Ex-Supreme Court Justice Wants to Ban Semi-Automatic Weapons-What Is a Semi-Automatic Weapon?

I was making the point that NOBODY wants anyone to own nukes, therefore everyone is already ok with limiting the 2nd Amendment. The gun crowd in this thread are simply irritated that they have been shown to be FOR limiting the 2nd.

The 2nd Amendment covers bearable arms....again, you really, really need to read Heller if you don't want to post stupid crap....
Ever heard of a suitcase nuke? No? Well now you have. You're welcome. :biggrin:

Nope.....that isn't a bearable arm.....and, if you read Heller, you would know that it is both dangerous and unusual, in that it is an area effect weapon...which is not covered by the 2nd...
So you agree that limiting the 2nd Amendment to exclude nukes is a good thing. Thanks for clearing that up. You may now consider yourself as a pro-infringer of the 2nd Amendment. Good for you.

What a ridiculous argument. Bombs are not arms. Nobody needs to use bombs to defend themselves.
Then why do countries have nukes? It's a deterrent, a defensive tactic. Now you know.

arm 2
1. A weapon, especially a firearm: troops bearing arms; ICBMs, bombs, and other nuclear arms.
2. A branch of a military force: infantry, armor, and other combat arms.
3. arms
Warfare: a call to arms against the invaders.
b. Military service: several million volunteers under arms; the profession of arms.
4. arms
Heraldry Bearings.
b. Insignia, as of a state, an official, a family, or an organization.
v. armed, arm·ing, arms
1. To supply or equip oneself with weaponry.
2. To prepare oneself for warfare or conflict.
1. To equip with weapons: armed themselves with loaded pistols; arm a missile with a warhead; arm a nation for war.
2. To equip with what is needed for effective action: tax advisers who were armed with the latest forms.
3. To provide with something that strengthens or protects: a space reentry vehicle that was armed with a ceramicshield.
4. To prepare (a weapon or electronic system, such as an alarm) for use or operation, as by releasing a safety device.

upper- hunting rifle - 5 shot

lower - assault style - 30 shot

big difference in terms of fire power.

end of story.
We will get a lot of Liberal tears with this:

No. You'll get a lot of liberal laughter as Trump is a clown. But I bet there were a lot of conservative tears when Trump said he would confiscate all guns until the courts reviewed your mental status. Only a moron would trust Trump regarding anything he tweets. lmao

Is that like only a moron would have voted for that affirmative action asshole Obama or that piece of corrupt lying shit Crooked Hillary?

Hillary, Obama? It seems we still have conservative crying like babies even after Obama has been gone for over a year and Hillary has been gone for 6 years. Let go of your mommy's skirt crybaby and join the adult world. lmao
This statement right here....

"Just curious, why do you care if you have one? Seems like overkill for pretty much any civilian situation."

Do you know the intent of the 2nd or not?
If not,you dont need to be in this discussion. If you do,your statement is absolutely stupid and you know it.
The 2nd doesn't say the right to own any weapon ever made. It says that you have the right to bear arms. Which you'd still do even if they took some kinds of guns off the market.

Do you know the intent of the 2nd or not?
I just 'splained it to you.

Yeah, it's funny that back when the 2cd was written people carried, muskets, swords and knives. In my State you can own and carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder anywhere, at any time, except in liquor stores, court houses and banks. But even owning a switch blade (kept in a box in your attic) is a felony punishable by prison. I wonder why? Oh yeah. There is no National Knife Association looking to protect their profits. lol

Is that like the millions of illegal aliens that Obama allowed to flood across the border because there was no advocacy group for American sovereignty?
No. It's like the millions of Russian's you and your boy Trump have paid to pee on your mommy's mattress.

Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

Since only citizens are allowed to vote we have voter registration.

You do not need a license to drive a car unless you are driving it on roads paid for out of public funds.

Business licenses are nothing more than the locals getting some of your tax dollars.

In my life I have earned all kinds of money without government permission.

The right to keep and bear arms is in the Bill of Rights. Go look it up.

That is the only license an American citizen needs to keep and bear arms.
Funny that "only a citizen can vote" yet the conservatives are now and always have been all in for illegal criminals, even those on the no-fly list, to buy guns.
If you BUY a car you still have to have it registered AND have a license, unless you buy a car from a private citizen (like a car thief for example).
Business licenses are there to make sure you are paying your taxes (as all citizens and most illegals do) as well as complying with this countries laws. Only law breakers try to justify not following the law with taxes. Like Don't tax you and don't tax me, tax the guy behind the tree (or laws apply to you and not me).
If you earned money and did not report it you are a criminal. It's funny because many "Illegals" do report all their money and as such are less criminal than you in that sense.
A WELL REGULATED MILITIA are the first four words of the Second. Well regulated MEANS the government can regulated (or pass any laws concerning guns). Go look it up yourself. And while you are there look up all the regulations regarding guns that were imposed by the actual writers of that amendment also known as our forefathers. Derp.

A WELL REGULATED MILITIA are the first four words of the Second. Well regulated MEANS the government can regulated (or pass any laws concerning guns). Go look it up yourself.

Another bonehead speaks up. So, in other words, sedwin, your infarctive cranial cesspool of a mind has decided that the Framers intended that a well regulated militia with the intention of being able to stand up against a standing army in order to insure the security of a Free State be defined and controlled by the very authority it might be called upon to oppose?


So in other words, if the government wanted to assert autocratic control, all they would need to do is "regulate" the militia to having only slingshots? Get them out of the way. Take their guns. No more militia to get in their way. Maybe you ought to read THIS:

The Second Amendment: The Framers' Intentions
Actually you mom was the incredibly stupid one when she didn't have an abortion.

To be clear, that's EXACTLY what the framers said and anyone with a basic education has read all these opinions. The framers DID NOT want a standing Army, thus they created the "militia" concept which is obvious by the verbiage in the 2cd MORON. Further the wanted a WELL REGUALTED (for morons like you REGULATION MEANS LAWS -Derp), and your conservative heroes like Scalia have said so.

Can you legally own a bazooka or a fully auto gun, idiot? No, you cannot under laws proposed and passed by conservatives with the support of the NRA. There is ZERO difference for those who have read and understand the 2cd and existing law.

Go back to watching your buddies on Fox News tell you lies in order that their profits do not drop as owners of gun company stock. YOU are the idiot specifically targeted by thee propaganda campaigns because of your extremely low intelligence quotient.

Incidentally, when we fought the English we were NOT citizens but rather colonists. We did not have the rights of actual ENGLISH citizens who used their ARMY to fight us over our rights. THIS IS YOUR government not some occupying force, (or perhaps you are Russian), however I would LOVE to see you and all your friends try to shoot down an attack helicopter with your teeny, tiny, semi-auto weapons while it is sitting 5 miles away, behind a hill and spraying you with 200 .50 cal bullets a second. YOU are literally an imbecile.

Sorry Moon Bat but that silly militia bullshit was put to bed in the Heller case where the right to keep and bear arms was declared to be an individual right. Probably didn't hear that from Rachael Maddow, Democratunderground or Comedy Central, did you?

You stupid Moon Bats can claim all day long that our Founding Fathers did not intend for Americans to have the right to keep and bear arms but that dog don't hunt.
For a long time I have thought those on the right that claimed the left was coming for our guns were exaggerating, now I apologize because this is exactly what the left would like to do.
Yet when in power they haven't.....
John Paul Stevens in a NYT editorial advocated the banning of not assault rifles but semi-automatic weapons.

So can we define a what a semi automatic weapon is because as far I know and since I am not a gun owner and really don’t know guns, aren’t most hand guns semi-automatic?

So this to me sounds like a ban on most guns, is this correct?

I have been for more control and better background checks but I see the left wanting to ban guns all together and I am seeing the right wing being rightfully cautious.
No. For example, a single-action revolver is not a semi-automatic weapon. A bolt action rifle is not a semi-auto. A semi-auto prepares the ammo for firing without any action needed by the shooter.

It is important to know that even when "assault rifles" were "banned" under the Brady Bill, or full auto rifles were "banned" decades ago, you still could purchase and own such arms if you applied to the ATF for essentially what is a "trust account." They check your background, make you wait, and make you pay for the "license." I bought two "assault rifles" while the Brady Ban was in effect. The claim that all firearms will become "Illegal" is just a fear tactic used by the NRA to ensure that they can profit off firearm sales by being able to sell such to anyone including the mentally disabled, criminal population or those that cannot afford to pay for paperwork. Sensible firearms laws should be: 'If you can qualify, you can own.' Qualification means you lessen the amount of firearms in the hands of those who should not have access to such.

If you need permission from government to exercise a right, it is no longer a right. Is that too damn difficult to understand? A license is permission from government to exercise a constitutional right.
Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

I don’t mind registering a fire arm but other than voting none of those examples are rights.

The "right" is the government to REGULATE firearms well. You cannot own a fully auto gun, a bazooka or even a switch blade even thought are all "arms." Our laws are based upon precedent and conservatives banned fully auto arms and bazookas. Conservatives will throw you in Gitmo if you get caught building "arms" like bombs in your basement. So clearly you do not understand the term "rights."
John Paul Stevens in a NYT editorial advocated the banning of not assault rifles but semi-automatic weapons.

So can we define a what a semi automatic weapon is because as far I know and since I am not a gun owner and really don’t know guns, aren’t most hand guns semi-automatic?

So this to me sounds like a ban on most guns, is this correct?

I have been for more control and better background checks but I see the left wanting to ban guns all together and I am seeing the right wing being rightfully cautious.
No. For example, a single-action revolver is not a semi-automatic weapon. A bolt action rifle is not a semi-auto. A semi-auto prepares the ammo for firing without any action needed by the shooter.

It is important to know that even when "assault rifles" were "banned" under the Brady Bill, or full auto rifles were "banned" decades ago, you still could purchase and own such arms if you applied to the ATF for essentially what is a "trust account." They check your background, make you wait, and make you pay for the "license." I bought two "assault rifles" while the Brady Ban was in effect. The claim that all firearms will become "Illegal" is just a fear tactic used by the NRA to ensure that they can profit off firearm sales by being able to sell such to anyone including the mentally disabled, criminal population or those that cannot afford to pay for paperwork. Sensible firearms laws should be: 'If you can qualify, you can own.' Qualification means you lessen the amount of firearms in the hands of those who should not have access to such.

If you need permission from government to exercise a right, it is no longer a right. Is that too damn difficult to understand? A license is permission from government to exercise a constitutional right.
Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

I don’t mind registering a fire arm but other than voting none of those examples are rights.

You should be against that too......the reason they want you to register the gun you have is so that when they get the political power, they know where it is when they tell you to get rid of it or turn it in.....it happened this way in Germany, Britain, Australia, Canada, New York, Chicago.......

There is no need to register guns...they do not use registration to solve crimes or to stop crimes, as police will tell you...the only reason, is to know who has them for confiscation....

A vote for any conservative is a vote to allow Putin and his communist ideals to rule over the United States of America. I'm guessing you have a poster of a shirtless Putin pasted to the very computer you post from, right comrade?
The 2nd doesn't say the right to own any weapon ever made. It says that you have the right to bear arms. Which you'd still do even if they took some kinds of guns off the market.

Do you know the intent of the 2nd or not?
I just 'splained it to you.

Yeah, it's funny that back when the 2cd was written people carried, muskets, swords and knives. In my State you can own and carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder anywhere, at any time, except in liquor stores, court houses and banks. But even owning a switch blade (kept in a box in your attic) is a felony punishable by prison. I wonder why? Oh yeah. There is no National Knife Association looking to protect their profits. lol

Is that like the millions of illegal aliens that Obama allowed to flood across the border because there was no advocacy group for American sovereignty?
No. It's like the millions of Russian's you and your boy Trump have paid to pee on your mommy's mattress.

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless hate Trump bullshit and cramp it up your Libtard ass. I don't care.

If we are going to be concerned about corruption with the Russians we need to look into Crooked Hillary making millions with her little uranium deal with the Russians or what the filthy ass Democrat Party thought they were buying from the Russians when they bellied up $12 million for a fake dossier on Trump. Didn't work out out too well for them, did it? How many corrupt Democrats do you think will be going to jail now that the AG is going to investigate the little assholes?
John Paul Stevens in a NYT editorial advocated the banning of not assault rifles but semi-automatic weapons.

So can we define a what a semi automatic weapon is because as far I know and since I am not a gun owner and really don’t know guns, aren’t most hand guns semi-automatic?

So this to me sounds like a ban on most guns, is this correct?

I have been for more control and better background checks but I see the left wanting to ban guns all together and I am seeing the right wing being rightfully cautious.
No. For example, a single-action revolver is not a semi-automatic weapon. A bolt action rifle is not a semi-auto. A semi-auto prepares the ammo for firing without any action needed by the shooter.

It is important to know that even when "assault rifles" were "banned" under the Brady Bill, or full auto rifles were "banned" decades ago, you still could purchase and own such arms if you applied to the ATF for essentially what is a "trust account." They check your background, make you wait, and make you pay for the "license." I bought two "assault rifles" while the Brady Ban was in effect. The claim that all firearms will become "Illegal" is just a fear tactic used by the NRA to ensure that they can profit off firearm sales by being able to sell such to anyone including the mentally disabled, criminal population or those that cannot afford to pay for paperwork. Sensible firearms laws should be: 'If you can qualify, you can own.' Qualification means you lessen the amount of firearms in the hands of those who should not have access to such.

If you need permission from government to exercise a right, it is no longer a right. Is that too damn difficult to understand? A license is permission from government to exercise a constitutional right.
Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

I don’t mind registering a fire arm but other than voting none of those examples are rights.

The "right" is the government to REGULATE firearms well. You cannot own a fully auto gun, a bazooka or even a switch blade even thought are all "arms." Our laws are based upon precedent and conservatives banned fully auto arms and bazookas. Conservatives will throw you in Gitmo if you get caught building "arms" like bombs in your basement. So clearly you do not understand the term "rights."
then they can regulate your speech. or any other right out there.

i don't disagree that we do have regulations in place and that changes need to be made. but all this banning talk needs to end. it's become more than painfully obvious the left doesn't understand enough of what TO ban so they just want to ban ANYTHING that looks military. they can't define AR15 past "well its an assault weapon" of which it was never initially one but the left insisted over and over and over and over again it is that now people just go with it. but it's still fundamentally no different than a mini 14 or many sporting rifles that are semi-automatic. biggest difference is the mag capacity. we can drop that down but it's a pyrrhic "victory" at best for no other reason than you can reload them directly w/o removing them faster than you can change 'em out and have less to carry. next up the left will band to ban speed loaders because what they're trying to ban today is stupid and has nothing to do with the overall issue of our gun culture and little respect for others.

banning guns won't make people hate less so the problem will simply shift.
'Gun control is NOT about guns Gun control is about power. It’s about removing the power of security over your life, and the lives of your family members, and handing it over to the statist class.'

Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

Since only citizens are allowed to vote we have voter registration.

You do not need a license to drive a car unless you are driving it on roads paid for out of public funds.

Business licenses are nothing more than the locals getting some of your tax dollars.

In my life I have earned all kinds of money without government permission.

The right to keep and bear arms is in the Bill of Rights. Go look it up.

That is the only license an American citizen needs to keep and bear arms.
Funny that "only a citizen can vote" yet the conservatives are now and always have been all in for illegal criminals, even those on the no-fly list, to buy guns.
If you BUY a car you still have to have it registered AND have a license, unless you buy a car from a private citizen (like a car thief for example).
Business licenses are there to make sure you are paying your taxes (as all citizens and most illegals do) as well as complying with this countries laws. Only law breakers try to justify not following the law with taxes. Like Don't tax you and don't tax me, tax the guy behind the tree (or laws apply to you and not me).
If you earned money and did not report it you are a criminal. It's funny because many "Illegals" do report all their money and as such are less criminal than you in that sense.
A WELL REGULATED MILITIA are the first four words of the Second. Well regulated MEANS the government can regulated (or pass any laws concerning guns). Go look it up yourself. And while you are there look up all the regulations regarding guns that were imposed by the actual writers of that amendment also known as our forefathers. Derp.

A WELL REGULATED MILITIA are the first four words of the Second. Well regulated MEANS the government can regulated (or pass any laws concerning guns). Go look it up yourself.

Another bonehead speaks up. So, in other words, sedwin, your infarctive cranial cesspool of a mind has decided that the Framers intended that a well regulated militia with the intention of being able to stand up against a standing army in order to insure the security of a Free State be defined and controlled by the very authority it might be called upon to oppose?


So in other words, if the government wanted to assert autocratic control, all they would need to do is "regulate" the militia to having only slingshots? Get them out of the way. Take their guns. No more militia to get in their way. Maybe you ought to read THIS:

The Second Amendment: The Framers' Intentions
Actually you mom was the incredibly stupid one when she didn't have an abortion.

To be clear, that's EXACTLY what the framers said and anyone with a basic education has read all these opinions. The framers DID NOT want a standing Army, thus they created the "militia" concept which is obvious by the verbiage in the 2cd MORON. Further the wanted a WELL REGUALTED (for morons like you REGULATION MEANS LAWS -Derp), and your conservative heroes like Scalia have said so.

Can you legally own a bazooka or a fully auto gun, idiot? No, you cannot under laws proposed and passed by conservatives with the support of the NRA. There is ZERO difference for those who have read and understand the 2cd and existing law.

Go back to watching your buddies on Fox News tell you lies in order that their profits do not drop as owners of gun company stock. YOU are the idiot specifically targeted by thee propaganda campaigns because of your extremely low intelligence quotient.

Incidentally, when we fought the English we were NOT citizens but rather colonists. We did not have the rights of actual ENGLISH citizens who used their ARMY to fight us over our rights. THIS IS YOUR government not some occupying force, (or perhaps you are Russian), however I would LOVE to see you and all your friends try to shoot down an attack helicopter with your teeny, tiny, semi-auto weapons while it is sitting 5 miles away, behind a hill and spraying you with 200 .50 cal bullets a second. YOU are literally an imbecile.

Sorry Moon Bat but that silly militia bullshit was put to bed in the Heller case where the right to keep and bear arms was declared to be an individual right. Probably didn't hear that from Rachael Maddow, Democratunderground or Comedy Central, did you?

You stupid Moon Bats can claim all day long that our Founding Fathers did not intend for Americans to have the right to keep and bear arms but that dog don't hunt.
Look another idiot with an IQ lower than room temperature telling me what Heller said. IF you had read Heller the decision says we have a right to own firearms BUT the government has the right to pass gun laws. If you could read I would suggest you actually do so. Derp.
Do you know the intent of the 2nd or not?
I just 'splained it to you.

Yeah, it's funny that back when the 2cd was written people carried, muskets, swords and knives. In my State you can own and carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder anywhere, at any time, except in liquor stores, court houses and banks. But even owning a switch blade (kept in a box in your attic) is a felony punishable by prison. I wonder why? Oh yeah. There is no National Knife Association looking to protect their profits. lol

Is that like the millions of illegal aliens that Obama allowed to flood across the border because there was no advocacy group for American sovereignty?
No. It's like the millions of Russian's you and your boy Trump have paid to pee on your mommy's mattress.

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless hate Trump bullshit and cramp it up your Libtard ass. I don't care.

If we are going to be concerned about corruption with the Russians we need to look into Crooked Hillary making millions with her little uranium deal with the Russians or what the filthy ass Democrat Party thought they were buying from the Russians when they bellied up $12 million for a fake dossier on Trump. Didn't work out out too well for them, did it? How many corrupt Democrats do you think will be going to jail now that the AG is going to investigate the little assholes?

Sure...I believe you. Every Hillary/Obama hating conservative claims they didn't vote for Trump. The voted for Daffy Duck! lmao

Yes. Look into Hillary. But while you are talking about 'filthy asses' that reminds me, I forgot to leave your mommy her $1.00 fee after I left her bedroom last night. Incidentally she told me she voted for Obama BOTH time because he looked EXACTLY like your real father. lmao
'Gun control is NOT about guns Gun control is about power. It’s about removing the power of security over your life, and the lives of your family members, and handing it over to the statist class.'

Democrat politicians are not stupid enough to believe that taking guns away from Americans will stop any shooting. They want us to be disarmed so the criminal could have the upper hand. By doing so, it makes us all victims. Democrats love victims and victims love Democrats.

If somebody with a gun broke down my door tonight to rob my apartment, they would not only be met with equal firepower, but I'd have an advantage over them because they don't know where my bedroom is or where I'd be coming from. So criminals seldom rob occupied homes. Give the criminal the confidence that you are incapable of defending yourself, then the only thing you can do is let them rob your home, beat you, and even shoot you. Your only defense is government. That's the way the Democrats want it too.
I just 'splained it to you.

Yeah, it's funny that back when the 2cd was written people carried, muskets, swords and knives. In my State you can own and carry a gun on your hip or over your shoulder anywhere, at any time, except in liquor stores, court houses and banks. But even owning a switch blade (kept in a box in your attic) is a felony punishable by prison. I wonder why? Oh yeah. There is no National Knife Association looking to protect their profits. lol

Is that like the millions of illegal aliens that Obama allowed to flood across the border because there was no advocacy group for American sovereignty?
No. It's like the millions of Russian's you and your boy Trump have paid to pee on your mommy's mattress.

I didn't vote for Trump so you can take your mindless hate Trump bullshit and cramp it up your Libtard ass. I don't care.

If we are going to be concerned about corruption with the Russians we need to look into Crooked Hillary making millions with her little uranium deal with the Russians or what the filthy ass Democrat Party thought they were buying from the Russians when they bellied up $12 million for a fake dossier on Trump. Didn't work out out too well for them, did it? How many corrupt Democrats do you think will be going to jail now that the AG is going to investigate the little assholes?

Sure...I believe you. Every Hillary/Obama hating conservative claims they didn't vote for Trump. The voted for Daffy Duck! lmao

Yes. Look into Hillary. But while you are talking about 'filthy asses' that reminds me, I forgot to leave your mommy her $1.00 fee after I left her bedroom last night. Incidentally she told me she voted for Obama BOTH time because he looked EXACTLY like your real father. lmao

I see a ban coming......
All someone has to do is report you.
View attachment 185547

upper- hunting rifle - 5 shot

lower - assault style - 30 shot

big difference in terms of fire power.

end of story.
Actually not really, the bottom one has a removable magazine. Theoretically you could just ban the magazines and make "civilian versions" that only hold 10 bullets.

The first M16 model held only 20 rounds in the magazine.
John Paul Stevens in a NYT editorial advocated the banning of not assault rifles but semi-automatic weapons.

So can we define a what a semi automatic weapon is because as far I know and since I am not a gun owner and really don’t know guns, aren’t most hand guns semi-automatic?

So this to me sounds like a ban on most guns, is this correct?

I have been for more control and better background checks but I see the left wanting to ban guns all together and I am seeing the right wing being rightfully cautious.
No. For example, a single-action revolver is not a semi-automatic weapon. A bolt action rifle is not a semi-auto. A semi-auto prepares the ammo for firing without any action needed by the shooter.

It is important to know that even when "assault rifles" were "banned" under the Brady Bill, or full auto rifles were "banned" decades ago, you still could purchase and own such arms if you applied to the ATF for essentially what is a "trust account." They check your background, make you wait, and make you pay for the "license." I bought two "assault rifles" while the Brady Ban was in effect. The claim that all firearms will become "Illegal" is just a fear tactic used by the NRA to ensure that they can profit off firearm sales by being able to sell such to anyone including the mentally disabled, criminal population or those that cannot afford to pay for paperwork. Sensible firearms laws should be: 'If you can qualify, you can own.' Qualification means you lessen the amount of firearms in the hands of those who should not have access to such.

If you need permission from government to exercise a right, it is no longer a right. Is that too damn difficult to understand? A license is permission from government to exercise a constitutional right.
Do you need to register to vote? To own and drive a car? To go to school? To own a business? To earn any money at all? You are confusing the "rights" of citizens within a certain country to the rights of someone living alone on a deserted island.

I don’t mind registering a fire arm but other than voting none of those examples are rights.

The "right" is the government to REGULATE firearms well. You cannot own a fully auto gun, a bazooka or even a switch blade even thought are all "arms." Our laws are based upon precedent and conservatives banned fully auto arms and bazookas. Conservatives will throw you in Gitmo if you get caught building "arms" like bombs in your basement. So clearly you do not understand the term "rights."

Again, when you can address the original post without throwing in all the other BS, let me know.

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