Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014


I'm just not sure why people buying their own insurance as opposed to buying it from the government horrifies you so much.

Oh, yeah, because you "like to help the poor" or something. Gee, how does buying a plan more expensive than the one you just got kicked off of because Democrats "like helping the poor" helping the poor, exactly?

Give me an effing break.

Probably because having been FUCKED IN THE ASS by a big insurance company because I had some silly idea that when I paid into an insurance plan and worked for insurance coverage, I wouldn't lose my job after I made a claim.

Here's the thing. The Insurance industry are a real bunch of lying, cheating scumbags, every last one of them. But you clowns on the right INSISTED that instead of going to a cheaper, more efficient and more equitable SINGLE PAYER plan like every other country has gone to, we just HAD to preserve private insurance's slice of the pie.

"Oh, my God, we can't cheat our customers anymore?"

Oh dear. You just don't grasp it, do you? How can you advocate one group of 'lying cheating scumbags' in the government trying to put another group of 'lying, cheating scumbags' in their place?

Do you not see the conundrum here? First, I would like to know how a plan under Obamacare is 'cheaper', second, I would like to know why we must be 'like every other country'?

"Oh, my God, I JUST LOST MY INSURANCE! Thank you Obamacare!"
And you DO ???? BVA HAHAHAHAHAhAHAHAhAHAhA good glad to help you out with your do noting plan ... Obama say you're welcome ....
Wow, you guys are delusional.

Most employer programs ALREADY meet the mandate. This is kind of what you don't get, is that unilke individual plans, the pools for employers are large enough to spread the risk around.

Now, yeah, here's the number you keep taking out of context that every year, the old plans are cancelled and they have to come up with new plans that are usually 90% the same as the old one.

I think what you guys are a bit confused about is that there is a plan called "ObamaCare" that is actually paying out money. There really isn't. It's just an expansion and mandates on existing plans.[/quot


Try reading it again, more slowly. The Obama Administration is saying half to 2/3 of all employer based insurances goes away immediately when the employer mandate kicks in. This was filed by the Justice Dept as a finding of fact submitted in a legal brief to a Federal Court. I am not saying this....Obama is saying it.

thats because 2/3 of those policies ether will have the ability to raise your rates when you get ill, or cancel you because of a preexisting condition that you forgot to report ... or they really don't cover anything at all ... right now those policy don't fit the health care requirements ... so their provider has to bring it up to the standard of health care ... what they will find out is the company will pay less money for more coverage ... many company who have gone ahead and sign up for the new plans have discovered this... the republican party has left that tiny piece of info out... I wonder why...

obama isn't saying this the justice dept is ...

I understand your logic. Question: Why doesn't Obama and his staff just admit this to the American People. Why all the secrecy and lies? Just tell the truth. When Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate you stand a real good chance of losing your insurance. The numbers indicate it will be roughly 100 million of you.
First off, I completely disregard the Obama Boot licking comments coming out in defense of Obamacare...............

They are useless to me.............

1. This whole show is a staged act that has been planned for decades. The Dems are going step by step (Goose step) to their ultimate goal. The Single payer plan and complete Gov't take over of the Health Industry. They want what they have in Europe and will always strive toward's that goal.

They will not allow the employer Mandate to be implemented before the election, even though they violate the law by not doing so..........The GOP can't try to challenge them on this as............They don't want the employer mandate and would seem foolish trying to enforce a law they never wanted in the first place...............and should they try to impeach Obama for violating the law, as he is doing, they would actually hurt themselves in the process because the Senate would never impeach Obama because they control it..........................

BTW Libs violating the laws of the land is an impeachable offense, and your side is most definitely violating the very laws they created. But you don't give a shit about that do you...............

2. Remember the rules for Radicals.............Always think of their end game...................The next election doesn't matter to them..............If the GOP controls the House and Senate after the next election, the Dems will still have the VETO. Which will prevent the GOP from stopping the disaster of Obamacare..............They will then blame the GOP for the problems they created...........They will then offer fixes to the system which the GOP will refuse............And then pump it up as the Train wreck creates HAVOC in the Health Insurance Industries.................People will DEMAND THAT THE GOV'T FIX IT............And the Dog and pony show will continue............

Their ultimate goal is complete control in 2016 and they will use their own laws to try and achieve it............

After the election the Fed will pull the plug on the Markets, and the Markets will crash again........The Fed WILL NOT STOP QE UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTIONS...............

Another market meltdown, that will be worse than the last................Forcing the GOP who might own both houses to COMPROMISE with the LIAR N CHIEF.....................

The economy will be in shambles again. CHAOS will rule, and that is exactly what the radicals want.

In Chaos, there is opportunity, and they WILL ABUSE IT and the power again................

They will offer the fix and HOPE AND CHANGE FOR 2016 and take over the whole damn thing...............

That is a guess at what they are planning............Perhaps not exactly on the mark, but they WANT CHAOS IN THE END to achieve their goals........................

Will have to see how they play it out.......


Dems will ditch Obamacare before elections to try and save as many seats as possible. They will demand a fix, and say if elected they will fix it.......They will throw Obama under the bus by design, as Obama isn't running for election again.

If this succeeds, then they will go back to their normal state as they will never HONOR their LIES to get elected.............................

Joe...do you understand this, yes or no? According to the Obama Administration, half to 2/3 of all employer based insurance get cancelled or termed as soon as the employer mandate gets enforced.

Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Firstly, that's coming from someone who advocates a government who has not the slightest clue as to how to code a healthcare website properly.

Secondly, when 5.5 million people get kicked off of their insurance because you 'like helping the poor get health insurance' there is bound to be panic, dontcha think?

Do you have any fucking clue how the health insurance industry work?

coming from a clueless dumb fuck like you, who cares!!!!!!!

Joe...do you understand this, yes or no? According to the Obama Administration, half to 2/3 of all employer based insurance get cancelled or termed as soon as the employer mandate gets enforced.

Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Firstly, that's coming from someone who advocates a government who has not the slightest clue as to how to code a healthcare website properly.

Secondly, when 5.5 million people get kicked off of their insurance because you 'like helping the poor get health insurance' there is bound to be panic, dontcha think?

Do you have any fucking clue how the health insurance industry work?

Guy, most websites have rollout problems. Learn to deal.

Second, the health insurance industry doesn't work, unless you are a fat-cat insurance executive. That's the probelm. You should understand this better than most people.

Those 5.5 million had insurance policies that were so shitty they really should have been classified as snake oil.
thats because 2/3 of those policies ether will have the ability to raise your rates when you get ill, or cancel you because of a preexisting condition that you forgot to report ... or they really don't cover anything at all ... right now those policy don't fit the health care requirements ... so their provider has to bring it up to the standard of health care ... what they will find out is the company will pay less money for more coverage ... many company who have gone ahead and sign up for the new plans have discovered this... the republican party has left that tiny piece of info out... I wonder why...

obama isn't saying this the justice dept is ...

I understand your logic. Question: Why doesn't Obama and his staff just admit this to the American People. Why all the secrecy and lies? Just tell the truth. When Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate you stand a real good chance of losing your insurance. The numbers indicate it will be roughly 100 million of you.

What numbers?

From where?

Thus far you folks are conflating 6/10ths of .01 of Americans losing their health insurance into 100 million. And many of these folks were sold insurance after the law was passed.

The insurance companies were involved in bait and switch..and they were going to blame it on Obamacare.
Quote from the Obama Justice Dept.

The words of the Justice Department lawyers are unmistakable.

“It is projected that more group health plans will transition to the requirements under the regulations as time goes on … Defendants have estimated that a majority of group health plans will have lost their grandfather status by the end 2013.”

The legal brief was filed before Obama decided not to enforce the employer mandate, Here's a link to the full story.

The lying continues as Obamacare has group insurance policies cancelled | Washington Times Communities

A message board from the Moonie Times? That's was really the best you could come up with?
Wow, you guys are delusional.

Most employer programs ALREADY meet the mandate. This is kind of what you don't get, is that unilke individual plans, the pools for employers are large enough to spread the risk around.

Now, yeah, here's the number you keep taking out of context that every year, the old plans are cancelled and they have to come up with new plans that are usually 90% the same as the old one.

I think what you guys are a bit confused about is that there is a plan called "ObamaCare" that is actually paying out money. There really isn't. It's just an expansion and mandates on existing plans.


Try reading it again, more slowly. The Obama Administration is saying half to 2/3 of all employer based insurances goes away immediately when the employer mandate kicks in. This was filed by the Justice Dept as a finding of fact submitted in a legal brief to a Federal Court. I am not saying this....Obama is saying it.

Guy, you keep taking that out of context, but, no, not really.

I mean, I know you really, really, really need to believe this....

I'm just not sure why the thought of poor people getting health insurance horrifies you so much.

Oh, yeah... because "Freedom" or something.

i get the impression you feeeeeel their insurance is FREE.., it ain't and "poor people" can not pay the high cost of it :up:
end result, NO HEALTH CARE, unless they go to the ER.., which is what they do now.
Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have to dip my toe in that stuff occasionally and holy crap, I don't know how you folks do it. My best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he says it's a massive clusterfuck. The rules keep changing, there ARE no rules yet in some cases, and it's costing his company BIG.

No surprise, of course, but I hate to see him going through this. He's just this side of a basket case right now.

if I got a dollar every time I heard i got a freind who is blah blah, I would be a million air ten times over...
Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have to dip my toe in that stuff occasionally and holy crap, I don't know how you folks do it. My best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he says it's a massive clusterfuck. The rules keep changing, there ARE no rules yet in some cases, and it's costing his company BIG.

No surprise, of course, but I hate to see him going through this. He's just this side of a basket case right now.


I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.

Joe...do you understand this, yes or no? According to the Obama Administration, half to 2/3 of all employer based insurance get cancelled or termed as soon as the employer mandate gets enforced.

Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, you're part of the verminous system that profits off of human suffering?


I mean, talking to an employee of United Healthcare about the merits of ObamaCare is like talking to a member of NAMBLA about the merits of Amber Alerts.
The over 5 million who have already lost coverage is by design..............

The exchanges need this....................

This number will grow to at least 20 million and higher had they enforced the employer mandate.....................

They delayed this for the next election, not out of a concern for the damage caused by the law.............

They need millions in the exchanges. Without that the exchanges are a complete FAILURE..............So people have to be HERDED INTO THE EXCHANGES BY DESIGN...........

The best way to do that is to create a law that CAUSES THIS TO HAPPEN, and it is happening...................

I only wish, that the rest of the law was implemented now..............So the real damage could be seen before the next election.........................But they violated their own laws and chose to not implement them to save their sorry asses for the next election.
Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have to dip my toe in that stuff occasionally and holy crap, I don't know how you folks do it. My best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he says it's a massive clusterfuck. The rules keep changing, there ARE no rules yet in some cases, and it's costing his company BIG.

No surprise, of course, but I hate to see him going through this. He's just this side of a basket case right now.


I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.

The billing codes......................


I've been down that road on these boards already.............

There is even a code for being bit by a turtle.............

Only in America...................

Lunacy rules the roost.

Quote from the Obama Justice Dept.

The words of the Justice Department lawyers are unmistakable.

“It is projected that more group health plans will transition to the requirements under the regulations as time goes on … Defendants have estimated that a majority of group health plans will have lost their grandfather status by the end 2013.”

The legal brief was filed before Obama decided not to enforce the employer mandate, Here's a link to the full story.

The lying continues as Obamacare has group insurance policies cancelled | Washington Times Communities

A message board from the Moonie Times? That's was really the best you could come up with?

There about 100 stories at least out there, Joe. Try google...It's on the internetz. :lol:

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News
Guy, I understand you don't have God's first fucking clue as to how group plans work.

I know you DESPERATELY need people to be in a panic about this, because, honestly, panic is all you guys have.

Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Oh, you're part of the verminous system that profits off of human suffering?


I mean, talking to an employee of United Healthcare about the merits of ObamaCare is like talking to a member of NAMBLA about the merits of Amber Alerts.

Hey fuckhead....I have worked an an inner city ER for the last 6 years. I done more to help people in my life than you could ever dream of. You are a little douche bag shit. STFU
"A new and independent analysis of ObamaCare warns of a ticking time bomb, predicting a second wave of 50 million to 100 million insurance policy cancellations next fall -- right before the mid-term elections.

The next round of cancellations and premium hikes is expected to hit employees, particularly of small businesses. While the administration has tried to downplay the cancellation notices hitting policyholders on the individual market by noting they represent a relatively small fraction of the population, the swath of people who will be affected by the shakeup in employer-sponsored coverage will be much broader.

An analysis by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, shows the administration anticipates half to two-thirds of small businesses would have policies canceled or be compelled to send workers onto the ObamaCare exchanges. They predict up to 100 million small and large business policies could be canceled next year."

Second wave of health plan cancellations looms | Fox News

Oh dear. You just don't grasp it, do you? How can you advocate one group of 'lying cheating scumbags' in the government trying to put another group of 'lying, cheating scumbags' in their place?

Sorry, man, just based on personal experience, the government isn't "scumbags", even when the REpublicans are in charge. Usually they are there to get a job done, and they do it. I'm not sure where you get this petulant hatred of government for, it's not like you've ever had enough life experience to actually justify it.

Do you not see the conundrum here? First, I would like to know how a plan under Obamacare is 'cheaper',

Go back and read what I said. I said a SINGLE PAYER system would be cheaper. Insisting that the CEO keep their 8 figure salaries wasn't going to make it cheaper.

second, I would like to know why we must be 'like every other country'?

You mean that when you were in class, and you handed in a paper that said, "2+2=Cat", and all the kids who got "4" as the answer started laughing at you , you asked why did you have to be like all the other kids?

Don't be dense. If every other country has looked at this problem and came up with the same solution, there has to be a point where you say, "Hey, maybe that's the right answer!"

The right answer is- everyone is covered, they live longer, less of their children die in infancy, and they spend less.

"Oh, my God, I JUST LOST MY INSURANCE! Thank you Obamacare!"

Yeah, well, if you lost your insurance, you probably didn't have insurance that met even basic standards.
thats because 2/3 of those policies ether will have the ability to raise your rates when you get ill, or cancel you because of a preexisting condition that you forgot to report ... or they really don't cover anything at all ... right now those policy don't fit the health care requirements ... so their provider has to bring it up to the standard of health care ... what they will find out is the company will pay less money for more coverage ... many company who have gone ahead and sign up for the new plans have discovered this... the republican party has left that tiny piece of info out... I wonder why...

obama isn't saying this the justice dept is ...

I understand your logic. Question: Why doesn't Obama and his staff just admit this to the American People. Why all the secrecy and lies? Just tell the truth. When Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate you stand a real good chance of losing your insurance. The numbers indicate it will be roughly 100 million of you.

heres what I personally know ... the plan that i was paying for 550 dollars cover my visits twice a year if i had a medical crisis I had to pay 5000 dollars for evey time that I had anything done first no max pay out for the year...

i applied for the ACA plan ... I just finalized it last week and the insurer is supposed to contact me before Dec.25 ... with their billing information the policy will cost me 250. a month ... it covers as many times that I want to go to the doctor with a copay of 45 dollar ... with a max pay out of 1200 after that I pay nothing ... you want to rag about how bad the ACA is ???? give me a break ... i can't wait for them to take out my first payment.and be done with this do nothing plan i have now ... thats what I know...

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