Examples of the Tolerant Left

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Yesterday in Sacramento, an anti-fascist group called "By Any Means Necessary" stormed a white supremacist rally and their intentions were clearly not just "peaceful protest." 10 people taken to hospital, 5 with stab wounds. Rocks, bottles, banner poles, etc. were used, as well as knives. The Anti-Fascists were extremely pleased they shut the rally down, although no one has been arrested yet and so far, only two of those wounded have been identified as part of the white supremacist group.
I don't like white supremacist groups, but I don't like what "By Any Means Necessary" is doing either. They are being vigilantes or fighting a war that hasn't begun or something.
I'm surprised this is getting such little coverage--or did I just leave the house too early this morning?

I've never heard of these organisations, but what I'll say, these sort of violent happenings need to be dealt with, law enforcement must have zero tolerance, if not innocent people are going to be hurt or worse killed.
The "rush" happened before the speakers had even gotten to the podium, and there were hundreds of them--the cops expected protesters, but this group and the size of the crowd was not expected.

On CNN yesterday, as this was first being reported, they did give information on the Traditionalist Workers Party, which is the baby of Matthew Heimbach, who began a campus student group called the Traditional Youth Network in 2013. He is well known as a white supremacist and his organizations are deemed "hate groups" by the SPLC and pretty much everyone else.

He was involved in shoving a black woman protester being walked from a Trump rally in March.

These pathetic idiots have the right to publicly embarrass themselves (love the white knee-highs with the pedal pushers--athlete's foot?). Shutting them down the way the protesters did gave the fascists more publicity than their little get together would have ever accomplished alone. It was estimated there were about 30 of them, and about 300 of the anti-fascists when the violence erupted. BTW, the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

Unfortunate and ironic. I would have been perfectly happy to not know about this little rally on the opposite coast of my country, but the By Any Means Necessary group gave them a free national ad campaign.


We consider the SPLC a hate organisation themselves, they're anti-Christian and anti-Western values, we consider them a race baiting organisation.

"the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

This sort of crowd are usually morons and along with the Antifa, they'll also need dealing with.
In Europe you can guarantee that when legitimate permitted demonstrations take place - ie against immigration or extremism or sharia etc - the fascist Antifa thugs turn up in numbers and engage in violence. They are the polar opposite of anti fascists.
Same thing happens in the USA.

At Trump rallies, the radical left causes problems and then the media and others blame Trump...amazingly this absurd propaganda works on some ignorant Americans.

Here's more of them, Paris again, attacking the police etc, soon the police are going to have Zero Tolerance and then they'll do what they need to do to this filthy rabble and that's crack heads.

This disgusting, bestial behaviour isn't going to be tolerated, it must be dealt with in the severest way and they must be removed from civilised society.

We can't have this sort of rabble, order and discipline must be restored before things get out of hand and head down the toilet.

At 2 seconds, man in the front, black t-shirt with Antifa flag on.

The duration of the video is 12 minutes and 41 seconds, this gets totally out of hand, the police should have just started cracking heads and dragging them into vans.

At 6.22 they descend upon the Army Museum and begin to start crap there.

The Antifa hate the police and they hate the Armed Forces, they're the scum of civil society.

Edited to add comment.
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Yesterday in Sacramento, an anti-fascist group called "By Any Means Necessary" stormed a white supremacist rally and their intentions were clearly not just "peaceful protest." 10 people taken to hospital, 5 with stab wounds. Rocks, bottles, banner poles, etc. were used, as well as knives. The Anti-Fascists were extremely pleased they shut the rally down, although no one has been arrested yet and so far, only two of those wounded have been identified as part of the white supremacist group.
I don't like white supremacist groups, but I don't like what "By Any Means Necessary" is doing either. They are being vigilantes or fighting a war that hasn't begun or something.
I'm surprised this is getting such little coverage--or did I just leave the house too early this morning?

I've never heard of these organisations, but what I'll say, these sort of violent happenings need to be dealt with, law enforcement must have zero tolerance, if not innocent people are going to be hurt or worse killed.
The "rush" happened before the speakers had even gotten to the podium, and there were hundreds of them--the cops expected protesters, but this group and the size of the crowd was not expected.

On CNN yesterday, as this was first being reported, they did give information on the Traditionalist Workers Party, which is the baby of Matthew Heimbach, who began a campus student group called the Traditional Youth Network in 2013. He is well known as a white supremacist and his organizations are deemed "hate groups" by the SPLC and pretty much everyone else.

He was involved in shoving a black woman protester being walked from a Trump rally in March.

These pathetic idiots have the right to publicly embarrass themselves (love the white knee-highs with the pedal pushers--athlete's foot?). Shutting them down the way the protesters did gave the fascists more publicity than their little get together would have ever accomplished alone. It was estimated there were about 30 of them, and about 300 of the anti-fascists when the violence erupted. BTW, the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

Unfortunate and ironic. I would have been perfectly happy to not know about this little rally on the opposite coast of my country, but the By Any Means Necessary group gave them a free national ad campaign.


We consider the SPLC a hate organisation themselves, they're anti-Christian and anti-Western values, we consider them a race baiting organisation.

"the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

This sort of crowd are usually morons and along with the Antifa, they'll also need dealing with.
Antifa seems much better armed. Things are really scary over there. Our protesters are still wearing jeans and t-shirts, not riot gear.
Yesterday in Sacramento, an anti-fascist group called "By Any Means Necessary" stormed a white supremacist rally and their intentions were clearly not just "peaceful protest." 10 people taken to hospital, 5 with stab wounds. Rocks, bottles, banner poles, etc. were used, as well as knives. The Anti-Fascists were extremely pleased they shut the rally down, although no one has been arrested yet and so far, only two of those wounded have been identified as part of the white supremacist group.
I don't like white supremacist groups, but I don't like what "By Any Means Necessary" is doing either. They are being vigilantes or fighting a war that hasn't begun or something.
I'm surprised this is getting such little coverage--or did I just leave the house too early this morning?

I've never heard of these organisations, but what I'll say, these sort of violent happenings need to be dealt with, law enforcement must have zero tolerance, if not innocent people are going to be hurt or worse killed.
The "rush" happened before the speakers had even gotten to the podium, and there were hundreds of them--the cops expected protesters, but this group and the size of the crowd was not expected.

On CNN yesterday, as this was first being reported, they did give information on the Traditionalist Workers Party, which is the baby of Matthew Heimbach, who began a campus student group called the Traditional Youth Network in 2013. He is well known as a white supremacist and his organizations are deemed "hate groups" by the SPLC and pretty much everyone else.

He was involved in shoving a black woman protester being walked from a Trump rally in March.

These pathetic idiots have the right to publicly embarrass themselves (love the white knee-highs with the pedal pushers--athlete's foot?). Shutting them down the way the protesters did gave the fascists more publicity than their little get together would have ever accomplished alone. It was estimated there were about 30 of them, and about 300 of the anti-fascists when the violence erupted. BTW, the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

Unfortunate and ironic. I would have been perfectly happy to not know about this little rally on the opposite coast of my country, but the By Any Means Necessary group gave them a free national ad campaign.


We consider the SPLC a hate organisation themselves, they're anti-Christian and anti-Western values, we consider them a race baiting organisation.

"the GSS is the "Golden State Skinheads."

This sort of crowd are usually morons and along with the Antifa, they'll also need dealing with.
Antifa seems much better armed. Things are really scary over there. Our protesters are still wearing jeans and t-shirts, not riot gear.

They're already in America, you're witnessing SOME of them causing the violence at Trump events, what I've termed Organised Agitators, they're Antifa.

The difference between the usual shouty protesters and the violent thugs who attack the police and innocent people is, the former are just shouty protesters, the latter are Antifa and they tend to conceal their faces and they're prepared to kill people and it's amazing that they already haven't, but if not dealt with, they'll do just that.
It's interesting how lefties are trigger happy to label everyone they disagree with as racist, bigot, nazi etc...

The label changes depending on the topic, for example, everyone that criticizes Barry is a racist by default. Everyone that is pro-American, pro-legal-immigration is automatically a nazi.

The funny part, the only alternative they're offering is communism that killed ten times more people that nazis did, and they're not ashamed of it at all, in fact, they're proud of it.
I have always poo-poo'd the RW's accusing the protesters of being violent thugs. I am going to start paying attention. No promises, mind, but I'm going to at least entertain the possibility .
It's interesting how lefties are trigger happy to label everyone they disagree with as racist, bigot, nazi etc...

The label changes depending on the topic, for example, everyone that criticizes Barry is a racist by default. Everyone that is pro-American, pro-legal-immigration is automatically a nazi.

The funny part, the only alternative they're offering is communism that killed ten times more people that nazis did, and they're not ashamed of it at all, in fact, they're proud of it.
You have a warped perception of lefties. However, pro-American and even pro-White organizations are fine as long as they don't cut down others. These seem to be much harder to find.
It's interesting how lefties are trigger happy to label everyone they disagree with as racist, bigot, nazi etc...

The label changes depending on the topic, for example, everyone that criticizes Barry is a racist by default. Everyone that is pro-American, pro-legal-immigration is automatically a nazi.

The funny part, the only alternative they're offering is communism that killed ten times more people that nazis did, and they're not ashamed of it at all, in fact, they're proud of it.
You have a warped perception of lefties. However, pro-American and even pro-White organizations are fine as long as they don't cut down others. These seem to be much harder to find.

Warped perception? I don't think so.

Just look at this board, there are people on both sides of political spectrum, more or less left or right.
We all participate in discussions, agree and disagree, complain more or less about each other and throw occasional f-bomb.

Only and only lefties are those who are constantly labeling everyone else that disagree with them as racist, bigots, nazis, homophones, you-name-it, throwing personal insults, attacks, threats etc. It's been going like that for a long time.

Fortunately, nobody's buying what they selling anymore.
Thread's been cleaned...let's try to include some topical content with the insults ok? This is Zone 2.
It's interesting how lefties are trigger happy to label everyone they disagree with as racist, bigot, nazi etc...

The label changes depending on the topic, for example, everyone that criticizes Barry is a racist by default. Everyone that is pro-American, pro-legal-immigration is automatically a nazi.

The funny part, the only alternative they're offering is communism that killed ten times more people that nazis did, and they're not ashamed of it at all, in fact, they're proud of it.
You have a warped perception of lefties. However, pro-American and even pro-White organizations are fine as long as they don't cut down others. These seem to be much harder to find.

Warped perception? I don't think so.

Just look at this board, there are people on both sides of political spectrum, more or less left or right.
We all participate in discussions, agree and disagree, complain more or less about each other and throw occasional f-bomb.

Only and only lefties are those who are constantly labeling everyone else that disagree with them as racist, bigots, nazis, homophones, you-name-it, throwing personal insults, attacks, threats etc. It's been going like that for a long time.

Fortunately, nobody's buying what they selling anymore.
It's not true that only lefties sling insults and label posters without any reason except stereotypes. Maybe you just don't notice the insults and dumb names used by right wingers because you tend to agree with them.
And if I see a poster calling someone black a "gorilla," or starting one of those stupid threads where a Muslim committed a crime, so we should get rid of all of them, I'm tempted to call him a racist or a bigot. Because he is.
This is how our left is today in the states as well.
They do not believe in free speech, and they get very violent.
This is how our left is today in the states as well.
They do not believe in free speech, and they get very violent.

The European one's, many of them are already filmed and on The List, this is primarily why they conceal their faces, because they know MANY people from MANY angles are filming them, however, as I commented earlier, they're not as clever as they think they are, so they usually end up on The List.

Also our people have friends in law enforcement, law enforcement film them also and they know that these Antifa Radical Leftist thugs are a danger to law enforcement, as these few videos I've posted have illustrated, we've shared The List with various European Law Enforcement Agencies and also have a Liason Unit in a variety of European nations with them.

We have great respect for all law enforcement and also for all European Armed Forces.
I have always poo-poo'd the RW's accusing the protesters of being violent thugs. I am going to start paying attention. No promises, mind, but I'm going to at least entertain the possibility .

I'm glad that you're at least wanting to pay attention, these are very dangerous individuals, as their feral behaviour illustrates.
It's interesting how lefties are trigger happy to label everyone they disagree with as racist, bigot, nazi etc...

The label changes depending on the topic, for example, everyone that criticizes Barry is a racist by default. Everyone that is pro-American, pro-legal-immigration is automatically a nazi.

The funny part, the only alternative they're offering is communism that killed ten times more people that nazis did, and they're not ashamed of it at all, in fact, they're proud of it.
You have a warped perception of lefties. However, pro-American and even pro-White organizations are fine as long as they don't cut down others. These seem to be much harder to find.

Warped perception? I don't think so.

Just look at this board, there are people on both sides of political spectrum, more or less left or right.
We all participate in discussions, agree and disagree, complain more or less about each other and throw occasional f-bomb.

Only and only lefties are those who are constantly labeling everyone else that disagree with them as racist, bigots, nazis, homophones, you-name-it, throwing personal insults, attacks, threats etc. It's been going like that for a long time.

Fortunately, nobody's buying what they selling anymore.
It's not true that only lefties sling insults and label posters without any reason except stereotypes. Maybe you just don't notice the insults and dumb names used by right wingers because you tend to agree with them.
And if I see a poster calling someone black a "gorilla," or starting one of those stupid threads where a Muslim committed a crime, so we should get rid of all of them, I'm tempted to call him a racist or a bigot. Because he is.

Have you read my post you just quoted? Try reading it again and then tell me what I do or don't notice.

If poster call someone black a "gorilla" because he's black, I could agree with you on racist label. But if calling someone a "gorilla" is an answer for being called "cracker", then where racism really is coming from? According to lefties, blacks can't be racists.

Here... Tell me if I am racist now for calling a black guy black and not African American.
Lauren Southern is a Canadian Libertarian, she's a good friend of our people.

So on the 23rd June, the British EU Referendum day, she visited London, her and her cameraman were VIOLENTLY attacked by Leftist FASCISTS, who babbled that no it was she who was the "Fascist", the Leftist FASCISTS proclaim they're "anti-Fascists" :rolleyes-41:

They all have their faces hidden, they're aggressive and then some Pakistani woman who's with them gets right in Lauren's face and starts shouting at her.

The Leftist FASCISTS got UPSET as Lauren was wearing a hat with a BRITISH FLAG on it, the Pakistani woman obviously doesn't like the BRITISH FLAG, so hey bitch go back to Pakistan then if you HATE the British flag so much.

Note the impotent British police, all pathetically Politically Correct.

Soon, NO police will be this impotent anymore, they will have Zero Tolerance and these Leftist Antifa Communists are going to have their asses hauled off the streets,

The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 36 seconds, well done Lauren.

Lauren Southern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 4th 2016, in Vancouver, Lauren Southern exercised her RIGHT to Free Speech and her RIGHT to express her opinion that there are only two genders, male and female, whereupon a group of SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners poured urine on her....now THAT'S tolerance :rolleyes-41:

The duration of the video is 2 minutes and 34 seconds.

Gavin McInnes takes to You Tube to defend Lauren and send a message to the SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners who poured urine on her.

Gavin McInnes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yo, these are the invaders who are here in the U.S.A., they were imported by Socialist George Soros, and his overflowing Bank Account!!! He has destroyed Europe, now he is trying to destroy America!

Lauren Southern is a Canadian Libertarian, she's a good friend of our people.

So on the 23rd June, the British EU Referendum day, she visited London, her and her cameraman were VIOLENTLY attacked by Leftist FASCISTS, who babbled that no it was she who was the "Fascist", the Leftist FASCISTS proclaim they're "anti-Fascists" :rolleyes-41:

They all have their faces hidden, they're aggressive and then some Pakistani woman who's with them gets right in Lauren's face and starts shouting at her.

The Leftist FASCISTS got UPSET as Lauren was wearing a hat with a BRITISH FLAG on it, the Pakistani woman obviously doesn't like the BRITISH FLAG, so hey bitch go back to Pakistan then if you HATE the British flag so much.

Note the impotent British police, all pathetically Politically Correct.

Soon, NO police will be this impotent anymore, they will have Zero Tolerance and these Leftist Antifa Communists are going to have their asses hauled off the streets,

The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 36 seconds, well done Lauren.

Lauren Southern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 4th 2016, in Vancouver, Lauren Southern exercised her RIGHT to Free Speech and her RIGHT to express her opinion that there are only two genders, male and female, whereupon a group of SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners poured urine on her....now THAT'S tolerance :rolleyes-41:

The duration of the video is 2 minutes and 34 seconds.

Gavin McInnes takes to You Tube to defend Lauren and send a message to the SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners who poured urine on her.

Gavin McInnes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yo, these are the invaders who are here in the U.S.A., they were imported by Socialist George Soros, and his overflowing Bank Account!!! He has destroyed Europe, now he is trying to destroy America!

View attachment 79631

He's a mega slimeball, he's not got much longer, look at him, his seat in Hell awaits.

Lauren Southern is a Canadian Libertarian, she's a good friend of our people.

So on the 23rd June, the British EU Referendum day, she visited London, her and her cameraman were VIOLENTLY attacked by Leftist FASCISTS, who babbled that no it was she who was the "Fascist", the Leftist FASCISTS proclaim they're "anti-Fascists" :rolleyes-41:

They all have their faces hidden, they're aggressive and then some Pakistani woman who's with them gets right in Lauren's face and starts shouting at her.

The Leftist FASCISTS got UPSET as Lauren was wearing a hat with a BRITISH FLAG on it, the Pakistani woman obviously doesn't like the BRITISH FLAG, so hey bitch go back to Pakistan then if you HATE the British flag so much.

Note the impotent British police, all pathetically Politically Correct.

Soon, NO police will be this impotent anymore, they will have Zero Tolerance and these Leftist Antifa Communists are going to have their asses hauled off the streets,

The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 36 seconds, well done Lauren.

Lauren Southern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 4th 2016, in Vancouver, Lauren Southern exercised her RIGHT to Free Speech and her RIGHT to express her opinion that there are only two genders, male and female, whereupon a group of SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners poured urine on her....now THAT'S tolerance :rolleyes-41:

The duration of the video is 2 minutes and 34 seconds.

Gavin McInnes takes to You Tube to defend Lauren and send a message to the SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners who poured urine on her.

Gavin McInnes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This is confusing. What are you saying? Fascists are "good"?

Cruz Campaign Quietly Admits 'It Was A Mistake' To Attend Radical 'Kill-The-Gays' Conference

Funny, I don't remember anyone calling for killing other people. Except from your kind, of course.

Really? When have any of "her kind" called for killing anyone? Just what "kind" do you presume she is?
Lauren Southern is a Canadian Libertarian, she's a good friend of our people.

So on the 23rd June, the British EU Referendum day, she visited London, her and her cameraman were VIOLENTLY attacked by Leftist FASCISTS, who babbled that no it was she who was the "Fascist", the Leftist FASCISTS proclaim they're "anti-Fascists" :rolleyes-41:

They all have their faces hidden, they're aggressive and then some Pakistani woman who's with them gets right in Lauren's face and starts shouting at her.

The Leftist FASCISTS got UPSET as Lauren was wearing a hat with a BRITISH FLAG on it, the Pakistani woman obviously doesn't like the BRITISH FLAG, so hey bitch go back to Pakistan then if you HATE the British flag so much.

Note the impotent British police, all pathetically Politically Correct.

Soon, NO police will be this impotent anymore, they will have Zero Tolerance and these Leftist Antifa Communists are going to have their asses hauled off the streets,

The duration of the video is 5 minutes and 36 seconds, well done Lauren.

Lauren Southern - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On March 4th 2016, in Vancouver, Lauren Southern exercised her RIGHT to Free Speech and her RIGHT to express her opinion that there are only two genders, male and female, whereupon a group of SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners poured urine on her....now THAT'S tolerance :rolleyes-41:

The duration of the video is 2 minutes and 34 seconds.

Gavin McInnes takes to You Tube to defend Lauren and send a message to the SJW Militant Feminists and LGBT Campaigners who poured urine on her.

Gavin McInnes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Southern is a rightwing nut who stages these stunts using her own people as provocateurs.

No she's a Libertarian, Libertarian's aren't "rightwing nuts" and none of those crazy people are any of her own people.

She's fully affiliated with a rightwing propagandist operation in Canada.

btw, she ran for office as a Libertarian and got .9% of the vote. If she's any sort of proper representative of the Libertarians it's a bad reflection on libertarianism.
Violent Antifa in Paris attacking the police and throwing a Molotov Cocktail in a police car, with the police in it.


Whoever did this should have been turned in by witnesses and punished to the max.[/QUOTE]

Weren't these police armed? Hard to tell by the video. These rioters should have been shot, especially after the molov cocktail routine.
It´s the pseudo-leftist scumbags. Look how they team up with nationalists when they see an opportunity to hate Germans in my town:

These violent POS have attempted to start shit and then get it blamed on Patriots, of course it hasn't worked and their asses have been run out of town.

They're just not as clever as they think they are, and the police are going to side with all Patriots, because the police are aware that the Antifa POS hate the police and at the drop of a hat violently attack them with anything from clubs to iron bars.

oh---now I understand-----ANTIFA are like the hippies of the 1960s--------they think of themselves as being
"anti-establishment" with smug and moronic self-satisfaction

Except the Hippies of the 1960s in general weren't violent, dangerous thugs.

Yes they were, once the anti-war movement seriously got going.
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