Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation


This Mueller move smells Crooked H paying off someone.
My goodness....so obsessed by H. Clinton.


Well it is halloween time, nobama nut.

Keep hope alive nut.

Hope is alive with Trump being president :2up:

Hope for what? A depression? A return to whites only?
Dumbest shit I’ve ever heard.

'Ever' is a pretty big word. How far back are you willing to go?
You’re right. We have the babbling idiocy of JC, Bripat and Miketx in the running of dumbest shit to contend with.

I can not hold a candle to those guys, but this does not change the fact that Mueller the 3rd is an established political left wing entity.

It is easier if one depersonalizes this stuff and thinks of politicians as experimental laboratory animals.


Your grammar class in the 5th grade taught that there were one word sentences?

There are absolutely one word sentences. Wow! Great! Etc.
Maybe Hooked on Phonics would work for you.

This Mueller move smells Crooked H paying off someone.
My goodness....so obsessed by H. Clinton.


Well it is halloween time, nobama nut.

Keep hope alive nut.

Hope is alive with Trump being president :2up:

Hope for what? A depression? A return to whites only?

Okay I'm not going to take your fear mongering path, sport. You hate every white person. I get it now.
Wrong; Mueller is a registered democrat and long time friend of Bill Clinton. He also, as did most of the investigators on his team, work for the Clinton's....

I see you have an aversion to verifiable facts...
Mueller was a registered Republican when he was appointed by Bush and took office as the 6th Director of the FBI in Sept 2001!

You mentioned something about an aversion to verifiable facts, I believe?
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..
Bullshit! You're talking out of your lying pie hole. Got some articles to share about Mueller's, "...long history of democrat activism...."? I thought not you fucking lying fraud!
Attempting to maintain any attention span reading through 30 pages of Trumplings coming utterly unhinged. I'm on page 12 and that'll probably be enough.

  • Turns out Washington Free Beacon initially paid for Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier - there goes that talking point.
  • Uranium One? Uranium DONE /
  • HILLARY colluded with Russia they bellow in yet another Pee Wee Herman deflection (I know you are, but what am I?)
  • This thing will run well into 2018 - meanwhile the unhinging on the right will continue as they keep dreaming of a Hillary indictment (as they have for 30 years)
  • But it costs too much! they yammer after 60+ attempts at Obamacare repeal and said nothing when umpteen Iran-Contra and Benghazi investigations cost far more
  • Charges coming on Monday? So much for the Nothingburger


Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week


Fortified by news in the Washington Post that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid the oppo-research outfit Fusion GPS to produce the Steele Dossier, President Donald Trump overran his opponents’ positions this week. Splattering them with half-truths and hyperbole, Trump charged that “the whole Russian thing” was a “hoax” and an excuse for Democrats unwilling to accept that they lost the election. Then he rolled in a grenade, calling the dossier “fake.” Finally, he sparked his flamethrower to life and hosed his political foes with rhetorical fire by invoking the uranium deal in none-dare-call-it-conspiracy style, describing Uranium One’s sale to a Russian company during the Obama era as the equal of Watergate.

At least that’s how it looked in Trump’s version of the war movie until late Friday, when it turned out that the president was rushing to take the wrong hill. First, the conservative Washington Free Beacon website—funded by a billionaire from the never-Trump movement—’fessed to having paid for Fusion GPS’s original anti-Trump work before the Clinton Democrats took over the payments. Then CNN reported that special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III had fired a bunker buster, bringing his first indictment in the probe. The identity of the person charged is under seal still, CNN reported, and will remain so until the person is arrested, possibly as soon as Monday. Will it be Paul Manfort, whom prosecutors reportedly all but promised to indict? It will be a long weekend of rampant speculation until the scoop is confirmed.

If the Trump Tower scandal could be boiled down to a war of words, we would have crowned Trump the winner months ago because he’s so dang good at jaw-jamming. Whenever accused, he assumes the role of the accuser, deflecting charges by hurling them back at his challengers. The Clinton camp and the press try to pin campaign collusion with Russia on him, and he flips it around by weirdly claiming it was Hillary Clinton who committed collusion with the Russians by commissioning the dossier. And remember when he argued that Facebook, the New York Times and the Washington Post committed collusion against him?

As for the cost of Mueller’s investigation, everybody knows these things don’t come cheap. The Iran-Contra investigation swallowed $47 million, which is about $104 million in today’s dollars. Even at $200 million, the Mueller investigation will be a bargain if it uncovers obstruction of justice, money laundering, and tax fraud by the president or his associates.​


Week 23: Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..

Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Mueller is a crooked pile of shit.

As head of the FBI he refused to investigate the gun running of Criminal Eric Holder at the behest of Barack Obama in order to protect his party. When proof was shown that Obama was using the IRS to attack his enemies and enemies of the party, the corrupt pile of shit again refused to investigate.

Fuck Mueller, he is a disgrace.

Even this action is purely motivated by his desire to promote the filthy party, hoping to distract from the now revealed collusion between Clinton, the Russians, and the shameful democratic party.
You can’t handle Mueller didn’t believe the far right’s conspiracy theories. I see you have.
Everything you just wrote is a lie based on the fact that Mueller is everything your comrade isn’t. Courageous, honest and extremely well respected.
You watch too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour.
Pssttttt Mueller probably has the comrade’s tax returns..

Be afraid be very afraid.

Mueller can do nothing to thwart the revelations that the party and Clinton were in collusion with Russia to tamper with our election by creating a fake "dossier" to slander and libel Trump. These facts are already known, even WaPo has been forced to admit it. CNN hasn't and won't, but they have less credibility than DailyKOS at this point.

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. Mueller is going after Paul Manafort. Whether this trumped up indictment is against Manafort or one of his associates is unknown. Mueller leaked (a felony) the information to his leftist buddies at CNN about the indictment, but has not yet revealed who it is against, so I doubt it is Manafort. The purpose of Mueller's move is to distract from the now known collusion between the Party and Russia, which has Comey smack dab in the middle of.

I would say no one can be this stupid, but the evidence of they can is shown by this guys posts.
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..

Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Mueller is a crooked pile of shit.

As head of the FBI he refused to investigate the gun running of Criminal Eric Holder at the behest of Barack Obama in order to protect his party. When proof was shown that Obama was using the IRS to attack his enemies and enemies of the party, the corrupt pile of shit again refused to investigate.

Fuck Mueller, he is a disgrace.

Even this action is purely motivated by his desire to promote the filthy party, hoping to distract from the now revealed collusion between Clinton, the Russians, and the shameful democratic party.
You can’t handle Mueller didn’t believe the far right’s conspiracy theories. I see you have.
Everything you just wrote is a lie based on the fact that Mueller is everything your comrade isn’t. Courageous, honest and extremely well respected.
You watch too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour.
Pssttttt Mueller probably has the comrade’s tax returns..

Be afraid be very afraid.

Mueller can do nothing to thwart the revelations that the party and Clinton were in collusion with Russia to tamper with our election by creating a fake "dossier" to slander and libel Trump. These facts are already known, even WaPo has been forced to admit it. CNN hasn't and won't, but they have less credibility than DailyKOS at this point.

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. Mueller is going after Paul Manafort. Whether this trumped up indictment is against Manafort or one of his associates is unknown. Mueller leaked (a felony) the information to his leftist buddies at CNN about the indictment, but has not yet revealed who it is against, so I doubt it is Manafort. The purpose of Mueller's move is to distract from the now known collusion between the Party and Russia, which has Comey smack dab in the middle of.
I’m a communist?
Keep hope alive in your 25 year quest to GET Hillary. She, along with us, laugh at your futile attempts and dismal failures.
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
Attempting to maintain any attention span reading through 30 pages of Trumplings coming utterly unhinged. I'm on page 12 and that'll probably be enough.

  • Turns out Washington Free Beacon initially paid for Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier - there goes that talking point.
  • Uranium One? Uranium DONE /
  • HILLARY colluded with Russia they bellow in yet another Pee Wee Herman deflection (I know you are, but what am I?)
  • This thing will run well into 2018 - meanwhile the unhinging on the right will continue as they keep dreaming of a Hillary indictment (as they have for 30 years)
  • But it costs too much! they yammer after 60+ attempts at Obamacare repeal and said nothing when umpteen Iran-Contra and Benghazi investigations cost far more
  • Charges coming on Monday? So much for the Nothingburger


Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week


Fortified by news in the Washington Post that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid the oppo-research outfit Fusion GPS to produce the Steele Dossier, President Donald Trump overran his opponents’ positions this week. Splattering them with half-truths and hyperbole, Trump charged that “the whole Russian thing” was a “hoax” and an excuse for Democrats unwilling to accept that they lost the election. Then he rolled in a grenade, calling the dossier “fake.” Finally, he sparked his flamethrower to life and hosed his political foes with rhetorical fire by invoking the uranium deal in none-dare-call-it-conspiracy style, describing Uranium One’s sale to a Russian company during the Obama era as the equal of Watergate.

At least that’s how it looked in Trump’s version of the war movie until late Friday, when it turned out that the president was rushing to take the wrong hill. First, the conservative Washington Free Beacon website—funded by a billionaire from the never-Trump movement—’fessed to having paid for Fusion GPS’s original anti-Trump work before the Clinton Democrats took over the payments. Then CNN reported that special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III had fired a bunker buster, bringing his first indictment in the probe. The identity of the person charged is under seal still, CNN reported, and will remain so until the person is arrested, possibly as soon as Monday. Will it be Paul Manfort, whom prosecutors reportedly all but promised to indict? It will be a long weekend of rampant speculation until the scoop is confirmed.

If the Trump Tower scandal could be boiled down to a war of words, we would have crowned Trump the winner months ago because he’s so dang good at jaw-jamming. Whenever accused, he assumes the role of the accuser, deflecting charges by hurling them back at his challengers. The Clinton camp and the press try to pin campaign collusion with Russia on him, and he flips it around by weirdly claiming it was Hillary Clinton who committed collusion with the Russians by commissioning the dossier. And remember when he argued that Facebook, the New York Times and the Washington Post committed collusion against him?

As for the cost of Mueller’s investigation, everybody knows these things don’t come cheap. The Iran-Contra investigation swallowed $47 million, which is about $104 million in today’s dollars. Even at $200 million, the Mueller investigation will be a bargain if it uncovers obstruction of justice, money laundering, and tax fraud by the president or his associates.​


Week 23: Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week
LOL seeing that keyword uranium helps Trump's case each day.
Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Mueller is a crooked pile of shit.

As head of the FBI he refused to investigate the gun running of Criminal Eric Holder at the behest of Barack Obama in order to protect his party. When proof was shown that Obama was using the IRS to attack his enemies and enemies of the party, the corrupt pile of shit again refused to investigate.

Fuck Mueller, he is a disgrace.

Even this action is purely motivated by his desire to promote the filthy party, hoping to distract from the now revealed collusion between Clinton, the Russians, and the shameful democratic party.
You can’t handle Mueller didn’t believe the far right’s conspiracy theories. I see you have.
Everything you just wrote is a lie based on the fact that Mueller is everything your comrade isn’t. Courageous, honest and extremely well respected.
You watch too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour.
Pssttttt Mueller probably has the comrade’s tax returns..

Be afraid be very afraid.

Mueller can do nothing to thwart the revelations that the party and Clinton were in collusion with Russia to tamper with our election by creating a fake "dossier" to slander and libel Trump. These facts are already known, even WaPo has been forced to admit it. CNN hasn't and won't, but they have less credibility than DailyKOS at this point.

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. Mueller is going after Paul Manafort. Whether this trumped up indictment is against Manafort or one of his associates is unknown. Mueller leaked (a felony) the information to his leftist buddies at CNN about the indictment, but has not yet revealed who it is against, so I doubt it is Manafort. The purpose of Mueller's move is to distract from the now known collusion between the Party and Russia, which has Comey smack dab in the middle of.
I’m a communist?
Keep hope alive in your 25 year quest to GET Hillary. She, along with us, laugh at your futile attempts and dismal failures.
Calm down, Rosie!
Attempting to maintain any attention span reading through 30 pages of Trumplings coming utterly unhinged. I'm on page 12 and that'll probably be enough.

  • Turns out Washington Free Beacon initially paid for Fusion GPS and the Steele Dossier - there goes that talking point.
  • Uranium One? Uranium DONE /
  • HILLARY colluded with Russia they bellow in yet another Pee Wee Herman deflection (I know you are, but what am I?)
  • This thing will run well into 2018 - meanwhile the unhinging on the right will continue as they keep dreaming of a Hillary indictment (as they have for 30 years)
  • But it costs too much! they yammer after 60+ attempts at Obamacare repeal and said nothing when umpteen Iran-Contra and Benghazi investigations cost far more
  • Charges coming on Monday? So much for the Nothingburger


Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week


Fortified by news in the Washington Post that the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid the oppo-research outfit Fusion GPS to produce the Steele Dossier, President Donald Trump overran his opponents’ positions this week. Splattering them with half-truths and hyperbole, Trump charged that “the whole Russian thing” was a “hoax” and an excuse for Democrats unwilling to accept that they lost the election. Then he rolled in a grenade, calling the dossier “fake.” Finally, he sparked his flamethrower to life and hosed his political foes with rhetorical fire by invoking the uranium deal in none-dare-call-it-conspiracy style, describing Uranium One’s sale to a Russian company during the Obama era as the equal of Watergate.

At least that’s how it looked in Trump’s version of the war movie until late Friday, when it turned out that the president was rushing to take the wrong hill. First, the conservative Washington Free Beacon website—funded by a billionaire from the never-Trump movement—’fessed to having paid for Fusion GPS’s original anti-Trump work before the Clinton Democrats took over the payments. Then CNN reported that special prosecutor Robert S. Mueller III had fired a bunker buster, bringing his first indictment in the probe. The identity of the person charged is under seal still, CNN reported, and will remain so until the person is arrested, possibly as soon as Monday. Will it be Paul Manfort, whom prosecutors reportedly all but promised to indict? It will be a long weekend of rampant speculation until the scoop is confirmed.

If the Trump Tower scandal could be boiled down to a war of words, we would have crowned Trump the winner months ago because he’s so dang good at jaw-jamming. Whenever accused, he assumes the role of the accuser, deflecting charges by hurling them back at his challengers. The Clinton camp and the press try to pin campaign collusion with Russia on him, and he flips it around by weirdly claiming it was Hillary Clinton who committed collusion with the Russians by commissioning the dossier. And remember when he argued that Facebook, the New York Times and the Washington Post committed collusion against him?

As for the cost of Mueller’s investigation, everybody knows these things don’t come cheap. The Iran-Contra investigation swallowed $47 million, which is about $104 million in today’s dollars. Even at $200 million, the Mueller investigation will be a bargain if it uncovers obstruction of justice, money laundering, and tax fraud by the president or his associates.​


Week 23: Mueller Bombs Trump's Big Week
Trump had a big week? The pussy sending out Gen Kelly to lie for him constitutes a “ big week?”
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..

Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

Mueller is a crooked pile of shit.

As head of the FBI he refused to investigate the gun running of Criminal Eric Holder at the behest of Barack Obama in order to protect his party. When proof was shown that Obama was using the IRS to attack his enemies and enemies of the party, the corrupt pile of shit again refused to investigate.

Fuck Mueller, he is a disgrace.

Even this action is purely motivated by his desire to promote the filthy party, hoping to distract from the now revealed collusion between Clinton, the Russians, and the shameful democratic party.
You can’t handle Mueller didn’t believe the far right’s conspiracy theories. I see you have.
Everything you just wrote is a lie based on the fact that Mueller is everything your comrade isn’t. Courageous, honest and extremely well respected.
You watch too much of the Hannity Comedy Hour.
Pssttttt Mueller probably has the comrade’s tax returns..

Be afraid be very afraid.

Mueller can do nothing to thwart the revelations that the party and Clinton were in collusion with Russia to tamper with our election by creating a fake "dossier" to slander and libel Trump. These facts are already known, even WaPo has been forced to admit it. CNN hasn't and won't, but they have less credibility than DailyKOS at this point.

Look, you're stupid, it's why you're a Communist. Mueller is going after Paul Manafort. Whether this trumped up indictment is against Manafort or one of his associates is unknown. Mueller leaked (a felony) the information to his leftist buddies at CNN about the indictment, but has not yet revealed who it is against, so I doubt it is Manafort. The purpose of Mueller's move is to distract from the now known collusion between the Party and Russia, which has Comey smack dab in the middle of.

Wait a second...I missed this part. Mueller the 3rd is investigating left wing political malfeasance?

Bullshit. He would never do that.
Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

We already got to the bottom of "Russiagate" retard.

Uncensored follows the demogogue Hannity like a laser beam but knows nothing about the real Russian scandal Fox has kept from him.
It always amazes me how dopes like this come to a public forum to demonstrate how little they know and reveal their bat shit crazy biases.
HE is CURRENTLY RESISTED DEMOCRAT and has a long history of democrat activism... but continue to blow smoke..

Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

He is no doubt a good guy, but the evidence is mounting that he also has so much personal involvement in what he investigating that even some Democrats now are saying it crosses the line and he should recuse himself and resign.
No sane person is calling for Mueller to recuse himself. Only a true numbskull would tell someone to step down towards the END of his investigation.

Even the leftist USA Today has called for Mueller to do the honorable thing;

{Robert Mueller is a man of integrity with a long record of public service. In the abstract, he would be the right selection as special counsel in the Russia investigation. Under the specific circumstances of this case, however, with his longtime friend James Comey at the center of the inquiry, Mueller's the wrong choice. The public cannot be as sure as it needs to be of his objectivity.

This is true for reasons similar to those that prompted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the same investigation. Sessions testified Tuesday that he felt he had no proper choice because he had a potential political conflict of interest, having been a campaign adviser to President Trump. Mueller should likewise step away because he has a potential personal conflict of interest, having been a longtime friend of a crucial witness, Comey, and Comey's key ally at the most important moment of his career.}

Robert Mueller should recuse himself from Russia investigation

The problem is of course, Mueller has no honor. He is a leftist hack.
From your link

You can read diverse opinions from our Board of Contributors and other writers on the Opinion front page, on Twitter @USATOpinion and in our daily Opinion newsletter. To submit a letter, comment or column, check our submission guidelines.
Watching you and your fellow socialists eating crow will be what we didn't expect to happen.
Which makes no sense whatsoever because it’s your criminals that will be indicted.

Time for Bill Maher.

Well I'll just get a good nights sleep not worrying about it. We are all familiar with CNN's "sources" from the past.

"Bring it, fake news"

The OP was posted at 8:45 EST. I went back to Google news and nobody else has anything on it, and it's now 10:05.

Something is amiss here.

Fake news agents trying to overshadow Crooked H/DNC indictments.
Any day now....any day now....any day now....
'Ever' is a pretty big word. How far back are you willing to go?
You’re right. We have the babbling idiocy of JC, Bripat and Miketx in the running of dumbest shit to contend with.

I can not hold a candle to those guys, but this does not change the fact that Mueller the 3rd is an established political left wing entity.

It is easier if one depersonalizes this stuff and thinks of politicians as experimental laboratory animals.


Your grammar class in the 5th grade taught that there were one word sentences?

There are absolutely one word sentences. Wow! Great! Etc.
Maybe Hooked on Phonics would work for you.

I will only buy it if you get the commission as salesperson. Best I can do to help out.

I know the minimum wage is, like, zero for political message board hackery.
This Mueller move smells Crooked H paying off someone.
My goodness....so obsessed by H. Clinton.


Well it is halloween time, nobama nut.

Keep hope alive nut.

Hope is alive with Trump being president :2up:

Hope for what? A depression? A return to whites only?
Conservatard has a red hat that reads MAKE AMERICA WHITE AGAIN.
Mueller is the crooked pile of shit who refused to act on the open corruption of the Obama IRS hazing non-party members.

Mueller is scum. If he indicts Manifort in an effort to distract from the unraveling Clinton collusion with Russia; let me remind the Bolsheviks what is currently going on:

{This undercover eyewitness reportedly has evidence on how the Russians schemed to bribe the Clintons and others in the Obama administration. Seemingly, the efforts were quite successful as former President Bill Clinton received a $500,000 speaking fee from a Moscow bank and Russian insiders promoting the deal contributed approximately $145 million to the Clinton Foundation.} Hillary, You Can Run, But You Can't Hide

The corrupt bastard is doing his part for the party by attempting to distract America, but I suspect he will only entice the vile goons like Jillian who are already dedicated Marxists.
You suck the balls of the most corrupt politician in history. A pathological liar. Bob Mueller has a thousand times more credibility than your serial sex offender does.

Robert Swan "Bob" Mueller III (/ˈmʌlər/; born August 7, 1944) is an American lawyer and civil servant who was the sixth Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, serving from 2001 to 2013. A Republican, he was appointed by President George W. Bush and his original ten-year term was given a two-year extension by President Barack Obama, making him the longest-serving FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover. He is currently head of the Special Counsel investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.

He is no doubt a good guy, but the evidence is mounting that he also has so much personal involvement in what he investigating that even some Democrats now are saying it crosses the line and he should recuse himself and resign.
No sane person is calling for Mueller to recuse himself. Only a true numbskull would tell someone to step down towards the END of his investigation.

Even the leftist USA Today has called for Mueller to do the honorable thing;

{Robert Mueller is a man of integrity with a long record of public service. In the abstract, he would be the right selection as special counsel in the Russia investigation. Under the specific circumstances of this case, however, with his longtime friend James Comey at the center of the inquiry, Mueller's the wrong choice. The public cannot be as sure as it needs to be of his objectivity.

This is true for reasons similar to those that prompted Attorney General Jeff Sessions to recuse himself from the same investigation. Sessions testified Tuesday that he felt he had no proper choice because he had a potential political conflict of interest, having been a campaign adviser to President Trump. Mueller should likewise step away because he has a potential personal conflict of interest, having been a longtime friend of a crucial witness, Comey, and Comey's key ally at the most important moment of his career.}

Robert Mueller should recuse himself from Russia investigation

The problem is of course, Mueller has no honor. He is a leftist hack.

Trump can replace him for the incompetence of not handling the 15 charges on Crooked H especially.

No, no, no. Trump should stay completely out of it. But there is increasing pressure on Mueller to resign due to conflict of personal interest, and that will become a deafening chorus as soon as somebody leaks that he is now investigating Hillary.

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