Execution of the KGB man Alexander Litvinenko/ Putin killer squads killing people around the globe


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Execution of the KGB man Alexander Litvinenko / Putin killer squads killing people around the globe. How can we stop the Kremlin thugs?


TODAY Putin´s thugs almost killed Adam Osmaev (Адам Осмаев) in Kiev , Osmaev´s wife was killed

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If KGB (which doesn't exist since 1991!) needed to execute Litvinenko, it would have been done very quietly without attracting so much polonium attention. Whoever killed Litvinenko needed a big show to put the blame on Russian president. Besides, Litvinenko was absolutely useless for the West and harmless for Kremlin.

Somebody has sacrificed a pawn to get the king, just like with assassinating of a useless ex-politician Nemtsov in '15. Those two similar crimes only benefited to Western anti-Russian propaganda.

Watch how the people have been assassinated in Ukraine instead of pointing fingers on Russia. Looks like Ukrainian officials have been paying OP to litter all the corners of this forum with anti-Russian propaganda.

Can you imagine what would happened if, in Russia, three opposition figures, a well-known writer and two politicians, were killed in the span of two days? We have a vague of idea of what that would look like, after the Western hysteria about Nemtsov.
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina

Oles Buzina' assassination was the third in a row of political killings in the last four days: Sergey Sukhobok (April 13); Oleg Kalashnikov (April 15); and Oles Buzina (April 16).
History of Ukraine Told by Assassinated Ukrainian Writer Oles Buzina
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