'Ex-sceptic says climate change is down to humans'

Just too damn funny.. We've just observed Pavlovian cussing. With a bit of drool -- I suspect..

It's part of the training the Princess got at the websites that HE reads...

Why Won’t Al Gore Debate Climate Change? « Greenfyre’s

Why Won’t Al Gore Debate Climate Change?
September 9, 2008 by greenfyre

Simple, the Deniers would win … because they have no evidence or facts on their side.

Huh? If they have no evidence or facts, how can they win a debate?

Easy, because a debate is not about being right, it is about winning by appearing to be right. The more the audience does not understand the issue, the easier it is to win. You just need one thing, it’s called “the Gish Gallop.”

How this works: as fast as possible you tell as many lies and distortions as possible, cram them into the available time. It really does not matter whether you know them to be lies or whether they are things you actually believe yourself. The important thing is to pack in as much outrageous nonsense as possible into the time available.

Your opponent is then stuck using his time to either:

i) Simply state each lie is a lie, one for one, in which case it becomes his word/my word;
ii) Refuting the lies with facts and data, but of course refuting nonsense takes longer than saying it, so he might cover 1 point in 5, which leaves the impression that he had no answer for 4/5 points;
iii) Try to make his own points, in which case it can seem that he had no answer to any of the points you made.
The Princess was trained well wasn't she? And SHE QUOTES THIS SITE repeatedly..

Also found THIS on the site. In an obvious attempt to convert the Urban Gang-Banger demographic...

Rap Attack: I’m A Climate Scientist « Greenfyre’s

In the media landscape there are climate change deniers and believers, but rarely are those speaking about climate change actual climate scientists…

yo….we’re climate scientists.. and there’s no denying this Climate Change Is REEEEALL..

Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
Not a cleo finalist
No a climate scientist

Droppin facts all over this wax
While bitches be crying about a carbon tax
Climate change is caused by people
Earth Unlike Alien Has no sequel
We gotta move fast or we’ll be forsaken,
Cause we were too busy suckin dick Copenhagen: (Politician)

I said Burn! it’s hot in here..
32% more carbon in the atmosphere.
Oh Eee Ohh Eee oh wee ice ice ice
Raisin’ sea levels twice by twice
We’re scientists, what we speak is True.
Unlike Andrew Bolt our work is Peer Reviewed… ooohhh

Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
An Anglican revivalist
No a climate scientist

Feedback is like climate change on crack
The permafrosts subtracts: feedback
Methane release wack : feedback..
Write a letter then burn it: feedback
Denialists deny this in your dreams
Coz climate change means greater extremes,
Shit won’t be the norm
Heatwaves bigger badder storms
The Green house effect is just a theory sucker (Alan Jones)
Yeah so is gravity float away muther f**cker

Who’s a climate scientist..
I’m a climate scientist..
I’m not a climate Scientist
Who’s Climate Scientists
A Penny Farthing Cyclist
A Lebanese typist
A Paleontologist
A Sebaceous Cyst
No! a climate scientist! Yo! PREACH~!
Probably they rehearsed that while on a hefty NOAA grant..

Or a lot of Faux Zen nonsense on how to stifle your scientific curiousity by concentrating on personalities instead of facts and attacks instead of knowledge...

Method without Science, tactics without strategy « Greenfyre’s

Please note the HEAVY HANDED rules for discussion on this Blog.. No Deniers allowed.. It's a dissonance - free zone... What a bunch of pompous posers....

And THAT is why the Princess is sooooo useful....

The funniest Thing is that the GW cult is calling us "deniers" while the entire Man made "Global warming" fairy tale rests on denying the medieval war period which was round the globe warmer than it is today, Greenland included....and that`s why the hockeystick remains the holy grail. Okay, I`ll post this video again, how much more clear can it be..???

CBC - Global Warming Doomsday Called Off

Could be that CBC documentary exceeds his attention span or his bandwith. So I`ll post a few relevant screenshots from that video:

That`s what it looks like during summer on Greenland...obvously it ain`t winter because then it`s pitch dark 24/7.
The ice cores are 3 km long and give a accurate surface temperature histogram from 10 000 years ago to present time and it looks like that:


And @ the top right is the cooling that the Michael Mann made GW fantasy is trying to deny the same as the warmer temperatures 1000 years ago.
That has been confirmed by numerous methods, including C14 dating in permafrost layers, also in tree ring data taken from around the world and by
every real scientist who has nothing to do with the IPCC or the M.Mann occult...but there are still idiots who claim these are the "deniers" and to boot
they are all part of an "Oil conspiracy"...how much cookier could it possibly get?

I`m sure this left threaded wingnut psycho will just go "postal" again, like the rest of his lot did over Chick-Fil-A.
For ex. this employee of a "medical device manufacturer"...why don`t they just come out and say it, he was selling vibrators and dildos to the Rainbow.orgies

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqhjFkfDbcg]Chick-Fil-A Drive-Through Bully Hassles Employee And Gets Fired - YouTube[/ame]

Too bad dueling is no longer legal, if it still was there is no way a fag would get away harassing a nice girl like that in public.
Incidentally we still allow saber duels at the University of Heidelberg Germany. And a saber scarred face will open doors in places at the highest echelons and not just in good old Germany.

Boy do I agree about the dueling. Nutters like blunder don't go around kissing their boyfriends, he's the kind of dipshit that goes out kills a bunch of poor random people to make a point. A typical lefty coward. Never attack anyone who has a wepoan, go after the elderly and the children, they're easy targets.
You missed the reconstruction that just came out last month.. We discussed it on this board. CLEARLY shows both MWP and the LIA.. If you pick the right trees -- it'll be there..

We've got HUNDREDS of posts by the brain-washed adherents of your religion claiming that the drought in the MidWest is CLEARLY GLOBAL warming. Don't tell me it's a straw man..

And the quote I keyed on CLEARLY said the cause of the MWP "would be CLEARLY DIFFERENT" than the excuse of Anthro. Warming. He did NOT SAY -- "they understand what caused it".

Here's a more recent reconstruction that I can believe in..

N-scan JJA temperature reconstruction and fit with regional instrumental data. : Orbital forcing of tree-ring data : Nature Climate Change : Nature Publishing Group

Tree-ring study proves that climate was WARMER in Roman and Medieval times than it is in the modern industrial age | Mail Online

Well, you called that one, polarbear.

trolling blunder is nothing if not predictable!:lol: A proper "useful idiot"

I don`t know what he wrote here, with my user settings this is all that shoes up:
Yesterday, 09:45 PM Remove user from ignore list
RollingThunder This message is hidden because RollingThunder is on your ignore list.
The useful idiots include also the lefty media, like MSNBC, CNN & the Washington Post just to name a few. Look at what Paul Watson, the "Green Peace Hero" they still adore wrote in his Book, called "Earthforce":
The nature of the mass media today is such that the truth is irrelevant. What is true and what is right to the general public is what is defined as true and right by the mass media. Ronald Reagan understood that the facts are not relevant. The media reported what he said as fact. Follow-up investigation was “old news.” A headline comment on Monday’s newspaper far outweighs the revelation of inaccuracy revealed in a small box inside the paper on Tuesday or Wednesday.
And in a later Book called "Ocean warrior":
“Survival in a media culture meant developing the skills to understand and manipulate media to achieve strategic objectives.”
But the same media he ridicules still eats out of this fraud`s hands and is too stupid to realize how easily they are manipulated by these crackpots.
Well maybe it has something to do with the fact that the same hip& trendy Hollywood crowd that funds Obama also funds "Greenpeace-enviro" criminals and fraud artists like Paul Watson. He skipped bail in Germany and now has an Interpol arrest warrant with his name on it hanging over his head. Could be they can`t find him because he is holing out in a White House guest room.

Paul Watson is founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and seems to have found an effective tool in recruiting naïve followers and spreading the word about the nature of his organization's missions --- he lies.
Here are just a handful of examples:
Speaking to a collision on January 6, 2010 between a Japanese whaling vessel and the Sea Shepherd vessel Ady Gil: "The Ady Gil, a Sea Shepherd vessel, it's a fast patrol boat, was sitting still in the water when the Shonan Maru #2 came by, deliberately turned into it, rammed it, cut it in half, sunk it and destroyed it."
- Paul Watson in a radio interview with FSRN.

Another whopper of a lie has recently come to light as we've learned that the Ady Gil did not sink as a result of the collision with the Shona Maru #2. As it turns out, Peter Bethune, the builder and captain of the Ady Gil, has admitted that although damaged, that after the collision, the Gil was sound and afloat, saying, "The boat was definitely salvageable. It was still rock solid...It would have stayed afloat for sure." Bethune reveals he was ordered to scuttle it "in order to gain public sympathy."
Ady Gil
Ady Gil's Charities and Projects

On the roof top of his American Hi Definition Building in the San Fernando Valley, solar panels create 100 kilowatts of energy. Ady Gil held a solar open house and green holiday gift festival during the holiday season to focus peoples' energy on clean cars, clean energy, and family fun instead of gifts. The open house featured sessions on biodiesel, green building, and world population.
See, it`s all the same clusterfuck !
By the way I just finished watching a program about a film called the "U.N.me".
I was hilarious and exposes the U.N.`s inner workings. It`s no wonder Canada is seriously considering to either cut the funding ($ 415+ Millions/year) to that assembly of the worlds biggest idiots or quit it altogether as we quit the Kyoto Accord....and after having seen that, if I had a crackpot idea like Michael Mann "proving" man made global warming with his cherry picked tree-rings I`ld go to the U.N. too, because everywhere else You`ld be a laughing stock. I taped a few gems from that show and will convert it to digital + upload it tomorrow. It`s a must see and after you watch it You want to get a bulldozer and push the entire U.N. loony bin into the east river.But tomorrow morning, the first thing I`ll do is go up my roof and take down the remaining solar panels the hail storm didn`t wreck. Then I`ll sell them to "Oldrocks" on e-bay... Because not long from now, I`m sure, they will be a public statement of stupidity attracting salesmen looking for suckers.
But right now it`s
Good Night, God bless America & Chick Fil-A
from Canada
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Now Bi-Polar, someday you will post something on subject, that actually has some sense to it, and stun us all.
Now Bi-Polar, someday you will post something on subject, that actually has some sense to it, and stun us all.
Who cares what a few cooks like you are blabbering. The only "audience" doomsday freaks like you have left is a forum like this and even here
all you can do is parrot the same old garbage over and over again.
What matters is that the rest of the world realized what kind of crap it was that M.Mann, Hansen etc were trying to sell through
U.N. bureaucrats to gullible politicians and gullible left leaning media outlets that naive people who can't do their own thinking dialed into.
Well that's all over for quite some time now in most of the countries where the "Green & sustainable energy" had traction for
a short little while. It just takes a little bit longer in countries like the U.S. with a large population because of the mass (stupidity) inertia effect.
Every country has its own %-age share of stupid people and when a country has over 300 Million people instead of just
70 or 30 Million people that stupidity inertia effect carries on a little longer before it comes to a screeching halt as it did in Germany, Canada, China etc.
China was quick despite it`s size because the government controls 100% of the media,...so it`s Okay to build a new coal fired plant on average every 10 days in China.
If frauds like Hansen, M.Mann etc. can boast about a million Tweety bird-brained followers or doomsday.org web page clickers that
is only an absolute number and neither Tweet or any Google Analytic express how many % of the population these cooks
represent. That absolute number of naive people is way too small in countries with a smaller population than the U.S.
The largest media outlets can't afford to cater to these few cooks any more. After all, the independant News Media does have to worry about audience ratings because
that's where their revenue comes from, unless of course they are tax subsidized media outlets.
Sun News, by far the largest media chain in Canada had this to say about Hansen:

And that's on "prime time". Sun News is the most watched Cable News Channel in Canada and is also on every dish network service
+ has radio stations +the largest newspaper editions in every city.
And all the other media outlets, even the left leaning media simply don't care any more what noises Hansen, M.Mann or the IPCC are making.
It's not that Canadians did not know already what Sun News had to say about Hansen & the IPCC. After all that was thee reason why
Canadian voters annihilated the liberals and semi-communist cook parties in our last federal elections.
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It's interesting that none of the responses to this thread address the science or the key point.

Let's just review that again shall we -

A study designed and funded by climate sceptics has established fundamental proof that human acitivity plays a key role in climate change.

Whine all your want, but that is the key issue, and it's not a surprise to me that most of those who have already made up their mind can't address it.
AGW is EnviroMarxism, the one and only purpose of which is the destruction of the US Economy.

You must realize when you post something like this that the only possible reaction is laughter, right?

Are you seriously suggesting that virually every major US scientific body is committed to both Marxism and the destruction of the US economy?

And conservative politicians and parties the world over are promoting Marxism....:eusa_drool::eusa_angel::lol:
It's interesting that none of the responses to this thread address the science or the key point.

Let's just review that again shall we -

A study designed and funded by climate sceptics has established fundamental proof that human acitivity plays a key role in climate change.

Whine all your want, but that is the key issue, and it's not a surprise to me that most of those who have already made up their mind can't address it.

And a study under peer review showes that the temperature readings that Muller based his analysis on have been doubled inapropriatley. Go figure, the numbers aren't accurate. Yet the self described "former sceptic" used them.

Watts et al. 2012 work page | Watts Up With That?
AGW is EnviroMarxism, the one and only purpose of which is the destruction of the US Economy.

You must realize when you post something like this that the only possible reaction is laughter, right?

Are you seriously suggesting that virually every major US scientific body is committed to both Marxism and the destruction of the US economy?

And conservative politicians and parties the world over are promoting Marxism....:eusa_drool::eusa_angel::lol:

Why yes, they are. They feel they are the elite of the world and all of these people are a drag on the planet. They would be very happy if most of the people were dead so that they could enjoy the planet without all those "brown people". Interesting how the environmentalists want the Third World to stay poor and undeveloped when every bit of evidence shows that elevation to First World status, reduces global population (just not as fast as the enviro nazis want), reduces pollution (not that they really care about that, if they did their schemes would actually have methods to reduce pollution, they don't...they just want you to pay them to continue to pollute), and leads to better human and animal interactions and preservation.

But once again, they really don't care about animals, witness the sacrafice of hundreds of thousands of birds on the altars of the windmills.

Conservation is the furthest thing from these peoples minds, control and robbery are paramount.
Westwall -

Firstly, I reallly don't find these fredtheweatherman.com sources particularly convincing, and I think we can assume you wouldn't either if they concluded anything different.

Secondly, I don't see any real evidence presented that the study cited in this thread used the temperature data you say it did.

Thirdly, it seems strange to conclude that a study funded by scpetics would use data which exaggerated temperatures. Can you explain why that is?
They feel they are the elite of the world and all of these people are a drag on the planet. They would be very happy if most of the people were dead so that they could enjoy the planet without all those "brown people". Interesting how the environmentalists want the Third World to stay poor and undeveloped when every bit of evidence shows that elevation to First World status, reduces global population (just not as fast as the enviro nazis want), reduces pollution (not that they really care about that, if they did their schemes would actually have methods to reduce pollution, they don't...they just want you to pay them to continue to pollute), and leads to better human and animal interactions and preservation.

You know, I don't believe there is a person in the world who believes this stuff - you included. It's just generic, catch-all ranting.

Environmentalists want the Third World to stay poor....what the hell are you talking about?! We're constantly told that environmentalism is left wing and that climate change is about about pouring aid money into Africa - and how you are saying they promote extreme right wing politics and want to starve the Third World?

"Their schemes don't reduce pollution" - so the idea that tidal and nuclear energy produce less emissions than coal is just false, is it?

Is it too much to ask that you think this stuff through and at least come up with a theory that makes basic, logical sense?
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It's interesting that none of the responses to this thread address the science or the key point.

Let's just review that again shall we -

A study designed and funded by climate sceptics has established fundamental proof that human acitivity plays a key role in climate change.

Whine all your want, but that is the key issue, and it's not a surprise to me that most of those who have already made up their mind can't address it.

And a study under peer review showes that the temperature readings that Muller based his analysis on have been doubled inapropriatley. Go figure, the numbers aren't accurate. Yet the self described "former sceptic" used them.

Watts et al. 2012 work page | Watts Up With That?

Under peer review means already published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Anthony Watts blog is hardly a peer reviewed journal, unless one considers undegreed ex-TV weathermen their peers.

This is just another lie by a professional liar. As you well know.
Westwall -

Firstly, I reallly don't find these fredtheweatherman.com sources particularly convincing, and I think we can assume you wouldn't either if they concluded anything different.

Secondly, I don't see any real evidence presented that the study cited in this thread used the temperature data you say it did.

Thirdly, it seems strange to conclude that a study funded by scpetics would use data which exaggerated temperatures. Can you explain why that is?

Muller got 150,000 from the Koch Foundation, he got a lot more from other sources. I find it amusing that you must insult Anthony Watts (like every good AGW supporter does) and ignore the work he has done WHICH HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY NOAA you know the NATIONAL OCEANIC and ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, funny how they recognise good work and you clowns don't. I wonder why that is? Mayhaps because Watts is making your experts look like a bunch of dolts?

Between him and McIntyre (who quite gleefully demonstrates the elementary school math mistakes that the AGW experts make at every turn) it is no wonder you denigrate them at every turn and try to keep what they have to say away from the public eye, they show you to be a bunch of bumbling boobs every time you open your mouths.

You see dear silly person, when you guys can't debate honestly (and face it, CLIMATEGATE truly exposed you for the frauds you are) you ALLWAYS resort to personal attacks.

It's all you have.
They feel they are the elite of the world and all of these people are a drag on the planet. They would be very happy if most of the people were dead so that they could enjoy the planet without all those "brown people". Interesting how the environmentalists want the Third World to stay poor and undeveloped when every bit of evidence shows that elevation to First World status, reduces global population (just not as fast as the enviro nazis want), reduces pollution (not that they really care about that, if they did their schemes would actually have methods to reduce pollution, they don't...they just want you to pay them to continue to pollute), and leads to better human and animal interactions and preservation.

You know, I don't believe there is a person in the world who believes this stuff - you included. It's just generic, catch-all ranting.

Environmentalists want the Third World to stay poor....what the hell are you talking about?! We're constantly told that environmentalism is left wing and that climate change is about about pouring aid money into Africa - and how you are saying they promote extreme right wing politics and want to starve the Third World?

"Their schemes don't reduce pollution" - so the idea that tidal and nuclear energy produce less emissions than coal is just false, is it?

Is it too much to ask that you think this stuff through and at least come up with a theory that makes basic, logical sense?

I don't need to "believe" anything. Your sides actions and statements make this an assumption that is quite verifiable.
It's interesting that none of the responses to this thread address the science or the key point.

Let's just review that again shall we -

A study designed and funded by climate sceptics has established fundamental proof that human acitivity plays a key role in climate change.

Whine all your want, but that is the key issue, and it's not a surprise to me that most of those who have already made up their mind can't address it.

And a study under peer review showes that the temperature readings that Muller based his analysis on have been doubled inapropriatley. Go figure, the numbers aren't accurate. Yet the self described "former sceptic" used them.

Watts et al. 2012 work page | Watts Up With That?

Under peer review means already published in a peer reviewed scientific journal. Anthony Watts blog is hardly a peer reviewed journal, unless one considers undegreed ex-TV weathermen their peers.

This is just another lie by a professional liar. As you well know.

Really? Here is one of his papers referenced in a NOAA publication....

The only people proven to have lied, are you clowns. And you do it every time you open your trap.
I don't need to "believe" anything. Your sides actions and statements make this an assumption that is quite verifiable.


So the conservatives of the world really are Marxists, and left wing environmentalists really are pushing extreme right wing policies to increase pollution.

I can see you have really given this a lot of thought.
I don't need to "believe" anything. Your sides actions and statements make this an assumption that is quite verifiable.


So the conservatives of the world really are Marxists, and left wing environmentalists really are pushing extreme right wing policies to increase pollution.

I can see you have really given this a lot of thought.

Actually the left isn't advancing any valuable ideas on energy or true pollution. As demonstrated by the phoney list of "alternatives" or "renewables" that don't have a true NEW CLEAN RELIABLE and USABLE energy source in it..

BTW --- have you ever read the Green Party Platform?? I imagine MOST of these folks end up voting left and they CONFIRM the agenda that Westwall and I have observed. These folks consider themselves the Conscience of the enviromental movement and their Political Model is OPENLY anti-growth, anti-free market, anti-consumption and Socialist with Marxist leanings..

The anti-growth, anti-free market yearnings are BUOYED up by political advocacy of closing the debate on GW. AND (as far as pollution goes) the cheering for classifying the CO2 in your LUNGS as a pollutant shows how far your side will go to achieve the goals. THAT DEMEANS all the efforts to reduce true pollutants and keep the environment clean...

IMHO :cool:
I don't need to "believe" anything. Your sides actions and statements make this an assumption that is quite verifiable.


So the conservatives of the world really are Marxists, and left wing environmentalists really are pushing extreme right wing policies to increase pollution.

I can see you have really given this a lot of thought.

Conservative schmermative. There are two governmental types collectivist (like you and your green nazi brethren) and individualist like me. Your side believes that government should have all the power and the people exist for the benefit of the State. I believe otherwise. I believe the State exists for the benefit of the PEOPLE.

Your type of government has ended up murdering more people in the furtherance of its goals than all the religions of the world managed to kill, and they had a 3,000 year head start. Your governmental system has killed tens of millions in less than 150 years, that's simply repulsive.
Westwall -

Firstly, I reallly don't find these fredtheweatherman.com sources particularly convincing, and I think we can assume you wouldn't either if they concluded anything different.

Secondly, I don't see any real evidence presented that the study cited in this thread used the temperature data you say it did.

Thirdly, it seems strange to conclude that a study funded by scpetics would use data which exaggerated temperatures. Can you explain why that is?

Muller got 150,000 from the Koch Foundation, he got a lot more from other sources. I find it amusing that you must insult Anthony Watts (like every good AGW supporter does) and ignore the work he has done WHICH HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY NOAA you know the NATIONAL OCEANIC and ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, funny how they recognise good work and you clowns don't. I wonder why that is? Mayhaps because Watts is making your experts look like a bunch of dolts?

Between him and McIntyre (who quite gleefully demonstrates the elementary school math mistakes that the AGW experts make at every turn) it is no wonder you denigrate them at every turn and try to keep what they have to say away from the public eye, they show you to be a bunch of bumbling boobs every time you open your mouths.

You see dear silly person, when you guys can't debate honestly (and face it, CLIMATEGATE truly exposed you for the frauds you are) you ALLWAYS resort to personal attacks.

It's all you have.

Lot's of flap yap with zero evidence to back it up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

A real scientist presenting real evidence for the mechanism.
Westwall -

Firstly, I reallly don't find these fredtheweatherman.com sources particularly convincing, and I think we can assume you wouldn't either if they concluded anything different.

Secondly, I don't see any real evidence presented that the study cited in this thread used the temperature data you say it did.

Thirdly, it seems strange to conclude that a study funded by scpetics would use data which exaggerated temperatures. Can you explain why that is?

Muller got 150,000 from the Koch Foundation, he got a lot more from other sources. I find it amusing that you must insult Anthony Watts (like every good AGW supporter does) and ignore the work he has done WHICH HAS BEEN CONFIRMED BY NOAA you know the NATIONAL OCEANIC and ATMOSPHERIC ADMINISTRATION, funny how they recognise good work and you clowns don't. I wonder why that is? Mayhaps because Watts is making your experts look like a bunch of dolts?

Between him and McIntyre (who quite gleefully demonstrates the elementary school math mistakes that the AGW experts make at every turn) it is no wonder you denigrate them at every turn and try to keep what they have to say away from the public eye, they show you to be a bunch of bumbling boobs every time you open your mouths.

You see dear silly person, when you guys can't debate honestly (and face it, CLIMATEGATE truly exposed you for the frauds you are) you ALLWAYS resort to personal attacks.

It's all you have.

Lot's of flap yap with zero evidence to back it up.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtRvcXUIyZg]Weather and Climate Summit - Day 5, Jennifer Francis - YouTube[/ame]

A real scientist presenting real evidence for the mechanism.

So was Watt's study. And it was confirmed by NOAA.

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