EXCLUSIVE: The ’47% Tape’ And The Man Who Revealed The Real Mitt Romney


Most people have heard something about George W. Bush pulling strings to get into the Texas Air Guard. But the press, while reporting lots of details, has done a poor job of communicating how consistently and shamelessly Bush Jr. sought and received favorable treatment while he avoided Vietnam.

Furthermore, his story has repeatedly changed -- he has weaseled and even flat-out lied when explaining what happened...

Why I think there is a lot of bad stuff that can be said about bush, the obsession some on the left had with this is crazy.

So he got into the National Guard to avoid the draft. So did a lot of other people. A lot of people got bullshit medical deferments. A lot of people went to college with no intention of getting a meaningful degree. Some fled to Canada or avoided the draft by hiding out.

At the end of the day, so what?

The Journalistic Malpractice was that Dan Rather so WANTED to believe that something untoward happened, that he and his people accepted badly done forgeries as the real thing. (Documents that were created on a freaking MS Word Processor, for crying out loud.)

Most people have heard something about George W. Bush pulling strings to get into the Texas Air Guard. But the press, while reporting lots of details, has done a poor job of communicating how consistently and shamelessly Bush Jr. sought and received favorable treatment while he avoided Vietnam.

Furthermore, his story has repeatedly changed -- he has weaseled and even flat-out lied when explaining what happened...

Why I think there is a lot of bad stuff that can be said about bush, the obsession some on the left had with this is crazy.

So he got into the National Guard to avoid the draft. So did a lot of other people. A lot of people got bullshit medical deferments. A lot of people went to college with no intention of getting a meaningful degree. Some fled to Canada or avoided the draft by hiding out.

At the end of the day, so what?

The Journalistic Malpractice was that Dan Rather so WANTED to believe that something untoward happened, that he and his people accepted badly done forgeries as the real thing. (Documents that were created on a freaking MS Word Processor, for crying out loud.)

What about what he did when the service began to test their pilots for drugs? After the government had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars teaching him to fly an F-102 he refused the test. He was suspended and never flew again. It's a matter of record.
Romney was absolutely correct in his statements.
And you are absolutely an idiot.

I suspect you are one of the 47% which would make you a "drooling idiot". Get your bib. The front of your shirt is getting wet.

Romney was absolutely correct in his statements.
And you are absolutely an idiot.

He was correct in that he considers most Americans to be beneath him

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney said. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

Actually, I think that number is a little low.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is facing a barrage of criticism by implying that nearly half of all Americans "pay no income tax" and would vote for President Barack Obama because they are dependent on government handouts.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what."

federal income tax -- not taxes. everyone pays taxes
A Must See For Democrats and Independants

Romney was flying high and looking good until ordinary people got a chance to see and hear how he felt about America. Nobody has interviewed this individual before and he declares that he is a marked man. He will tell why and how he set up a camera and videoed the secretive Romney meeting with million dollar donors.

Tonight on MSNBC 8 and 11 EST

lol, on PMSnbc
figures they would run a special on how to use dirty politics

Evan McMorris-Santoro January 21, 2013, 5:38 PM 165674

Updated at 7:05 ET

Democrats in Virginia are accusing state Republicans of taking advantage of a prominent civil rights leader’s trip to Washington for the presidential inauguration to pull a “dirty trick” in order to take control of the state Senate in the 2015 elections.

The state Senate is split 20-20 between Republicans and Democrats. On Monday, while state Sen. Henry Marsh (D) — a 79-year-old civil rights veteran — was reportedly in Washington to attend President Obama’s second inaugural, GOP senators forced through a mid-term redistricting plan that Democrats say will make it easier for Republicans to gain a majority. Virginia GOP Pulls ‘Dirty Trick’ On Inauguration Day | TPMDC

Republican Dirty Tricks
I suspect you are one of the 47% which would make you a "drooling idiot". Get your bib. The front of your shirt is getting wet.

He was correct in that he considers most Americans to be beneath him

“There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what," Romney said. "There are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you-name-it.”

Actually, I think that number is a little low.
Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney is facing a barrage of criticism by implying that nearly half of all Americans "pay no income tax" and would vote for President Barack Obama because they are dependent on government handouts.

"There are 47 percent of the people who will vote for the president no matter what. All right, there are 47 percent who are with him, who are dependent upon government, who believe that they are victims, who believe the government has a responsibility to care for them, who believe that they are entitled to health care, to food, to housing, to you name it. That that's an entitlement. And the government should give it to them. And they will vote for this president no matter what."

federal income tax -- not taxes. everyone pays taxes

It's a miracle that something happened to reveal Romulus before it was too late. Shucks....he's just like the upper 10% of the population of this country.
In the early 1900's a group of writers began to write about polticial corruption, corporate corruption and injustices in America; Teddy Roosevelt called them muckrakers. The muckrakers, however, changed American; some of our laws today, such as the pure food and meat act go back to their writings. The last use of the muckraking term applied to a person that I know of, was with Edward R. Murrow. Was this taping of Romney's speech an example of muckraking, exposing something to the American people that changed our history? I doubt it, but perhaps we should have a Muckraker of the Year award and he would merit that?

the creation of yellow journalism—sensationalized stories of dubious veracity.?

why do you people on the left and right so love this shit? lots of muckrakers took us to war. not all progressives and muckrakers did good. take eugenics as an example
Wonder if Ed will show us the REAL Obama??

Ain't holdin my breath for that one folks.

The Ed show?? Surely you jest.

Which "real" Obama are you referring too?

The one made up by conservatives showing him in a witchdoctor outfit eating watermelon?

The one Americans know nothing about and who was not vetted. The one we follow into Kenyan type Socialism. The one who had African geniuses plan his future since the day he was born. Long live me dear leader the socialist Obama

:eek: I salute my Kenyan flag every morning
Wonder if Ed will show us the REAL Obama??

Ain't holdin my breath for that one folks.

The Ed show?? Surely you jest.

Which "real" Obama are you referring too?

The one made up by conservatives showing him in a witchdoctor outfit eating watermelon?

The one Americans know nothing about and who was not vetted. The one we follow into Kenyan type Socialism. The one who had African geniuses plan his future since the day he was born. Long live me dear leader the socialist Obama

:eek: I salute my Kenyan flag every morning

I suggest you hold that line of thought. The Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Keep repeating the same things and expecting a different result.......that's one of the definitions of insanity.
Wonder if Ed will show us the REAL Obama??

Ain't holdin my breath for that one folks.

The Ed show?? Surely you jest.

Which "real" Obama are you referring too?

The one made up by conservatives showing him in a witchdoctor outfit eating watermelon?

Well you really don't think the person we see on TV is the real him do you?? If they'd bothered to vet him I wonder just what we would find out??

Hell. They sent 200 reporters to Alaska to dig up dirt on Palin and she wasn't even running for POTUS.

One would think the journalists would have at least made an attempt to vet Barry boy.

Oh wait. I forgot. They were having a slobbering love affair with that douche. One certainly doesn't think they would lift finger one to truly vet the ass after all. Never mind.
And that bastard saying one thing in public to millions of Americans while telling his true feelings to millionaires isn't. Give me a break!

hummhumm, but it's ok for Obama to do it..we know how you hypocrites work

people PMSnbc should be shunned

There are two kinds of people who watch the lies on Fox News. Republicans and people who are laughing at what they find there.

We get it already, you don't like Fox News, how about something refreshingly new from the tired and lame old liberal talking point reserve.
Which "real" Obama are you referring too?

The one made up by conservatives showing him in a witchdoctor outfit eating watermelon?

The one Americans know nothing about and who was not vetted. The one we follow into Kenyan type Socialism. The one who had African geniuses plan his future since the day he was born. Long live me dear leader the socialist Obama

:eek: I salute my Kenyan flag every morning

I suggest you hold that line of thought. The Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Keep repeating the same things and expecting a different result.......that's one of the definitions of insanity.

if you were any stupider...

:eusa_shhh: everyone, don't let this dufus in on the joke
The one Americans know nothing about and who was not vetted. The one we follow into Kenyan type Socialism. The one who had African geniuses plan his future since the day he was born. Long live me dear leader the socialist Obama

:eek: I salute my Kenyan flag every morning

I suggest you hold that line of thought. The Republicans have lost the popular vote in five of the last six presidential elections. Keep repeating the same things and expecting a different result.......that's one of the definitions of insanity.

if you were any stupider...

:eusa_shhh: everyone, don't let this dufus in on the joke

I've gottcher Doofus a Schwangin

The Journalistic Malpractice was that Dan Rather so WANTED to believe that something untoward happened, that he and his people accepted badly done forgeries as the real thing. (Documents that were created on a freaking MS Word Processor, for crying out loud.)

What about what he did when the service began to test their pilots for drugs? After the government had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars teaching him to fly an F-102 he refused the test. He was suspended and never flew again. It's a matter of record.

You avoided my question, Mel...

So what?

The thing is, this is what I get on Birfers about when they start spinning elaborate theories..

How's this for an equally plausible theory.

The F-102's were in the process of being replaced by F-4's. dozens of qualified F-4 pilots were coming back from Nam. Bush didn't take a flight physical because he knew he was getting out in six months and there was nothing for him to actually fly.

Again, if you ever served in the reserves, or dealt with them, you'd know that a lot of paperwork gets generated that actually doesn't mean anything. People are scheduled for exams and training and end up postponing or rescheduling or just not even getting all the time. And it was probably worse in that period at the end of Vietnam when they were massively restructing and eliminating whole divisions and air wings.

The Journalistic Malpractice was that Dan Rather so WANTED to believe that something untoward happened, that he and his people accepted badly done forgeries as the real thing. (Documents that were created on a freaking MS Word Processor, for crying out loud.)

What about what he did when the service began to test their pilots for drugs? After the government had spent hundreds of thousands of dollars teaching him to fly an F-102 he refused the test. He was suspended and never flew again. It's a matter of record.

You avoided my question, Mel...

So what?

The thing is, this is what I get on Birfers about when they start spinning elaborate theories..

How's this for an equally plausible theory.

The F-102's were in the process of being replaced by F-4's. dozens of qualified F-4 pilots were coming back from Nam. Bush didn't take a flight physical because he knew he was getting out in six months and there was nothing for him to actually fly.

Again, if you ever served in the reserves, or dealt with them, you'd know that a lot of paperwork gets generated that actually doesn't mean anything. People are scheduled for exams and training and end up postponing or rescheduling or just not even getting all the time. And it was probably worse in that period at the end of Vietnam when they were massively restructing and eliminating whole divisions and air wings.


The Air Force had ordered all overseas F-102 units shut down as of June 30, 1970 -- just 3 months after Bush finished his training. Since training is so airplane specific, Bush was guaranteed from the beginning to be safe from combat. The cold hard facts are that immediately after they began drug testing for pilots Bush refused to take one and was suspended and grounded.

He was jumped around more than 1000 young men waiting to get in the national guards. On his paperwork he specifically requested that he not serve overseas. He was placed in the same unit with the Dallas Cowboy players who were also draft dodging and had the pull to get away with it. The people around there referred to it as the "Champagne Unit."

You can ramble on all you like but George W. Bush was a fake...a toy cowboy.

After completing four years at Yale(the family college...George W. Bush was the 4th generation of his family to attend Yale) he was refused admission to the University of Texas law school for lack of academic qualification. Bush ended up with a C average and had to lie to accfomplish that. One of the professors at Yale from whose class Bush's transcript showed a C swore he had never laid eyes on him.
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The 47% are clinging bitterly to their guns and religion.

Is it the same 47%?

Oh, right, the states with the lowest percentage of income tax payers were states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Utah, so, yeah, probably.
The 47% are clinging bitterly to their guns and religion.

Is it the same 47%?

Oh, right, the states with the lowest percentage of income tax payers were states like Mississippi, Alabama, and Utah, so, yeah, probably.

Down here it's not easy to find Democrats. Most of them thump their bibles and tote their guns and chew their 'baccy and vote Republican:

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The Air Force had ordered.....

You know what, guy, the hilarious thing is you are cut from the same tattered clothe as all these ass-clowns who insist up and down the Obama was born in Keyna...

Frankly, if you want to have a discussion about Bush's failings as president, I'm right there with you. (Or Obama's for that matter).

But to obsess about this silly, trivial and unimportant shit...

who cares?
In the early 1900's a group of writers began to write about polticial corruption, corporate corruption and injustices in America; Teddy Roosevelt called them muckrakers. The muckrakers, however, changed American; some of our laws today, such as the pure food and meat act go back to their writings. The last use of the muckraking term applied to a person that I know of, was with Edward R. Murrow. Was this taping of Romney's speech an example of muckraking, exposing something to the American people that changed our history? I doubt it, but perhaps we should have a Muckraker of the Year award and he would merit that?

the creation of yellow journalism—sensationalized stories of dubious veracity.?

why do you people on the left and right so love this shit? lots of muckrakers took us to war. not all progressives and muckrakers did good. take eugenics as an example

No, the muckrakers were not yellow journalism. In fact, the opposite.
In the early 1900's a group of writers began to write about polticial corruption, corporate corruption and injustices in America; Teddy Roosevelt called them muckrakers. The muckrakers, however, changed American; some of our laws today, such as the pure food and meat act go back to their writings. The last use of the muckraking term applied to a person that I know of, was with Edward R. Murrow. Was this taping of Romney's speech an example of muckraking, exposing something to the American people that changed our history? I doubt it, but perhaps we should have a Muckraker of the Year award and he would merit that?

the creation of yellow journalism—sensationalized stories of dubious veracity.?

why do you people on the left and right so love this shit? lots of muckrakers took us to war. not all progressives and muckrakers did good. take eugenics as an example

No, the muckrakers were not yellow journalism. In fact, the opposite.

Dante is off his meds. Be prepared, he is about to refer to himself in the third party.

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