Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

"A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader.

An analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, shows the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predict up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year."

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Whether or not those numbers will reach the upper limits of those estimates is still questionable...................

But the losses are by design....................

The exchanges need these numbers to work........................

Hey fuckhead....I have worked an an inner city ER for the last 6 years. I done more to help people in my life than you could ever dream of. You are a little douche bag shit. STFU

Again, not winning me over.

If there is anything that shows how broken our current system is, it is the inner-city ER where people come in and put themselves in bad credit ratings for life to treat a cold for 20 times the cost it would have cost be treated at a G.P.'s office.

That you can sit there for six years and think, "yup, this is fine!" tells me you got some wires disconnected.
"A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader.

An analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, shows the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predict up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year."

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Faux News quoting the Koch Brothers' House Organ.

Yeah, that'll be a real credible circle jerk.
I understand your logic. Question: Why doesn't Obama and his staff just admit this to the American People. Why all the secrecy and lies? Just tell the truth. When Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate you stand a real good chance of losing your insurance. The numbers indicate it will be roughly 100 million of you.

heres what I personally know ... the plan that i was paying for 550 dollars cover my visits twice a year if i had a medical crisis I had to pay 5000 dollars for evey time that I had anything done first no max pay out for the year...

i applied for the ACA plan ... I just finalized it last week and the insurer is supposed to contact me before Dec.25 ... with their billing information the policy will cost me 250. a month ... it covers as many times that I want to go to the doctor with a copay of 45 dollar ... with a max pay out of 1200 after that I pay nothing ... you want to rag about how bad the ACA is ???? give me a break ... i can't wait for them to take out my first payment.and be done with this do nothing plan i have now ... thats what I know...

I expect you to thank those of us paying for your healthcare Billy bob....................

As the middle to upper middle class will be paying for your healthcare.................
Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, you're part of the verminous system that profits off of human suffering?


I mean, talking to an employee of United Healthcare about the merits of ObamaCare is like talking to a member of NAMBLA about the merits of Amber Alerts.

Hey fuckhead....I have worked an an inner city ER for the last 6 years. I done more to help people in my life than you could ever dream of. You are a little douche bag shit. STFU

like all companies the have their dummies ... its apparent that you've been dumb down by your company you work for ... or you are a company thug who goes to sites to bad mouth a great plan ... we get it
Again, not winning me over.

If there is anything that shows how broken our current system is, it is the inner-city ER where people come in and put themselves in bad credit ratings for life to treat a cold for 20 times the cost it would have cost be treated at a G.P.'s office.

Availability of insurance does not correlate to healthy people or reduction in costs.

We have fully and well insured people that extremely unhealthy.

An uninsured inner-city person should avail themselves of public health unit for cold but they don't.
I understand your logic. Question: Why doesn't Obama and his staff just admit this to the American People. Why all the secrecy and lies? Just tell the truth. When Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate you stand a real good chance of losing your insurance. The numbers indicate it will be roughly 100 million of you.

heres what I personally know ... the plan that i was paying for 550 dollars cover my visits twice a year if i had a medical crisis I had to pay 5000 dollars for evey time that I had anything done first no max pay out for the year...

i applied for the ACA plan ... I just finalized it last week and the insurer is supposed to contact me before Dec.25 ... with their billing information the policy will cost me 250. a month ... it covers as many times that I want to go to the doctor with a copay of 45 dollar ... with a max pay out of 1200 after that I pay nothing ... you want to rag about how bad the ACA is ???? give me a break ... i can't wait for them to take out my first payment.and be done with this do nothing plan i have now ... thats what I know...

That is cool for you then...very good. I mean that sincerely.

But what about the 5 million who did have insurance they liked and had it taken away from them against their will? And what about their President lying to them about being able to keep their plan?

We can quibble about numbers...but whenever Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate...a very, very large number of people will lose their insurance. Why all the secrecy? Just be honest with people. The lying is what really pisses me off.
"A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader.

An analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, shows the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predict up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year."

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Faux News quoting the Koch Brothers' House Organ.

Yeah, that'll be a real credible circle jerk.

ain't that the truth ...
I don't want the GOP to take both houses next election.........................

Plain and simple...................

My best scenario would be to take the Senate and lose the House, so we could stop the Judicial nominations....................

I believe we will retain the House and the Dems will hold power in the Senate..........51 for the Dems......................


Because I want them to be held accountable for this nightmare that is coming.....................The people will be laying blame all over the place for this Chaos that's coming....................

It's not a temporary time bomb strategy..................

It is a couple of years of Chaos strategy.................

To implement the Single Payer.
Oh, you're part of the verminous system that profits off of human suffering?


I mean, talking to an employee of United Healthcare about the merits of ObamaCare is like talking to a member of NAMBLA about the merits of Amber Alerts.

Hey fuckhead....I have worked an an inner city ER for the last 6 years. I done more to help people in my life than you could ever dream of. You are a little douche bag shit. STFU

like all companies the have their dummies ... its apparent that you've been dumb down by your company you work for ... or you are a company thug who goes to sites to bad mouth a great plan ... we get it

Another fuckhead. I do direct service with patients in an ER. I help people. I no longer work on the corporate side. I have not for many years. I have helped thousands of people in my career and saved many, many lives. That is what I do for a living. What do you do, hero?
Why not...................

Crystal ball what is the easy way to implement the single payer plan........................

Clouds form....................

Image is coming out..................

MEDICARE for all.........................

I see Obama saying he's the cure for the Market crash.........................

People demanding action..................

Feds kicking out another 17 TRILLION.................

Cloudy again...................
Again, not winning me over.

If there is anything that shows how broken our current system is, it is the inner-city ER where people come in and put themselves in bad credit ratings for life to treat a cold for 20 times the cost it would have cost be treated at a G.P.'s office.

Availability of insurance does not correlate to healthy people or reduction in costs.

We have fully and well insured people that extremely unhealthy.

An uninsured inner-city person should avail themselves of public health unit for cold but they don't.

"Are there no workhouses?"

Seriously, the problem with the GOP today is that we have people like Loopy who watch It's a Wonderful Life and cheer for Mr. Potter.

If availablity doesn't correlate to healthier people or lower costs, why is it that

EVERY country that has single payer spends less per capita than we do.


EVERY industrialized country that has universal coverage has people that live longer and have lower infant motrality rates.
Since no facts have been successfully challenged from the kool aide drinkers, back to the original point. :)

Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?
Again, not winning me over.

If there is anything that shows how broken our current system is, it is the inner-city ER where people come in and put themselves in bad credit ratings for life to treat a cold for 20 times the cost it would have cost be treated at a G.P.'s office.

Availability of insurance does not correlate to healthy people or reduction in costs.

We have fully and well insured people that extremely unhealthy.

An uninsured inner-city person should avail themselves of public health unit for cold but they don't.

"Are there no workhouses?"

Seriously, the problem with the GOP today is that we have people like Loopy who watch It's a Wonderful Life and cheer for Mr. Potter.

If availablity doesn't correlate to healthier people or lower costs, why is it that

EVERY country that has single payer spends less per capita than we do.


EVERY industrialized country that has universal coverage has people that live longer and have lower infant motrality rates.

Is this an admission of guilt........................

Are you admitting the purpose of the ACA is to destroy the insurance industry.............
If availablity doesn't correlate to healthier people or lower costs, why is it that

EVERY country that has single payer spends less per capita than we do.


EVERY industrialized country that has universal coverage has people that live longer and have lower infant motrality rates.

It isn't availability it is the personal choices and lifestyles we make which make us unhealthy and live less.
Since no facts have been successfully challenged from the kool aide drinkers, back to the original point. :)

Okay Kids,


No facts were presented by your side.

Here's what the CBO actually said.

CBO: Obamacare Will Push 7M Out of Employer-Based Plans | CNS News

A total of 7 million, not 100 million like you are babbling on about.

And these are employers who had such crappy plans to start with that they barely count as insurance.

This was always a large part of the problem. in addition to the 46 million uninsured, we had 25 million underinsured, people who had plans and didn't realize they weren't worth the paper they were printed on.
Healthcare costs are lower in OECD Countries for two main reasons.

1. Massive care rationing. (e.g. average wait time for a hip replacement in Canada is six months).

2. Inability to sue Hospital or Doctors for major damages
heres what I personally know ... the plan that i was paying for 550 dollars cover my visits twice a year if i had a medical crisis I had to pay 5000 dollars for evey time that I had anything done first no max pay out for the year...

i applied for the ACA plan ... I just finalized it last week and the insurer is supposed to contact me before Dec.25 ... with their billing information the policy will cost me 250. a month ... it covers as many times that I want to go to the doctor with a copay of 45 dollar ... with a max pay out of 1200 after that I pay nothing ... you want to rag about how bad the ACA is ???? give me a break ... i can't wait for them to take out my first payment.and be done with this do nothing plan i have now ... thats what I know...

That is cool for you then...very good. I mean that sincerely.

But what about the 5 million who did have insurance they liked and had it taken away from them against their will? they haven't had to use it yet and when those 5 million do and find out the have a huge debt they have to pay then what ??? And what about their President lying to them about being able to keep their plan? it wasn't a lie ... all these plans that have been canceled were plans that didn't fit what the health care requires and the company canceled them, not OBAMA ...we all understand what happen there and you want to make it into something it wasn't because the republicans haven't anything else to say about it ... every one of these complainers haven't look into the ACA plans ... they just took for granite that the cost their provider sent them was what it will cost ... many who have gone through the web site or called in found out their plan has better coverage, and you pay less ... hell mine will canceled at the end of the year you don't hear me whining about my do nothing health care plan

We can quibble about numbers...but whenever Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate...a very, very large number of people will lose their insurance. Why all the secrecy? Just be honest with people. The lying is what really pisses me off.

I don't care if 99% of those lose their plan ... what they will find out these companies will pay less money out of pocket for a plan that's 100 time better plan ... that's what you haven't look into ... you see many companies have come to the web and said they have a better plan and they are very happy with their new plan ... all you have is a lot of it might, could happen, were not sure, answers... go look up the sure answers then bring them to here the problem you have is you have no idea what a lie is ... republicans lie to you all the time ... you haven't yet been pissed off about their lies ... whys that ??? so when January comes out and you see a 2 million sign up for that day then what ??? you see many of us are waiting for that actual day for the plan to become effective
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If availablity doesn't correlate to healthier people or lower costs, why is it that

EVERY country that has single payer spends less per capita than we do.


EVERY industrialized country that has universal coverage has people that live longer and have lower infant motrality rates.

It isn't availability it is the personal choices and lifestyles we make which make us unhealthy and live less.

Germans love their fatty foods and their beer, and you know what, they still live longer than we do.

Now, yeah, I guess you can make an argument that a nation like Japan where they have very healthy lifestyles, is a contributing factor.

But to pretend that 1 out of four americans being either uninsured or underinsured isn't a major factor on why we do less well on the key metrics is just denial.

Oh, yeah...er, um... "Freedom!"
Healthcare costs are lower in OECD Countries for two main reasons.

1. Massive care rationing. (e.g. average wait time for a hip replacement in Canada is six months).

2. Inability to sue Hospital or Doctors for major damages

Again the Shill of Big insurance is using the old, "But, if you live in Moosejaw Canada you'll wait for a hip replacement!"

Took me months to get Cigna to sign off on operations I needed, and after they did, they pretty much told my last employer to get me off the payroll. So I don't want to hear it.

Hey, you know why it's cheaper?

Because you don't have a parasitic insurance industry in those countries paying their CEO's 8 figure salaries and having a 30% overhead!

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