Exceptionally stupid Dems blundered the debt ceiling and it's why Donald might win on these charges

Stormy Daniels

Gold Member
Mar 19, 2018
Democrats are infamously short sighted and simply unable to see the big picture, ever. They can't learn from their mistakes.

Democrats have this awful habit of occassionally winning a hard fought victory, but instantly throwing it out the window. By that I mean, instead of recognizing all of the hard work that went into the fight, building off it and using it as a model for new battles, Democrats convert their victories into an entitlement. Before the ink even dries, they dismiss and deny that they earned the victory through hard work, and instead they treat every meager success as if it's some kind of righteous fulfillment of something that they think was owed all along. And since everybody owes them, they take no responsibility for themselves. And since they take no responsibility for themselves, they see no reason to continue working to cultivate the good and wonderful results in society they claim they stand for. Instead, they start whining about the next batch of whatever they also claim is owed to them.

And that's what happened with the recent debt limit fight, and it is happening now with the public reaction to Donald's indictment. Kevin McCarthy had to really go out on a limb to get enough support for that bill to make it happen. He landed himself in really hot water with his own party, and put his position is danger. Democrats had to even step up and pledge to support him if the hard liner Republicans tried to oust him. When was the last time you saw that kind of cross aisle cooperation?

But their cooperation only went so far as to get that one bill passed. The moment it was done, the Democrats began sitting back and gleefully watched as McCarthy had to begin fighting himself out of a wolf's den. Because Dems think that McCarthy owed it to them to get the debt bill through. And they think that they are entitled for McCarthy's life to be miserable, because he's their adversary. So they're all to happy to leave him out to dry.

If they were smart, Dems would see the big picture. They'd build off a bipartisan victory and the strength of centrist moderation on both sides being able to shuck off the whackadoodles. If Dems were smart they would see this as an opportunity to catalyse change, move the Republican Party's center of gravity back toward the center. But no. They can't be bothered. So they get what they're getting now.

Kevin McCarthy's position has been substantially weakened by the political capital he had to burn to get the debt ceiling bill done. So what is he supposed to do with Donald's indictments? What else can he do? He has to pander to the whackadoodles. Of course he's out there saying the things that cultists want to hear! He needs them. There's no profit in centrism if it's not bipartisan, and there can be no bipartism centrism if the party will weaponize your moderation by relishing the other side's intra-party tensions like a mormon girl shooting her first gangbang.

So Democrats, here we are now. Donald is indicted and nearly every single elected official in the Republican party is going to twist and spew all kinds of absurd rhetoric to defend him. And the effect is going to be to further empower Donald politically, bury the cult deeper in their religious worship, and even draw out some more new voters on Donald's side who haven't cast a ballot since Nixon.
Democrats are infamously short sighted and simply unable to see the big picture, ever. They can't learn from their mistakes.

Democrats have this awful habit of occassionally winning a hard fought victory, but instantly throwing it out the window. By that I mean, instead of recognizing all of the hard work that went into the fight, building off it and using it as a model for new battles, Democrats convert their victories into an entitlement. Before the ink even dries, they dismiss and deny that they earned the victory through hard work, and instead they treat every meager success as if it's some kind of righteous fulfillment of something that they think was owed all along. And since everybody owes them, they take no responsibility for themselves. And since they take no responsibility for themselves, they see no reason to continue working to cultivate the good and wonderful results in society they claim they stand for. Instead, they start whining about the next batch of whatever they also claim is owed to them.

And that's what happened with the recent debt limit fight, and it is happening now with the public reaction to Donald's indictment. Kevin McCarthy had to really go out on a limb to get enough support for that bill to make it happen. He landed himself in really hot water with his own party, and put his position is danger. Democrats had to even step up and pledge to support him if the hard liner Republicans tried to oust him. When was the last time you saw that kind of cross aisle cooperation?

But their cooperation only went so far as to get that one bill passed. The moment it was done, the Democrats began sitting back and gleefully watched as McCarthy had to begin fighting himself out of a wolf's den. Because Dems think that McCarthy owed it to them to get the debt bill through. And they think that they are entitled for McCarthy's life to be miserable, because he's their adversary. So they're all to happy to leave him out to dry.

If they were smart, Dems would see the big picture. They'd build off a bipartisan victory and the strength of centrist moderation on both sides being able to shuck off the whackadoodles. If Dems were smart they would see this as an opportunity to catalyse change, move the Republican Party's center of gravity back toward the center. But no. They can't be bothered. So they get what they're getting now.

Kevin McCarthy's position has been substantially weakened by the political capital he had to burn to get the debt ceiling bill done. So what is he supposed to do with Donald's indictments? What else can he do? He has to pander to the whackadoodles. Of course he's out there saying the things that cultists want to hear! He needs them. There's no profit in centrism if it's not bipartisan, and there can be no bipartism centrism if the party will weaponize your moderation by relishing the other side's intra-party tensions like a mormon girl shooting her first gangbang.

So Democrats, here we are now. Donald is indicted and nearly every single elected official in the Republican party is going to twist and spew all kinds of absurd rhetoric to defend him. And the effect is going to be to further empower Donald politically, bury the cult deeper in their religious worship, and even draw out some more new voters on Donald's side who haven't cast a ballot since Nixon.
McCarthy had to fold on the debt ceiling. The alternative was default and Republicans would have been rightly made the scapegoats for the fallout. Cross aisle cooperation????? It was pure survival instincts. McCarthy knew if the country defaulted, the Republican party was largely done. He can do whatever he likes with Trump's indictments. Spin (and puke) till the cows come home. They were handed down by a grand jury...made up of voters. Let Republicans spew and twist. It is up to a jury now. He cannot win a general election. And that hope is the only one he has. But he will be the useful fool in clearing the Republican field..even his protege.
Yes the dems really screwed up the debt ceiling. Tell me how brilliant it was that McCarthy negotiated for student loan payments to resume on October when they were already set to resume anyway.
McCarthy had to fold on the debt ceiling. The alternative was default and Republicans would have been rightly made the scapegoats for the fallout. Cross aisle cooperation????? It was pure survival instincts. McCarthy knew if the country defaulted, the Republican party was largely done.

See what I mean, folks? My point is proven.
Democrats are infamously short sighted and simply unable to see the big picture, ever. They can't learn from their mistakes.

Democrats have this awful habit of occassionally winning a hard fought victory, but instantly throwing it out the window. By that I mean, instead of recognizing all of the hard work that went into the fight, building off it and using it as a model for new battles, Democrats convert their victories into an entitlement. Before the ink even dries, they dismiss and deny that they earned the victory through hard work, and instead they treat every meager success as if it's some kind of righteous fulfillment of something that they think was owed all along. And since everybody owes them, they take no responsibility for themselves. And since they take no responsibility for themselves, they see no reason to continue working to cultivate the good and wonderful results in society they claim they stand for. Instead, they start whining about the next batch of whatever they also claim is owed to them.

And that's what happened with the recent debt limit fight, and it is happening now with the public reaction to Donald's indictment. Kevin McCarthy had to really go out on a limb to get enough support for that bill to make it happen. He landed himself in really hot water with his own party, and put his position is danger. Democrats had to even step up and pledge to support him if the hard liner Republicans tried to oust him. When was the last time you saw that kind of cross aisle cooperation?

But their cooperation only went so far as to get that one bill passed. The moment it was done, the Democrats began sitting back and gleefully watched as McCarthy had to begin fighting himself out of a wolf's den. Because Dems think that McCarthy owed it to them to get the debt bill through. And they think that they are entitled for McCarthy's life to be miserable, because he's their adversary. So they're all to happy to leave him out to dry.

If they were smart, Dems would see the big picture. They'd build off a bipartisan victory and the strength of centrist moderation on both sides being able to shuck off the whackadoodles. If Dems were smart they would see this as an opportunity to catalyse change, move the Republican Party's center of gravity back toward the center. But no. They can't be bothered. So they get what they're getting now.

Kevin McCarthy's position has been substantially weakened by the political capital he had to burn to get the debt ceiling bill done. So what is he supposed to do with Donald's indictments? What else can he do? He has to pander to the whackadoodles. Of course he's out there saying the things that cultists want to hear! He needs them. There's no profit in centrism if it's not bipartisan, and there can be no bipartism centrism if the party will weaponize your moderation by relishing the other side's intra-party tensions like a mormon girl shooting her first gangbang.

So Democrats, here we are now. Donald is indicted and nearly every single elected official in the Republican party is going to twist and spew all kinds of absurd rhetoric to defend him. And the effect is going to be to further empower Donald politically, bury the cult deeper in their religious worship, and even draw out some more new voters on Donald's side who haven't cast a ballot since Nixon.
His riot attracted new voters?
McCarthy had to fold on the debt ceiling. The alternative was default and Republicans would have been rightly made the scapegoats for the fallout. Cross aisle cooperation????? It was pure survival instincts. McCarthy knew if the country defaulted, the Republican party was largely done. He can do whatever he likes with Trump's indictments. Spin (and puke) till the cows come home. They were handed down by a grand jury...made up of voters. Let Republicans spew and twist. It is up to a jury now. He cannot win a general election. And that hope is the only one he has. But he will be the useful fool in clearing the Republican field..even his protege.

Gosh--what about that Bragg indictment? Wasn't that too "handed down by a Grand Jury"?
Yeah..and? What's your point? Other than these aren't political witchhunts

There was the Grand Jury and the indictment and that was FOR SURE gonna get Trump THIS TIME.

What happened? If the Grand Jury is such a slam dunk. What happened?
McCarthy had to fold on the debt ceiling. The alternative was default and Republicans would have been rightly made the scapegoats for the fallout. Cross aisle cooperation????? It was pure survival instincts. McCarthy knew if the country defaulted, the Republican party was largely done. He can do whatever he likes with Trump's indictments. Spin (and puke) till the cows come home. They were handed down by a grand jury...made up of voters. Let Republicans spew and twist. It is up to a jury now. He cannot win a general election. And that hope is the only one he has. But he will be the useful fool in clearing the Republican field..even his protege.
How many times do we do this? Over and over and over. We are so corrupt now that as an example we are building naval vessels called the Littoral Comat Ships which are pure lemons. We have retired several of them as young ships while we continue to build them! This is what we are in near every government program we have.
There was the Grand Jury and the indictment and that was FOR SURE gonna get Trump THIS TIME.

What happened? If the Grand Jury is such a slam dunk. What happened?
The wheels of justice take time to grind. The NYC DA charges were low hanging fruit. Just a warm up. Outside of paying a hefty sum of cash (that I'm sure he'll be able to raise from his loyal supporters), nothing really to see. They were just the first to drop.
But this Doc case, the J6th investigation, and the state of GA election tampering?...Now we're talking about jail time if convicted.

Look. I'd resign myself to the fact that..yes..they got him. It's just a matter of how badly he'll pay for his misdeeds.
Four decades overdue in my opinion.
There was the Grand Jury and the indictment and that was FOR SURE gonna get Trump THIS TIME.
They did Q-NUT.
What happened? If the Grand Jury is such a slam dunk. What happened?
A trial will take place.

Judge sets 2024 date for Trump's criminal trial in Stormy ...​

https://abcnews.go.com › story

May 23, 2023 — A New York City judge has set a trial date of March 25, 2024, for former President Donald Trump's criminal trial on charges of falsifying ...

Aren't you the one who claims to be a teacher?
The wheels of justice take time to grind. The NYC DA charges were low hanging fruit. Just a warm up. Outside of paying a hefty sum of cash (that I'm sure he'll be able to raise from his loyal supporters), nothing really to see. They were just the first to drop.
But this Doc case, the J6th investigation, and the state of GA election tampering?...Now we're talking about jail time if convicted.

Look. I'd resign myself to the fact that..yes..they got him. It's just a matter of how badly he'll pay for his misdeeds.
Four decades overdue in my opinion.

They got him--for hurting your feelings.

And what is gone now is the nation.
They got him--for hurting your feelings.

And what is gone now is the nation.
No. They got him because they investigated, found criminal behavior worthy of an indictment...and they indicted him.
Same thing will probably happen for J6th and GA.

The bottom line here is Trump is corrupt and incompetent. So far, he's indicting himself...mostly because he just can't keep his mouth shut.
But he will get his day in court and his due process. Hell, he won't spend any time in a holding cell, they won't ask for bail, and he won't be forced to give up his passport.

Our nation will survive Trump. Bruised, battered, black and blue...but it'll survive.
My faith in our justice system has actually been restored. Someone who I thought was going to actually be above the law and never to be held accountable..will now be.
Democrats are infamously short sighted and simply unable to see the big picture, ever. They can't learn from their mistakes.

Democrats have this awful habit of occassionally winning a hard fought victory, but instantly throwing it out the window. By that I mean, instead of recognizing all of the hard work that went into the fight, building off it and using it as a model for new battles, Democrats convert their victories into an entitlement. Before the ink even dries, they dismiss and deny that they earned the victory through hard work, and instead they treat every meager success as if it's some kind of righteous fulfillment of something that they think was owed all along. And since everybody owes them, they take no responsibility for themselves. And since they take no responsibility for themselves, they see no reason to continue working to cultivate the good and wonderful results in society they claim they stand for. Instead, they start whining about the next batch of whatever they also claim is owed to them.

And that's what happened with the recent debt limit fight, and it is happening now with the public reaction to Donald's indictment. Kevin McCarthy had to really go out on a limb to get enough support for that bill to make it happen. He landed himself in really hot water with his own party, and put his position is danger. Democrats had to even step up and pledge to support him if the hard liner Republicans tried to oust him. When was the last time you saw that kind of cross aisle cooperation?

But their cooperation only went so far as to get that one bill passed. The moment it was done, the Democrats began sitting back and gleefully watched as McCarthy had to begin fighting himself out of a wolf's den. Because Dems think that McCarthy owed it to them to get the debt bill through. And they think that they are entitled for McCarthy's life to be miserable, because he's their adversary. So they're all to happy to leave him out to dry.

If they were smart, Dems would see the big picture. They'd build off a bipartisan victory and the strength of centrist moderation on both sides being able to shuck off the whackadoodles. If Dems were smart they would see this as an opportunity to catalyse change, move the Republican Party's center of gravity back toward the center. But no. They can't be bothered. So they get what they're getting now.

Kevin McCarthy's position has been substantially weakened by the political capital he had to burn to get the debt ceiling bill done. So what is he supposed to do with Donald's indictments? What else can he do? He has to pander to the whackadoodles. Of course he's out there saying the things that cultists want to hear! He needs them. There's no profit in centrism if it's not bipartisan, and there can be no bipartism centrism if the party will weaponize your moderation by relishing the other side's intra-party tensions like a mormon girl shooting her first gangbang.

So Democrats, here we are now. Donald is indicted and nearly every single elected official in the Republican party is going to twist and spew all kinds of absurd rhetoric to defend him. And the effect is going to be to further empower Donald politically, bury the cult deeper in their religious worship, and even draw out some more new voters on Donald's side who haven't cast a ballot since Nixon.
LOL!!! Projection anyone?
No. They got him because they investigated, found criminal behavior worthy of an indictment...and they indicted him.
Same thing will probably happen for J6th and GA.

The bottom line here is Trump is corrupt and incompetent. So far, he's indicting himself...mostly because he just can't keep his mouth shut.
But he will get his day in court and his due process. Hell, he won't spend any time in a holding cell, they won't ask for bail, and he won't be forced to give up his passport.

Our nation will survive Trump. Bruised, battered, black and blue...but it'll survive.
My faith in our justice system has actually been restored. Someone who I thought was going to actually be above the law and never to be held accountable..will now be.

Gosh, you just keep telling yourself fantasies.

(The Center Square) – The majority of Americans in a new poll say there’s a two-tiered justice system in the U.S.: one for politicians and those in Washington, D.C., and one for the rest of Americans.

A large majority of those polled in a separate survey expressed opposite views about who they believed was behind the FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s home based on their party affiliation.

The polls were conducted among likely general election voters by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action between July 24 and 28 and Aug. 9 and 10.

In the first poll among 1,080 surveyed, 79% said there are two tiers of justice: “one set of laws for politicians and Washington, D.C., insiders vs one set of laws for everyday Americans.”

Nearly 12% said there’s one system of justice with laws applied to all Americans equally. Roughly 9% said they weren’t sure.

Along party lines, 66.7% of Democrats and 87.8% of Republicans said there were two tiers of justice.

Gosh, you just keep telling yourself fantasies.

(The Center Square) – The majority of Americans in a new poll say there’s a two-tiered justice system in the U.S.: one for politicians and those in Washington, D.C., and one for the rest of Americans.

A large majority of those polled in a separate survey expressed opposite views about who they believed was behind the FBI’s raid on former President Donald Trump’s home based on their party affiliation.

The polls were conducted among likely general election voters by the Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action between July 24 and 28 and Aug. 9 and 10.

In the first poll among 1,080 surveyed, 79% said there are two tiers of justice: “one set of laws for politicians and Washington, D.C., insiders vs one set of laws for everyday Americans.”

Nearly 12% said there’s one system of justice with laws applied to all Americans equally. Roughly 9% said they weren’t sure.

Along party lines, 66.7% of Democrats and 87.8% of Republicans said there were two tiers of justice.

What fantasies? These are actual charges. He will be arraigned on serious criminal charges today for the first time in his life.
He's been treated with kid gloves his entire life. Do you really think that if you or I were accused of these matters, we'd get the consideration he has gotten? No..we'd sitting in a holding cell if we couldn't post the bail.

If you really believe our justice system is two tiered than Trump being held accountable for his alleged crimes should make you happy. No one is above the law.

Unless...that's not really why you're upset over this.
What fantasies? These are actual charges. He will be arraigned on serious criminal charges today for the first time in his life.
He's been treated with kid gloves his entire life. Do you really think that if you or I were accused of these matters, we'd get the consideration he has gotten? No..we'd sitting in a holding cell if we couldn't post the bail.

If you really believe our justice system is two tiered than Trump being held accountable for his alleged crimes should make you happy. No one is above the law.

Unless...that's not really why you're upset over this.

Thanks for turning our formerly good nation into a banana republic. Maybe, unlike Golfing Gator, you will actually have the fortitude to stay for what you wrought.

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