Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014

you need to do some reseaech ... its obvious you haven't

I see.

So let's get this straight. I don't want to put words in your mouth so I will phrase these in questions:

  • Are you saying that we'll all be getting better plans for less money? me YES
  • Are you saying that all of the plans being replaced were lousy? not all but the majority ... Please provide examples, including existing PPO plans that are being replaced, like mine. NO!!! not wasting my time
  • Are you saying I'll be saving $2500 per year on my plan? no !!!! don't know your income, don't know what your health care plan is, that's a trick question .... now if your speaking to my plan ... yes!!! its a 100 times better then the one I have now ... saving 300 dollars a month ...so no I won't get a savings of 2500 dollars a year... I will be saving 3600 dollars a year
Okay Mr. Research, lay it on me, looking forward to it.

I know this is a trap they always do it ...

No trap.

So YOU'RE getting a better plan for less money. I'm not, even though I was promised (a) I could keep my plan and (b) I'd be saving $2500 a year. Now, I realize you don't care about that, because you're getting yours. Many of us who do not qualify for subsidies are paying more for less. Speaking of research, you may want to look into that if you're going to keep debating the merits of the plan. I guarantee you what I just said will be happening to many people. I wonder if you'll come back and admit you were wrong.

I can understand that you don't want to "waste your time" proving this notion that millions of plans are inadequate, I get the same response from the other apologists. Ultimately, they end up saying, "well yeah, you're paying for stuff you don't need, but you're helping someone else pay for it." Right. That's what I said, and you objected.

And again, YOU'RE saving $3600 a year, I'll be paying about that much more. And again, I know you're okay with this -- let someone else pay for it -- but that's not what was promised.

Do promises matter to you?

Thanks for answering my questions, and I have to wonder why you suggested I do some research when all I had to do to prove my point was ask you three questions.

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No matter what Billy bob says to me, I think he is a liar.............

I son't believe him, PERIOD................

He pays himself 22k a year................

Sorry Billy Bob, I don't believe you...........

And you state you don't use the Goburment or something like that and admit you get the subsidies, and when you are caught in the lie you say it's your right and in the law............

You have no credibilly here................

Which is it.............You don't use the Gov't or you do............Flip Flop Flip Flop.............

And your mansion.............and qualfy..................BS
I see.

So let's get this straight. I don't want to put words in your mouth so I will phrase these in questions:

  • Are you saying that we'll all be getting better plans for less money? me YES
  • Are you saying that all of the plans being replaced were lousy? not all but the majority ... Please provide examples, including existing PPO plans that are being replaced, like mine. NO!!! not wasting my time
  • Are you saying I'll be saving $2500 per year on my plan? no !!!! don't know your income, don't know what your health care plan is, that's a trick question .... now if your speaking to my plan ... yes!!! its a 100 times better then the one I have now ... saving 300 dollars a month ...so no I won't get a savings of 2500 dollars a year... I will be saving 3600 dollars a year
Okay Mr. Research, lay it on me, looking forward to it.

I know this is a trap they always do it ...

No trap.

So YOU'RE getting a better plan for less money. I'm not, even though I was promised (a) I could keep my plan and (b) I'd be saving $2500 a year. Now, I realize you don't care about that, because you're getting yours. Many of us who do not qualify for subsidies are paying more for less. Speaking of research, you may want to look into that if you're going to keep debating the merits of the plan. I guarantee you what I just said will be happening to many people. I wonder if you'll come back and admit you were wrong.

I can understand that you don't want to "waste your time" proving this notion that millions of plans are inadequate, I get the same response from the other apologists. Ultimately, they end up saying, "well yeah, you're paying for stuff you don't need, but you're helping someone else pay for it." Right. That's what I said, and you objected.

And again, YOU'RE saving $3600 a year, I'll be paying about that much more. And again, I know you're okay with this -- let someone else pay for it -- but that's not what was promised.

Do promises matter to you?

Thanks for answering my questions, and I have to wonder why you suggested I do some research when all I had to do to prove my point was ask you three questions.


They simply don't care who they screw to use the system..............They manipulate everything to try and justify it, and can look you in the face and tell a bald faced lie.........................

They have no HONOR.
I noticed how he said thanks for the info on the free phone.

Like he didn't know of it's existence..........


He's already using one.

Sign up for the Angel Tree leach.
Quick question...........

Billy bob............How many solar panels did it take you to get off the grid.........

How many batteries in the grid........................

What are the Watts per panel............
I don't know if he's posting now..........

But I really can't wait for that answer on the Solar Grid..............



Joey, all insurance plans are approved by the Government. Every single plan in America. You must know that. Why the lies?

Then I'm not seeing what your problem is, here.

Oh, i mean other than shilling for a soulless industry that feeds off of human suffering.

Joey, all insurance plans are approved by the Government. Every single plan in America. You must know that. Why the lies?

Then I'm not seeing what your problem is, here.

Oh, i mean other than shilling for a soulless industry that feeds off of human suffering.


You were the one calling plans in the individual market "Sub-Standard." I pointed out that every single health insurance policy in America is fully vetted and approved by the Government, therefore your Obama talking point is utter bullshit.

Keep up, girlfriend. You seem real confused. :(

You were the one calling plans in the individual market "Sub-Standard." I pointed out that every single health insurance policy in America is fully vetted and approved by the Government, therefore your Obama talking point is utter bullshit.

Keep up, girlfriend. You seem real confused. :(

And the ones that are FAILING to be meet that vetting are the ones being cancelled now. The ones you guys are bitching about because what's the fun of being in the insurance industry if you can't see the horrified look on their faces when they find out their cancer was a pre-existing condition.

Seriously, guy, the biggest problem with ObamaCare is he tried to work with you guys.

I'd have villified you to the point where your dog wouldn't like you.

You were the one calling plans in the individual market "Sub-Standard." I pointed out that every single health insurance policy in America is fully vetted and approved by the Government, therefore your Obama talking point is utter bullshit.

Keep up, girlfriend. You seem real confused. :(

And the ones that are FAILING to be meet that vetting are the ones being cancelled now. The ones you guys are bitching about because what's the fun of being in the insurance industry if you can't see the horrified look on their faces when they find out their cancer was a pre-existing condition.

Seriously, guy, the biggest problem with ObamaCare is he tried to work with you guys.

I'd have villified you to the point where your dog wouldn't like you.

Wrong again Joe. No plan has failed to met the vetting process. None. State Government does the vetting of insurance policies....not the Feds. To call insurance sub-standard when Government is directly involved in vetting and approving every single health insurance policy sold in America is completely fucking wrong. The insurance Companies do not set the rules, Joey. They never have. The Government does.
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Wrong again Joe. No plan has failed to met the vetting process. None. State Government does the vetting of insurance policies....not the Feds. To call insurance sub-standard when Government is directly involved in vetting and approving every single health insurance policy sold in America is completely fucking wrong. The insurance Companies do not set the rules, Joey. They never have. The Government does.

Guy, the problem is, you can hide through all the rigamorow you want, but here's the thing.

If I paid good money for insurance or my employer promised me insurance in exchange for work...

And they I get sick and they tell me why they can't pay for it-


This really, really isn't fucking difficult.

And here's the thing. Your industry said, "Oh, please, please don't go to a public option or single payer, we promise we'll be good!"

Seriously, it's like one of those movies where they turn their back on the character who has already been established to be a weasel and they are surprised when he turns on them.

Wrong again Joe. No plan has failed to met the vetting process. None. State Government does the vetting of insurance policies....not the Feds. To call insurance sub-standard when Government is directly involved in vetting and approving every single health insurance policy sold in America is completely fucking wrong. The insurance Companies do not set the rules, Joey. They never have. The Government does.

Guy, the problem is, you can hide through all the rigamorow you want, but here's the thing.

If I paid good money for insurance or my employer promised me insurance in exchange for work...

And they I get sick and they tell me why they can't pay for it-


This really, really isn't fucking difficult.

And here's the thing. Your industry said, "Oh, please, please don't go to a public option or single payer, we promise we'll be good!"

Seriously, it's like one of those movies where they turn their back on the character who has already been established to be a weasel and they are surprised when he turns on them.


It sounds like you went through a personal tragedy. :eusa_boohoo: If I could give you a bro hug I would. :)

But hey, since insurance companies are so bad....why did Obama lift up his skirts and let them have their way with him? I mean...Obamacare gives the insurance companies all the power.

Joey...you say you hate insurance companies, and yet in Obamacare, your Kenyan Messiah gives the insurance companies everything they want. Joey, I am not real sure how you work out the logic of all of that in your brain...but my guess is there is such powerful delusional rationalizations going on there. :)
Obama won because Republicans are not credible, didn't he?

Obama won because he is a world class liar and the media covered for him. From the latest polling if the election were held today...now the the American public is finally getting the truth and the media is starting to do its job...Romney wins.
I'm glad we wont have to deal with the dorkocrats come 2014, and they can take all the freeloaders with them

Wow, you guys are delusional.

Most employer programs ALREADY meet the mandate. This is kind of what you don't get, is that unilke individual plans, the pools for employers are large enough to spread the risk around.

Now, yeah, here's the number you keep taking out of context that every year, the old plans are cancelled and they have to come up with new plans that are usually 90% the same as the old one.

I think what you guys are a bit confused about is that there is a plan called "ObamaCare" that is actually paying out money. There really isn't. It's just an expansion and mandates on existing plans.

Most employer policies already meet the requirements? Ok prove it. Second, it doesn't matter. Because once the employer mandate becomes effective, employers will begin dumping their employees insurance altogether because the fine is cheaper than insuring their employees. That is how this thing was set up. The deliberate scuttling of employer provided health insurance was the target of PPACA.
To address your last point, let's say for a moment you are correct. There is no such thing as obamacare.
I have two questions..
1. What is the $900 billion( estimated before passage then recalculated to cost three times that) for?
2.If Obamacare really is just mandates, then why is there a need for a 950 page law, 16,000 new IRS employees and a host of other new regulations and rules?

Billy bob hasn't been back to explain the solar grid to us in his 9000 square foot mansion, living on 2nd tier poverty level...............

The same billy bob that doesn't take from the Gov't but actually does so.................

Perhaps he is researching his answer on the solar grid needed for his mansion.

Okay Kids,

Here is exactly what happens to the Democrats in 2014. There are two options. Each one is a disaster. Both involve Obamacare.

Option 1. Obama enforces the employer mandate. If this happens it could save Obamacare. Without the employer mandate the risk pool sucks, there is no evolution to single payer, and Obamacare is economically unsustainable.

The bad news. Roughly 100 million Americans lose their employer based insurance. Both HHS and the Justice Dept are already estimating half to 2/3 of employer based insurance goes away immediately. If this happens the mid term election is an historic bloodbath for Democrats (if it is not already).

Option 2. King Obama decides he will not enforce the employer mandate for yet another year. Roughly 100 million Americans get to keep their employer based insurance. Dems will obviously do better in the mid term elections.

The bad news. Another year long delay in the employer mandate means Obamacare likely collapses under it own weight due to a very poor risk pool that will not be filled with working folks and their families with money, but instead filled with the old, sick, poor and unemployed (i.e. no people who can go into the exchanges and actually buy something).

So Dems, those are your choices. Enforce the employer mandate and potentially save Obamacare, but lose massively in the mid term election (and many elections thereafter).

Or, delay the employer mandate yet again, and probably kill Obamacare. What do you do?

My sides !!! My sides !!!!! :lol::lol::lol: republicans are sitting at a 26% reelection percentage and the dems at a 49% reelection percentage ...... talk about wishful thinking :9:

Where you got those numbers is a mystery.
Your way of doing things is over. You had your chance to run the show. Step aside.
We've had it with liberalism, political correctness, organized labor, high taxes, exponentially growing government, anti consumer policies, fees so that certain chosen people can get stuff( Cell phones, internet) for free that the rest of us have to pay for. Free shit. Intellectuals like you.
Wow, you guys are delusional.

Most employer programs ALREADY meet the mandate. This is kind of what you don't get, is that unilke individual plans, the pools for employers are large enough to spread the risk around.

Now, yeah, here's the number you keep taking out of context that every year, the old plans are cancelled and they have to come up with new plans that are usually 90% the same as the old one.

I think what you guys are a bit confused about is that there is a plan called "ObamaCare" that is actually paying out money. There really isn't. It's just an expansion and mandates on existing plans.


Try reading it again, more slowly. The Obama Administration is saying half to 2/3 of all employer based insurances goes away immediately when the employer mandate kicks in. This was filed by the Justice Dept as a finding of fact submitted in a legal brief to a Federal Court. I am not saying this....Obama is saying it.

Guy, you keep taking that out of context, but, no, not really.

I mean, I know you really, really, really need to believe this....

I'm just not sure why the thought of poor people getting health insurance horrifies you so much.

Oh, yeah... because "Freedom" or something.

"out of context"....Oh Joey...There is no ambiguity in Obama's words.
And that scares the piss out of you libs.

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