Exclusive: Giuliani on Clinton - ‘Of course she should be investigated’

On his radio show Tuesday evening, LevinTV host Mark Levin defended Ivanka Trump from the media smears attempting to connect her private email use to Hillary Clinton’s use and illegal scrubbing of an email server on which she discussed classified information.

But first, Levin urged his listeners to be thankful for the blessings that we have in this country

“This is truly such a special country, no thanks to the leftists,” he stated. “And by the way, no thanks to the modern media, either, despite what they may claim.”

Levin continued, discussing the media’s attacks against Ivanka Trump.

“Ivanka Trump is an extraordinary young lady. … She’s an extraordinary businesswoman. She’s an extraordinary daughter. Very loyal to her father. She’s got a lot of poise, and yet they try to destroy her,” Levin commented.

He added: “Now Ivanka Trump apparently used her private email … to do government business. And of course for the Democrats, this is equivalent to Hillary Clinton. But you really do have to have a negative IQ to draw that conclusion, and I’ll explain why.”


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President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told The Hill on Wednesday that Hillary Clinton should be investigated for possible obstruction of justice.

"Of course she should be investigated," Giuliani said, asserting that "there is plenty of evidence that Hillary obstructed justice by destroying evidence in a gross and massive way."

Giuliani was referring to approximately 30,000 emails on Clinton's private server that were deleted before investigators could examine them during the probe of her actions while secretary of State during the Obama administration.

Clinton's team has said that the deleted emails were personal in nature and therefore irrelevant to an investigation into alleged improper handling of classified information.

Read more at msn.com ...

There is no written evidence of a Clinton order to destroy e mails. Her minions might get convicted but if they do not squeal, Hillary is not touchable.

The better choice is to go after her for something provable. The testimony of a high Saudi government official and some written evidence in his possession showing clear Clinton Foundation qid pro quo should do the job.

The Crown Prince now has a marker due the President. The noted testimony should clear the marker......and piss off ABNORMALS everywhere!

We can hang Hillary and Ivanka for anything and everything they've done wrong. Just promise me they get the same sentence for the same crimes and go after it.
Why, was Ivanka Sec. Of State emailing state secrets to an unsecure server that was HACKED?

Chinese company hacked Hillary Clinton's email server: Report - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › news

Aug 28, 2018 · “Report just out: 'China hacked Hillary Clinton's private Email Server.' Are they sure it wasn't Russia (just kidding!)? What are the

Nope. I didn't say that.

But if they committed the same crime use the same weight of rope.

Anything else is hypocrisy.

For clarity, if Ivanka was sharing make-up secrets over her personal email who cares. If she was talking classified POTUS movements or whatever and so was Hillary treat them the same.
IF, PERHAPS. ALLEGATIONS against Ivanka...
You really have nothing, WE have Comey's indictment of Hildebeast, with CONFIRMATION!....Stop dreaming!

Both are probably going to be a waste of time. He Hillary thing is old news. Ivanka is gonna what, go to jail?

But yeah, unless you are saying you'd give them different sentences for the same crime (if they did the same thing) then we agree.
President Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani told The Hill on Wednesday that Hillary Clinton should be investigated for possible obstruction of justice.

"Of course she should be investigated," Giuliani said, asserting that "there is plenty of evidence that Hillary obstructed justice by destroying evidence in a gross and massive way."

Giuliani was referring to approximately 30,000 emails on Clinton's private server that were deleted before investigators could examine them during the probe of her actions while secretary of State during the Obama administration.

Clinton's team has said that the deleted emails were personal in nature and therefore irrelevant to an investigation into alleged improper handling of classified information.

Read more at msn.com ...

There is no written evidence of a Clinton order to destroy e mails. Her minions might get convicted but if they do not squeal, Hillary is not touchable.

The better choice is to go after her for something provable. The testimony of a high Saudi government official and some written evidence in his possession showing clear Clinton Foundation qid pro quo should do the job.

The Crown Prince now has a marker due the President. The noted testimony should clear the marker......and piss off ABNORMALS everywhere!

We can hang Hillary and Ivanka for anything and everything they've done wrong. Just promise me they get the same sentence for the same crimes and go after it.
Why, was Ivanka Sec. Of State emailing state secrets to an unsecure server that was HACKED?

Chinese company hacked Hillary Clinton's email server: Report - Washington Examiner
Washington Examiner › news

Aug 28, 2018 · “Report just out: 'China hacked Hillary Clinton's private Email Server.' Are they sure it wasn't Russia (just kidding!)? What are the

Nope. I didn't say that.

But if they committed the same crime use the same weight of rope.

Anything else is hypocrisy.

For clarity, if Ivanka was sharing make-up secrets over her personal email who cares. If she was talking classified POTUS movements or whatever and so was Hillary treat them the same.
IF, PERHAPS. ALLEGATIONS against Ivanka...
You really have nothing, WE have Comey's indictment of Hildebeast, with CONFIRMATION!....Stop dreaming!

Both are probably going to be a waste of time. He Hillary thing is old news. Ivanka is gonna what, go to jail?

But yeah, unless you are saying you'd give them different sentences for the same crime (if they did the same thing) then we agree.
If we can indict Obama for KNOWINGLY using and letting the Hildebeast do it, Ivanka can get a trial OK by me...but the mulatto must also go!
We need to look at ALL of Ivankas emails to see if she had anything classified
Why you worried now? I mean you didn't care when Hillary did it. If Ivanka knowingly sent classified information, then yes she should go to jail.
The security of a free state depends on it!

If Ivanka is leaking classified information.....she must be prosecuted
And so should Clinton.

Clinton has been being prosecuted for decades. What do you think you might be able to prove this time?
We know she sent classified emails on a private server. No one wants to prosecute her, because half of Washington would go down also. So i say do it and whoever broke the law goes to jail. If it's good for us, it should be good for them. I'm also talking about democrats and republicans.

Great idea, but I don't think Hillary is screwing her daddy.
Why you worried now? I mean you didn't care when Hillary did it. If Ivanka knowingly sent classified information, then yes she should go to jail.
The security of a free state depends on it!

If Ivanka is leaking classified information.....she must be prosecuted
And so should Clinton.

Clinton has been being prosecuted for decades. What do you think you might be able to prove this time?
We know she sent classified emails on a private server. No one wants to prosecute her, because half of Washington would go down also. So i say do it and whoever broke the law goes to jail. If it's good for us, it should be good for them. I'm also talking about democrats and republicans.

Great idea, but I don't think Hillary is screwing her daddy.
She often call Huma...Daddy!
Why you worried now? I mean you didn't care when Hillary did it. If Ivanka knowingly sent classified information, then yes she should go to jail.
The security of a free state depends on it!

If Ivanka is leaking classified information.....she must be prosecuted
And so should Clinton.

Clinton has been being prosecuted for decades. What do you think you might be able to prove this time?
We know she sent classified emails on a private server. No one wants to prosecute her, because half of Washington would go down also. So i say do it and whoever broke the law goes to jail. If it's good for us, it should be good for them. I'm also talking about democrats and republicans.

Great idea, but I don't think Hillary is screwing her daddy.
Lol, you're desperate.

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