
Let's see you post the approval ratings of your boy when he's done….that should be interesting. I'm taking bets right now. I say his final approval will be 13%. Any takers??

Sorry, my guy was Ron Paul.

It's a suckers bet, though - republicans don't admit when they are wrong ... you might be different, but the odds are very long on that.
The GOP fucked up making the shutdown about ObamaCare and they know it. It caused them to dive in the polls, big time.

So they must build a delusion that says they are doing fine by showing how much Obama sucks.

Except Obama never has to run for election ever again.

The GOP better wake up and start working on improving its own image rather than trying to tear down others.

That's what bullies do. They feel like shit so they step on others to feel superior.
Let's see you post the approval ratings of your boy when he's done….that should be interesting. I'm taking bets right now. I say his final approval will be 13%. Any takers??

Sorry, my guy was Ron Paul.

It's a suckers bet, though - republicans don't admit when they are wrong ... you might be different, but the odds are very long on that.

You sound more like a closet liberal than anything else.
So polls are down for him? What did we say about Bush when he dipped down into the molten lava of the inner earth? Polls don't matter. It's all that I heard from my republican buddies for the last 6 years of the Bush presidency.

Godwin's law, Bush edition.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Bush or Republicans approaches 1.

How predictable.

I forgot that conservatives want me to not mention Bush ... ever.

My bad - Bush was never president, lets forget about those 8 years that preceded the Obama administration.

Bush is a sacred cow and beyond reproach!

Move along folks ... nothing to see here. :eusa_whistle:

No. At some point Obama gets to start being responsible for what happens under his watch. He wanted the job, campaigned for it, told America all we had to do was give him a shot and he'd fix it all, so we did. Not only have things not gotten better, but he used his political capital to shove legislation American didn't want down our throats. When called on it, all he offers is excuses, namely "Bush's fault" and "the Republicans are mean" and "it's because I'm black, isn't it?"

The buck stops on his desk and the "Bush's fault" excuse is tired and worn out.
"We got nuthin', but doesn't Obama just suck? Huh? Doesn't he?"
Jesus, watching republicans struggle with polls is downright embarrassing.

If Obama's polls go back up, what's the excuse then?

Polls don't matter.

^^^ see, I'm getting the hang of this.
Your Messiah has three years to go. Have faith my man! I sure he will beat Bush by a mile.

My messiah? I don't have one - I put my faith in my own brain, my back and my reputation as a straight up guy.

You don't need a messiah if you have yourself to rely on. :thup:

But we are all powerless without the Government. Who will give you free shit, or blow your nose, or tuck you in at night? I admire the fact you try to rely on yourself, but it is doomed to failure. Only the Government knows what's best for you.

You are too stupid to make your own healthcare decisions. In New York, you are even too stupid to know what size soda is best for you.

You cannot think, breathe, or be a worthwhile human without the Government holding your hand every fucking step of the way. :)
But we are all powerless without the Government. Who will give you free shit, or blow your nose, or tuck you in at night? I admire the fact you try to rely on yourself, but it is doomed to failure. Only the Government knows what's best for you.

You are too stupid to make your own healthcare decisions. In New York, you are even too stupid to know what size soda is best for you.

You cannot think, breathe, or be a worthwhile human without the Government holding your hand every fucking step of the way. :)

Fuck the federal gub'ment. They can jump out of the way and hand off their power to the states. (I just made some kind of list, didn't I?)

Not very much to debate here, but I'll take a stab - what does Obama being exasperated have to do with himself lying? Sounds like two different issues.

I can see being frustrated with the republicans - republicans admit that they don't want to work with him - very few do. It's career suicide. just ask Christie how thanking Obama worked out.

The lying part? I dunno, don't half of the threads in here make that assertion?

Half? Shit, I'm actually working on my book again, this board has gone so dull-witted with the full court press. You'd think there was nothing in the world to talk about anymore BUT Obamacare, the web site, and the President.
Not very much to debate here, but I'll take a stab - what does Obama being exasperated have to do with himself lying? Sounds like two different issues.

I can see being frustrated with the republicans - republicans admit that they don't want to work with him - very few do. It's career suicide. just ask Christie how thanking Obama worked out.

The lying part? I dunno, don't half of the threads in here make that assertion?

Half? Shit, I'm actually working on my book again, this board has gone so dull-witted with the full court press. You'd think there was nothing in the world to talk about anymore BUT Obamacare, the web site, and the President.

Hey, easy on the swears there, gal!

The GOP fucked up making the shutdown about ObamaCare and they know it. It caused them to dive in the polls, big time.

So they must build a delusion that says they are doing fine by showing how much Obama sucks.

Except Obama never has to run for election ever again.

The GOP better wake up and start working on improving its own image rather than trying to tear down others.

That's what bullies do. They feel like shit so they step on others to feel superior.

Yup! I'm actually excited about the possibilities in 2016 now that there might be a candidate that doesn't belong in the clown car. But can we talk about Christie? No! Course not. Cuz he's NOT OBAMA.
The GOP fucked up making the shutdown about ObamaCare and they know it. It caused them to dive in the polls, big time.

So they must build a delusion that says they are doing fine by showing how much Obama sucks.

Except Obama never has to run for election ever again.

The GOP better wake up and start working on improving its own image rather than trying to tear down others.

That's what bullies do. They feel like shit so they step on others to feel superior.

Pardner, you're delusional and need immediate mental health counseling. Got Obarrycare?
You sound more like a closet liberal than anything else.

That's because you might not be very well informed about libertarians.

Most libertarians are socially liberal.

So I might be a libertarian? ;)

libertarians are also staunch fiscal conservatives.

The thing that truly sets them apart, though, is that they hate false accusations and personal trespasses. We believe in personal AND economic freedom.

There is no "exact fit" for libertarians, though ... just like other parties, Libertarian is a catch all that an individual happens to fall into ~
I am socially liberal, but generally conservative on everything else. I guess I'm screwed. Abortion, gays getting married, equal justice and opportunity for all. Sounds fine to me.

But get the Government out of the rest of my life. Is that libertarian?
The GOP fucked up making the shutdown about ObamaCare and they know it. It caused them to dive in the polls, big time.

So they must build a delusion that says they are doing fine by showing how much Obama sucks.

Except Obama never has to run for election ever again.

The GOP better wake up and start working on improving its own image rather than trying to tear down others.

That's what bullies do. They feel like shit so they step on others to feel superior.

Obama never has to run for election again, yet he is still on his nonstop tour of lies about Obamacare. He is endlessly campaigning. He turned his 2012 campaign website into an eternal campaign website. I signed up on his mailing list in 2011 or 2012 to help stay informed. I had to unsubcribe to stop getting invitations to help fund his ongoing lies.

This president's idea of a mandate is demonizing his opponents and then when that worked start claiming that people voted FOR his slate of policies rather than against the people his campaign lied about.

The price of anything worth having is eternal vigilance, so it would be our duty to keep up the rallying cry in any case.

But when Obama plays the victim, he makes it much easier to do it with gusto.

He's exasperated ... lol. What a self-centered lying tool he is. Oh waah, Republicans didn't cooperate with him as he raped our democratic principles. How sad for him. rofl
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So polls are down for him? What did we say about Bush when he dipped down into the molten lava of the inner earth? Polls don't matter. It's all that I heard from my republican buddies for the last 6 years of the Bush presidency.

Godwin's law, Bush edition.

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Bush or Republicans approaches 1.

How predictable.

Godwin is for nazis not bush..fuck you are stupid.
Besides while obamas number are going down he still needs 17 more points to reach bush levels.

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