Examiner Editorial: Closing The Books On The Worst Congress.

Oh! so individuals don't get to "catch up" how long will it take the SEICU to "catch up" doyathink?


Catch up with what? You have the same plan you had before, as do the majority of Americans[/QUOTE

Oh, we don't need to catch up,, then why the waivers?

I see you still have no concept of what a waiver is.....

Don't worry Willow....you can go without health insurance if you want to

There is your waiver...Happy now?
All I want to say is that this has been a very interesting year to say the least! The true American populace is awake.............finally! Our current President has been nothing less than a Blessing! Obama has awakened the True Patriot in me and my neighbor!!! DEATH TO the foolishness of LIBERALISM!!! DOWN WITH the stupidity of SOCIALISM!!! Long live COMMON SENSE!!! Long live CAPITALISM and CONSERVATISM!!! Long live the WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!!
LOL, you sure do live in a different reality than most of us. good grief.:lol:

So that didn't happen?

Harkin rails against G.O.P. for blocking unemployment extension plan

All 42 Senate Republicans — including Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa — have vowed to block votes on nearly all legislation pending in the senate until there’s an agreement to extend all the Bush-era tax cuts.

“Have the Republican leadership in the congress lost all sense of justice? Have they lost all sense of fairness?” Harkin asked, and some in the group around Harkin responded, “Yes” and one man yelled: “They never had it.”

Tell me rdean, if the extension of the tax cuts actually works to help create jobs will you give credit due? We know you won't but lets see you say it.

The Bush tax cuts started in what year? They stayed in effect for a decade.

When a new president enters office, the former president's budget is still in effect for the first 8 months.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

4.6% -------->9.7%

So all those taxes were still being cut. And yet, the unemployment rate doubled. Money was being spent like crazy and all those tax cuts were still in effect. According to Republicans, the economy should have been sparkling. What happened? Make it good.
So that didn't happen?

Harkin rails against G.O.P. for blocking unemployment extension plan

All 42 Senate Republicans — including Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa — have vowed to block votes on nearly all legislation pending in the senate until there’s an agreement to extend all the Bush-era tax cuts.

“Have the Republican leadership in the congress lost all sense of justice? Have they lost all sense of fairness?” Harkin asked, and some in the group around Harkin responded, “Yes” and one man yelled: “They never had it.”

Tell me rdean, if the extension of the tax cuts actually works to help create jobs will you give credit due? We know you won't but lets see you say it.

The Bush tax cuts started in what year? They stayed in effect for a decade.

When a new president enters office, the former president's budget is still in effect for the first 8 months.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

So all those taxes were still being cut. And yet, the unemployment rate doubled. Money was being spent like crazy and all those tax cuts were still in effect. According to Republicans, the economy should have been sparkling. What happened? Make it good.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

Bush had a democratic controlled Congress with obama as senator who also voted a few times.
All I want to say is that this has been a very interesting year to say the least! The true American populace is awake.............finally! Our current President has been nothing less than a Blessing! Obama has awakened the True Patriot in me and my neighbor!!! DEATH TO the foolishness of LIBERALISM!!! DOWN WITH the stupidity of SOCIALISM!!! Long live COMMON SENSE!!! Long live CAPITALISM and CONSERVATISM!!! Long live the WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!!

Republicans sent your job to China. Lucky Democrats wanted to give you an unemployment extension. Republicans would put you out into the street.
Tell me rdean, if the extension of the tax cuts actually works to help create jobs will you give credit due? We know you won't but lets see you say it.

The Bush tax cuts started in what year? They stayed in effect for a decade.

When a new president enters office, the former president's budget is still in effect for the first 8 months.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

So all those taxes were still being cut. And yet, the unemployment rate doubled. Money was being spent like crazy and all those tax cuts were still in effect. According to Republicans, the economy should have been sparkling. What happened? Make it good.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

Bush had a democratic controlled Congress with obama as senator who also voted a few times.

Why do you guys keep saying that? The Senate can filibuster everything as Republicans have shown with a record breaking number of filibusters in each of the last four years . As long as they have 41 votes. During the last two years of the Bush administration, Republicans and Democrats both had 49 votes, with two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain. Please explain how this is "control".
All I want to say is that this has been a very interesting year to say the least! The true American populace is awake.............finally! Our current President has been nothing less than a Blessing! Obama has awakened the True Patriot in me and my neighbor!!! DEATH TO the foolishness of LIBERALISM!!! DOWN WITH the stupidity of SOCIALISM!!! Long live COMMON SENSE!!! Long live CAPITALISM and CONSERVATISM!!! Long live the WILL OF THE PEOPLE!!!

Republicans sent your job to China. Lucky Democrats wanted to give you an unemployment extension. Republicans would put you out into the street.

So dean how long should people remain on unemployment? I believe there has been some research done that shows people start looking for a job when it's close to their recieving their last unemployment check.
The Bush tax cuts started in what year? They stayed in effect for a decade.

When a new president enters office, the former president's budget is still in effect for the first 8 months.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

So all those taxes were still being cut. And yet, the unemployment rate doubled. Money was being spent like crazy and all those tax cuts were still in effect. According to Republicans, the economy should have been sparkling. What happened? Make it good.

8 months into Bush's first term, under the Clinton budget, unemployment was 4.6%, while 8 months into Obama's term, under the Bush budget, the unemployment rate was 9.7%.

Bush had a democratic controlled Congress with obama as senator who also voted a few times.

Why do you guys keep saying that? The Senate can filibuster everything as Republicans have shown with a record breaking number of filibusters in each of the last four years . As long as they have 41 votes. During the last two years of the Bush administration, Republicans and Democrats both had 49 votes, with two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain. Please explain how this is "control".

Why is it that you want to lay all the blame at Bush and the GOP?
Americans can give thanks in this Christmas season for an end to the reckless and destructive 111th Congress. This is the Congress that passed Obamacare, against the wishes of a substantial majority of the public, on Christmas Eve of last year. In the dead of night, Democratic lawmakers stuffed the monstrous 2,700-page bill with special-interest goodies and political payoffs like the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase." As we have learned since, most members were still ignorant of the bill's contents three months later, when it gained final passage in the House. No surprise that its immediate results -- both intended and unintended -- have been almost uniformly bad.

Similarly, odds are that not one member of the 111th Congress actually read the so-called "cap-and-trade" bill before it passed the House in June 2009. Even a speed-reader could not have digested House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman's last-second, 309-page amendment, which read as clear as mud: "Page 14, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert the following. ..." It was filed after 1:30 a.m. just before the vote on final passage. There is also serious doubt that any member of Congress understood the 2,000-page financial reform bill that Congress passed this summer. One of its two main sponsors, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., remarked, "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. ..."

And Democrats wonder why Gallup found this Congress to be the least popular in the history of its polls?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Examiner Editorial: Closing the books on the worst Congress | Washington Examiner

Gee, The Washington Examiner; what an amazing history, so many awards for Journalism it is mind blowing. It's no wonder it is distributed FREE, few would pay for a subscription.
Oh, and when the Congress is found to be "least popular", the unknowing, unthinking and willfully ignorant suppose that is all because of Speaker Pelosi and Harry Reid. Wrong. The low low evaluation is based on the 535 people who occupy elected seats and hold one thing important and immutable - their own re-election.
It's not the Democrats being evaluated, or the Republicans, it's about the aggregate. Those who put ME above any and everything else. Country First, LOL, it's all about them.
Americans can give thanks in this Christmas season for an end to the reckless and destructive 111th Congress. This is the Congress that passed Obamacare, against the wishes of a substantial majority of the public, on Christmas Eve of last year. In the dead of night, Democratic lawmakers stuffed the monstrous 2,700-page bill with special-interest goodies and political payoffs like the "Cornhusker Kickback" and the "Louisiana Purchase." As we have learned since, most members were still ignorant of the bill's contents three months later, when it gained final passage in the House. No surprise that its immediate results -- both intended and unintended -- have been almost uniformly bad.

Similarly, odds are that not one member of the 111th Congress actually read the so-called "cap-and-trade" bill before it passed the House in June 2009. Even a speed-reader could not have digested House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman's last-second, 309-page amendment, which read as clear as mud: "Page 14, strike lines 1 through 3 and insert the following. ..." It was filed after 1:30 a.m. just before the vote on final passage. There is also serious doubt that any member of Congress understood the 2,000-page financial reform bill that Congress passed this summer. One of its two main sponsors, Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., remarked, "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we've done something that has been needed for a long time. ..."

And Democrats wonder why Gallup found this Congress to be the least popular in the history of its polls?

Read more at the Washington Examiner: Examiner Editorial: Closing the books on the worst Congress | Washington Examiner

Gee, The Washington Examiner; what an amazing history, so many awards for Journalism it is mind blowing. It's no wonder it is distributed FREE, few would pay for a subscription.
Oh, and when the Congress is found to be "least popular", the unknowing, unthinking and willfully ignorant suppose that is all because of Speaker Pelosi and Harry Reid. Wrong. The low low evaluation is based on the 535 people who occupy elected seats and hold one thing important and immutable - their own re-election.
It's not the Democrats being evaluated, or the Republicans, it's about the aggregate. Those who put ME above any and everything else. Country First, LOL, it's all about them.

Why is the New York times going bankrupt?
Bush had a democratic controlled Congress with obama as senator who also voted a few times.

Why do you guys keep saying that? The Senate can filibuster everything as Republicans have shown with a record breaking number of filibusters in each of the last four years . As long as they have 41 votes. During the last two years of the Bush administration, Republicans and Democrats both had 49 votes, with two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain. Please explain how this is "control".

Why is it that you want to lay all the blame at Bush and the GOP?

Not all, most. And deservedly so.
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment

I would call you a shameless, lying, delusional, revisionist, POS, which you are still, but it's really only cuz you're:

Give it up fakewinger.:lol:
This Congress, and it's 2 shameless, lying, cheating, radically outta touch, National Socialist leaders WERE FIRED FOR MANY A GOOD REASON. The for mentioned being.

History will judge this Jackass Congress as the Congress that spit most, directly in the face of the American people, and deserves its record LOW approval rating.

Shit, ^^some of the mindless 13% that still approve probably post here.^^:lol::cuckoo:

Why do you guys keep saying that? The Senate can filibuster everything as Republicans have shown with a record breaking number of filibusters in each of the last four years . As long as they have 41 votes. During the last two years of the Bush administration, Republicans and Democrats both had 49 votes, with two independents, one of which endorsed John McCain. Please explain how this is "control".

Why is it that you want to lay all the blame at Bush and the GOP?

Not all, most. And deservedly so.

Not all? give some examples.
RW seems to define Winning as pushing an agenda upon the public against the will of the public.

Public supported Healthcare reform.....just couldn't agree on the scope. Some wanted more, some wanted less

START- Overwhelming public support

Ending DADT- Overwhelming public support

TARP and Stimulus prevented an economic collapse

Republicans once again were on the wrong side of history

One of the best Congresses in many many years. Now sadly the corporations and the powerful conservative MSM echo chamber, along with the ideology driven think (?) tanks have once more managed, controlled and defined their message as the working class / middle class crash in a kind of hallucinogenic stupor and the 20% nutcases vote in the loonies - once more.

'First they came for your paycheck. Then your house. What's next?' By James K. Galbraith

Attack on the Middle Class!! | Mother Jones

"I cannot help fearing that men may reach a point where they look on every new theory as a danger, every innovation as a toilsome trouble, every social advance as a first step toward revolution, and that they may absolutely refuse to move at all for fear of being carried off their feet. The prospect really does frighten me that they may finally become so engrossed in a cowardly love of immediate pleasures that their interest in their own future and in that of their descendants may vanish, and that they will prefer tamely to follow the course of their destiny rather than make a sudden energetic effort necessary to set things right." Alexis De Tocqueville
When this Congress is ultimately evaluated, their accomplishments will mark it as one of the most productive in history

Both Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid will be credited for putting together the coalition that passed this important agenda.

John Boehner will never have this significant a resume of accomplishment

I would call you a shameless, lying, delusional, revisionist, POS, which you are still, but it's really only cuz you're:

Give it up fakewinger.:lol:

I realize you have only minimal political perspective and only started to follow politics in the last few years, I also realize that History was not your best subject....so your frame of reference is very limited

When historians look at a president or a congress they do not do so based on a liberal/conservative perspective. They look at what challenges were presented and how congress responded to those challenges. They also look at long lasting accomplishments

In the face of an economic collapse, Congress passed TARP, Stimulus, saved the financial sector and auto industries. These moves stopped a panic and ended the recession

Financial reform legislation was enacted to prevent it from happening again

DADT repeal will be viewed as a major milestone in gay rights

Health Care Reform will have an impact that will last for generations. No bans on pre-existing conditions, no caps in coverage if you get too sick, insurance pools to cover those 30 million without insurance

START is viewed by the world as an additional step in nuclear disarmament
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Republicans look back fondly on the Republican leadership from 2000 to 2006. They see that it accomplished virtually nothing and define that as success. So when a congress comes along that accomplishes as much as the Dem congress has in the past two years, all they can do is define it as failure - afterall, they defined lack of accomplishment as success.
Republicans look back fondly on the Republican leadership from 2000 to 2006. They see that it accomplished virtually nothing and define that as success. So when a congress comes along that accomplishes as much as the Dem congress has in the past two years, all they can do is define it as failure - afterall, they defined lack of accomplishment as success.

In fact, it was the void left by the previous Congress that enabled this Congress to accomplish so much. With the Republicans stopping all legislation on healthcare, stem cell research, the environment, gay rights ..there was a backlog of legislation to be passed

The Republican Congress did accomplish one thing.....Tax Cuts

Thats all they ever want
Republicans look back fondly on the Republican leadership from 2000 to 2006. They see that it accomplished virtually nothing and define that as success. So when a congress comes along that accomplishes as much as the Dem congress has in the past two years, all they can do is define it as failure - afterall, they defined lack of accomplishment as success.

In fact, it was the void left by the previous Congress that enabled this Congress to accomplish so much. With the Republicans stopping all legislation on healthcare, stem cell research, the environment, gay rights ..there was a backlog of legislation to be passed

The Republican Congress did accomplish one thing.....Tax Cuts

Thats all they ever want

Lest we forget, the Republican congress also accomplished the most expensive expansion of the welfare state since LBJ - though they didn't bother to accomplish a way to pay for it. They simply added the program's estimated 1.2T cost to the deficit and called it "fiscal conservatism".

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