Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014


All the Obamabots ducked answering a simple question. Why Obama won't tell Americans the obvious truth...millions more of them will lose their healthcare when he decides to enforce the employer mandate.

Don't the American people deserve basic honesty from their President? Why is telling the truth so difficult?

Because it's only true in your paranoid little fantasy land.
Obamacare will go into effect.
People will eventually settle into a policy
Republicans will try to take away those policies and offer nothing in return
Republicans will lose

and pigs will fly and it will rain diamonds.

It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.


All the Obamabots ducked answering a simple question. Why Obama won't tell Americans the obvious truth...millions more of them will lose their healthcare when he decides to enforce the employer mandate.

Don't the American people deserve basic honesty from their President? Why is telling the truth so difficult?

Because it's only true in your paranoid little fantasy land.

obama's lies have been well documented, even by the left wing media. you are the one living in a fantasy.
my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess

And you would be wrong. Our premiums will be about 40% higher and our deductibles will also be higher.

But my anecdotal evidence is nothing to compared to what we already know about the plan, nothing compared to the lies that we know have been told, nothing compared to the massive hit businesses (in and out of the health care industry) are taking and will continue to take, on and on and on.

I realize you feel an ideological obligation to support this thing, that's your call. But so far I have seen you offer nothing but platitudes, talking points, personal insults and name-calling. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, yet you persist.

Meh. Do what you will.


billy boy is a typical liberal, you described them very well

and your the typical right wing moron that we all know
WTF is CNS News?

Sorry Girlfriend...you lose. I can post dozens more if you'd like. Millions more will lose there insurance when Obama decides to enforce the employer mandate. You know this, why continue to fight it and look foolish? :(

Guy, Newsmax, Faux News and the Wall Street Journal?


Do you have anything from a credible source not run by Rupert Murdoch?

Fact is, most employer provided plans are ALREADY in compliance with ACA.

The ones that aren't good riddance to them and the companies that offer them.
and pigs will fly and it will rain diamonds.

It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.

There is a slight difference

Under Obamacare, people will get a better policy as a replacement
Under Republicans, people get nothing

Let em Die.........Republican Healthcare
And you would be wrong. Our premiums will be about 40% higher and our deductibles will also be higher.

But my anecdotal evidence is nothing to compared to what we already know about the plan, nothing compared to the lies that we know have been told, nothing compared to the massive hit businesses (in and out of the health care industry) are taking and will continue to take, on and on and on.

I realize you feel an ideological obligation to support this thing, that's your call. But so far I have seen you offer nothing but platitudes, talking points, personal insults and name-calling. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, yet you persist.

Meh. Do what you will.


billy boy is a typical liberal, you described them very well

and your the typical right wing moron that we all know

You know, there is a strong link between poverty and low I.Q. That could explain a lot, Bill. :eusa_shifty:

Chronic Poverty Can Lower Your IQ, Study Shows - DailyFinance
I get your point Mac,

It is all deflection because they don't want to admit Obamacare is a millstone around their neck. It really does come to two options. Try to save Obamacare, or try to salvage the Democrat Party for the next 3 or 4 election cycles.

Which do you choose?

Mainstream Dems trusted a psychopathic con-man. They have been burnt very badly. If they were smart they'd admit they were wrong, chuck Obamacare along with Obama, and gear up for the elections in 2014 and 2016.

The longer they ride the Obamacare horse, the more they get hurt.

Guy, ACA will be hugely popular when people find out how much better their health coverage will be.

The only kind of person who is upset is the kind of corporate toady who likes being boned in the ass by the man...

And they are going to vote against their own interests, regardless. So screw them.
Hey, we might be able to find nice sites for Billy today.

Store coupon sites so his EBT will buy more for Xmas...........

Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

ACA, as are all government programs, will be modified and enhanced as time goes by.

The real shock will be to the GOPs, based on whether the TeaPs do nothing (good!) or the act up again (bad!).

The tea party will continue to be a major player in 2014 and 2016 and the rinos like McCrazy and Gramnesty will be sent home.

The president has the executive authority to manage the execution of ACA.

The TeaPs have become irrelevant in the last two months and most of them will be primaried out next year.

The reactionaries and far right will be left thinking of the good old days in the 1950s.
All of the arguments are based on simplistic talking points, abject ignorance, pure dishonesty or based on "tough shit". They have to support it for political reasons. My guess is that they know how bad this is, but political ideology is more important to them.


my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess


Like I really need a poverty level type guy to tell me what I need to do.............

We don't suck on uncle sam's tit to make it..........We work our asses off to make a living, and our reward for making more than the poverty levels is to pay more so you can pay less..................

That's the deal.........Wealth redistribution at it's core............You receive your hand outs so your a HAPPY LITTLE LIB, while we pay the bill..............

That's it...........Based on your data, from your numbers, you qualify for a lot of free Gov't shit, and I'm sure you take it all. But alas that is another topic.

Now go to the store and buy your groceries with your EBT card Billy Bob.
I don't live on the gubment I am retired I get all my money from my retirement account not the gubment ... I pay for all my health care... an always have ... that fact that I pointed out what a idiot you are, and proved it, says it all ...you've just proved to us all what a uninformed idiot you really are ... thank you
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It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.

There is a slight difference

Under Obamacare, people will get a better policy as a replacement
Under Republicans, people get nothing

Let em Die.........Republican Healthcare

Better policy? Supposition...not fact.

Now let's do a simple math equation, okay?

106,000 Obamacare new enrollees. - 5,000,000 people who just lost there insurance. = 4.9 million people less that have insurance since the rollout of Obamacare.

So was that the intention of the Law? To vastly increase the number of uninsured?
Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

ACA, as are all government programs, will be modified and enhanced as time goes by.

The real shock will be to the GOPs, based on whether the TeaPs do nothing (good!) or the act up again (bad!).

The tea party will continue to be a major player in 2014 and 2016 and the rinos like McCrazy and Gramnesty will be sent home.

The president has the executive authority to manage the execution of ACA.

The TeaPs have become irrelevant in the last two months and most of them will be primaried out next year.

The reactionaries and far right will be left thinking of the good old days in the 1950s.

manage the execution in accordance with the provisions of the law-----------the implementation schedule is PART OF THE LAW. Obama has illegally changed a law by executive fiat---------an impeachable offense.

"reactionaries" Holy shit, Jake used the "reactionaries" word again, holy shit :cuckoo::cuckoo:
my guess none of you have checked into the companies who have sign on ... that none of you have look into what you are getting ... you all go to your favorite anti this and that web site design to miss-lead you ... none of you have gone to a exchange yet to see what you can get ... that would be my guess


Like I really need a poverty level type guy to tell me what I need to do.............

We don't suck on uncle sam's tit to make it..........We work our asses off to make a living, and our reward for making more than the poverty levels is to pay more so you can pay less..................

That's the deal.........Wealth redistribution at it's core............You receive your hand outs so your a HAPPY LITTLE LIB, while we pay the bill..............

That's it...........Based on your data, from your numbers, you qualify for a lot of free Gov't shit, and I'm sure you take it all. But alas that is another topic.

Now go to the store and buy your groceries with your EBT card Billy Bob.
I don't live on the gubment I am retired I get all my money from my retirement account not the gubment ... I pay for all my health care... an always have ... that fact that I pointed out what a idiot you are, and proed it, says it all ...you've just proved to us all what a uninformed idiot you really are ... thank you

Yet you bought it on the exchange didn't you.................The only way your coverage could go down like that is to qualify for the subsidies, PERIOD.............And by the percentage drops you posted that puts you in the second tier of poverty...............

That is the only way for the drop in cost..............So yes you are dependent on the Gov't. Whether you wear depends is a completely different subject.
I get your point Mac,

It is all deflection because they don't want to admit Obamacare is a millstone around their neck. It really does come to two options. Try to save Obamacare, or try to salvage the Democrat Party for the next 3 or 4 election cycles.

Which do you choose?

Mainstream Dems trusted a psychopathic con-man. They have been burnt very badly. If they were smart they'd admit they were wrong, chuck Obamacare along with Obama, and gear up for the elections in 2014 and 2016.

The longer they ride the Obamacare horse, the more they get hurt.

Guy, ACA will be hugely popular when people find out how much better their health coverage will be.

The only kind of person who is upset is the kind of corporate toady who likes being boned in the ass by the man...

And they are going to vote against their own interests, regardless. So screw them.

you have bought the bullshit, lies, and rhetoric from your lying kenyan messiah. enjoy your stay in idiotville.

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?

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Maybe there are some charities in your area that can help you out. It is getting close to Christmas time. These folks are usually nice. :)

Why do people feel that they can make these kinds of predictions?

I just shake My head at the progressives who post nonsense like, "The GOP is dead" or "The GOP will never win another election".....and then comes along people who essentially claim to be, at least not democrat, and make the same kind of worthless claims.

There is nearly a full year between now and the 2014 elections.

Please, stop with the nonsense and just keep hammering home the failure that are Democrat policies and worry about the election when it gets here.
WTF are you babbling about?

Sell insurance across state lines. Tort reform. Increase tax-free health saving accounts. Allow young adults to stay on their parents' plans until 26. Demand work or compensation for able bodied adults getting "free" health care. Do not cancel people who get sick.

How is that for starters?

that's not what I asked you ... your point is moot here ... its been debated here to many time ... where we all know your idea does work ... so I ask you again .. if you can answer the question ... I mean you're the life saving hero health care person here

what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing .??? answer the question why is that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ??? . answer the question then you try to tell us how great you are, well if you're so great then tell us why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ??? answer the question or are you going to start babbling about what a life saving hero you are again ??? you don't have to answer this question


I'm sorry you live in the second tier of poverty. I got an education and worked very hard...those two factors are usually a fairly effective in stopping poverty in its tracks. Just something you might want to consider.

As for your questions...It is difficult to make out in the midst of your rant, but I'll try. Insurance is a commodity. It has value. It costs something.

Who pays for it, and how much? The devil is in the details.

I don't mind my tax dollars paying for medicaid for the elderly, or medicaid for kids who have irresponsible parents.

I am not comfortable ever paying for insurance (or anything else for that matter) for able bodied adults such as yourself. If you are a grown man, and you are too simple-minded, or lazy, or stupid to take care of yourself....I really don't want you breeding and putting your sorry ass genes back into the gene pool. Life is tough. You have to grow up eventually. Nobody is responsible for you...but you. Not me...Not the Government...and not the American Taxpayer. :)

there you go assuming shit again ... I have a money mgr. who has advise me how much I should take each and every month My home is paid for .. it a 3 level home 3000 sq feet on each level ... I live on 3 lots ... my money will out last and retirement you would ever have ... so don't give me this your the brains of the gang here cause you are not...you answered nothing I asked ... what you have done here is show us you have no Idea what you're talking about ... you didn't answer one question that I asked ....we get it you're an anti-obama everything

as for health care the american tax payer doesn't pay one dime for anybodies health care ... another thing you didn't do you research its obvious ...

P.S. answer the questions
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Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


It is an Obama talking point no doubt said every five minutes on MSNBC or written up in Think Progress. The truth is millions will be dumped into really shitty medicaid plans that probably are far worse than what they currently have. Too bad...it all for the collective.

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