Examiner Editorial: Closing The Books On The Worst Congress.

Americans are angry Democrats didn't fix Republican's mess fast enough.

Expectations are much, much higher for Democrats than Republicans.

Right rdean, that's why the Democrats lost a record number of house seats to Republicans. Keep telling yourself that.
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment
When one looks at the inept leadership of Denny Hastert and the inability of Republicans to pass any significant legislation, it makes one appreciate the work of Nancy Pelosi is passing TARP, Stimulus, Financial Reform, Repeal of DADT and the first comprehensie healthcare program

When one looks at the inept leadership of Denny Hastert and the inability of Republicans to pass any significant legislation, it makes one appreciate the work of Nancy Pelosi is passing TARP, Stimulus, Financial Reform, Repeal of DADT and the first comprehensie healthcare program


so, why are they issuing waivers to everyone? doyathink?
So Republicans held the presidency and both houses for six years. How many threads have we asked, "Name at least a single Republican Accomplishment" and every single one devolved into "Those lying Democrats".

Six years. One accomplishment. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.
Not until a demonRat answers the "waivers" question will they hold an out of credibility. No one ounce.
So Republicans held the presidency and both houses for six years. How many threads have we asked, "Name at least a single Republican Accomplishment" and every single one devolved into "Those lying Democrats".

Six years. One accomplishment. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

To you, an "accomplishment" is spending billions and billions of dollars. How about accomplishing the highest priority of government? Keeping Americans safe.
When one looks at the inept leadership of Denny Hastert and the inability of Republicans to pass any significant legislation, it makes one appreciate the work of Nancy Pelosi is passing TARP, Stimulus, Financial Reform, Repeal of DADT and the first comprehensie healthcare program


so, why are they issuing waivers to everyone? doyathink?

Do you understand what a waiver is?

They are temporary to allow business to catch up with the healthcare program
So Republicans held the presidency and both houses for six years. How many threads have we asked, "Name at least a single Republican Accomplishment" and every single one devolved into "Those lying Democrats".

Six years. One accomplishment. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

To you, an "accomplishment" is spending billions and billions of dollars. How about accomplishing the highest priority of government? Keeping Americans safe.

We suffered the worst terrorist attack in history.

They kept us safe except for the time they didn't
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment

When everything is working there really isn't much to accomplish. Unless of course you change things for the worse. And that does seem to be the case in many of these instances. History will judge it. And the polls are probably about right.
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment

When everything is working there really isn't much to accomplish. Unless of course you change things for the worse. And that does seem to be the case in many of these instances. History will judge it. And the polls are probably about right.

We were in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years....you call that working?

You call a health system that ignores those with pre-existing conditions and leaves 30 million uninsured to be working?

You call denying Americans the right to openly serve their country working?
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment

When everything is working there really isn't much to accomplish. Unless of course you change things for the worse. And that does seem to be the case in many of these instances. History will judge it. And the polls are probably about right.

We were in the midst of the worst recession in 70 years....you call that working?

You call a health system that ignores those with pre-existing conditions and leaves 30 million uninsured to be working?

You call denying Americans the right to openly serve their country working?

Yes everything was working.
You keep blaming things on republicans. The democrats have controlled the money for about 75% of the last 60 years, why haven't they fixed health care years ago?
DADT worked, now I can only hope the military finds a way to make whatever we end up with work.
Now we have lots of Hope and change. I hope to change some of that, soon. All change is not good.
One of the most sucessful Congresses in recent history

TARP- Along with Stimulus, Reversed the worst recession in 70 years. Saved the financial and auto industries

Stimulus- Reversed economic collapse, created 3 million jobs

Healthcare Bill- Ended pre-existing condition denials, created insurance pools, provides coverage for 30 million uninsured

Financial Reform- Prevents a repeat of the 2007-2008 collapse

Repealed DADT- Milestone in equal rights

Signed START Treaty- Continues the sanity started by Reagan

History will look kindly on the accomplishments of this Congress
I think being partisan has painted you a rosey picture of what happened.
TARP....no not really.....billions that will never be recovered....even though they say it will, the taxpayer and the deficit will never see it.
STIMULUS.....no it didn't create 3 million jobs....just some fuzzy math that the administration will pawn on its base. Cash for Clunkers :lol: Rebates for buying Homes :lol:
HEALTCARE We're seeing a lot of businesses getting exemptions and Unions not covering children now. Yeah, that was a prize. :lol:
Financial Reform.....I'm not sure on that...so the verdict is still out.
DADT...Okay...I'll give him that.
START It needed more debate, and on the face, Russia got the best part of that....just too early to call it a plus for the president.

Leftwinger....you can hang your hat on those, but most Americans see through it.

9.8% Unemployment

and the 9.8% unemployment happened because the last admin crashed the economy and the jobs haven't recovered. the jobs may never recover because of outsourcing. corporations are sitting on 2 trillion dollars that should be used to hire.

and for the record, "most" americans don't think this was the worst congress. they hate all congresses.... they will hate this next one, too, if the rightwingnuts play their games.

and no matter what the propaganda from the right...... this has been a very successful two years. but until unemployment goes down, none of it matters.

if unemployment goes down, they're heros... if it doesn't... they're goats.

The economy crashed with a republican president and a democratic Congress and Senate. Businesses are sitting on their money because they don't know which way to turn with Barry's policies, Jillian. Nobody likes to throw money around with too many "unknowns" out there.
I agree with you about Congress popularity, but that wasn't part of my debate with leftwinger.
I do not agree with you on this success of the last two years of this administration, Jillian. As shown in what I stated in my pryor post. This administration has been focused on policies with everything but the most important thing with Americans, and that is Job Creation. That should have been the top dog from day one and it wasn't.....people won't forget no matter how the left tries to spin it.
Americans are angry Democrats didn't fix Republican's mess fast enough.

Expectations are much, much higher for Democrats than Republicans.

You have compounded the problem. Who are you trying to fool besides yourself?
When one looks at the inept leadership of Denny Hastert and the inability of Republicans to pass any significant legislation, it makes one appreciate the work of Nancy Pelosi is passing TARP, Stimulus, Financial Reform, Repeal of DADT and the first comprehensie healthcare program


so, why are they issuing waivers to everyone? doyathink?

Do you understand what a waiver is?

They are temporary to allow business to catch up with the healthcare program

Then we all deserve to have one then don't we? This catching up of which you speak.
So Republicans held the presidency and both houses for six years. How many threads have we asked, "Name at least a single Republican Accomplishment" and every single one devolved into "Those lying Democrats".

Six years. One accomplishment. Is that too much to ask? Apparently it is.

To you, an "accomplishment" is spending billions and billions of dollars. How about accomplishing the highest priority of government? Keeping Americans safe.

And yet thousands of Americans are dead and tens of thousands maimed for life. And all to create a hard right wing Islamic theocracy by constitution that Republicans supported. How did that "keep America safe" work out? Mission Accomplished?
so, why are they issuing waivers to everyone? doyathink?

Do you understand what a waiver is?

They are temporary to allow business to catch up with the healthcare program

Then we all deserve to have one then don't we? This catching up of which you speak.

It's obvious that the Law is Hurtful, and it's obvious that the big Union's are among the first in line to get themselves exempted from the draconian measures they imposed on us.

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