EXCELLENT Article On The State Of The dimocrap Party


Platinum Member
Mar 27, 2012
All of us.... No, all of YOU, are guilty of allowing what you want, to interfere with your perception of reality. It's human nature.

But not here. I'm not allowing that emotion to interfere with some cold, hard facts about the dimocrap party.

People, it's falling apart. Ir seriously is.

Read this. Read ALL of it. One of the better written articles I've read in a while. Agree with the message or not

Bloc Party The Far Left Stages a Coup The Wilderness Viral Politics Done Differently

A snippet --

There’s a poorly kept secret in the media and on the progressive Left heading into 2016: They don’t want Hillary Clinton.

Thanks to two devastating midterm losses (courtesy Barack Obama’s mulish incompetence plus Obamacare) the Democratic party’s bench has not only been depleted, it has been completely eviscerated. Politics is not unlike sports franchises: local talent is discovered and crafted into state parties, which are like farm teams. Those local talents are fostered and brought up into the Big Show where they either become stars or are out of the league in a couple years. Barack Obama’s legacy won’t be defined by unilateral executive orders, failed trade deals, or a failing healthcare law. It will be defined as the eight years the Democrats lost a generation of talent, and with it their soul. They find themselves stocked with one Chief and no Indians. Okay, one Indian.

As the aged, entitled nominee-to-be Hillary Clinton stealthed her way from one fast-food restaurant to the next, her former campaign manager (and current groundhog-murdering mayor of New York City) Bill de Blasio, flanked by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, led a party/messaging revolt at a press conference announcing a new socialist progressive contract with America. It was a staged revolt against their own party’s failings in 2014 and a warning to a rudderless administration and Presidential front runner: No matter who their party’s nominee is in 2016, they are not going away quietly.

Hillary Clinton has been put on notice. And Barack Obama, as of last Friday and the defeat of his fast track TPA trade legislation, has been put on leave.
I think last November spoke volumes about the democrat party.

And that was AFTER the complete and utter FOOLS in the moronic Tea Party talked us into shutting down the goobermint.

After that little mindless stunt, we lost 30 points in popularity.

Can you imagine what it would look like if douchebags like Ted Mr Haney Cruz hadn't badgered us into shutting down the goobermint?

And that is also what led to the (long overdue) purging of the Tea Party in all Senate Races in 2014.

We just can't take anymore idiots like Todd 'Legitimate Rape' Akin and Richard 'God Wanted You To Be Raped' Mourdock.

dimocrap scum are easy to beat. They're scumbags. What hurts us is the Tea Party scumbags nad th back-stabbing liberturdians; who will cry like stuck pigs if they can't have their way.

We need to eliminate both from the Party. We do that and we can't lose another race to dimocrap scum.

They got nothing. They accomplished nothing.

I think last November spoke volumes about the democrat party.

Dem's were obliterated in 2010 and 2014 and that's with Obama in the White House. 2012 was a huge loss imo, with Obama on the ballot lying through his teeth they barely managed to scrape back 6 of the 56 House seats they lost in 2010 then in 2014 they got bitch slapped hard again.

Anyone remember the Dem's running their big stupid mouths in 2008 bragging about how they destroyed the Republican party for good, look at the fools now :laugh:
Dem's were obliterated in 2010 and 2014 and that's with Obama in the White House. 2012 was a huge loss imo, with Obama on the ballot lying through his teeth they barely managed to scrape back 6 of the 56 House seats they lost in 2010 then in 2014 they got bitch slapped hard again.

Anyone remember the Dem's running their big stupid mouths in 2008 bragging about how they destroyed the Republican party for good, look at the fools now :laugh:

Patriots lost in 2012 for a few simple, but important, reasons

1) Romney was a TERRIBLE candidate

2) Romney came out of the Primaries beaten and tattered

3) Akin and Mourdock

4) liberturdian scum who worked to suppress the vote with their "They're all the same" treasonous remarks

5) Some seriously bad luck with the '47%' tape getting out

6) Candy Fatass Crowley inserting herself into the 2nd debate

7) Romney not challenging the Lying Cocksucker on Benghazi

8) Romney saying he would overturn ACA (people WANT the ACA whether you know it or not)

9) Romney was a terrible candidate

It would be a mistake for ANY Republican to go onto the DISGSUTING FILTH programs or allow them to moderate even one debate.

Just say 'no'. They can't possible hurt us as bad complaining about us saying no as they can if we say 'yes'

We will NOT get a fair shake on ANY debate moderated by the DISGUSTING FILTH.

It just ain't gonna happen.

Go after Hitlery...... HARD! Forget that she's a 'woman'

In fact, if her lying scumbag sycophants complain about us going after a 'woman', use that against them....... "If she is going to cry about us going after her with words, what's she going to do if she has to lead us in a War? Where they use bombs, and guns and artillery and.....? Her first job is as Commander in Chief and if she can't take a little political back and forth, what's she gonna be like when she has to face down someone that wants to kill us all?"

Hit the bitch where it hurts. Go after her dishonesty. Go after the fact that she will be the richest person to ever run for President.

Go after the failure of her term as Sec State.

The bitch is a loser. No way she can win.

Even if we run a dead man, she can't win
The GOP candidates in 2012 weren't the best, but Herman Cain was the guy I wanted to see go after the moonbat messiah and he would have.

Romney was the worst they had to offer, and the only one the lib media didn't work to destroy until he was the last man standing.

Now Jeb is being hoisted on us as "inevitable".

I'm hoping for Cruz, Walker, Paul, Perry or Fiorina. I know you don't agree Edge, but libtardism isn't going to get rolled back by an establishment republicrat.

If the country is going to get driven off a cliff, we might as well have hitlary's cankle pushing the gas.

Dem's were obliterated in 2010 and 2014 and that's with Obama in the White House. 2012 was a huge loss imo, with Obama on the ballot lying through his teeth they barely managed to scrape back 6 of the 56 House seats they lost in 2010 then in 2014 they got bitch slapped hard again.

Anyone remember the Dem's running their big stupid mouths in 2008 bragging about how they destroyed the Republican party for good, look at the fools now :laugh:

Patriots lost in 2012 for a few simple, but important, reasons

1) Romney was a TERRIBLE candidate

2) Romney came out of the Primaries beaten and tattered

3) Akin and Mourdock

4) liberturdian scum who worked to suppress the vote with their "They're all the same" treasonous remarks

5) Some seriously bad luck with the '47%' tape getting out

6) Candy Fatass Crowley inserting herself into the 2nd debate

7) Romney not challenging the Lying Cocksucker on Benghazi

8) Romney saying he would overturn ACA (people WANT the ACA whether you know it or not)

9) Romney was a terrible candidate

It would be a mistake for ANY Republican to go onto the DISGSUTING FILTH programs or allow them to moderate even one debate.

Just say 'no'. They can't possible hurt us as bad complaining about us saying no as they can if we say 'yes'

We will NOT get a fair shake on ANY debate moderated by the DISGUSTING FILTH.

It just ain't gonna happen.

Go after Hitlery...... HARD! Forget that she's a 'woman'

In fact, if her lying scumbag sycophants complain about us going after a 'woman', use that against them....... "If she is going to cry about us going after her with words, what's she going to do if she has to lead us in a War? Where they use bombs, and guns and artillery and.....? Her first job is as Commander in Chief and if she can't take a little political back and forth, what's she gonna be like when she has to face down someone that wants to kill us all?"

Hit the bitch where it hurts. Go after her dishonesty. Go after the fact that she will be the richest person to ever run for President.

Go after the failure of her term as Sec State.

The bitch is a loser. No way she can win.

Even if we run a dead man, she can't win

You nailed it though we disagree on ACA, that turd was 'the' reason Dem's got their asses kicked in 2014. There is wide bi-partisan support for the handful of common sense changes to our healthcare system, the issue of pre-existing conditions for example. But that's 1% of ACA the rest of this turd was a government take over.
I'm not allowing that emotion to interfere with some cold, hard facts about the dimocrap party.

Oh, this is perfect.

What a beautiful text book case of a sentence constructed by someone who is thoroughly and willfully self-deluded.

Not allowing emotion to interfere. And then calls them the "dimocrap" party.

Wonderful! Just...wonderful.

I'm sure whatever followed was completely objective... :laugh::laugh::laugh:
The GOP candidates in 2012 weren't the best, but Herman Cain was the guy I wanted to see go after the moonbat messiah and he would have.

Romney was the worst they had to offer, and the only one the lib media didn't work to destroy until he was the last man standing.

Now Jeb is being hoisted on us as "inevitable".

I'm hoping for Cruz, Walker, Paul, Perry or Fiorina. I know you don't agree Edge, but libtardism isn't going to get rolled back by an establishment republicrat.

If the country is going to get driven off a cliff, we might as well have hitlary's cankle pushing the gas.

I live in Florida and I can tell you that, other than his slavish devotion to Common Core, Jeb Bush is the most Conservative of the Candidates.

FAR more than you realize. He isn't his daddy or his brother.

But I would prefer Scott walker because I think he has the balls to go after the scumbag criminals that support the criminal dimocrap scum party with the most money -- The criminal Unions.

Bust up the Public Sector Unions....... Leave the Private Sector Unions alone..... IMO they have the right o be Stupid and run their Jobs overseas (which they do every day).....

But who negotiates on behalf of the Taxpayer when Union scum and dimocrap scum get together and steal BILLIONS from the Taxpayer? Who's the competition?

You don't like how you were treated at the DMV? Who do you go to? You don't like how the Union scumbag at the Social Security Office talked to your Mother? Who do you go to?


Federal workers earning double their private counterparts - USATODAY.com

Vote dimocrap. The scum of the earth
Oh, this is perfect.

What a beautiful text book case of a sentence constructed by someone who is thoroughly and willfully self-deluded.

Not allowing emotion to interfere. And then calls them the "dimocrap" party.

Wonderful! Just...wonderful.

I'm sure whatever followed was completely objective... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Eat a dick, snowflake
Oh, this is perfect.

What a beautiful text book case of a sentence constructed by someone who is thoroughly and willfully self-deluded.

Not allowing emotion to interfere. And then calls them the "dimocrap" party.

Wonderful! Just...wonderful.

I'm sure whatever followed was completely objective... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Eat a dick, snowflake

You're just all emotional today huh? That time of the month?
I live in Florida and I can tell you that, other than his slavish devotion to Common Core, Jeb Bush is the most Conservative of the Candidates.

FAR more than you realize. He isn't his daddy or his brother.

But I would prefer Scott walker because I think he has the balls to go after the scumbag criminals that support the criminal dimocrap scum party with the most money -- The criminal Unions.

Bust up the Public Sector Unions....... Leave the Private Sector Unions alone..... IMO they have the right o be Stupid and run their Jobs overseas (which they do every day).....

But who negotiates on behalf of the Taxpayer when Union scum and dimocrap scum get together and steal BILLIONS from the Taxpayer? Who's the competition?

You don't like how you were treated at the DMV? Who do you go to? You don't like how the Union scumbag at the Social Security Office talked to your Mother? Who do you go to?


Federal workers earning double their private counterparts - USATODAY.com

Vote dimocrap. The scum of the earth

Between common core and amnesty, Jeb is pretty much a no go for me. His whole family seems to be a bunch of globalists IMO.

I agree with everything you said about Walker and the public sector union mafia.

The article had like maybe 2 or 3 statements that could possibly be called "facts" and the rest is just angry-man ranting and raging.

About the Democrats having an "empty bench" or whatever it was about not having a lot of elected officials...the Republicans were in much worse shape in 2009-2010...and they came back pretty strong in the 2010 midterms, so I have no faith in that claim at all.

If anything what the Democratic Party needs to do is have some of it's older officials retire and let the millennial generation step in. That actually is a problem they do have IMO.
Oh, this is perfect.

What a beautiful text book case of a sentence constructed by someone who is thoroughly and willfully self-deluded.

Not allowing emotion to interfere. And then calls them the "dimocrap" party.

Wonderful! Just...wonderful.

I'm sure whatever followed was completely objective... :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Eat a dick, snowflake
I am sensing more emotion...
Obama has made it impossible for a black person of either gender (or mixed gender, for that matter) to be elected president for at least 150 years.

For that we might give Him thanks.

HOWEVER, the same cannot be said for what he has done to Democrat Party chances at the presidency. At best his performance has made us safe from that for eight, possibly twelve years at best.
Obama has made it impossible for a black person of either gender (or mixed gender, for that matter) to be elected president for at least 150 years.

For that we might give Him thanks.

HOWEVER, the same cannot be said for what he has done to Democrat Party chances at the presidency. At best his performance has made us safe from that for eight, possibly twelve years at best.

Well I guess we can cross Ben Carson off the list according to you.

I don't think you realize what a racist statement that is, not everyone will judge black people by how Obama has done in the presidency.
The article was spot on. Democrats have destroyed a generation of politicians, sacrificed on the altar of Barack Obama and Obamacare. They will be out of power for at least 4 years, completely. You will see articles like "Does the Democratic Party Have a Future?" after the next election. Now, they said the same thing (I remember the headline in the nYTimes) after 1976 when Republicans were humiliated in almost every race. But that was post Watergate and they rebuilt. The Democrats have hard work ahead, kicking out the communist assholes who lose elections and figureing out what works.

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