Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

I get your point Mac,

It is all deflection because they don't want to admit Obamacare is a millstone around their neck. It really does come to two options. Try to save Obamacare, or try to salvage the Democrat Party for the next 3 or 4 election cycles.

Which do you choose?

Mainstream Dems trusted a psychopathic con-man. They have been burnt very badly. If they were smart they'd admit they were wrong, chuck Obamacare along with Obama, and gear up for the elections in 2014 and 2016.

The longer they ride the Obamacare horse, the more they get hurt.

Guy, ACA will be hugely popular when people find out how much better their health coverage will be.

The only kind of person who is upset is the kind of corporate toady who likes being boned in the ass by the man...

And they are going to vote against their own interests, regardless. So screw them.

you have bought the bullshit, lies, and rhetoric from your lying kenyan messiah. enjoy your stay in idiotville.

heres bull shit its on your head:9:
After all the discussion above, yes, it comes down to ACA is here because the health insurance, pharma, and medical industries, no matter how legal, fucked up and brought Armageddon down on them. Tis what tis, and America is not going back. The elections of 2014 will have no affect on the sustainability of ACA.

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


you need to do some reseaech ... its obvious you haven't

Maybe there are some charities in your area that can help you out. It is getting close to Christmas time. These folks are usually nice. :)


thats your best when confronted with the facts ??? you stick with the cheap pitiful attacks ... we get it ... you lost the debate here, with all your brilliant education that you claim, you would have thought you could do better ... I guess that's what we get when debating with a life saving dummy hero...
stupid uninfomed remarks ... thats her best...

its Billye ...

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


you need to do some reseaech ... its obvious you haven't

I see.

So let's get this straight. I don't want to put words in your mouth so I will phrase these in questions:

  • Are you saying that we'll all be getting better plans for less money?
  • Are you saying that all of the plans being replaced were lousy? Please provide examples, including existing PPO plans that are being replaced, like mine.
  • Are you saying I'll be saving $2500 per year on my plan?
Okay Mr. Research, lay it on me, looking forward to it.


It is an Obama talking point no doubt said every five minutes on MSNBC or written up in Think Progress. The truth is millions will be dumped into really shitty medicaid plans that probably are far worse than what they currently have. Too bad...it all for the collective.

If MediCaid is so "Shitty", why does non-group insurance have a dissatisfaction rating that is three times higher than Medicaid?


Because it's free?

more information from wsj, whirlenutdaily, newsmax??? figures ya see were it says private plan ??? now it the ACA plans numbers and she doesn't like the idea that we get a good plan now
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News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.
news flash
the insurance company canceled their insurance not obama ... moron ...


You are a brave (but stupid) soldier in the Obamabot Army. Here is my long distance dedication to your undying service to your Kenyan Overlord.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdFuMgMkBM]Paper Lace - Billy don't be a Hero 1974 - YouTube[/ame]

here mine because your a repubobots
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmfJnKoZcVA]Billy Ray Charles - I'm Stuck On Stupid "www.getbluesinfo.com" - YouTube[/ame]
news flash
the insurance company canceled their insurance not obama ... moron ...


You are a brave (but stupid) soldier in the Obamabot Army. Here is my long distance dedication to your undying service to your Kenyan Overlord.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdFuMgMkBM]Paper Lace - Billy don't be a Hero 1974 - YouTube[/ame]

here mine because your a repubobots
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tmfJnKoZcVA]Billy Ray Charles - I'm Stuck On Stupid "www.getbluesinfo.com" - YouTube[/ame]

here mine

yes it fits you well
I suppose you have access to my Crystal Ball Billy Bob..................

Damn, I need you to do my taxes man..............

Because every year I pay a hell of lot of money to uncle Sam at the State..........

Maybe I need to get your expert advice on how to not pay taxes.............

Like not work and suck on the Gov'ts tits.................

Now call your mamma on the Gov't issued Cell phone you have and cry to her.

translation = you didn't do your home work again ... you just got you head handed to you again ... none of the taxes you pay go to health care deal with it ... and once again you have no Idea what you're talking about...


So you live in a 9000 square foot mansion getting subsidies for your insurance........

And now you know exactly where every tax dollar paid goes............


yep and yep if you took any time to look at the health care plans and see how its paid for you would not be here looking so stupid with egg on your face ... you see what they did was to tax corporation to pay for the subsidies ... and you being a republican I surprised you couldn't figure out how ... your health care isn't base on where you live.. its base on income ... there's the clue eagle ... that's all I'm going to give you
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The problem with a lie...........

You have to tell 10 more lies to cover the first one.

This Billy bob poster is pure comedy.

I'm enjoying this.

translation= you can't deny the fact when presented... so you tap dance ... you an craig ... bathroom tappers:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
Better policy? Supposition...not fact.

Now let's do a simple math equation, okay?

106,000 Obamacare new enrollees. - 5,000,000 people who just lost there insurance. = 4.9 million people less that have insurance since the rollout of Obamacare.

So was that the intention of the Law? To vastly increase the number of uninsured?

Republicans are once again equating "losing your insurance" with ending up with no insurance. That is what the Republicans are offering......you get nothing

The marketplace is opening up. People will be able to have many more options than they had before. People may bounce around until they find a policy they are happy with

Then Republicans will try to take it away

Run with that in 2014

All supposition and bullshit Obama talking points and lies. I presented a simple and indisputable fact.

106,000 new Obamacare enrollees. 5 million who just lost their insurance. Question: Who is being blamed for this fuck up? Dems or Repubs?

Once again, those 5 million or whatever number Republicans are making up today will have a choice of policies available to them. They are in an insurance market and have some choices available to them

Under Republican....Kill Obamacare. You get nothing

Let em die
You know, there is a strong link between poverty and low I.Q. That could explain a lot, Bill. :eusa_shifty:

Chronic Poverty Can Lower Your IQ, Study Shows - DailyFinance

see what happens when the life saving hero, who won't answer the question, they insult your integrate . that show us all who belongs to the low I.Q goes to ... that would be you...

Bill...is this English?

yep!!! when confronted all you can do is insult we get it ... ya ain't gots a leg ta stands on ... thats english too...

I wish the Left would just be honest. Just hit us right over the head with it so at least we're dealing from the same place. Something like this (please feel free to cut and paste into other threads that are about the ACA, no charge):

"The ACA is law, and it's not likely you're going to be able top repeal it. So tough shit.

"Yes, Obama lied about being able to keep your plan and how much we'd all be saving, but tough shit, he had to do it to get what we want and I'm fine with that. All that mattered was getting this pig through the hole so that we can start gearing up for single payer. So tough shit.

"And yes, I admit that we're making shit up about existing plans being lousy. Some are, many are not. Frankly, I don't even know for sure, but Rachel is all over this and I totally trust her. So you're going to lose your plan whether you like it or not. So tough shit.

"And businesses? Ha. Yep, we're gonna bury those fuckers in red tape and regulations (actually we have already begun, yeah!) because they deserve it. You know what we think about businesses, and this is very cool for us. Fuck them. They fuck us, we'll fuck them right back, twice as hard.

"And the upper middle class and above. Ha, DOUBLE fuck them. They don't deserve what they have, they didn't earn it, they didn't build it, and now they're gonna pay. And payback's a bitch, pal!

"We're gonna go through this transitional stage for a few years, and then, when it's imploding, it's gonna be time for single payer. That's what we want, this was the only way to do it, so here it comes. It will be worth any lies and misinformation, and I will be worth the inevitable collateral damage along the way. And tough shit."

I could deal with that better than what we're getting. Just whack us across the face with it. These games are insulting.


Well said. This is exactly how I feel. Just be honest. I mean I know we're all being screwed....and least have the decency to admit it.

know and reality are two different things ... you buy what the right tells you cause you loath liberals ... we get it ...

I buy what the liberals tell us, why because we already have a track record and you republicans don't ... that what I know
Yet you bought it on the exchange didn't you.................The only way your coverage could go down like that is to qualify for the subsidies, PERIOD.............And by the percentage drops you posted that puts you in the second tier of poverty...............

That is the only way for the drop in cost..............So yes you are dependent on the Gov't. Whether you wear depends is a completely different subject.

like I said yo8uhave gone on to the exchange ... my finances are my business and how i go about it ... that fact that you choose to be stupid tha'ts your business and how you go about it ... everything Ive done is according to law ..again I can't help you're stupid ...

P.S. that's not the only way to drop the cost

I sorry Billy bob, perhaps when you put your foot in your mouth I shouldn't have shoved............

My opinion of you......Your a LIAR.............

everything I've done is according to the law.........

Why do you feel it is necessary to blatantly LIE ABOUT YOUR SITUATION............

As the last poster stated, stop with the BS and come out and say what the law really does.............

BE A MAN BILLY...........

I pay myself 22,000 dollars a year... that's my income ...last I checked under the health care regs that gives me a subsidy ... that's what I pay ... I don't need any more money to pay for myself ... my house is paid for ... so the only thing I pay for is the taxes on it and my income taxes ... I have solar panels for my energy, which I haven't seen a bill over 10 dollars yet ... I can't help you because you spend your money foolishly, I don't... I own all my cars ... I have a honda pilot and honda accord .and 3 motorcycles... I have a 1965 ford mustang convertible ... I have a 1957 chevy I own and one I won that I'm rebuilding now... more then happy to show those pictures ... I never borrow money on anything ... I get my money mgr to take care of my needs ... I have said this many times on these boards ... this is nothing new ...I can't help that I'm smarter then you when it comes to financial matters ... well its not me being smarter its my money mgr ... but unlike most people I listen ... like i said I can't help if you're stupid on how you use your money .....
like I said yo8uhave gone on to the exchange ... my finances are my business and how i go about it ... that fact that you choose to be stupid tha'ts your business and how you go about it ... everything Ive done is according to law ..again I can't help you're stupid ...

P.S. that's not the only way to drop the cost

I sorry Billy bob, perhaps when you put your foot in your mouth I shouldn't have shoved............

My opinion of you......Your a LIAR.............

everything I've done is according to the law.........

Why do you feel it is necessary to blatantly LIE ABOUT YOUR SITUATION............

As the last poster stated, stop with the BS and come out and say what the law really does.............

BE A MAN BILLY...........

I pay myself 22,000 dollars a year... that's my income ...last I checked under the health care regs that gives me a subsidy ... that's what I pay ... I don't need any more money to pay for myself ... my house is paid for ... so the only thing I pay for is the taxes on it and my income taxes ... I have solar panels for my energy, which I haven't seen a bill over 10 dollars yet ... I can't help you because you spend your money foolishly, I don't... I own all my cars ... I have a honda pilot and honda accord .and 3 motorcycles... I have a 1965 ford mustang convertible ... I have a 1957 chevy I own and one I won that I'm rebuilding now... more then happy to show those pictures ... I never borrow money on anything ... I get my money mgr to take care of my needs ... I have said this many times on these boards ... this is nothing new ...I can't help that I'm smarter then you when it comes to financial matters ... well its not me being smarter its my money mgr ... but unlike most people I listen ... like i said I can't help if you're stupid on how you use your money .....
Invest some of that money and get an elementary education. Since I believe you are already the product, US public education should not be an option

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


you need to do some reseaech ... its obvious you haven't

I see.

So let's get this straight. I don't want to put words in your mouth so I will phrase these in questions:

  • Are you saying that we'll all be getting better plans for less money? me YES
  • Are you saying that all of the plans being replaced were lousy? not all but the majority ... Please provide examples, including existing PPO plans that are being replaced, like mine. NO!!! not wasting my time
  • Are you saying I'll be saving $2500 per year on my plan? no !!!! don't know your income, don't know what your health care plan is, that's a trick question .... now if your speaking to my plan ... yes!!! its a 100 times better then the one I have now ... saving 300 dollars a month ...so no I won't get a savings of 2500 dollars a year... I will be saving 3600 dollars a year
Okay Mr. Research, lay it on me, looking forward to it.

I know this is a trap they always do it ...
I sorry Billy bob, perhaps when you put your foot in your mouth I shouldn't have shoved............

My opinion of you......Your a LIAR.............

everything I've done is according to the law.........

Why do you feel it is necessary to blatantly LIE ABOUT YOUR SITUATION............

As the last poster stated, stop with the BS and come out and say what the law really does.............

BE A MAN BILLY...........

I pay myself 22,000 dollars a year... that's my income ...last I checked under the health care regs that gives me a subsidy ... that's what I pay ... I don't need any more money to pay for myself ... my house is paid for ... so the only thing I pay for is the taxes on it and my income taxes ... I have solar panels for my energy, which I haven't seen a bill over 10 dollars yet ... I can't help you because you spend your money foolishly, I don't... I own all my cars ... I have a honda pilot and honda accord .and 3 motorcycles... I have a 1965 ford mustang convertible ... I have a 1957 chevy I own and one I won that I'm rebuilding now... more then happy to show those pictures ... I never borrow money on anything ... I get my money mgr to take care of my needs ... I have said this many times on these boards ... this is nothing new ...I can't help that I'm smarter then you when it comes to financial matters ... well its not me being smarter its my money mgr ... but unlike most people I listen ... like i said I can't help if you're stupid on how you use your money .....
Invest some of that money and get an elementary education. Since I believe you are already the product, US public education should not be an option

that would be a waste of money... something you do all the time meatheadjob waste your money...
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