Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

Joe I have been a healthcare provider for over 25 years and did Hospital and Physician contracting and Provider relations for United Healthcare for over 8 of those years. I know exactly what I'm talking about.

I have to dip my toe in that stuff occasionally and holy crap, I don't know how you folks do it. My best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he says it's a massive clusterfuck. The rules keep changing, there ARE no rules yet in some cases, and it's costing his company BIG.

No surprise, of course, but I hate to see him going through this. He's just this side of a basket case right now.


I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.
well then these codes will simply have to conform to the ACA codes ... if not they don't get paid...I bet you a million dollars they change their codes to comply with tht ACA ...
That is cool for you then...very good. I mean that sincerely.

But what about the 5 million who did have insurance they liked and had it taken away from them against their will? they haven't had to use it yet and when those 5 million do and find out the have a huge debt they have to pay then what ??? And what about their President lying to them about being able to keep their plan? it wasn't a lie ... all these plans that have been canceled were plans that didn't fit what the health care requires and the company canceled them, not OBAMA ...we all understand what happen there and you want to make it into something it wasn't because the republicans haven't anything else to say about it ... every one of these complainers haven't look into the ACA plans ... they just took for granite that the cost their provider sent them was what it will cost ... many who have gone through the web site or called in found out their plan has better coverage, and you pay less ... hell mine will canceled at the end of the year you don't hear me whining about my do nothing health care plan

We can quibble about numbers...but whenever Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate...a very, very large number of people will lose their insurance. Why all the secrecy? Just be honest with people. The lying is what really pisses me off.

I don't care if 99% of those lose their plan ... what they will find out these companies will pay less money out of pocket for a plan that's 100 time better plan ... that's what you haven't look into ... you see many companies have come to the web and said they have a better plan and they are very happy with their new plan ... all you have is a lot of it might, could happen, were not sure, answers... go look up the sure answers then bring them to here the problem you have is you have no idea what a lie is ... republicans lie to you all the time ... you haven't yet been pissed off about their lies ... whys that ??? so when January comes out and you see a 2 million sign up for that day then what ??? you see many of us are waiting for that actual day for the plan to become effective

That comment doesn't shock me at all.....................

You are obviously in the lower levels of the poverty level to get that kind of rate....................

So, Sugar Daddy Gov't is taking care of you..................While we get Fucked..............

As long as you benefit from it, to hell with the rest of us................

Pretty clear by your posts you leach.
Availability of insurance does not correlate to healthy people or reduction in costs.

We have fully and well insured people that extremely unhealthy.

An uninsured inner-city person should avail themselves of public health unit for cold but they don't.

"Are there no workhouses?"

Seriously, the problem with the GOP today is that we have people like Loopy who watch It's a Wonderful Life and cheer for Mr. Potter.

If availablity doesn't correlate to healthier people or lower costs, why is it that

EVERY country that has single payer spends less per capita than we do.


EVERY industrialized country that has universal coverage has people that live longer and have lower infant motrality rates.

Is this an admission of guilt........................

Are you admitting the purpose of the ACA is to destroy the insurance industry.............

I wish.

Seriously, destroying the insurance industry would be a wonderful thing, bunch of evil crooks who need to be put out of business.

But, no, the problem with the ACA is the problem with the young girl who picked up the viper and was surprised when she got bitten. She knew what it was when they picked her up.

That the insurance industry is double-crossing Obama now should come to a surprise to exactly no one.

Oh dear. You just don't grasp it, do you? How can you advocate one group of 'lying cheating scumbags' in the government trying to put another group of 'lying, cheating scumbags' in their place?

Sorry, man, just based on personal experience, the government isn't "scumbags", even when the REpublicans are in charge. Usually they are there to get a job done, and they do it. I'm not sure where you get this petulant hatred of government for, it's not like you've ever had enough life experience to actually justify it.

Do you not see the conundrum here? First, I would like to know how a plan under Obamacare is 'cheaper',

Go back and read what I said. I said a SINGLE PAYER system would be cheaper. Insisting that the CEO keep their 8 figure salaries wasn't going to make it cheaper.

second, I would like to know why we must be 'like every other country'?

You mean that when you were in class, and you handed in a paper that said, "2+2=Cat", and all the kids who got "4" as the answer started laughing at you , you asked why did you have to be like all the other kids?

Don't be dense. If every other country has looked at this problem and came up with the same solution, there has to be a point where you say, "Hey, maybe that's the right answer!"

The right answer is- everyone is covered, they live longer, less of their children die in infancy, and they spend less.

"Oh, my God, I JUST LOST MY INSURANCE! Thank you Obamacare!"

Yeah, well, if you lost your insurance, you probably didn't have insurance that met even basic standards.

he didn't ... other wise he would have his psychotic rantings taken care of ... pluss he would be able to take off his tin foil hat off :lol::lol::lol:
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I have to dip my toe in that stuff occasionally and holy crap, I don't know how you folks do it. My best friend is a VP with a medical billing software company, and he says it's a massive clusterfuck. The rules keep changing, there ARE no rules yet in some cases, and it's costing his company BIG.

No surprise, of course, but I hate to see him going through this. He's just this side of a basket case right now.


I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.
well then these codes will simply have to conform to the ACA codes ... if not they don't get paid...I bet you a million dollars they change their codes to comply with tht ACA ...

Powerful, powerful stupidity. Ponderous stupidity. The ACA does not have billing codes. Obama can't even get a web site to work. They have already admitted they have not even built the payment system to insurance companies yet for subsidies that must be functional in less than a month. These are the idiots you want to run 1/6th of the U.S. economy?

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So back on topic...what will the Dems do?

Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?
I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.
well then these codes will simply have to conform to the ACA codes ... if not they don't get paid...I bet you a million dollars they change their codes to comply with tht ACA ...

Powerful, powerful stupidity. Ponderous stupidity. The ACA does not have billing codes. Obama can't even get a web site to work. They have already admitted they have not even built the payment system to insurance companies yet for subsidies that most be functional in less than a month. These are the idiots you want to run 1/6th of the U.S. economy?


All of the arguments are based on simplistic talking points, abject ignorance, pure dishonesty or based on "tough shit". They have to support it for political reasons. My guess is that they know how bad this is, but political ideology is more important to them.

Hey fuckhead....I have worked an an inner city ER for the last 6 years. I done more to help people in my life than you could ever dream of. You are a little douche bag shit. STFU

like all companies the have their dummies ... its apparent that you've been dumb down by your company you work for ... or you are a company thug who goes to sites to bad mouth a great plan ... we get it

Another fuckhead. I do direct service with patients in an ER. I help people. I no longer work on the corporate side. I have not for many years. I have helped thousands of people in my career and saved many, many lives. That is what I do for a living. What do you do, hero?

I point out the dummies when I see one ... we know what you are ... you're an anti-obama everything ... what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing ... that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ... then you try to tell us how great you are ... well if you're so great then tell why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ... or are you going to tell us what a life saving hero you are again...
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I get your point Mac,

It is all deflection because they don't want to admit Obamacare is a millstone around their neck. It really does come to two options. Try to save Obamacare, or try to salvage the Democrat Party for the next 3 or 4 election cycles.

Which do you choose?

Mainstream Dems trusted a psychopathic con-man. They have been burnt very badly. If they were smart they'd admit they were wrong, chuck Obamacare along with Obama, and gear up for the elections in 2014 and 2016.

The longer they ride the Obamacare horse, the more they get hurt.
I don't care if 99% of those lose their plan ... what they will find out these companies will pay less money out of pocket for a plan that's 100 time better plan ... that's what you haven't look into ... you see many companies have come to the web and said they have a better plan and they are very happy with their new plan ... all you have is a lot of it might, could happen, were not sure, answers... go look up the sure answers then bring them to here the problem you have is you have no idea what a lie is ... republicans lie to you all the time ... you haven't yet been pissed off about their lies ... whys that ??? so when January comes out and you see a 2 million sign up for that day then what ??? you see many of us are waiting for that actual day for the plan to become effective

That comment doesn't shock me at all.....................

You are obviously in the lower levels of the poverty level to get that kind of rate....................

So, Sugar Daddy Gov't is taking care of you..................While we get Fucked..............

As long as you benefit from it, to hell with the rest of us................

Pretty clear by your posts you leach.

Sucks to be you ... but we all, already knew that ....
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like all companies the have their dummies ... its apparent that you've been dumb down by your company you work for ... or you are a company thug who goes to sites to bad mouth a great plan ... we get it

Another fuckhead. I do direct service with patients in an ER. I help people. I no longer work on the corporate side. I have not for many years. I have helped thousands of people in my career and saved many, many lives. That is what I do for a living. What do you do, hero?

I point out the dummies when I see one ... we know what you are ... you're an anti-obama everything ... what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing ... that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ... then you try to tell us how great you are ... well if you're so great then tell why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ... or are you going to tell us what a life saving hero you are again...

WTF are you babbling about?

Sell insurance across state lines. Tort reform. Increase tax-free health saving accounts. Allow young adults to stay on their parents' plans until 26. Demand work or compensation for able bodied adults getting "free" health care. Do not cancel people who get sick.

How is that for starters?
I cannot image. I worked on the corporate side about 10 years ago. It was a clusterfuck back then. With the current chaos ...I cannot image. Just a little taste

DRG Codes.


CPT codes.

HCPCS codes

DSM-IV codes

Each of these billing code systems cover different things, for different insurances, in different ways. You could spend 10 years just learning one of them really well. Our healthcare system is enormously complex. The Dems have no idea what they have done. Obamacare should have been phased in over 10-20 years. It will never work as it is currently implemented. Never.
well then these codes will simply have to conform to the ACA codes ... if not they don't get paid...I bet you a million dollars they change their codes to comply with tht ACA ...

Powerful, powerful stupidity. Ponderous stupidity. The ACA does not have billing codes. Obama can't even get a web site to work. They have already admitted they have not even built the payment system to insurance companies yet for subsidies that must be functional in less than a month. These are the idiots you want to run 1/6th of the U.S. economy?


apparently you haven't gone to the web site lately ... ask John Boehner why it work fine for him ... like I say there are dummies in every company, I guess we got you the life saving hero dummy ...

my point being was when they do start billing, if a code is required, then they will have to do one of two things ... comply and get pay or not comply and not get paid ...

not being a hero insure person like yourself all I know when I get my bill from my health care provider there are these letters with a price behind it... if that's the code you speak of, fine they will have to comply ... if they not don't care ...
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In the four alternative scenarios discussed below, the ACA changes the number of
people who will obtain health insurance coverage through their employer in 2019 3 EFFECTS OF THE ACA ON EMPLOYMENT-BASED HEALTH INSURANCE MARCH 2012

by an amount that ranges from a reduction of 20 million to a gain of 3 million
relative to what would have occurred otherwise. Compared with the March 2012
baseline projections for that year, the estimates under those alternative scenarios
range from an additional decline of 14 million to a gain of 8 million people with
employment-based coverage. In the scenario with the greatest additional reduction
in employment-based coverage owing to the ACA (14 million), the number of
enrollees who purchase health insurance through insurance exchanges is 9 million
higher, the number of enrollees in Medicaid and CHIP is 2 million higher, and the
number of uninsured is 2 million higher, than in the baseline projections.
That comment doesn't shock me at all.....................

You are obviously in the lower levels of the poverty level to get that kind of rate....................

So, Sugar Daddy Gov't is taking care of you..................While we get Fucked..............

As long as you benefit from it, to hell with the rest of us................

Pretty clear by your posts you leach.

Sucks to be you ... be we all, already knew that ....

Of course that is your opinion........You are a leach.................Feeding on others production....................

Which I already knew about you.................Now go back and suck on Uncle Sams tits like a good little Liberal.
well then these codes will simply have to conform to the ACA codes ... if not they don't get paid...I bet you a million dollars they change their codes to comply with tht ACA ...

Powerful, powerful stupidity. Ponderous stupidity. The ACA does not have billing codes. Obama can't even get a web site to work. They have already admitted they have not even built the payment system to insurance companies yet for subsidies that must be functional in less than a month. These are the idiots you want to run 1/6th of the U.S. economy?


apparently you have gone to the web soite lately as John Biehner why if work fine for him ... like I say there are dummies in every company, I guess we got you the life saving hero dummy ...

Yet another lie. I posted a thread on this. It took him 4 hours to set up an account. The site crashed on him multiple times, and gave him error messages. You think you people would learn. I don't make shit up, and I have my facts together. Read for yourself.

Obamacare will go into effect.
People will eventually settle into a policy
Republicans will try to take away those policies and offer nothing in return
Republicans will lose

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