Oval office and his only intention was to use her?
They have no problem whatsoever with clinton shoving a cigar in out of the ass of a young jewish intern in the oval office. It is all cool to them.

Yet, they claim the moral high ground cause Franken the pervert and the black old pervert retired due to their perversions.

But but but Trump said stuff!!!!!!

There, that is it. He said stuff.

Anyone here ever listen to women talk about men when they think they are alone? I mentioned this in another thread and they all avoided that subject.

I mentioned how I was a debutante escort in HS and a bunch of us fellas wearing our black and white tuxedoes, heard the girls (dressed all in white) talking in the bathroom. What were they talking about? What it tasted like. That was what they were talking about, cause it was pretty much implied we were all getting laid that night. Not kidding. Salty....was their answer. Salty.

Notice how the good little women are avoiding this subject? You think Trump's little statements were bad? He holds nothing on what women talk about. Nothing. Anyone denying that, don't know women at all.
The Indian Princess wishes it was her...

Last time I checked, there's nothing wrong with trying to kiss a woman. Context matters and it's a little weird if there isn't at least some relationship, but as long as he didn't get turned down and keep pushing, or offer some quid pro quo, who cares?

Granted, you should probably not just go for a kiss out of the blue. That would be inappropriate. Still not some grievous sin though.

: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

The absolute yet unfairly/unlawfully protected, "private conversation" of a wealthy and privileged man .. many years ago... great ammo for a lefty smear monger...:ack-1:

He provided the ammo. Don’t act like you wouldn’t take advantage of it if some Democrat was caught on tape saying sick shit like that
Yea and you supported a man that was sticking

cigars in a young girl in the White House...

You are only moral when it suits you..

She was not a young girl, she was an adult female. Their relationship was consensual; in fact, she went to Washington with the intention of seducing the president, saying she would 'take her kneepads' with her.
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

What the fuck did you say Esmeralda? What the fuck did you say?
I was responding to the assertion that Lewinsky was a young girl and the suggestion that his affair with her was sexual misconduct. It was consensual, between two adults.

Trump has even more accusations against him and you ignore them and think he is just the greatest thing to happen to you. So your level of morals is that if one person behaves disreputably, it is okay for others to do so too? Is that what you teach your children and grandchildren?

You don't think a 49 year old married man with a lecherous history could convince a starry eyed 21 year old that the relationship was consensual, add in that is a workplace/Oval office and his only intention was to use her?
They have no problem whatsoever with clinton shoving a cigar in out of the ass of a young jewish intern in the oval office. It is all cool to them.

Yet, they claim the moral high ground cause Franken the pervert and the black old pervert retired due to their perversions.

But but but Trump said stuff!!!!!!

There, that is it. He said stuff.

Anyone here ever listen to women talk about men when they think they are alone? I mentioned this in another thread and they all avoided that subject.

I mentioned how I was a debutante escort in HS and a bunch of us fellas wearing our black and white tuxedoes, heard the girls (dressed all in white) talking in the bathroom. What were they talking about? What it tasted like. That was what they were talking about, cause it was pretty much implied we were all getting laid that night. Not kidding. Salty....was their answer. Salty.

Notice how the good little women are avoiding this subject? You think Trump's little statements were bad? He holds nothing on what women talk about. Nothing. Anyone denying that, don't know women at all.
Why do you LIE? It is Democratic women in the Senate who are behind the resignations of Conyers and Franken. Why lie about it? Why put words in MY mouth? Did I say I have no problem with anyone's sexual misconduct? My issue is the defense of Trump and Moore but just the opposite toward any Democrats. I am not defending anyone, not Democrats and not Republicans. So, one, DON'T LIE and two, DON'T PUT WORDS IN MY MOUTH. I'm not defending anyone's sexual misconduct.

What the hell is this? "You think Trump's little statements were bad? He holds nothing on what women talk about. Nothing. Anyone denying that, don't know women at all." Are you serious? I've been an adult woman for nearly 50 years. I have never heard any woman brag about sexually assaulting a man. If you have, I wonder at the type of woman you hang out with.
Last edited:
Cons don't, they're voting for a pedophile in AL after electing Trump.

Yea and you supported a man that was sticking

cigars in a young girl in the White House...

You are only moral when it suits you..

She was not a young girl, she was an adult female. Their relationship was consensual; in fact, she went to Washington with the intention of seducing the president, saying she would 'take her kneepads' with her.
Connie Hamzy – Sexual Harassment

Self-proclaimed rock-and-roll groupie, who said Mr. Clinton propositioned her in 1984 while she was sunbathing by a Little Rock hotel pool.

Juanita Broaddrick– Rape

Gubernatorial campaign volunteer who said Mr. Clinton raped her during a nursing-home-operators convention in Little Rock in April 1978.

Eileen Wellstone– Sexual Assault

English woman who said Mr. Clinton sexually assaulted her after she met him at a pub near Oxford University where Mr. Clinton was a student in 1969.

Sandra Allen James– Sexual Assault

Former Washington, D.C., political fund-raiser who said Mr. Clinton invited her to his hotel room during a 1991 campaign trip, pinned her against the wall and put his hand under her dress.

Christy Zercher– Sexual Assault

Airline flight attendant on Mr. Clinton’s 1992 campaign plane, who said Mr. Clinton exposed himself and grabbed her breasts.

22 Year-Old Yale Student – Sexual Assault

In 1972, a 22-year-old woman told campus police at Yale University that she was sexually assaulted by Clinton, a law student at the college.

University of Arkansas Student – Sexual Assault

In 1974, a female student at the University of Arkansas complained that then-law school instructor Bill Clinton tried to prevent her from leaving his office during a conference. She said he groped her and forced his hand inside her blouse. She complained to her faculty advisor who confronted Clinton, but Clinton claimed the student ”came on” to him.

Paula Jones – Sexual Harrassment,. Character Assassination

She had asked to meet him because it would be ‘exciting’ to meet the governor, and she hoped it might lead to promotion. Instead, she said in court, she found herself telling him she was ‘not that kind of girl’.

It was a brief encounter and she alleged that Mr. Clinton took her hand, pulled her towards him, then said: ‘I love your curves.’

She tried to walk away, she said in a deposition, but ‘Mr. Clinton then walked over to the sofa, lowered his trousers and underwear, exposed his penis (which was erect) and told me to “kiss it.”‘ …

Jones delivers her own verdict on Hillary’s bid to become president, saying that her husband’s attitude towards women disqualifies Bill from re-entering the White House – while what she calls Hillary’s ‘lies’ disqualify her from the Oval Office.

‘There is no way that [Hillary] did not know what was going on, that women were being abused and accosted by her husband,’ she says. ‘They have both lied.’

What the fuck did you say Esmeralda? What the fuck did you say?
I was responding to the assertion that Lewinsky was a young girl and the suggestion that his affair with her was sexual misconduct. It was consensual, between two adults.

Trump has even more accusations against him and you ignore them and think he is just the greatest thing to happen to you. So your level of morals is that if one person behaves disreputably, it is okay for others to do so too? Is that what you teach your children and grandchildren?

You don't think a 49 year old married man with a lecherous history could convince a starry eyed 21 year old that the relationship was consensual, add in that is a workplace/Oval office and his only intention was to use her like a whore?
BEFORE she left for Washington to become an intern, while she was preparing to leave, she told friends she was packing her 'kneepads' and that she was going after Clinton. He didn't have to convince her of anything. Was it bad judgement on his part? Yes. Sexual assault or misconduct? No. She was an adult. She went after him. It was a consensual affair between two adults, not assault, not harassment, not misconduct. And if we question his morals, let's not forget she went after a married man. She was no naive innocent.
Last time I checked, there's nothing wrong with trying to kiss a woman. Context matters and it's a little weird if there isn't at least some relationship, but as long as he didn't get turned down and keep pushing, or offer some quid pro quo, who cares?

Granted, you should probably not just go for a kiss out of the blue. That would be inappropriate. Still not some grievous sin though.

: Yeah, that’s her. With the gold. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.

Bush: Whatever you want.

Trump: Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

The absolute yet unfairly/unlawfully protected, "private conversation" of a wealthy and privileged man .. many years ago... great ammo for a lefty smear monger...:ack-1:

He provided the ammo. Don’t act like you wouldn’t take advantage of it if some Democrat was caught on tape saying sick shit like that
He bragged on tape about sexually assaulting women and he bragged on Howard Stern about walking in on half naked contestents saying, similar to the tape, that's what you can do.

He's done it. He bragged about it on an audio tape and on Howard Stern, and they still say it isn't true and he's a victim of liberal media and the Democrats.
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They can't defend Trump, but somehow they're able to condemn Democrats doing anything remotely similar.
I wonder if all the people saying that kissing someone out of the blue that you have no relationship with is a normal thing to do would be so cool with it if it happened to their wives or daughter or mothers?

It is amazing how much politics fucks up our country. only in the realm of politics could people defend someone doing this sort of shit. We all know that it is wrong which is why none of us, and yes I am assuming not even you Trump supporters wouldn't, would kiss a co-worker on the lips in an elevator. If we know that is wrong what makes it right for Trump to do it?

You have not been in many elevators.

Condomania - America's first condom store
I wonder if all the people saying that kissing someone out of the blue that you have no relationship with is a normal thing to do would be so cool with it if it happened to their wives or daughter or mothers?

It is amazing how much politics fucks up our country. only in the realm of politics could people defend someone doing this sort of shit. We all know that it is wrong which is why none of us, and yes I am assuming not even you Trump supporters wouldn't, would kiss a co-worker on the lips in an elevator. If we know that is wrong what makes it right for Trump to do it?

You have not been in many elevators.

Condomania - America's first condom store

And then you just proved my point, party before country and politics before morals. What the fuck is wrong with you?

here, try this and report back to us. Next time you are in an elevator alone with a co-worker just kiss the out of the blue on the lips and see what happens.

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