expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Another national reporter on the Bernie show and more bad news for StL.

But here is what really has to hurt Bernie:

- Wyche works for the NFL

- Wyche is from StL but lives in LA. He was at Oxnard doing NFL Network coverage

- stated there will be a team in LA next season

- Wyche said the NFL and LA is not what it was in the 90's, hence the appetite statement with regards to the 'so much to do in LA' theory. He said there is no longer a 'go to games to be seen' mentality now in LA

- said league is not in favor of helping Raiders right now but wants to do right by Spanos. Sees Inglewood as possible way to get it done

- Bernie asked, taking off his StL cap and admitting Stan has money and plans for a beautiful complex in Inglewood, what could StL to keep Rams? Wyche let Bernie down easy by saying it is 'gonna be tough'. Said StL could hope for Carson to get done, but Wyche said there is such a groundswell of support for Inglewood. He added this is not hyperbole, basically alluding to his knowledge from working with the NFL.

Bernie wrapped up show on that.......probably went to go weep in a corner somewhere during station break.

Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams - FordEver Frank Jr. | Facebook

Andre Jeanbart - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook
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hee hee.

Smallest home opener crowd in 20 years watches Rams win

Spanos is insane and in LA where I live I only know a handful of charger fans, that isn't going to fill up a stadium on Sunday. I believe a lot of people do not think the Chargers are the right team for LA and while the Chargers are in close proximityto LA it really feel NFL fans are not really attached to them here. There were only a handful of options after the Rams and Raiders left LA in 1995; 1: Expansion team with a fresh start which failed in 1999 or 2: bring back the team that was here for almost 50 years (The Rams). Nothing else really fits unless the Raiders came back to LA, but they already went home and they had their chance to stay; the Raiders unfortunately put a bad taste into a lot a LA civic leaders and citizens during their short stint here. If Spanos takes the team north it's over for nothing more than pure greed and he will fail. I think it would be asinine to put two teams in LA to begin with when one team needs to thrive first with generating marketing, sponsorship's, current and new generational fan bases by planting their mark on the city. 2 teams to fan bases is much more complex while trying to be successful in the teams real home market again.

I was at the Chargers game yesterday rooting for my team. Sold out crowd of 66,000 in attendance. The San Diego crowd was electric. I still don't know why the hell Spanos wants L.A. and if he honestly thinks Chargers fans in L.A. will fill up the stadium like S.D. does..

Jose Rubalcava | Facebook

video of chargers first home opener.

Stop complaining about why they are leaving! LA RAMS!!‪#‎bringbacktherams‬ amen.

Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams - George Pimpo Montanchez | Facebook

I think it's funny how they brag about the 52k tickets DISTRIBUTED. There's a difference between actual attendance and distrubution

This corrupt Prick should'nt be allowed to work Ram games. He's the Ram hater who officiated our Super Bowl with New England and kept the flag in his pocket all day in the face of Patriot penalties. He had to be begged and persuaded to finally flag Mcginest for Holding Faulk on the play that would've ended game + put Pats up 24-3. Check out when it comes on again, how RELUCTANTLY + Pissed off he was in having to announce Holding on the Defense on that play after his Assistants demanded it. Anyway, he did our game yesterday + let Sherman get away with a blatant PI on Austin in End Zone. Its clear Triplette HATES the Rams for whatever reason and this Cocksucker should not be working our games.

Bill Plaschke's wake-up call: Big weekend for L.A'.s potential NFL teams
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. a delay would give San Diego time to catch up to St. Louis in the stadium game in advance of a meeting with all 32 owners ... "

Catch up with St Louis ? St Louis has attempted to exploit tax dollars from the taxpayers in St Louis to build a new stadium that St Louis Ram fans may not necessarily want if the Rams aren't guaranteed in staying in St Louis . Judge Frawley's ruling will surely have repercussions from State officials.

San Diego has a pretty good new stadium plan in place . The extra time will give the San Diego new stadium task force time to place the new stadium financing on a ballot by November to allow the People in San Diego to vote on financing , and not a circuit court judge to demand it .

St Louis still doesn't have 100% of the land secured for a new stadium proposal at the North Riverfront site . If not , then why was it just posted a few days ago that the Regional Sports Authority voted unanimously to allow the use of eminent domain to acquired the remaining land for the new stadium site even if landowners don't want to sell ?

San Diego's new stadium proposal will be located adjacent to the Qualcomm Stadium because the Mission Valley location is the only cost effective location. The plan is based on city land that is valued at $180 million. The aggressive issue of eminent domain does not apply to the new stadium proposal in San Diego .

While Barnie says that the stadium issue in San Diego is complex , I don't see the complexity there . The land is secured , and the financing will be placed on a ballot for the citizens of San Diego to VOTE on whether or not they agree with the stadium plan .

If a new stadium issue was ever complex , just look at St Louis . Tax dollars being exploited from the taxpayers of St Louis whether or not if they want a new stadium . The RSA going about kicking doors in telling landowners at the North Riverfront stadium site to Sell , or else

And a new stadium task force that is attempting to build a new stadium out of this melee and not knowing if the Rams will occupy it , or another NFL franchise or anyone at all , at least in 2016 .

So write on Barnie , I need the laugh every few days . You bring to the Sports Media Outlets of America what Edsel brought to the American Automotive Industry .

Delay in STL Pitch to NFL Owners May Help - 101Sports.com

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Andre Jeanbart - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

The StL stadium is as dead as Carson...

Carson Clerk Jim Dear suspended from City Hall amid concerns he could ‘snap’
hee hee.


Sam Farmer (LA Times) on CBS 5th quarter show: "NFL TV ratings in StL were the lowest in the league. Including lowest attendance" And this is against a team that almost won the Super Bowl last year! Don't give me "well last year in LA......" Georgia Efen-iere stripped the LA to garbage in 1994. You StL have minimum top 10 NFL contender Baseball town!

oh how nutty.
Rams aren't televised here so L.A dosen't want the Rams.

Media Views: Rams don't play on LA television : Entertainment

You ARE being critical. Give me a fucking break, Ed. This constant "Hey...I'm a nice guy...but I just need clarification..." thing of yours is getting pretty old. They mostly show regional teams. Why is this hard to understand? Why did only 35,000 people show up to the DOME??? With all the "buzz" of a new season, and the possibility that it might be StL's last chance to make a statement about their worthiness as an NFL town, you think that place would be packed. Rams fans in LA have been travelling to games, organizing viewing parties, holding rallies, forming booster clubs, and purchasing DirTV Sunday Ticket for 20 years. 20 YEARS! Questioning us, at this point, is a moot point. It's happening, and when the people on the fence, and kids who grew up without a team, realize this, like we did...it's going to be the biggest thing that has ever hit the NFL in ANY market. Now, don't worry. It's my job to be mean and tell you how it is. Now some of the guys on the page are ready to give you a nice, big hug and tell you what a cool, reasonable guy you are. Have a wonderful day!smile emoticon

You're presenting "facts" and I'm presenting "feelings and opinions," huh? I see what you did there. Quite a juxtapose from reality you've got there. You guys in StL wouldn't be able to identify a FACT if it hit you in the kisser. You cling to rhetoric, hyperbole, delusion, editorializing, and borderline panic. Facts??? Wow. Thanks for my first true laugh of the daY.

The biggest fact we have here is that the Rams went from a profitable team in a large market, where solutions could have been found, but were not sought, to a largely bottom-of-the-barrel regional team. That dumbshit broad took a short-term payoff andtanked her team's long-term worth. Those are facts. Another fact: The current owner bought property in California in order to build a stadium. Your ilk supplied all the conspiracy theories such as: LEVERAGE, he's building it for another team, he's building the world's largest Walmart, he's buying the Raiders, he's buying the Broncos, it's going to be hit by a plane from LAX, he'll have the team taken from him, etc, etc, etc...I mean, wow. It's mind boggling that y'all think you're the ones presenting the FACTS. Fact #1: The owner of the Rams bought land in California to build a stadium. Anything you extrapolate from there is simply conjecture. Fact #2: NFL guidlines cannot legally hold him in a city he does not want to remain in. Fact #3: The single person with any real power in this scenario is Stan Kroenke. That's really all there is.

Debra, sure glad your on our side !!!
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Albert Breer on Twitter

As for where things stand now, the Raiders/Chargers project in Carson is still in the design phase, while the Rams project in Inglewood is expected to have completed construction drawings in about six weeks, which would be the final step before putting a shovel in the ground.

One thing seems to be certain here: The owners aren't going to leave the Chargers stranded in Qualcomm Stadium (as presently constituted) at theend of all of this.

Dean Spanos easily has the most political capital of the three owners involved, and has garnered the most sympathy based on his own situation. He's made it clear the status quo is no longer acceptable. So when the dust settles and we know what the plan is for Los Angeles, it's a very good bet that the Chargers will either be one of the teams there or they'll have a stadium solution in San Diego.

So that means, if the league moves forward with the Rams' project in Inglewood, and if the building ultimately ends up housing two NFL teams (as many have speculated), the likelihood now is that that second team would be the Chargers, not the Raiders.
Armour: Unhappy with prospect of being jilted, NFL fans protest in seats

1) The NFL didn't want the Rams to move from LA to STL, and only stopped opposing the move under threat of a lawsuit.

2) The NFL desperately wants at least one team in LA, and especially wants that team to be owned by someone who can afford to be successful there.

3) The Rams finally have a real window of opportunity to leave STL, since the city broke the lease agreement, and the team no longer has any contractual reason to stay.

What does that all add up to? The Rams are the right team, with the right owner, at the right time. Let's face it, the NFL WANTS the Rams back in LA.

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