Exactly How Blatant…

….a cover-up for criminality will you accept????

With the Liberals no longer in control of the Supreme Court……one can wistfully imagine justice returning to America.
Time for the Hillary/Comey trials??????

At issue is the clearly illegal behaviors that FBI Director Comey pretended didn’t happen…..

1.Even Hillary’s traditional allies at the Washington Post couldn’t swallow this:

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing…. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation. I had one device. When I mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system.”
— Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview with CNN, July 7, 2015

Three Pinocchio’s from their fact-checker.
Hillary Clinton’s claim that ‘everything I did [on e-mails] was permitted’

2. But the WaPo couldn’t indict her…..the FBI could….if it followed the law without that pro-Hillary bias.
Comey outright lied in inserting some imaginary ‘intent’ in the law….He said:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”


3. “…nowhere in 18 U.S.C. 793 (f) of the Espionage Act which governs the ‘grossly negligent ‘ handling of classified information does it state that a defendant must have intended to break the law in order to be charged of found guilty.”
Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p.28

4. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Do you find the word ‘willingly’ or ‘intentionally’?

Outside of a biased or corrupt intent….why is Hillary not charged?????

Soooo…..let Hillary skate?

You must be a Liberal, huh.....laws are only for the 'little people,' ....the deplorables.
Lol, you're talking about blatant and ignoring Bart O'Kavanaugh's nationally televised perjury.

That's quite possibly the most hypocritical thing I've ever seen.

Hack's gonna hack I guess.

what did he lie about? please be specific and provide proof.
10. “Comey: Clinton gave non-cleared people access to classified information

“Did Hillary Clinton give non cleared people access to classified information?” Chaffetz asked.

“Yes,” Comey said, repeating, “Yes.”
Comey: Clinton gave non-cleared people access to classified information

She broke the law for her personal profit.....but.....she didn't really meannnnnnnnnnn it!!!!!
And only four lost their lives as a result....but, heck, she's one of us!

“... the director testified that up to ten other people had access to her server without having the necessary security clearance. But one of the most talked about moments today came when Congressman Trey Gowdy confronted Director Comey with a laundry list of false statements that Mrs. Clinton has made in the course of this investigation.”

“Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

The law is perfectly clear…..as are Comey’s intentions.
President Trump could order an investigation into Hillary with a snap of his fingers. It would take less time than a tweet about the ratings of The Apprentice. I can’t imagine it would take very long since her crimes are so obvious.

After Heir Mueller and the midterms...
Well, heck, if Hillary needs an excuse....like, when you're pulled over for speeding and claim you were just going the same as everyone else....

Ol' Hill can point out that all the Democrat women do it.

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz had a Pakistani agent as her communications guy:
"A now-indicted IT aide to various House Democrats was sending money and gifts to government officials in Pakistan and received protection from the Pakistani police, multiple relatives claim.

A Democratic aide also said Imran Awan personally bragged to him that he could have people tortured in Pakistan. Awan’s lawyer acknowledged that he was sending money to a member of the Faisalabad police department, but said there was a good explanation."
Wasserman Schultz IT Aide Allegedly Bragged He Paid Pakistani Police For Protection

And Di Fi had a Chinese Red Army spy as her aide for 16 years....
"...Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., was compromised for more than a decade by a staffer with connections to Chinese spying. Kudos also to the reporters who've noticed the senator's long history of lobbying on behalf of China's interests.

Why this story hasn’t gotten wall-to-wall coverage is anyone’s guess."
Media glosses over Dianne Feinstein’s Chinese spy

And of course, Hillary's spouse too cash from the Red Chinese Army to sell out our missile technology......

So....what the heck.....they must be allowed to break the law.
Exactly How Blatant…

….a cover-up for criminality will you accept????

Let's check:

11. “REP. TREY GOWDY, R-S.C.: Secretary Clinton said she never sent or received any classified information over her private e-mail. Was that true?

COMEY: Our investigation found that there was classified information sent.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said there was nothing marked classified on her e-mails, either sent or received. Was that true?

COMEY: That's not true.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said I did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. There is no classified material. Was that true?

COMEY: There was classified material e-mailed.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said she used just one device. Was that true?

COMEY: She used multiple devices.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said all work-related e-mails were returned to the State Department. Was that true?

COMEY: No. We found work-related e-mails.

GOWDY: Secretary Clinton said her lawyers read every one of the e-mails and were overly inclusive. Did her lawyers read the e-mail content individually?

COMEY: No.” http://www.foxnews.com/transcript/2...-intent-chaffetz-asks-fbi-to-investigate.html

She lied, she broke the law......and Comey simply gave her a pat on the head.

Lock 'em both up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
….a cover-up for criminality will you accept????

With the Liberals no longer in control of the Supreme Court……one can wistfully imagine justice returning to America.
Time for the Hillary/Comey trials??????

At issue is the clearly illegal behaviors that FBI Director Comey pretended didn’t happen…..

1.Even Hillary’s traditional allies at the Washington Post couldn’t swallow this:

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing…. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation. I had one device. When I mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system.”
— Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview with CNN, July 7, 2015

Three Pinocchio’s from their fact-checker.
Hillary Clinton’s claim that ‘everything I did [on e-mails] was permitted’

2. But the WaPo couldn’t indict her…..the FBI could….if it followed the law without that pro-Hillary bias.
Comey outright lied in inserting some imaginary ‘intent’ in the law….He said:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”


3. “…nowhere in 18 U.S.C. 793 (f) of the Espionage Act which governs the ‘grossly negligent ‘ handling of classified information does it state that a defendant must have intended to break the law in order to be charged of found guilty.”
Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p.28

4. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Do you find the word ‘willingly’ or ‘intentionally’?

Outside of a biased or corrupt intent….why is Hillary not charged?????

Soooo…..let Hillary skate?

You must be a Liberal, huh.....laws are only for the 'little people,' ....the deplorables.
State Department knew everything about Hillary’s server
Did nothing

No Harm, no foul
But If you’re looking g at trump scum BS they hope you won’t look at their treasonous insane incompetent orange Jesus
….a cover-up for criminality will you accept????

With the Liberals no longer in control of the Supreme Court……one can wistfully imagine justice returning to America.
Time for the Hillary/Comey trials??????

At issue is the clearly illegal behaviors that FBI Director Comey pretended didn’t happen…..

1.Even Hillary’s traditional allies at the Washington Post couldn’t swallow this:

“Everything I did was permitted. There was no law. There was no regulation. There was nothing that did not give me the full authority to decide how I was going to communicate. Previous secretaries of state have said they did the same thing…. Everything I did was permitted by law and regulation. I had one device. When I mailed anybody in the government, it would go into the government system.”
— Former secretary of state Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview with CNN, July 7, 2015

Three Pinocchio’s from their fact-checker.
Hillary Clinton’s claim that ‘everything I did [on e-mails] was permitted’

2. But the WaPo couldn’t indict her…..the FBI could….if it followed the law without that pro-Hillary bias.
Comey outright lied in inserting some imaginary ‘intent’ in the law….He said:

“Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.”


3. “…nowhere in 18 U.S.C. 793 (f) of the Espionage Act which governs the ‘grossly negligent ‘ handling of classified information does it state that a defendant must have intended to break the law in order to be charged of found guilty.”
Jarrett, “The Russia Hoax,” p.28

4. “Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody” has committed a felony. 18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

Do you find the word ‘willingly’ or ‘intentionally’?

Outside of a biased or corrupt intent….why is Hillary not charged?????

Soooo…..let Hillary skate?

You must be a Liberal, huh.....laws are only for the 'little people,' ....the deplorables.
State Department knew everything about Hillary’s server
Did nothing

No Harm, no foul
But If you’re looking g at trump scum BS they hope you won’t look at their treasonous insane incompetent orange Jesus

Are you still supporting the anti-Semite party????

1. "CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal
  • CNN has refused to inform their audience of a growing scandal tying prominent Democrats to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious anti-Semite and racist
  • At least eight Democrats are known to have met with Farrakhan and four have refused to denounce him
The leaders of Women’s March, a top progressive organization, have declared their support for Farrakhan and have refused to denounce him even as they alienate other progressives by supporting a rabid anti-Semite. The group’s co-president, Tamika Mallory, suggested that Farrakhan is right to call Jews his enemies and compared him to Jesus."
CNN’s Bizarre Blackout On Democrats’ Farrakhan Scandal

2. Now this...

"D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’
A D.C. lawmaker responded to a brief snowfall Friday by publishing a video in which he espoused a conspiracy theory that Jewish financiers control the weather.

D.C. Council member Trayon White Sr. (D-Ward 8):
“Man, it just started snowing out of nowhere this morning, man. Y’all better pay attention to this climate control, man, this climate manipulation,” he says. “And D.C. keep talking about, ‘We a resilient city.’ And that’s a model based off the Rothschilds controlling the climate to create natural disasters they can pay for to own the cities, man. Be careful.”
D.C. lawmaker says recent snowfall caused by ‘Rothschilds controlling the climate’

3. Quite a coincidence that the recent occupant of the Oval Office, Hussein Obama, evinced a never-before seen hatred of the Jewish state of Israel.

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........

4. "Is it correct Obama invited Sharpton to the White House upwards of 85 times? And does that make Sharpton a “close adviser” of the president?" asked Kessler in laying out the basis for his re-examination of the former mayor's assertion.

He confirms that Sharpton has visited the White House on 72 occasions, including 5 one-on-one meetings, 20 meetings with staff members or senior advisers."
WaPo Fact Checker: Giuliani Right on Sharpton Visits to WH | Newsmax.com

5. "Al Sharpton’s Group And Black Lives Matter Team Up For Pro-Farrakhan Protest

  • Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panther Party, and Rev. Al Sharpton’s National Action Network are organizing a protest in defense of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan
  • Farrakhan is a notorious racist and anti-Semite with close ties to Democratic politicians and activists
  • The black activist groups are lobbying against a GOP resolution formally condemning Farrakhan for his anti-Semitism" Al Sharpton’s Group And Black Lives Matter Team Up For Pro-Farrakhan Protest

Now....about folks who claim to be of the Jewish persuasion, yet vote Democrat........

6. It has long been known that Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour is a proud supporter of Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. Earlier this month, it emerged that her colleague Tamika Mallory was present at the organization’s annual “Saviour’s Day” event in February, where Farrakhan condemned “Satanic Jews” for being “the mother and father of apartheid,” alleged they control the FBI, and blamed them for chemically inducing homosexuality in black men through the distribution of marijuana. What more is there to say?"
Stop Making Excuses for Louis Farrakhan’s Lunacy

Hillary lied, she broke the law......and Comey simply gave her a pat on the head.

12. How iniquitous must one be to give the elites an ‘attaboy’ for this sort of corruption:

“….the five so-called immunity agreements granted to Clinton’s State Department aides and IT experts.

Cheryl Mills, Clinton's former chief of staff, along with two other State Department staffers, John Bentel and Heather Samuelson, were afforded immunity agreements, as was Bryan Pagliano, Clinton's former IT aide, and Paul Combetta, an employee at Platte River networks, the firm hired to manage her server after she left the State Department.

As Fox News has reported, Combetta utilized the computer program “Bleachbit” to destroy Clinton’s records, despite an order from Congress to preserve them, and Samuelson also destroyed Clinton’s emails.

Pagliano established the system that illegally transferred classified and top secret information to Clinton’s private server. Mills disclosed classified information to the Clinton’s family foundation in the process, breaking federal laws.”
FBI, DOJ roiled by Comey, Lynch decision to let Clinton slide by on emails, says insider

With the Liberals no longer in control of the Supreme Court……one can wistfully imagine justice returning to America.

Time for the Hillary/Comey trials??????

You betcha’!!!!!!!!!
A Democratic aide also said Imran Awan personally bragged to him that he could have people tortured in Pakistan.

and when W was waterboarding treasonous lies out of innocents in a new CIA branch in Gaddafi's Libya, politicalchic was singing the praises of waterboarding....

Ibn al-Shaykh al-Libi Has Died In A Libyan Prison - 911Truth.Org %

Libi was waterboarded to say that Saddam was giving chem and bio to AQ... and political chic cheered....

we waterboarded THREE terrorist assholes, those actions likely saved thousands of American lives. I say it was the right thing to do. If you think KSM and the others were innocents, you are as dumb as a sack of rat shit.

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