Executive orders are for the birds

Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.
Frankly, you are demonstrating a significant amount of ignorance concerning Executive Orders, particularly given the prolific use of them in the last administration to make law.

You seem to forget that the President is running a large organization - the executive branch of the US Government. It is impossible for him/her to manage all facets of an organizations that large. Therefore, written direction is required in order to ensure that the lower levels understand their direction.

In a company, these are most often called Operating Instructions, Policy Guidelines, or some such other name. They use them to define who can sign checks, the method for managing/authorizing travel, controlling expenses, etc., etc., etc.

The current President has reissued Executive Orders in order to define how he wants the elements of the Executive Branch to conduct business - to do their job, as authorized by Congress. The previous president used EOs to redefine the laws passed by Congress, to implement programs NOT authorized by Congress. In addition, the Obama EOs no longer carry any force, and even if Trump agrees with Obama's implementation/direction, he must sign a new (reissued) EO.

It is no coincidence that the previous administration finished 0-19 when their "EOs" were challenged in court. Nothing done by the current administration even approaches a level necessary for court action (though, I'm sure that won't stop some from trying to sue, anyway). The closest he has come so far is to deny some funding to so-called 'sanctuary cities' (better known as 'war zones').
Presidents aren't supposed to have that much power. But thanks for my dose of statism. It gave me wings. <pun intended>
And no, EOs don't have an expiration date.

Yes, as a matter of fact, they do have an expiration date.
If they write it in. They aren't born with expiration dates.

The point is simple - when the presidency changes hand, they cease to have the force of law. They are worthless.
Wow....so fed workers are not Union as of January 20?
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.
Without Trump using Obamas pen, it would take 20 years to undo the damage he did.....
Not my point.
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.
Without Trump using Obamas pen, it would take 20 years to undo the damage he did.....
Not my point.
40 years?
Trump is set to sign an EO that cuts back on funding the UN. I LOVE the idea
Trump froze federal workers. I LOVE it.
I just don't love EOs.. Maybe for naming parks and shit. He is changing shit up, I like it.. but like kaz said, another swipe of the pen and POOF.
Do shit right. Fucking negotiate like you said you would.
I agree 100%.

Congress needs to pass a law & get Trump to sign it that limits this shit to superfluous nonsense and enforcement of current law.

Hey Will.......love the sig........pretty much says it all about the landscape today!! More winning!
How do you think he's going to establish a Safe Zone in Syria without the UN?

He froze federal workers, yes, but it will be front line services, like inspecting Perdue chicken for safety and issuing your social security card and approving new cancer drugs for the market that is slowed down. The park rangers who keep it safe for tourists.
If he takes that freeze and uses it to cut 50% of the paperwork and the middle level of management, then puts the front line service folks back to work, he will have done well.

If he's smart he'll pull out of Syria and leave it be.

I agree with that, there is no end game being involved with Syria

Aye, let Russia have that turd if they want it.
Here's an example of an Obama EO that was overturned UNANIMOUSLY by the Supreme Court:

The Constitution allows the President to make appointments during a Senate recess. President Obama’s appointments, which bypassed Senate approval, were made during a period when the Senate convened pro-forma sessions every three days. The Supreme Court held that recess appointments can only be made during breaks of “sufficient length.”

Unanimous Supreme Court Rules Against the Obama Administration’s Unconstitutional Power Grab | myHeritage
EOs are necessary because Congress is paid off by MNCs and rarely does anything beneficial for US citizens.
Frankly, you are demonstrating a significant amount of ignorance concerning Executive Orders, particularly given the prolific use of them in the last administration to make law.

You seem to forget that the President is running a large organization - the executive branch of the US Government. It is impossible for him/her to manage all facets of an organizations that large. Therefore, written direction is required in order to ensure that the lower levels understand their direction.

In a company, these are most often called Operating Instructions, Policy Guidelines, or some such other name. They use them to define who can sign checks, the method for managing/authorizing travel, controlling expenses, etc., etc., etc.

The current President has reissued Executive Orders in order to define how he wants the elements of the Executive Branch to conduct business - to do their job, as authorized by Congress. The previous president used EOs to redefine the laws passed by Congress, to implement programs NOT authorized by Congress. In addition, the Obama EOs no longer carry any force, and even if Trump agrees with Obama's implementation/direction, he must sign a new (reissued) EO.

It is no coincidence that the previous administration finished 0-19 when their "EOs" were challenged in court. Nothing done by the current administration even approaches a level necessary for court action (though, I'm sure that won't stop some from trying to sue, anyway). The closest he has come so far is to deny some funding to so-called 'sanctuary cities' (better known as 'war zones').
Presidents aren't supposed to have that much power. But thanks for my dose of statism. It gave me wings. <pun intended>
And no, EOs don't have an expiration date.

Yes, as a matter of fact, they do have an expiration date.
If they write it in. They aren't born with expiration dates.

The point is simple - when the presidency changes hand, they cease to have the force of law. They are worthless.
Dude, I don't know where you are coming up with this shit, but I have never heard of it.
I guess Trump saying he was going to undo obamas bullshit was just ignorance? Lol...
EOs only have an expiration date if the language expresses it.

Easiest answer .... I used to work under force of an EO. When the presidency changed, we had to stop work until the new president signed a replacement ... usually took about 10 days. And, no, there was no expiration date ... authorization for funding stopped.
Frankly, you are demonstrating a significant amount of ignorance concerning Executive Orders, particularly given the prolific use of them in the last administration to make law.

You seem to forget that the President is running a large organization - the executive branch of the US Government. It is impossible for him/her to manage all facets of an organizations that large. Therefore, written direction is required in order to ensure that the lower levels understand their direction.

In a company, these are most often called Operating Instructions, Policy Guidelines, or some such other name. They use them to define who can sign checks, the method for managing/authorizing travel, controlling expenses, etc., etc., etc.

The current President has reissued Executive Orders in order to define how he wants the elements of the Executive Branch to conduct business - to do their job, as authorized by Congress. The previous president used EOs to redefine the laws passed by Congress, to implement programs NOT authorized by Congress. In addition, the Obama EOs no longer carry any force, and even if Trump agrees with Obama's implementation/direction, he must sign a new (reissued) EO.

It is no coincidence that the previous administration finished 0-19 when their "EOs" were challenged in court. Nothing done by the current administration even approaches a level necessary for court action (though, I'm sure that won't stop some from trying to sue, anyway). The closest he has come so far is to deny some funding to so-called 'sanctuary cities' (better known as 'war zones').
Presidents aren't supposed to have that much power. But thanks for my dose of statism. It gave me wings. <pun intended>
And no, EOs don't have an expiration date.

Yes, as a matter of fact, they do have an expiration date.
If they write it in. They aren't born with expiration dates.

The point is simple - when the presidency changes hand, they cease to have the force of law. They are worthless.
Wow....so fed workers are not Union as of January 20?

The question isn't federal workers ... they, of course, are still employees. BUT ... i can guaran-damn-tee it applies to government contractors funded by programs authorized by EO.

As for your question about federal workers, they are still employees of civil service. Their efforts, however, are curtailed in the interim. They work - they get paid - but they don't do anything. Well, anything productive, that is ...

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