Executive Order 12333 Unlimited spying Look what Obama did

Trump says he has evidence. Great, let's see it..
Where's the Russian evidence?
Clumsy deflection noted.

I'm sure you believe that Trump has evidence for this historic accusation, right?

Or, if Obama had accused Bush of wire-tapping him, would you not ask for evidence?

I already know your response will have to require some kind of spin, so go ahead, spin away.
Trump says he has evidence. Great, let's see it..
Where's the Russian evidence?
Clumsy deflection noted.

I'm sure you believe that Trump has evidence for this historic accusation, right?

Or, if Obama had accused Bush of wire-tapping him, would you not ask for evidence?

I already know your response will have to require some kind of spin, so go ahead, spin away.

Two FISA requests. One granted. WH counsel now seeking access to the order granted.

All hell is going to break loose.
Unfreaking real and bone chilling. Binney is known as the biggest NSA whistleblower.

"NSA has all the data through the Upstream programs (Fairview/Stormbrew/Blarney) [background] and backed up by second and some third party country collection.

Plus the FBI and CIA plus others, as of the last month of the Obama administration, have direct access to all the NSA collection (metadata and content on phones,email and banking/credit cards etc.) with no attempt at oversight by anybody [background]. This is all done under Executive Order 12333 [the order which allows unlimited spying no matter what intelligence officials claim] ....

FBI would only ask for a warrant if they wanted to be able to take it into court at some point given they have something meaningful as evidence. This is clearly true given the fact the President Trump's phone conversations with other country leaders were leaked to the mainstream media.

In other words, Binney is saying that Trumps phones were bugged by the NSA without a warrant - remember, top NSA whistleblowers have previously explained that the NSA is spying on virtually all of the digital communications of Americans. - and the NSA shared the raw data with the CIA, FBI and other agencies.

If the FBI obtained a warrant to tap Trump's phone, it was a "parallel construction" to "launder" improperly-gained evidence through acceptable channels.

As we've previously explained:

The government is “laundering” information gained through mass surveillance through other agencies, with an agreement that the agencies will “recreate” the evidence in a “parallel construction” … so they don’t have to admit that the evidence came from unconstitutional spying. This data laundering is getting worse and worse."

Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump | Zero Hedge
Pray for a massive solar flare that wipes out the electronic infrastructure and the NSA along with it
Trump says he has evidence. Great, let's see it..
Where's the Russian evidence?
Clumsy deflection noted.

I'm sure you believe that Trump has evidence for this historic accusation, right?

Or, if Obama had accused Bush of wire-tapping him, would you not ask for evidence?

I already know your response will have to require some kind of spin, so go ahead, spin away.

Two FISA requests. One granted. WH counsel now seeking access to the order granted.

All hell is going to break loose.
Well, I'm looking forward to this coming to a conclusion. So far though, no real evidence that Trump's phones were tapped.
Unfreaking real and bone chilling. Binney is known as the biggest NSA whistleblower.

"NSA has all the data through the Upstream programs (Fairview/Stormbrew/Blarney) [background] and backed up by second and some third party country collection.

Plus the FBI and CIA plus others, as of the last month of the Obama administration, have direct access to all the NSA collection (metadata and content on phones,email and banking/credit cards etc.) with no attempt at oversight by anybody [background]. This is all done under Executive Order 12333 [the order which allows unlimited spying no matter what intelligence officials claim] ....

FBI would only ask for a warrant if they wanted to be able to take it into court at some point given they have something meaningful as evidence. This is clearly true given the fact the President Trump's phone conversations with other country leaders were leaked to the mainstream media.

In other words, Binney is saying that Trumps phones were bugged by the NSA without a warrant - remember, top NSA whistleblowers have previously explained that the NSA is spying on virtually all of the digital communications of Americans. - and the NSA shared the raw data with the CIA, FBI and other agencies.

If the FBI obtained a warrant to tap Trump's phone, it was a "parallel construction" to "launder" improperly-gained evidence through acceptable channels.

As we've previously explained:

The government is “laundering” information gained through mass surveillance through other agencies, with an agreement that the agencies will “recreate” the evidence in a “parallel construction” … so they don’t have to admit that the evidence came from unconstitutional spying. This data laundering is getting worse and worse."

Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump | Zero Hedge
Obama just built on Dubya's 1984 Fantasy
Clumsy deflection noted.
So evidence is relative in the bizarro world. Who woulda thought! :p
What evidence?

I'd love to see it.

Mac for crying out loud Obama's people ordered Deutsche Bank to investigate Ivanka and Jared Kushner and even Kurshner's mothers bank accounts for deals with Russia.

Is it that big a leap to think Trump was spied on?

Deutsche Bank examined Trump's account for Russia links
I have no idea why after 8 years of this maniac living in Chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiicago on the Potomac would people believe it would be far fetched to believe Trump was spied on.

Check this freaking out. Obama's DOJ ordered the investigation. Rven Jared's mother. Give me a break here.

"Deutsche Bank, which is under investigation by the US Department of Justice and is facing intense regulatory scrutiny, was looking for evidence of whether recent loans to Trump, which were struck in highly unusual circumstances, may have been underpinned by financial guarantees from Moscow.

The Guardian has also learned that the president’s immediate family are Deutsche clients. The bank examined accounts held by Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter, her husband, Jared Kushner, who serves as a White House adviser, and Kushner’s mother."

Deutsche Bank examined Trump's account for Russia links
Clumsy deflection noted.
So evidence is relative in the bizarro world. Who woulda thought! :p
What evidence? I'd love to see it..
Mac for crying out loud Obama's people ordered Deutsche Bank to investigate Ivanka and Jared Kushner and even Kurshner's mothers bank accounts for deals with Russia. Is it that big a leap to think Trump was spied on? Deutsche Bank examined Trump's account for Russia links
That's the word: Leap. Look, if this were an accusation that Kim Jong Un killed a guy for burping at dinner, I'd be more likely to take the accusation at face value.

This is different. It's an American President making a serious accusation of another American President. It's historic, unless you can show me other similar examples.

I know we're not supposed to take Trump literally (holy crap), but at some point he has to realize his place in history and take what he says seriously. This isn't a teevee show, or a radio talk show. Standards have to be higher.
....This is all done under Executive Order 12333 [the order which allows unlimited spying no matter what intelligence officials claim] ....

FBI would only ask for a warrant if they wanted to be able to take it into court at some point given they have something meaningful as evidence. This is clearly true given the fact the President Trump's phone conversations with other country leaders were leaked to the mainstream media.

In other words, Binney is saying that Trumps phones were bugged by the NSA without a warrant - remember, top NSA whistleblowers have previously explained that the NSA is spying on virtually all of the digital communications of Americans. - and the NSA shared the raw data with the CIA, FBI and other agencies.

If the FBI obtained a warrant to tap Trump's phone, it was a "parallel construction" to "launder" improperly-gained evidence through acceptable channels.

As we've previously explained:

The government is “laundering” information gained through mass surveillance through other agencies, with an agreement that the agencies will “recreate” the evidence in a “parallel construction” … so they don’t have to admit that the evidence came from unconstitutional spying. This data laundering is getting worse and worse."

Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump | Zero Hedge
EO 12333 was signed by Reagan in 1981.

Executive Orders

The Patriot Act was a bipartisan act signed by GW Bush. I don't blame President Bush, but do blame the American citizenry who were so cowed by 19 terrorists that they willingly gave up rights for the illusion of security.
Clumsy deflection noted.
So evidence is relative in the bizarro world. Who woulda thought! :p
What evidence?

I'd love to see it.

Mac for crying out loud Obama's people ordered Deutsche Bank to investigate Ivanka and Jared Kushner and even Kurshner's mothers bank accounts for deals with Russia.

Is it that big a leap to think Trump was spied on?

Deutsche Bank examined Trump's account for Russia links

Trump has played his old card... Invent new shit to cover up his old shit....

People like Tinydancer here are vital, they have to believe the shit and spread it more because if they thought about it they would figure out this is a divergence tactic...
....This is all done under Executive Order 12333 [the order which allows unlimited spying no matter what intelligence officials claim] ....

FBI would only ask for a warrant if they wanted to be able to take it into court at some point given they have something meaningful as evidence. This is clearly true given the fact the President Trump's phone conversations with other country leaders were leaked to the mainstream media.

In other words, Binney is saying that Trumps phones were bugged by the NSA without a warrant - remember, top NSA whistleblowers have previously explained that the NSA is spying on virtually all of the digital communications of Americans. - and the NSA shared the raw data with the CIA, FBI and other agencies.

If the FBI obtained a warrant to tap Trump's phone, it was a "parallel construction" to "launder" improperly-gained evidence through acceptable channels.

As we've previously explained:

The government is “laundering” information gained through mass surveillance through other agencies, with an agreement that the agencies will “recreate” the evidence in a “parallel construction” … so they don’t have to admit that the evidence came from unconstitutional spying. This data laundering is getting worse and worse."

Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump | Zero Hedge
EO 12333 was signed by Reagan in 1981.

Executive Orders

The Patriot Act was a bipartisan act signed by GW Bush. I don't blame President Bush, but do blame the American citizenry who were so cowed by 19 terrorists that they willingly gave up rights for the illusion of security.

You need to get up to speed. Obama broadened the order.

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