Exactly Why the Democrats Go Down in Flames in 2014


Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.
Why do people feel that they can make these kinds of predictions?

I just shake My head at the progressives who post nonsense like, "The GOP is dead" or "The GOP will never win another election".....and then comes along people who essentially claim to be, at least not democrat, and make the same kind of worthless claims.

There is nearly a full year between now and the 2014 elections.

Please, stop with the nonsense and just keep hammering home the failure that are Democrat policies and worry about the election when it gets here.

I get your point, but it really isn't about predictions. It boils down to a choice in my opinion. Fully implement Obamacare....employer mandate and all....and likely take a big hit....or ditch it, work on something new, and focus on the upcoming elections.

I don't think that formulation is unfair or inaccurate.
And you would be wrong. Our premiums will be about 40% higher and our deductibles will also be higher.

But my anecdotal evidence is nothing to compared to what we already know about the plan, nothing compared to the lies that we know have been told, nothing compared to the massive hit businesses (in and out of the health care industry) are taking and will continue to take, on and on and on.

I realize you feel an ideological obligation to support this thing, that's your call. But so far I have seen you offer nothing but platitudes, talking points, personal insults and name-calling. You clearly don't know what you're talking about, yet you persist.

Meh. Do what you will.


The CBO is right in line with your 40% increase.................Right out of the report............41%

Somebody posted a link that said national premium increases across 49 states was 43%. So all the numbers people are putting out there are very close together.

there you go again with you innuendos again;... some one said, I heard, did you hear???? how about some factual information for ones in your miserable life

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

Who defines what is inadequate? The Government...or the person who is actually choosing the policy and paying for it?
that's not what I asked you ... your point is moot here ... its been debated here to many time ... where we all know your idea does work ... so I ask you again .. if you can answer the question ... I mean you're the life saving hero health care person here

what you're trying to tell us here is that being fully covered is a bad thing .??? answer the question why is that the do nothing plan you use to have it's the best thing sense sliced bread ??? . answer the question then you try to tell us how great you are, well if you're so great then tell us why you feel a plan that fully covers you, and you pay less money for it is a bad thing ??? answer the question or are you going to start babbling about what a life saving hero you are again ??? you don't have to answer this question


I'm sorry you live in the second tier of poverty. I got an education and worked very hard...those two factors are usually a fairly effective in stopping poverty in its tracks. Just something you might want to consider.

As for your questions...It is difficult to make out in the midst of your rant, but I'll try. Insurance is a commodity. It has value. It costs something.

Who pays for it, and how much? The devil is in the details.

I don't mind my tax dollars paying for medicaid for the elderly, or medicaid for kids who have irresponsible parents.

I am not comfortable ever paying for insurance (or anything else for that matter) for able bodied adults such as yourself. If you are a grown man, and you are too simple-minded, or lazy, or stupid to take care of yourself....I really don't want you breeding and putting your sorry ass genes back into the gene pool. Life is tough. You have to grow up eventually. Nobody is responsible for you...but you. Not me...Not the Government...and not the American Taxpayer. :)

there you go assuming shit again ... I have a money mgr. who has advise me how much I should take each and every month My home is paid for .. it a 3 level home 3000 sq feet on each level ... I live on 3 lots ... my money will out last and retirement you would ever have ... so don't give me this your the brains of the gang here cause you are not...you answered nothing I asked ... what you have done here is show us you have no Idea what you're talking about ... you didn't answer one question that I asked ....we get it you're an anti-obama everything

as for health care the american tax payer doesn't pay one dime for anybodies health care ... another thing you didn't do you research its obvious ...

P.S. answer the questions

You live in a 9000 Square foot mansion..............

But go to the exchange and get insurance with subsidies.............


It is an Obama talking point no doubt said every five minutes on MSNBC or written up in Think Progress. The truth is millions will be dumped into really shitty medicaid plans that probably are far worse than what they currently have. Too bad...it all for the collective.

If MediCaid is so "Shitty", why does non-group insurance have a dissatisfaction rating that is three times higher than Medicaid?


Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

How were 25 million plans inadequate? Precisely?

Please be specific. I have to do annual training on this horrific, boring shit, and I'll compare your answer to that information.

How were they inadequate? Where are you getting your figures? I'll be happy to check out the link.

The CBO is right in line with your 40% increase.................Right out of the report............41%

Somebody posted a link that said national premium increases across 49 states was 43%. So all the numbers people are putting out there are very close together.

there you go again with you innuendos again;... some one said, I heard, did you hear???? how about some factual information for ones in your miserable life

I always have the facts, Bill. :) 49-State Analysis: Obamacare To Increase Individual-Market Premiums By Average Of 41% - Forbes

Maybe there are some charities in your area that can help you out. It is getting close to Christmas time. These folks are usually nice. :)


I donate to that every year.........

And angel tree............

Perhaps Billy bob can put his picture and wish list up on the tree at the mall.........

Maybe I can buy his kids Xmas this year.......


Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

Who defines what is inadequate? The Government...or the person who is actually choosing the policy and paying for it?

That's an easy one.

The one that has hundreds of analysts and actuaries evaluating plans....

The real problem is, Big Insurance has hundreds of lawyers pouring over the wording of plans to find just enough loopholes to leave policyholders adrift in a crisis.

12 Outrageous Health Care Horror Stories | Shrinkage Is Good

Your industry brought this down upon itself...
In a nut shell, we have two main Lib posters saying this..............

One says I got lower insurance paid by you guys........Nah Nah Neh Nah Nah...........

The other saying I want the Insurance Industry wiped off the map.....................

Not really denying that the intent of the ACA is to do that...............

The CBO has steadily increased those who will lose their current coverage over time, have increased the cost estimates, and shown data that at least another 17 million on Medicaid.....................Which is a lower number than they wanted because many states REFUSED................

Higher estimates of losses will likely be the case, which their current worst case scenario's are for 20 million to lose coverage...............but be careful on their wording as they manipulate projected gains in the exchanges versus the losses in their data for the end game numbers................

Which goes back to the heart of the strategy, 10's of millions MUST GO TO THE EXCHANGES BY DESIGN..............

In order to do that, people must lose their coverage by the droves...............

Which is happening by design.

the very first thing you say, paid by you guys ... show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

I suppose you have access to my Crystal Ball Billy Bob..................

Damn, I need you to do my taxes man..............

Because every year I pay a hell of lot of money to uncle Sam at the State..........

Maybe I need to get your expert advice on how to not pay taxes.............

Like not work and suck on the Gov'ts tits.................

Now call your mamma on the Gov't issued Cell phone you have and cry to her.

translation = you didn't do your home work again ... you just got you head handed to you again ... none of the taxes you pay go to health care deal with it ... and once again you have no Idea what you're talking about...
News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.

There is a slight difference

Under Obamacare, people will get a better policy as a replacement
Under Republicans, people get nothing

Let em Die.........Republican Healthcare

Better policy? Supposition...not fact.

Now let's do a simple math equation, okay?

106,000 Obamacare new enrollees. - 5,000,000 people who just lost there insurance. = 4.9 million people less that have insurance since the rollout of Obamacare.

So was that the intention of the Law? To vastly increase the number of uninsured?

Republicans are once again equating "losing your insurance" with ending up with no insurance. That is what the Republicans are offering......you get nothing

The marketplace is opening up. People will be able to have many more options than they had before. People may bounce around until they find a policy they are happy with

Then Republicans will try to take it away

Run with that in 2014

It is an Obama talking point no doubt said every five minutes on MSNBC or written up in Think Progress. The truth is millions will be dumped into really shitty medicaid plans that probably are far worse than what they currently have. Too bad...it all for the collective.

If MediCaid is so "Shitty", why does non-group insurance have a dissatisfaction rating that is three times higher than Medicaid?


Because it's free?
and pigs will fly and it will rain diamonds.

It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.
news flash
the insurance company canceled their insurance not obama ... moron ...

Where in the world are these people getting the idea that everyone will be getting better plans for less money? Where are they getting the idea that all of the replaced plans were lousy? It just isn't true for millions. It just isn't true.

Are they making this up? Are they just repeating what they've heard or read somewhere? Is it just their affection for Obama and the government? Do they really believe it?

How do you have a conversation with people who are willingly saying things that are demonstrably incorrect?


Guy, we've known that 25 million plans were inadequate from the start of this.

I don't know if I have "affection" for hte government or Obama, but frankly, I don't trust the insurance industry for a minute.

How were 25 million plans inadequate? Precisely?

Please be specific. I have to do annual training on this horrific, boring shit, and I'll compare your answer to that information.

How were they inadequate? Where are you getting your figures? I'll be happy to check out the link.


The 'Underinsurance' Problem Explained - Kaiser Health News

People who are described as underinsured have health benefits that don’t adequately cover their medical expenses. Often, consumers discover they’re underinsured the hard way – when they break a leg or have a serious illness, such as cancer, and their medical bills exceed their benefits enough that it is difficult for them to pay.

In some cases, people who are underinsured have coverage through employer-sponsored plans; they have high out-of-pocket expenses or skimpy benefits. In other cases, consumers have bought coverage on the individual market that covers only catastrophic costs. Some polices might feature high deductibles and co-payments, as well as exemptions for specific conditions or expensive treatments, or limit annual and lifetime benefits.

Health experts say that the number of people who are underinsured is rising rapidly, and that the problem is increasingly affecting the middle class, as well as people with lower incomes. An estimated 25 million Americans between the ages of 19 and 64 were underinsured in 2007 — a 60 percent increase since 2003, according to a study in the journal Health Affairs.

Individuals were considered underinsured if they spent more than 10 percent of their incomes on out-of-pocket medical expenses (5 percent if they were low-income) or more than 5 percent on deductibles. Low-income adults were at the highest risk of being underinsured.

There is a slight difference

Under Obamacare, people will get a better policy as a replacement
Under Republicans, people get nothing

Let em Die.........Republican Healthcare

Better policy? Supposition...not fact.

Now let's do a simple math equation, okay?

106,000 Obamacare new enrollees. - 5,000,000 people who just lost there insurance. = 4.9 million people less that have insurance since the rollout of Obamacare.

So was that the intention of the Law? To vastly increase the number of uninsured?

Republicans are once again equating "losing your insurance" with ending up with no insurance. That is what the Republicans are offering......you get nothing

The marketplace is opening up. People will be able to have many more options than they had before. People may bounce around until they find a policy they are happy with

Then Republicans will try to take it away

Run with that in 2014

All supposition and bullshit Obama talking points and lies. I presented a simple and indisputable fact.

106,000 new Obamacare enrollees. 5 million who just lost their insurance. Question: Who is being blamed for this fuck up? Dems or Repubs?
It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.
news flash
the insurance company canceled their insurance not obama ... moron ...
A lie. But you knew that.
It s an undeniable fact and Republicans will have to live with it. The Healh Insurance market is evolving. More people will have meaningful insurance policies. Republicans will run in 2014 to take away those policies and offer nothing to replace them

They will lose

News flash...

Republicans are not taking away anyone's insurance. That is the whole point. Obamacare has just termed 5 million people's insurance.
news flash
the insurance company canceled their insurance not obama ... moron ...


You are a brave (but stupid) soldier in the Obamabot Army. Here is my long distance dedication to your undying service to your Kenyan Overlord.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6cdFuMgMkBM]Paper Lace - Billy don't be a Hero 1974 - YouTube[/ame]
billy boy is a typical liberal, you described them very well

and your the typical right wing moron that we all know

You know, there is a strong link between poverty and low I.Q. That could explain a lot, Bill. :eusa_shifty:

Chronic Poverty Can Lower Your IQ, Study Shows - DailyFinance

see what happens when the life saving hero, who won't answer the question, they insult your integrate . that show us all who belongs to the low I.Q goes to ... that would be you...
the very first thing you say, paid by you guys ... show us what you know eagle ... and we've known this for a loooooooooooooooooooooong time about you ... you don't do your research in where it comes from ... all the money that goes to help people to pay for their health care comes from corporations, not the tax payer... the corporations are taxed 2.2% on their gross income ... the people who pay more are people who can afford the cost that cost has nothing to do with the people who can't afford the total cost ... that's what happens when you don't do your research ...

I suppose you have access to my Crystal Ball Billy Bob..................

Damn, I need you to do my taxes man..............

Because every year I pay a hell of lot of money to uncle Sam at the State..........

Maybe I need to get your expert advice on how to not pay taxes.............

Like not work and suck on the Gov'ts tits.................

Now call your mamma on the Gov't issued Cell phone you have and cry to her.

translation = you didn't do your home work again ... you just got you head handed to you again ... none of the taxes you pay go to health care deal with it ... and once again you have no Idea what you're talking about...


So you live in a 9000 square foot mansion getting subsidies for your insurance........

And now you know exactly where every tax dollar paid goes............


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