Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

Who defines what is inadequate? The Government...or the person who is actually choosing the policy and paying for it?

That's an easy one.

The one that has hundreds of analysts and actuaries evaluating plans....

The real problem is, Big Insurance has hundreds of lawyers pouring over the wording of plans to find just enough loopholes to leave policyholders adrift in a crisis.

12 Outrageous Health Care Horror Stories | Shrinkage Is Good

Your industry brought this down upon itself...

Joey, all insurance plans are approved by the Government. Every single plan in America. You must know that. Why the lies?
The problem with a lie...........

You have to tell 10 more lies to cover the first one.

This Billy bob poster is pure comedy.

I'm enjoying this.

I wish the Left would just be honest. Just hit us right over the head with it so at least we're dealing from the same place. Something like this (please feel free to cut and paste into other threads that are about the ACA, no charge):

"The ACA is law, and it's not likely you're going to be able top repeal it. So tough shit.

"Yes, Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and how much we'd all be saving, but tough shit, he had to do it to get what we want and I'm fine with that. All that mattered was getting this pig through the hole so that we can start gearing up for single payer. So tough shit.

"And yes, I admit that we're making shit up about existing plans being lousy. Some are, many are not. Frankly, I don't even know for sure, but Rachel is all over this and I totally trust her. So you're going to lose your plan whether you like it or not. So tough shit.

"And businesses? Ha. Yep, we're gonna bury those fuckers in red tape and regulations (actually we have already begun, yeah!) because they deserve it. You know what we think about businesses, and this is very cool for us. Fuck them. They fuck us, we'll fuck them right back, twice as hard.

"And the upper middle class and above. Ha, DOUBLE fuck them. They don't deserve what they have, they didn't earn it, they didn't build it, and now they're gonna pay. And payback's a bitch, pal!

"We're gonna go through this transitional stage for a few years, and then, when it's imploding, it's gonna be time for single payer. That's what we want, this was the only way to do it, so here it comes. It will be worth any lies and misinformation, and I will be worth the inevitable collateral damage along the way. And tough shit."

I could deal with that better than what we're getting. Just whack us across the face with it. These games are insulting.

Come on Billy, put your kids pics up on the angel tree and we'll help them out.

Don't be a Hero..............

and your the typical right wing moron that we all know

You know, there is a strong link between poverty and low I.Q. That could explain a lot, Bill. :eusa_shifty:

Chronic Poverty Can Lower Your IQ, Study Shows - DailyFinance

see what happens when the life saving hero, who won't answer the question, they insult your integrate . that show us all who belongs to the low I.Q goes to ... that would be you...

Bill...is this English?

Like I really need a poverty level type guy to tell me what I need to do.............

We don't suck on uncle sam's tit to make it..........We work our asses off to make a living, and our reward for making more than the poverty levels is to pay more so you can pay less..................

That's the deal.........Wealth redistribution at it's core............You receive your hand outs so your a HAPPY LITTLE LIB, while we pay the bill..............

That's it...........Based on your data, from your numbers, you qualify for a lot of free Gov't shit, and I'm sure you take it all. But alas that is another topic.

Now go to the store and buy your groceries with your EBT card Billy Bob.
I don't live on the gubment I am retired I get all my money from my retirement account not the gubment ... I pay for all my health care... an always have ... that fact that I pointed out what a idiot you are, and proed it, says it all ...you've just proved to us all what a uninformed idiot you really are ... thank you

Yet you bought it on the exchange didn't you.................The only way your coverage could go down like that is to qualify for the subsidies, PERIOD.............And by the percentage drops you posted that puts you in the second tier of poverty...............

That is the only way for the drop in cost..............So yes you are dependent on the Gov't. Whether you wear depends is a completely different subject.

like I said you haven't gone on to the exchange ... my finances are my business and how i go about it ... that fact that you choose to be stupid that's your business and how you go about it ... everything Ive done is according to law ..again I can't help you're stupid ...

P.S. that's not the only way to drop the cost
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I wish the Left would just be honest. Just hit us right over the head with it so at least we're dealing from the same place. Something like this (please feel free to cut and paste into other threads that are about the ACA, no charge):

"The ACA is law, and it's not likely you're going to be able top repeal it. So tough shit.

"Yes, Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and how much we'd all be saving, but tough shit, he had to do it to get what we want and I'm fine with that. All that mattered was getting this pig through the hole so that we can start gearing up for single payer. So tough shit.

"And yes, I admit that we're making shit up about existing plans being lousy. Some are, many are not. Frankly, I don't even know for sure, but Rachel is all over this and I totally trust her. So you're going to lose your plan whether you like it or not. So tough shit.

"And businesses? Ha. Yep, we're gonna bury those fuckers in red tape and regulations (actually we have already begun, yeah!) because they deserve it. You know what we think about businesses, and this is very cool for us. Fuck them. They fuck us, we'll fuck them right back, twice as hard.

"And the upper middle class and above. Ha, DOUBLE fuck them. They don't deserve what they have, they didn't earn it, they didn't build it, and now they're gonna pay. And payback's a bitch, pal!

"We're gonna go through this transitional stage for a few years, and then, when it's imploding, it's gonna be time for single payer. That's what we want, this was the only way to do it, so here it comes. It will be worth any lies and misinformation, and I will be worth the inevitable collateral damage along the way. And tough shit."

I could deal with that better than what we're getting. Just whack us across the face with it. These games are insulting.


Well said. This is exactly how I feel. Just be honest. I mean I know we're all being screwed....and least have the decency to admit it.
I don't live on the gubment I am retired I get all my money from my retirement account not the gubment ... I pay for all my health care... an always have ... that fact that I pointed out what a idiot you are, and proed it, says it all ...you've just proved to us all what a uninformed idiot you really are ... thank you

Yet you bought it on the exchange didn't you.................The only way your coverage could go down like that is to qualify for the subsidies, PERIOD.............And by the percentage drops you posted that puts you in the second tier of poverty...............

That is the only way for the drop in cost..............So yes you are dependent on the Gov't. Whether you wear depends is a completely different subject.

like I said yo8uhave gone on to the exchange ... my finances are my business and how i go about it ... that fact that you choose to be stupid tha'ts your business and how you go about it ... everything Ive done is according to law ..again I can't help you're stupid ...

P.S. that's not the only way to drop the cost

I sorry Billy bob, perhaps when you put your foot in your mouth I shouldn't have shoved............

My opinion of you......Your a LIAR.............

everything I've done is according to the law.........

Why do you feel it is necessary to blatantly LIE ABOUT YOUR SITUATION............

As the last poster stated, stop with the BS and come out and say what the law really does.............

BE A MAN BILLY...........
Who defines what is inadequate? The Government...or the person who is actually choosing the policy and paying for it?

That's an easy one.

The one that has hundreds of analysts and actuaries evaluating plans....

The real problem is, Big Insurance has hundreds of lawyers pouring over the wording of plans to find just enough loopholes to leave policyholders adrift in a crisis.

12 Outrageous Health Care Horror Stories | Shrinkage Is Good

Your industry brought this down upon itself...

Joey, all insurance plans are approved by the Government. Every single plan in America. You must know that. Why the lies?

they have to that is why

I think I've been unfair. I now know why you voted for Obama. You talked to this lady, and were able to get hooked up with your very own Obama phone. Having that phone probably makes those nights in a homeless shelter a little less lonely. :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpAOwJvTOio]Original Obamaphone Lady: Obama Voter Says Vote for Obama because he gives a free Phone - YouTube[/ame]

I wish the Left would just be honest. Just hit us right over the head with it so at least we're dealing from the same place. Something like this (please feel free to cut and paste into other threads that are about the ACA, no charge):

"The ACA is law, and it's not likely you're going to be able top repeal it. So tough shit.

"Yes, Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and how much we'd all be saving, but tough shit, he had to do it to get what we want and I'm fine with that. All that mattered was getting this pig through the hole so that we can start gearing up for single payer. So tough shit.

"And yes, I admit that we're making shit up about existing plans being lousy. Some are, many are not. Frankly, I don't even know for sure, but Rachel is all over this and I totally trust her. So you're going to lose your plan whether you like it or not. So tough shit.

"And businesses? Ha. Yep, we're gonna bury those fuckers in red tape and regulations (actually we have already begun, yeah!) because they deserve it. You know what we think about businesses, and this is very cool for us. Fuck them. They fuck us, we'll fuck them right back, twice as hard.

"And the upper middle class and above. Ha, DOUBLE fuck them. They don't deserve what they have, they didn't earn it, they didn't build it, and now they're gonna pay. And payback's a bitch, pal!

"We're gonna go through this transitional stage for a few years, and then, when it's imploding, it's gonna be time for single payer. That's what we want, this was the only way to do it, so here it comes. It will be worth any lies and misinformation, and I will be worth the inevitable collateral damage along the way. And tough shit."

I could deal with that better than what we're getting. Just whack us across the face with it. These games are insulting.


honest leftist is an oxymoron.
If the Democrats lose, you won't see the liberals here hiding for months, as the conservatives did in 2012. Why? Because the liberals won't have been declaring how the polls are rigged and that a Democratic landslide was obviously forthcoming, and thus won't have anything to be ashamed about, no crow to eat.

It's why I'm not making any predictions now. There simply isn't enough data to make any meaningful prediction. Almost all predictions now are just meaningless smack talking.

Okay, I'll make one easy prediction. The Republicans will pick up a senate seat in Montana. That was always a given, since it's a strong red state without any strong Democratic candidate.
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Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

lol.. Telling people what they choose is inadequate. The government no less who are the kings of inadequacy.

.I wish the Left would just be honest

We are. Your problem, like that of many righties, is that you can't imagine that anyone isn't exactly like yourself. Extreme kook righties are, on party orders, chronic liars and rank hypocrites, hence they instantly project those traits on to their moral and intellectual betters.

Remember righties, we aren't like you. We'd have to start raping nuns to stoop to your moral level. Just stop assuming anyone else shares your obvious moral failings, since doing that makes you look ridiculous.
.I wish the Left would just be honest

We are. Your problem, like that of many righties, is that you can't imagine that anyone isn't exactly like yourself. Extreme kook righties are, on party orders, chronic liars and rank hypocrites, hence they instantly project those traits on to their moral and intellectual betters.

Remember righties, we aren't like you. We'd have to start raping nuns to stoop to your moral level. Just stop assuming anyone else shares your obvious moral failings, since doing that makes you look ridiculous.

Did I say anything with which you disagree?

Here, let me post it again for you.

Please be specific, thanks.


I wish the Left would just be honest. Just hit us right over the head with it so at least we're dealing from the same place. Something like this (please feel free to cut and paste into other threads that are about the ACA, no charge):

"The ACA is law, and it's not likely you're going to be able top repeal it. So tough shit.

"Yes, Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and how much we'd all be saving, but tough shit, he had to do it to get what we want and I'm fine with that. All that mattered was getting this pig through the hole so that we can start gearing up for single payer. So tough shit.

"And yes, I admit that we're making shit up about existing plans being lousy. Some are, many are not. Frankly, I don't even know for sure, but Rachel is all over this and I totally trust her. So you're going to lose your plan whether you like it or not. So tough shit.

"And businesses? Ha. Yep, we're gonna bury those fuckers in red tape and regulations (actually we have already begun, yeah!) because they deserve it. You know what we think about businesses, and this is very cool for us. Fuck them. They fuck us, we'll fuck them right back, twice as hard.

"And the upper middle class and above. Ha, DOUBLE fuck them. They don't deserve what they have, they didn't earn it, they didn't build it, and now they're gonna pay. And payback's a bitch, pal!

"We're gonna go through this transitional stage for a few years, and then, when it's imploding, it's gonna be time for single payer. That's what we want, this was the only way to do it, so here it comes. It will be worth any lies and misinformation, and I will be worth the inevitable collateral damage along the way. And tough shit."

I could deal with that better than what we're getting. Just whack us across the face with it. These games are insulting.

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.

There is a slight difference

Under Obamacare, people will get a better policy as a replacement
Under Republicans, people get nothing

Let em Die.........Republican Healthcare

Better policy? Supposition...not fact.

Now let's do a simple math equation, okay?

106,000 Obamacare new enrollees. - 5,000,000 people who just lost there insurance. = 4.9 million people less that have insurance since the rollout of Obamacare.

So was that the intention of the Law? To vastly increase the number of uninsured?

if you're going to do the math then you need all the numbers involved ... 350 million people minus 50 million not insured that brings it to 300 milliom on health care ... minus 5 million lost their health care .. what 295 million still on health care plan if you're going to use the real numbers then here are the real numbers

don't ya just hate it when you get you head handed to you life saver ... here's a Idea welfarequeen you should change you screen name to lifesavor
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Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?

11 months is an eternity in politics. Time will tell us if the PPACA web site is fixed and if the people who have lost "crap" policies are able to replace them with one's less expensive or equal in costs with greater benefits or not.

We can also expect more surprises to take the PPACA off the 'front' page, foreign affairs, natural disasters and economic swings can all become the most important issue come election day.

We can expect the GOP and those who hate the President (for whatever reasons) to continue the Henny Penny Polka and use hate and fear rather than reason to attack efforts to reform health insurance.

Hillarycare was attacked viciously too, so anyone who watches and listens to the arguments proffered by those against health care reform, will understand that there are forces against health care reform which transcend this single issue, those who hate government in general and those who hope to profit as more and more services become privatized.

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