Executive orders are for the birds

How do you think he's going to establish a Safe Zone in Syria without the UN?

He froze federal workers, yes, but it will be front line services, like inspecting Perdue chicken for safety and issuing your social security card and approving new cancer drugs for the market that is slowed down. The park rangers who keep it safe for tourists.
If he takes that freeze and uses it to cut 50% of the paperwork and the middle level of management, then puts the front line service folks back to work, he will have done well.

If he's smart he'll pull out of Syria and leave it be.
Perhaps he will, but he SAID that along with the ban on refugees and visas from certain countries, that he will be establishing Safe Zones instead. Whole thing may be moot, soon, if the peace talks work out.
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.

Cutting funding to the UN is not very smart... The UN is the kingpin of US soft power... The US basically runs the UN... Look at the Israeli vote, not until the US abstained did the UN get a vote through... They have been trying for 20 years...
Is it a frustrating place? Of course. They a re a group of just under 200 countries and getting to agree is hard but there is a hell of a lot less shooting and more talking..

Maybe more gets done when they pay for it?
If he keeps it up at this rate, he is set to issue more of them than the last three presidents COMBINED.
There is no truth to the rumor that this is the liberal who also observed that the temperature outside was 40 degrees at 6:00AM, and was 70 degrees at noon, and he concluded, "If it keeps up at this rate, we'll all burn to death by the end of the month!" :rolleyes-41:
Because of how my tablet behaves.

I don't want them undone in 4 or 8 years without trouble to do so. We see how easy it has been for Trump to undo Obama's
Personally for those things we want pretty permanent, I don't want them easily undone with a pen.
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.

Negotiate with who? The Rats won't even confirm his Cabinet and have vowed to obstruct him any way they can. The EO is a useful tool and nobody can touch what he's doing for four years. I hope he keeps it up.

You are almost impossible to reply to....why not put your reply under what you are replying to like everybody else? Again, the EOs he's doing are no more reversible for four years than legislation would be. There are things he can't do on his own as Barry found out.
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.

Cutting funding to the UN is not very smart... The UN is the kingpin of US soft power... The US basically runs the UN... Look at the Israeli vote, not until the US abstained did the UN get a vote through... They have been trying for 20 years...
Is it a frustrating place? Of course. They a re a group of just under 200 countries and getting to agree is hard but there is a hell of a lot less shooting and more talking..
There is also no more colonization. People didn't become enlightened because a bunch of elitist globalists told them to calm down, that they knew "the way."
Get real.
The OP is red herring.....Trump and the Congress are putting together an agenda that will have legislation behind it. Until that legislation is crafted, Trump will stop what's going on to the extent he can.
You think I voted for Obama because I called out your hypocrisy and dont want foreign companies dictating our citizens? Don't be an idiot.

I think it is challenged. Speaking of, anybody up for pin the tail on the liberal?
Hope you are right. Laws to back up his actions.
The OP is red herring.....Trump and the Congress are putting together an agenda that will have legislation behind it. Until that legislation is crafted, Trump will stop what's going on to the extent he can.
You think I voted for Obama because I called out your hypocrisy and dont want foreign companies dictating our citizens? Don't be an idiot.

You were told repeatedly no "foreign company" was using eminent domain and are still repeating it like a dumbass. And you seem to have a bone to pick with pretty much everything Trump is doing.....I think you voted for Obama...do you deny it?
The OP is red herring.....Trump and the Congress are putting together an agenda that will have legislation behind it. Until that legislation is crafted, Trump will stop what's going on to the extent he can.
Do you know what a red herring is?
I am going by his actions, not by words and assumptions.
King TrumpleThinSkin knows rulers don't have to negotiate. You think his heroes- Pooting, Kim - negotiate?

His little Show and Tell is just adorable. Also love that someone tells him what it is and points to where he should sign.

He's in hog heaven, throwing that big belly around and to hell with real world consequences. Perfect for the RWNJ traitors.

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You think I voted for Obama because I called out your hypocrisy and dont want foreign companies dictating our citizens? Don't be an idiot.

You were told repeatedly no "foreign company" was using eminent domain and are still repeating it like a dumbass. And you seem to have a bone to pick with pretty much everything Trump is doing.....I think you voted for Obama...do you deny it?
Trans Canada is a foreign company jackass. They have over a hundred suits in court right now.
I agree with most of the stuff he has done so far. Just not keystone and not writing EOs like a madman.
He has already written, what? 12?
Of course I didn't vote for Obama.
Sometimes, you are a complete dumbass.
"oh, he don't like what trumps doing, he voted for Obama DDDEEERRRRR"
I think many of these are undoing Obama eos.

Now for the UN funding I'll need more info.
I thought all they had to do was rescind it and that was it? If you read the text of them, that's not what they are. Granted, I have only read a couple. And I know a couple are just him doing what he said he would and they don't go against something Obama signed.
Obviously, at least as far as I know.

Yeah I agree if we can get a law we should do.it, but I think many are seeing the tone. Like the wall one, its just getting started info in place, he'll have congress put it in the budget.

And raise our taxes sky high. Funny how the RWNJs were all saying the US is broke but trumpery is already spending in the trillions.

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Trans Canada is a foreign company jackass. They have over a hundred suits in court right now.
I agree with most of the stuff he has done so far. Just not keystone and not writing EOs like a madman.
He has already written, what? 12?
Of course I didn't vote for Obama.
Sometimes, you are a complete dumbass.
"oh, he don't like what trumps doing, he voted for Obama DDDEEERRRRR"

You voted for Obama why not admit it?
Trans Canada is a foreign company jackass. They have over a hundred suits in court right now.
I agree with most of the stuff he has done so far. Just not keystone and not writing EOs like a madman.
He has already written, what? 12?
Of course I didn't vote for Obama.
Sometimes, you are a complete dumbass.
"oh, he don't like what trumps doing, he voted for Obama DDDEEERRRRR"

You voted for Obama why not admit it?
Have a good day, asswipe!

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