Ex-U.S. Arms Hunter Kay Says No Stockpiles in Iraq

WOw, you guys are jokes...

try this


Are all the libs Euros? Must be, I can't believe we would have this many anti-Semites in USA, but I guess I could be wrong. Welcome to the land of tinfoil hats, you Nazis.
Watch your step their Kathianne, you're bordering on hypocrate.

The democratic party, started by Thomas Jefferson, is the oldest party to ever exist on this earth, and possibly the most respected party too.

Grand ol' republican party on the other hand, have done nothing good for this country, and never will.
Sorry Jones, just like Civil War days the GOP is standing for democracy in Israel and elsewhere. It's you kin that are being anti-Semetic.
Hows that?
And no your party does not stand for democracy, or else they would allow for hefty debate before making a stand. Thats the American way!

Like I said, the GOP has done nothing good for this country, and never will.
Well that's profound, especially considering it's the party of Lincoln. Not too mention that more members of GOP voted for 1965 Civil Rights legislation than party in power at the time.
Originally posted by jones
WOw, you guys are jokes...

try this



Damn, you had a 4th try after I left and you still couldn't get it right? I still don't understand why you just don't link to the actual site. :rolleyes:
Hey Jimmy, just what he wants: Bush lied

Nothing else matters, especially the truth.
Originally posted by Kathianne
Hey Jimmy, just what he wants: Bush lied

Nothing else matters, especially the truth.

Jones has already stated previously that he didn't care for the truth. He exposed himself in the thread about O'neill. He's a clueless follower.
Shah right, and monkeys fly out of my butt!

Back in Lincoln's day the GOP was respectable, and didn't bow down to corporate croneys.

Opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1957

Opposed the Civil Rights of 1964

Opposed the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

Don't even say I dont want the truth jimnyc. Oh wait you could care less about the truth behind 9/11. You've proven that to me.

weee! this is fun.
Originally posted by jones
Don't even say I dont want the truth jimnyc. Oh wait you could care less about the truth behind 9/11. You've proven that to me.

How, by siding with the facts that have been released thus far? Just because I don't subscribe to conspiracy theories doesn't mean I'm not interested in the truth.
Originally posted by Kathianne
Well that's profound, especially considering it's the party of Lincoln. Not too mention that more members of GOP voted for 1965 Civil Rights legislation than party in power at the time.

There were times when your party was not filled with corporate defenders. They had real conservtive values.

"I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country; corporations have been enthroned, an era of corruption in High Places will follow, and the Money Power of the Country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the People, until the wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed."
and there was a time that the democrats were the party of new ideas, but that hasn't been the case in 40 years.
The civil war was fought over southern slavery. Europe in the process of industrialization had already seen the end of slavery in the 1830s , and the newfounded democratic party was influenced in the south by the fear of plantation owners that they would be next. Northern Republicans were inclined to support the abolitionist Abraham Lincoln. The Pro-slavery Democrats led by Jefferson Davis, threatened to secede if such a man was ever elected. Lincoln was elected, the democratic south seceded, half a million Americans died in a civil war that was only won when the union resorted to slash and burn tactics, and only then did the democrats bow down to accept abolition. The North had beaten the south through industry and manpower and federal control, while the strength of the south had been a combination of pride, elite generals, cavalry and slaves.

The Pro-slavery Democrats were humiliated. The reconstruction that followed the civil war saw an influx of pro civil rights Republicans and freed blacks taking elected offices in southern house and senate positions and fighting for civil rights reforms, aided by the potential of a strong black vote. This political process was additionally protected by the same federal system of soldiers supported by northern corporate industry which had won the war. The democrats cheered when Lincoln was assassinated and his successor proved to be "more Democrat than Republican" But with the former confederate states still out of the union, a northern republican led congress passed the 13th amendment.

In reaction to the 13th amendment, many democratic southern states passed "Black Codes" which removed the rights of blacks in their own states. In 1868, the republican federal government attempted to counter the black codes with the 14th amendment. Grant campaigned with the help of Douglass and won the south with the black vote. The 15th amendment was passed in 1870. Between 1868-70 the southern states were allowed to reenter the union and in this time many black politicians were elected. At this point in time the federal government was doing well, and there was a large cash flow. Many politicians took off the radar bonuses. Two southern black politicians were among those implicated and the media latched onto it.

In this environment the democrats began creating the myth of the prewar "Great White South." They claimed that the system of slavery had allowed the south to cultivate a polite enlightened culture, free of corruption, in which black slaves and poor folk lived in harmony with the plantation owners. Not unsurprisingly, this delusion was found as a comfort by many americans, north and south, who had been against abolition. They slandered the 'carpetbagging' republican politicians, and their 'scalawag' brothers at every opportunity, and had rallys with confederate flags to spite the federal troops. (OT: Today the democrats label Colen Powell, condoleeza Rice, Rod Paige uncle toms, but in light of this, one wonders if they really mean to call them carpet baggers?) In 1875 republicans, led by several black republican representatives in congress passed the Civil Rights Bill of 1875

Democrats called the bluff of the republican north and, defying federal control, began systematically running republicans and blacks out of office, to the grave in some cases(Twitchell massacre). Facing economic woes and having its own labor disputes, the republican led government signalled its defeat against the racist democratic south in the compromises that came out of the election of Hayes. They could not muster the strength to defeat the resurgence of the racist democratic south. Racism had found a friend in economic unrest. The democrats remained champions of the great white south until the 60s, and even while their presidents approved the bills Johnson muttered derogatory terms at King and Democrats gave more legislative opposition to the amendments of civil rights. Civil rights only became convenient when it was necesarry to defend socialism, which as it was implemented, perpetuated many economic and racial conflicts, empowering the democratic party. Strom Thurmond, who filibustered for more than a day against civil rights died serving as a Democrat in the Senate in this year.
How'd we go from Kay on Iraq weapons to Dems v. Repubs on race?

Well, as long we're here...

The modern conservative belief that they are the true "anti-racist" party is the biggest load of manure I've ever heard. Republicans are just in denial. Pssst! Karl Rove! The Hispanics aren't going to vote Republican if you send personal invitations to jump the border to every Mexican man, woman and child!

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