Ex-Fox News Anchor Juliet Huddy Says Trump Kissed Her On Lips After A Lunch - And Bragged

A former Fox News anchorwoman who accused Bill O’Reilly of sexually harassing her in 2011 is now claiming that Donald Trump kissed her on the lips in an elevator.

Juliet Huddy said Thursday morning on the “Mornin!!! With Bill Schulz” podcast (which has a paywall) that it happened around 2005 or 2006 when Trump was hosting “The Apprentice” on NBC.

“He took me to lunch in Trump Tower,” she said. “He said goodbye to me in an elevator while his security guy was there.

“He went to say goodbye and he, rather than kiss me on the cheek, he leaned in on the lips.”

She says Trump referenced the kiss when he was Huddy’s guest on her syndicated series, “The Morning Show With Mike and Juliet.”

“He came up on stage and he turned around to the audience ― and, you know, there were 50 people there ― and he said, ‘I tried to hit on her, but she blew me off,’” Huddy remembered.

More: Ex-Fox News Anchor Juliet Huddy Says Trump Kissed Her On Lips After A Lunch

Another woman comes forward. Trump even admitted it on live TV. It's past time for an ethics investigation.
Let's see if we have this straight. He hit on her, she turned him down, and no one was harmed? Did I get that correct?

Ya know, Mike Pence's stance on being alone with women not his wife is sounding smarter by the day.

Sounds like you're in desperate need of sexual harassment and sensitivity training. Seek help. Or, you could just start kissing random women at the mall. Let us know how that works out.

Why would I want to do that? I'm very happy kissing just my wife. She's never filed a harassment claim in the 30 plus years I've been doing it. Of course, she's always trying to kiss me too. Maybe she needs the training.

Where were you when Bubba "horn dog" Clinton was harassing women all over the fruited plain? Were you demanding ethics investigations then too? Or is this just a recently discovered outrage? Were you upset at Ted Kennedy's infamous waitress sandwich?

Mike Pence is sounding smarter all the time.

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