Example of Why Soc Cons ae Disgusted with GOP: Ryans Betrayal on Immigration


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
VIDEO: Paul Ryan Wants Boehner To Bring Immigration Reform To A Vote Even If Most GOPers Don't Support It | ThinkProgress

QUESTIONER: One of the biggest frustrations we’re seeing right now is hearing Speaker Boehner, that he’s going to follow the Hastert Rule. That he’s not going to bring any of these bills forward unless they have a majority support of the majority party. What’s your position, should you maintain that?

RYAN: [...] Bringing these bills to the floor, we’ll find out. It is not, “they don’t come to the floor unless we have a majority of the majority,” because we don’t know if we have a majority until we vote on it. So here’s where I see things going. I’ve spoken to John Boehner as recently as three days ago about this, which is, we all agree it is better to legislate in stages instead of one big thousand plus page bill that no one has read. [...] I’m trying to get to a consensus so a majority of us do support those component parts. I believe that’s achievable because when people really look at the details and they focus on what’s right, I believe what I’ve just laid out is something that a consensus of Republicans and Democrats can agree to.

Social Conservatives are fools if they remain in the Republican Party. How many times do these snakes have to betray us before we all figure this out?
If the illegals are all legalized = dead republican and conservative movement.

These people are socialist.

The GOP dead, yes. Conservative movement, not yet. Even under this law the legalized workers wont have voting rights since they are not yet citizens.

Plenty of time to turn this shit around, if people would get off their butts and take action.
If the illegals are all legalized = dead republican and conservative movement.

These people are socialist.

The GOP dead, yes. Conservative movement, not yet. Even under this law the legalized workers wont have voting rights since they are not yet citizens.

Plenty of time to turn this shit around, if people would get off their butts and take action.

Why is it such a big deal for you? Are you afraid of the competition for that coveted toilet cleaning job you've applied for?

The real problem you have is that like most Social Conservative Rubes, you think the "Conservative" movement is about validating your bigotries, not keeping you distracted as the 1%ers keep fucking you over.

Your ire is, as always, misdirected.

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