Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

The America hating Right, like Russia Limbaugh, brags about dividing this once great country. They want to destroy the USA from within!

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Gee I thought you guys said Rush is just an entertainer. Now you treat his words as gospel truth!!! :dunno:

A great many people treat his words as gospel truth.
----------------------------- both Rush and the TRUMP are pretty good with words that at least Annoy GGator .

and that seems to be all that matters to you.
------------------------------------ yeah , pretty much . As I have often said on this board , everything seems cool and ok to me and I see no reason to be friends with people I dislike GGator .
The real fact is that 90 percent of the country isn't worried whatsoever. They wake up, slog away day after day to survive the day at work, go home, watch some show, and go to bed. What is going on they consider last on their agendas. All the arguing about the so called important political issues doesn't amount to a hill of garbage.
Much has been written about "tearing our country apart," but the identification of who is doing the tearing is studiously avoided by the Left/Democrats/MSM in this country.

The incipient action which has led to this situation was the election of Donald Trump as President. Are we seriously going to blame voters for exercising their constitutional rights? Or should we blame the reaction of those who will not accept this outcome?

The answer should be obvious to any fair minded person. The legitimate remedy for those who are unhappy with the results of an election is to elect different people in the next election. It is those who seek to abrogate the votes of millions of Americans who are tearing this country apart.


I am tearing the country apart.

I said I believed gays should have the same rights as everyone else and you went ballistic.

my bad.

I said I wanted laws to be based on reason and logic and NOT any religion and you went nuts.

my fault entirely.

I said it was wrong to destroy peoples lives simply for smoking marijuana and you went crazy. like you were on drugs, or something.

so sorry.

I said I didn't think trump, because of his bad behavior, his rude manners and his penchant for mocking decent people, was unfit for the presidency and you want to start a civil war and kill me.

So it is pretty obvious that I am the guy who is tearing our country apart.

I apologize.

What you should apologize for is trying to lie about the shit you say and expecting us to believe you. We're not leftists; our memories extend farther back than five minutes.

If you want to be viewed as an intelligent and respectable person, you're going to have to do better than spewing nonsense and then telling us that your shit was roses.
Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

Good question.

There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher and they wouldn't be so quick to protest again. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Beat the crap out of 'im. Boom boom boom. Knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. Please don't be too nice. We've become weak, we've become weak. There's nothing you can do folks, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Anybody who can do a body slam, that's my type. Very fine people.

Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to gyrate uncontrollably to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who won't lie for me.

Reminds me of certain Democrats and Hollywood celebrities regurgitating their baseless hatred of a duly elected President. I love that Trump is punching back that is why I voted for him in the first place. Plus he has a sense of humor....."Sorry honey you can't watch the game, the wind isn't blowing" LOL......Classic!!

That's what you think is "humor", is it?

How 'bout this one. "My father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany". Hilarious, innit?
Much has been written about "tearing our country apart," but the identification of who is doing the tearing is studiously avoided by the Left/Democrats/MSM in this country.

The incipient action which has led to this situation was the election of Donald Trump as President. Are we seriously going to blame voters for exercising their constitutional rights? Or should we blame the reaction of those who will not accept this outcome?

The answer should be obvious to any fair minded person. The legitimate remedy for those who are unhappy with the results of an election is to elect different people in the next election. It is those who seek to abrogate the votes of millions of Americans who are tearing this country apart.


I am tearing the country apart.

I said I believed gays should have the same rights as everyone else and you went ballistic.

my bad.

I said I wanted laws to be based on reason and logic and NOT any religion and you went nuts.

my fault entirely.

I said it was wrong to destroy peoples lives simply for smoking marijuana and you went crazy. like you were on drugs, or something.

so sorry.

I said I didn't think trump, because of his bad behavior, his rude manners and his penchant for mocking decent people, was unfit for the presidency and you want to start a civil war and kill me.

So it is pretty obvious that I am the guy who is tearing our country apart.

I apologize.

What you should apologize for is trying to lie about the shit you say and expecting us to believe you. We're not leftists; our memories extend farther back than five minutes.

If you want to be viewed as an intelligent and respectable person, you're going to have to do better than spewing nonsense and then telling us that your shit was roses.

Oh look, it's the capitulating Rumpbot machine who's been looking for any example of my using a Generalization Fallacy for six months and has yet to find a single one, yet is unable to admit she was wrong.

Sorry, is it eight months? I've lost track.
Much has been written about "tearing our country apart," but the identification of who is doing the tearing is studiously avoided by the Left/Democrats/MSM in this country.

The incipient action which has led to this situation was the election of Donald Trump as President. Are we seriously going to blame voters for exercising their constitutional rights? Or should we blame the reaction of those who will not accept this outcome?

The answer should be obvious to any fair minded person. The legitimate remedy for those who are unhappy with the results of an election is to elect different people in the next election. It is those who seek to abrogate the votes of millions of Americans who are tearing this country apart.

When were you born? Every heard of Newt Gingrich?
Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

Good question.

There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher and they wouldn't be so quick to protest again. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Beat the crap out of 'im. Boom boom boom. Knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. Please don't be too nice. We've become weak, we've become weak. There's nothing you can do folks, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Anybody who can do a body slam, that's my type. Very fine people.

Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to gyrate uncontrollably to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who won't lie for me.

"Take the kill shot on Flynn" -- who said it

No idea. I'm gonna guess the director of McHale's Navy in Episode 31. Final answer.
Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

Good question.

There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher and they wouldn't be so quick to protest again. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Beat the crap out of 'im. Boom boom boom. Knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. Please don't be too nice. We've become weak, we've become weak. There's nothing you can do folks, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Anybody who can do a body slam, that's my type. Very fine people.

Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to gyrate uncontrollably to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who won't lie for me.
They Bring a knife, we bring a gun. Obama

DING what is an example of a metaphor for 400 Alex
>> Since Trump embarked on his campaign for the US presidency in June 2015, dozens of attacks or threats involving his supporters have been reported. Here, the Guardian has compiled details of 52 incidents reported since 2015 involving Trump supporters.

This list includes people who:

  • Explicitly declared support for Donald Trump, or used his slogans, during or in connection with acts or threats of violence.
  • Cited Trump or his rhetoric in subsequently explaining acts or threats of violence.
  • Committed or threatened violence against opponents of Trump at political events, or while wearing Trump-branded attire signifying their support for the president.
  • Publicly declared an allegiance to Trump before committing or threatening violence against members of political or racial groups that Trump has denounced <<

List of threats, assaults, harasssment, death threats etc on journalists, minorities, office holders, political supporters/detractors etc (but only through August 2019) indexed at The Guardian here.

All coincidences I'm sure. :rolleyes:

The list may be missing some incidences -- for instance it does not mention the woman who got punched in the face with a beer bottle for the "crime" of speaking Swahili with her own family or the Indian college students harassed in Kansas City by a biker yelling "TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP". Nor does it include the mass shootings in Pittsburgh, El Paso, Montréal et al, intentionally triggered by Rumpian rhetoric. Nor does it include the James Fields car attack in Charlottesville.

But yes, good question -- WHO could it be that's bringing this all about. WHO indeed. I just can't imagine. Pee Wee Herman? Megyn Kelley? Mother Theresa? Jeepers Wally, I have just no idea.
View attachment 286471


Madonna? Snoop Dogg?? Johnny Depp??> Really, frickin' Jimmy Kimmell??


I'll call your Johnny Depp and raise you...


You know who that is, right?

"Nun so blind"

FUCK outta here.
Much has been written about "tearing our country apart," but the identification of who is doing the tearing is studiously avoided by the Left/Democrats/MSM in this country.

The incipient action which has led to this situation was the election of Donald Trump as President. Are we seriously going to blame voters for exercising their constitutional rights? Or should we blame the reaction of those who will not accept this outcome?

The answer should be obvious to any fair minded person. The legitimate remedy for those who are unhappy with the results of an election is to elect different people in the next election. It is those who seek to abrogate the votes of millions of Americans who are tearing this country apart.

The Cliff Notes answer is:

The Democrat weaponized deep state in cohorts with U.S. media.

This was E-Z.........:blowup::death:
That's what you think is "humor", is it?

How 'bout this one. "My father was born in a very wonderful place in Germany". Hilarious, innit?

Don't quit your 'day job' Pogo.
The real fact is that 90 percent of the country isn't worried whatsoever. They wake up, slog away day after day to survive the day at work, go home, watch some show, and go to bed. What is going on they consider last on their agendas. All the arguing about the so called important political issues doesn't amount to a hill of garbage.

That’s definitely been the mindset of many conservatives over the last couple decades...and that’s why the Left has handed them their asses. The Left made God uncool, faggots and rug munchers cool, chicks with dicks cool, whores cool, wetbacks cool...etc etc...all while conservatives sat there clutching their Bibles and threatening to use their AR-15’s one day.
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Well when one has to spend 40 plus hours per week slaving away do you expect them to have anything left in the tank? Most people work almost until they drop. Except for the CEOs.
The America hating Right, like Russia Limbaugh, brags about dividing this once great country. They want to destroy the USA from within!

March 22, 2010
RUSH: I'll tell you, I'm going to be very honest. I largely blame myself for this. I do, I'll tell you why I think I'm responsible for this, this partisan divide. It's a good thing, don't misunderstand, but I'm responsible for it

Gee I thought you guys said Rush is just an entertainer. Now you treat his words as gospel truth!!! :dunno:

A great many people treat his words as gospel truth.
----------------------------- both Rush and the TRUMP are pretty good with words that at least Annoy GGator .

and that seems to be all that matters to you.
------------------------------------ yeah , pretty much . As I have often said on this board , everything seems cool and ok to me and I see no reason to be friends with people I dislike GGator .

I am still amazed how much you people think about me.
Gee I thought you guys said Rush is just an entertainer. Now you treat his words as gospel truth!!! :dunno:

A great many people treat his words as gospel truth.
----------------------------- both Rush and the TRUMP are pretty good with words that at least Annoy GGator .

and that seems to be all that matters to you.
------------------------------------ yeah , pretty much . As I have often said on this board , everything seems cool and ok to me and I see no reason to be friends with people I dislike GGator .

I am still amazed how much you people think about me.
------------------------------------ DANI , the other 'Iranian muslim' doesn't post very much on the board anymore so you are doing double duty GGator .
Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

Good question.

There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher and they wouldn't be so quick to protest again. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Beat the crap out of 'im. Boom boom boom. Knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. Please don't be too nice. We've become weak, we've become weak. There's nothing you can do folks, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Anybody who can do a body slam, that's my type. Very fine people.

Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to gyrate uncontrollably to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who won't lie for me.

Reminds me of certain Democrats and Hollywood celebrities regurgitating their baseless hatred of a duly elected President. I love that Trump is punching back that is why I voted for him in the first place. Plus he has a sense of humor....."Sorry honey you can't watch the game, the wind isn't blowing" LOL......Classic!!

This is kind of fascinating on multiple levels. One of course is that your values are such that you'd vote for some windbag on the basis that he "punches" (ironic confession -- see thread title), but more interesting is how you'd cast a vote for somebody "punching back" retroactively, when the initial punch hadn't yet been thrown. Linear time is illusory. Doubleplusgoodly played there, Winston.

You could just admit that you salivate for thugs, but that sounds so simple.
Exactly who is tearing our country apart?

Good question.

There used to be consequences. They'd be carried out on a stretcher and they wouldn't be so quick to protest again. I'd like to punch him in the face. Maybe he should have been roughed up. Beat the crap out of 'im. Boom boom boom. Knock the hell. I promise you I will pay for the legal fees. Please don't be too nice. We've become weak, we've become weak. There's nothing you can do folks, although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is. Anybody who can do a body slam, that's my type. Very fine people.

Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to gyrate uncontrollably to mock the congenital disability of a reporter who won't lie for me.

Reminds me of certain Democrats and Hollywood celebrities regurgitating their baseless hatred of a duly elected President. I love that Trump is punching back that is why I voted for him in the first place. Plus he has a sense of humor....."Sorry honey you can't watch the game, the wind isn't blowing" LOL......Classic!!

This is kind of fascinating on multiple levels. One of course is that your values are such that you'd vote for some windbag on the basis that he "punches" (ironic confession -- see thread title), but more interesting is how you'd cast a vote for somebody "punching back" retroactively, when the initial punch hadn't yet been thrown. Linear time is illusory. Doubleplusgoodly played there, Winston.

You could just admit that you salivate for thugs, but that sounds so simple.

My comment was not directed personally at you, why do you insult me? It's long past time for a President to challenge the biased left and its sycophant media and if that takes punching back I'm all for it. And please, they were throwing haymakers at Trump as soon as he announced he was running. Where was your head....Up your fat ass? See what I did there?
A great many people treat his words as gospel truth.
----------------------------- both Rush and the TRUMP are pretty good with words that at least Annoy GGator .

and that seems to be all that matters to you.
------------------------------------ yeah , pretty much . As I have often said on this board , everything seems cool and ok to me and I see no reason to be friends with people I dislike GGator .

I am still amazed how much you people think about me.
------------------------------------ DANI , the other 'Iranian muslim' doesn't post very much on the board anymore so you are doing double duty GGator .

As I said, simply amazing how much you people think about me, going so far so as to make up fantasies about me.

I do not really understand, but I guess I should feel flattered.

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