Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess

You guess to much is why you are wrong so often.

Most don't associate with failures, thus, are not dependent on government handouts. You should try it sometime


here's the board liar with his $40.12 health care plan an month ...who bitched he had to now pay 168 dollars a month ... why don't you take your lying ass else where .... I'm sure there are repub-lie-tards like yourself that will buy it ...

You are like I said then, and am saying now, not very bright. Yes, my insurance increased $168 a month over what I was already paying. It is a 76% increase. Your a liberal so I know you can't comprehend math

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Hey Billy bob....................

Hope you enjoy the turkey we bought you for Thanksgiving..................


If your a good little lib, we will buy you a ham for Xmas...................

Hey Billy bob....................

Hope you enjoy the turkey we bought you for Thanksgiving..................


If your a good little lib, we will buy you a ham for Xmas...................


Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

ACA, as are all government programs, will be modified and enhanced as time goes by.

The real shock will be to the GOPs, based on whether the TeaPs do nothing (good!) or the act up again (bad!).
Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

ACA, as are all government programs, will be modified and enhanced as time goes by.

The real shock will be to the GOPs, based on whether the TeaPs do nothing (good!) or the act up again (bad!).


The Fake Republican speaks.............

I can pretty much guarantee you the Tea Party will act up again...........


Still laughing at Billy Bob........This shit cracks me up.
In a nut shell, we have two main Lib posters saying this..............

One says I got lower insurance paid by you guys........Nah Nah Neh Nah Nah...........

The other saying I want the Insurance Industry wiped off the map.....................

Not really denying that the intent of the ACA is to do that...............

The CBO has steadily increased those who will lose their current coverage over time, have increased the cost estimates, and shown data that at least another 17 million on Medicaid.....................Which is a lower number than they wanted because many states REFUSED................

Higher estimates of losses will likely be the case, which their current worst case scenario's are for 20 million to lose coverage...............but be careful on their wording as they manipulate projected gains in the exchanges versus the losses in their data for the end game numbers................

Which goes back to the heart of the strategy, 10's of millions MUST GO TO THE EXCHANGES BY DESIGN..............

In order to do that, people must lose their coverage by the droves...............

Which is happening by design.

the very first thing you say, paid by you guys ... show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...
I point out the dummies when I see one ... we know what you are ... you're an anti-obama everything ... what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing ... that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ... then you try to tell us how great you are ... well if you're so great then tell why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ... or are you going to tell us what a life saving hero you are again...

WTF are you babbling about?

Sell insurance across state lines. Tort reform. Increase tax-free health saving accounts. Allow young adults to stay on their parents' plans until 26. Demand work or compensation for able bodied adults getting "free" health care. Do not cancel people who get sick.

How is that for starters?

that's not what I asked you ... your point is moot here ... its been debated here to many time ... where we all know your idea does work ... so I ask you again .. if you can answer the question ... I mean you're the life saving hero health care person here

what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing .??? answer the question why is that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ??? . answer the question then you try to tell us how great you are, well if you're so great then tell us why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ??? answer the question or are you going to start babbling about what a life saving hero you are again ??? you don't have to answer this question


I'm sorry you live in the second tier of poverty. I got an education and worked very hard...those two factors are usually a fairly effective in stopping poverty in its tracks. Just something you might want to consider.

As for your questions...It is difficult to make out in the midst of your rant, but I'll try. Insurance is a commodity. It has value. It costs something.

Who pays for it, and how much? The devil is in the details.

I don't mind my tax dollars paying for medicaid for the elderly, or medicaid for kids who have irresponsible parents.

I am not comfortable ever paying for insurance (or anything else for that matter) for able bodied adults such as yourself. If you are a grown man, and you are too simple-minded, or lazy, or stupid to take care of yourself....I really don't want you breeding and putting your sorry ass genes back into the gene pool. Life is tough. You have to grow up eventually. Nobody is responsible for you...but you. Not me...Not the Government...and not the American Taxpayer. :)
Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

ACA, as are all government programs, will be modified and enhanced as time goes by.

The real shock will be to the GOPs, based on whether the TeaPs do nothing (good!) or the act up again (bad!).[/QUOTE

Is obama going to continue to "modify" it by illegal executive orders? the implementation schedule is part of the law, only congress has the authority to change that.

The tea party will continue to be a major player in 2014 and 2016 and the rinos like McCrazy and Gramnesty will be sent home. The GOP is becoming the party of the constitution while the dems are becoming the party of Lenin.

You are on the wrong side of history, snake. enjoy your liberal utopia while you can because its collapsing around you as we speak---as liberalism always does.
Sucks to be you ... be we all, already knew that ....

Of course that is your opinion........You are a leach.................Feeding on others production....................

Which I already knew about you.................Now go back and suck on Uncle Sams tits like a good little Liberal.

once again the great uninformed eagle strikes again...this show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...
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In a nut shell, we have two main Lib posters saying this..............

One says I got lower insurance paid by you guys........Nah Nah Neh Nah Nah...........

The other saying I want the Insurance Industry wiped off the map.....................

Not really denying that the intent of the ACA is to do that...............

The CBO has steadily increased those who will lose their current coverage over time, have increased the cost estimates, and shown data that at least another 17 million on Medicaid.....................Which is a lower number than they wanted because many states REFUSED................

Higher estimates of losses will likely be the case, which their current worst case scenario's are for 20 million to lose coverage...............but be careful on their wording as they manipulate projected gains in the exchanges versus the losses in their data for the end game numbers................

Which goes back to the heart of the strategy, 10's of millions MUST GO TO THE EXCHANGES BY DESIGN..............

In order to do that, people must lose their coverage by the droves...............

Which is happening by design.

the very first thing you say, paid by you guys ... show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

I suppose you have access to my Crystal Ball Billy Bob..................

Damn, I need you to do my taxes man..............

Because every year I pay a hell of lot of money to uncle Sam at the State..........

Maybe I need to get your expert advice on how to not pay taxes.............

Like not work and suck on the Gov'ts tits.................

Now call your mamma on the Gov't issued Cell phone you have and cry to her.
In a nut shell, we have two main Lib posters saying this..............

One says I got lower insurance paid by you guys........Nah Nah Neh Nah Nah...........

The other saying I want the Insurance Industry wiped off the map.....................

Not really denying that the intent of the ACA is to do that...............

The CBO has steadily increased those who will lose their current coverage over time, have increased the cost estimates, and shown data that at least another 17 million on Medicaid.....................Which is a lower number than they wanted because many states REFUSED................

Higher estimates of losses will likely be the case, which their current worst case scenario's are for 20 million to lose coverage...............but be careful on their wording as they manipulate projected gains in the exchanges versus the losses in their data for the end game numbers................

Which goes back to the heart of the strategy, 10's of millions MUST GO TO THE EXCHANGES BY DESIGN..............

In order to do that, people must lose their coverage by the droves...............

Which is happening by design.

. all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer...



This is hilarious

How The Affordable Care Act Pays For Insurance Subsidies : Shots - Health News : NPR

You can certainly make a case for that, says economist Joseph Antos of the American Enterprise Institute. "In a general sense, the rich, of course, subsidize the poor. The rich pay more income taxes," he says. "So, yes, absolutely, that's how subsidies are supposed to work."

So if you're a low-income person getting a tax credit from the U.S. Treasury to subsidize your health care, a big chunk of that credit is coming from taxes paid by the well-off.
Of course that is your opinion........You are a leach.................Feeding on others production....................

Which I already knew about you.................Now go back and suck on Uncle Sams tits like a good little Liberal.

once the great uninformed eagle strikes again...this show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

I changed my mind. If I saw you on the street...I might throw you a couple of quarters. :)
Obamacare will go into effect.
People will eventually settle into a policy
Republicans will try to take away those policies and offer nothing in return
Republicans will lose

and pigs will fly and it will rain diamonds.

It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose
Of course that is your opinion........You are a leach.................Feeding on others production....................

Which I already knew about you.................Now go back and suck on Uncle Sams tits like a good little Liberal.

once the great uninformed eagle strikes again...this show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

post 73................

You said sucks to be you not I.............

Was that on purpose billy bob, or an accident..........
All of the arguments are based on simplistic talking points, abject ignorance, pure dishonesty or based on "tough shit". They have to support it for political reasons. My guess is that they know how bad this is, but political ideology is more important to them.


my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess

Unlike you, I don't need to go on the shitty Healthcare .gov website because I have a job, I don't need a subsidy, and I have a decent employer based insurance plan. That is same for most of middle class America.

If Obamacare screws that up for tens of millions of Americans, there will be hell to pay for Dems for many, many years. You know this...so does every Democrat on this message board. So what goes...Obamacare, or Dems chance in the next 3 or 4 election cycles? You guys better make up your mind now before it's too late.

got it ... you Have no Idea in what your talking about ... I've had health care all my life ... I've paid for my insurance all my life ... what ever the price was, I paid it ... I didn't leach of some employer to get my health care like the life saving hero here did... I guess that makes you a better leach then I ... I've made my mind up ... deal with it ...
All of the arguments are based on simplistic talking points, abject ignorance, pure dishonesty or based on "tough shit". They have to support it for political reasons. My guess is that they know how bad this is, but political ideology is more important to them.


my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess

And you would be wrong. Our premiums will be about 40% higher and our deductibles will also be higher.

But my anecdotal evidence is nothing to compared to what we already know about the plan, nothing compared to the lies that we know have been told, nothing compared to the massive hit businesses (in and out of the health care industry) are taking and will continue to take, on and on and on.

I realize you feel an ideological obligation to support this thing, that's your call. But so far I have seen you offer nothing but platitudes, talking points, personal insults and name-calling. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, yet you persist.

Meh. Do what you will.


TRANSLATION = you didn't go to the exchange
I point out the dummies when I see one ... we know what you are ... you're an anti-obama everything ... what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing ... that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ... then you try to tell us how great you are ... well if you're so great then tell why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ... or are you going to tell us what a life saving hero you are again...

WTF are you babbling about?

Sell insurance across state lines. Tort reform. Increase tax-free health saving accounts. Allow young adults to stay on their parents' plans until 26. Demand work or compensation for able bodied adults getting "free" health care. Do not cancel people who get sick.

How is that for starters?

that's not what I asked you ... your point is moot here ... its been debated here to many time ... where we all know your idea does work ... so I ask you again .. if you can answer the question ... I mean you're the life saving hero health care person here

what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing .??? answer the question why is that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ??? . answer the question then you try to tell us how great you are, well if you're so great then tell us why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ??? answer the question or are you going to start babbling about what a life saving hero you are again ??? you don't have to answer this question

obamacare's full coverage gives people coverage they neither need nor want. People in thier 60s have no need of pediatric dental care, single men don't need or want maternity coverage. While pregnancy and abortion is fully covered for a 78 year old man, hearing aids are not. Someone who neither drinks nor uses drugs isn't interested in substance abuse coverage. Yet, all these individuals have to pay for that "full coverage".

The cheapest plans prior to obamacare were major medical/hospitalization. Typically these cost $50.00 a month for a healthy young person. They pay for their doctor visits out of pocket but when they go to the hospital they are covered from day one. Not only have the premiums gone up under obamacare, the deductibles have gone up astronomically. Some people report deductibles from $6,000 up to $13,000. This essentially leaves the person with no insurance since if you do have to go to the hospital, you have to pay that deductible before your obamacare insurance kicks in. That's why so many hospitals have opted out of accepting obamacare insurance. They know that these people won't be able to pay the deductible so they won't get to insurance.

On the medical provider side, when a doctor accepts a company's insurance coverage he negotiates his payment from them. If he doesn't like what Cigna pays, he can decline that and go with Aetna instead. Under obamacare, the payments aren't negotiated, the government sets the fee schedule without regard to how doctors feel about it. The payment schedule is less than it costs the doctors to provide that service. Doctors are opting out of accepting obamacare insurance.

The consumer is getting it on both ends.
once the great uninformed eagle strikes again...this show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

I changed my mind. If I saw you on the street...I might throw you a couple of quarters. :)

honey I don't need your help for anything ... you're too dumb ...have you notice when they find out how its paid for, andf they are paying for it, they just go off on their shiny object rant ... we get it you hate obama ... we don't
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