expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

Relocating the Raiders to San Diego makes less sense than most other scenarios involving the pursuit of a new stadium in Southern California by the Rams, Raiders and Chargers.

The real goal in this high-stakes game is getting to the second-largest media market on the planet. Any NFL team playing in the rundown Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum is going to be worth at least $500 million more than the current value of the Raiders, Rams or Chargers, let alone one playing in a brand new stadium.

If the Raiders can’t get to Los Angeles, the only thing they stand to gain is a new stadium. San Diego would give them one, but at what cost? San Diego and the Raiders have been rivals since 1960, the fan base is not just going to get over 55 years of hatred overnight. Imagine attempting to market the Oakland Broncos.

Influential Chargers owner Alex Spanos also would fight this move. He wants out of San Diego but that does not mean he wants to give up all the Chargers fans. Without a replacement, the Chargers can move to Los Angeles and continue to be San Diego’s local team. The only other football in the area is at the collegiate level with San Diego State.

Raiders owner Mark Davis has been very direct in saying he will not entertain sharing Levi’s Stadium with the 49ers. That may be true now, while the opportunity for a shared stadium in Los Angeles exists, but, down the road, if the choices narrow to finding new fans in San Diego, continuing to play in the Oakland Coliseum or driving 40 minutes 10 times a year to play in new stadium, his mind may change.


As for right now the NFL will only allow a possible 2 teams in SoCal. So The Raiders, Rams, and Chargers all at once is not happening. The Chargers are already there and out of the other 2 teams the Rams got the Land in Inglewood along with money to market. Where does that leave the Raiders? To#StayInOakland!

  • Plus the Chargers own the rights to the LA market since they moved in the sixties
    1·15 hrs
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    Darren ArataRaiders are the odd team out in the L.A. relocation process (no matter what is happening in Oakland). While we would all love to have a resolution up here in Oakland already, unfortunately, "it is what it is" at this point. In the least, we may have a bit more time to get something done.
100% non-starter and non-story. Fans in SD would never support the Raiders, Davis would be unconfortable trying to create their own niche in Chargers territory, and I guarantee 24 owners would not approve of this proposal. Some of these idiotic "journalists" (like Vinny Bonsignore) will throw any thpe of shit against the wall in the hopes that something will stick. Pure ridiculous bullshit.

Daily Bits: Rams Fans Aren't the Problem - 101Sports.com

damn looks like the chargers are gone.

Chargers closer to leaving San Diego as deadline passes
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:lol: Funny how I just bought a bunch of St. Louis Rams tickets for games in St. Louis!!! :lol:

They are going to be a Great Team this year. Defiantly in the Playoffs.
:lol: Funny how I just bought a bunch of St. Louis Rams tickets for games in St. Louis!!! :lol:

They are going to be a Great Team this year. Defiantly in the Playoffs.

oh lookie,another troll who has reading comprehension problems.enjoy your LAST year in st louis disinfo agent.Look at my sig below.:uhoh3:

see unlike you,I can admit it when I am wrong,that I was off by one year.had you bothered to have been following the news coming out, the NFL is serious about getting a team to LA NEXT year and the owners all like the Inglewood project with no support for carson at all.:laugh:

even your fellow troll pooper said a long time ago they would be back next year. enjoy your tickets in that ghost town stadium with all those empty seats this sunday because you will be about the only RAM fan there,:rofl:

the few that do show up are always from the opposing team and there is a 20% dropoff in season ticket sales.you are the only one there in st louis delusional who still thinks they are staying after this season.:rofl:

enjoy the laugh while you can but i will have the LAST one on you when they are back NEXT year.

Now if something castophonic happens and they were not back next year which is what it would take for them NOW to NOT be back,i would admit then they are never coming back but since you dont look at facts,you are not aware the NFL owners LOVE kroneke's plan.

st louis is no longer even talking about building a stadium to keep the Rams,they are talking about building one for an NFL TEAM.:lmao:

even your OWN newspapers there dont think they are going to be back again after this year as I shown throughout this whole thread.:lmao:

so again,enjoy that game in that deserted ghost town stadium this sunday.:lol::lol::lmao:

these pics are proof positive that place is a ghostown.:lmao:

Jamie Hodges - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

still clinging to your LEVERAGE theory that the Rams are going to stay after this season I see.

Only problem with your LEVERAGE theory is at the owners meeting in chicago this past august,Kroneke spoke for the first time ever about inglewood with PASSION for it and even said st louis doesnt work for me as an NFL city.

sounds like the Rams have one foot out the door to me.:rofl:
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Let me guess? your excuse for all these empty seats seen in this link below here for this preseason game against the colts is because it is preseason right? :D

Jamie Hodges - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Problem with your theory is the Raiders and Chargers who are both a threat to leave their cities as well,their fans packed the place for both their preseason games.:rofl::lmao::haha::haha::haha::muahaha:

the chargers had an increase in ticket sales this year and the raiders just like last year,have sold out for every home game this year because unlike st louis,THEY care if their team leaves and have passionate fans,:lmao:

Here is still MORE proof i am not making things up that nobody in st louis other than you, cares about the Rams leaving unlike oakland and san diego does with their teams.:lmao:

A few thoughts on all those empty seats at the Edward Jones Dome | St. Louis Rams

stan as you like to say is just doing this for LEVERAGE though and is going to stay.:lmao:

also funny you think they will be a great team when they havent even won ONE preseason game so far.:biggrin:

Now I hope you are right actually because that would be great next year when they come to LA and they happen to be a great team as you believe and were a playoff team the year before.

oh and just so you know, I am actually HAPPY that i was off by one year about them leaving,that they are staying one more season because I will be at that game as well in DOGPATCH USA for the Rams last season in st louis to harrass pete carrol for taking a payoff to throw the superbowl against the cheatriots

I will have no problem getting good seats thats for sure.:D

If they were back in LA this year,i wouldnt be able to harras carrol because they will support their team when they are back and i would not get a good seat.lol

the only reason he did not move the team to LA this year like everyone in the NFL was expecting is word around town is he put it off for one more year so Spanos and Davis could use LA as leverage for new stadiums in san doego and in oakland.

Had kroneke made the move this year,they would have lost the leverage card. Inglewood mayor James Butts had a welcome home speech all prepared to go and everything.

I never imagined Kronke would put it off for one more season because this is indeed going to be a lameduck season for them playing inside a ghost town where nobody in the city will go out and support the team other than you.:D

Well I guess Kroneke doesnt care about having a lameduck season by staying cause thats what he will get.Lameduck to spell it out for you means-having nobody in the place cheer them on.:D

I guess Kroneke being the billionaire he is doesnt care having one lameduck season since he will get all that money lost, back next year by tripling the value of the team in a large media market and have sellout crowds there as well.lol.
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St Louis Rams Attendance has been rising every year!

St Louis Rams Attendance
Year:. Game../ Total....../ Capacity%
2010: 52,922 / 423,383 / 81.0%
2011: 56,394 / 451,153 / 86.3%
2012: 56,703 / 396,925 / 86.8%
2013: 56,957 / 455,657 / 87.2%
2014: 57,018 / 456,146 / 86.4% Added Seating Capacity
St Louis Rams Attendance has been rising every year!

St Louis Rams Attendance
Year:. Game../ Total....../ Capacity%
2010: 52,922 / 423,383 / 81.0%
2011: 56,394 / 451,153 / 86.3%
2012: 56,703 / 396,925 / 86.8%
2013: 56,957 / 455,657 / 87.2%
2014: 57,018 / 456,146 / 86.4% Added Seating Capacity

miserable fail,:biggrin: seriously give it up that you dont have horrible fan support in dogpatch USA.:lmao:

pics dont lie,well you CAN fake photos but even your OWN NEWSPAPER printed the photo of the colts/rams game talking about all the empty seats.:lmao:

you also fail to mention as well that tickets DISTRIBUTED "which means tickets bought which Kroneke does to avoid embarrassment to make it look like he has big numbers,:lol:" tickets bought and distributed given away for free and the ACTUAL ATTENDANCE at the gates there, are two different completely different things.:lmao:

nice try but miserable fail. you forgot to mention that steve young even exposed how empty that place is on a monday night football game last year with the niners when he was talking about kroneke possibly moving to LA this year saying just five minutes before the game-If he did move to LA,i would not blame him.I look around here in this stadium and all i see is empty seats.:lmao:

you forget as well that I watched some of their games there last year and saw all those empty seats everywhere.

tickets bought by knoneke and actual butts in the seats are two entirely two different things.

and for my first and only time ever,I am going to an NFL football game in st louis this sunday to watch that game where that phony fraud team plays just for the sole purpose of entertainment of seeing all those empty seats everywhere.:biggrin:

the few people that DO show up for those games,the majority are ALWAYS from the OPPOSING TEAM.:lmao::laugh::muahaha:

nice try but miserable fail.:lmao::haha::muahaha::rofl:
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Oh something else that the Rams are as good as gone after this season.

AGAIN this past august all the owners meant in chicago solely to discuss an NFL team in LA next year.

They initially were gung ho coming in over the chargers going there next year as the one team in the beginning but they were not impressed with carson at all but LOVED Inglewood.

that alone with the fact the NFL spoke to the dodgers,angels,USC and UCLA about using their facilitys for next year so they could play there a couple years before a new stadium is built and everyone of them EXCEPT USC bowed out and said no to the NFL.

USC said they will allow ONE TEAM to use it next year and that they WONT let the Raiders use it.they dont want them there.lol

that just leaves the chargers and rams to choose from.the athletic director there is former Rams quarterback Pat Haden,gee I wonder which team he will choose..:biggrin:

there is the fact that your own Jim Thomas of the st louis post dispatch wrote that ever since the Rams moved to st louis that he has gone to every home game there never missing one and that the pre season games against the chiefs and colts was EASILY the smallest crowds he had ever seen before including all preseason games in the past.:lmao:

stank louis is so desperate to get butts in the seats there they are GIVING away free tickets at wendys there as you well know and the tickets are as cheap as six bucks.that reeks of desperation. tickets were even more expensive than that when they were in LA back in the 60's than they are now in dogpatch USA.:rofl:
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Oh something else that the Rams are as good as gone after this season.

AGAIN this past august all the owners meant in chicago solely to discuss an NFL team in LA next year.

They initially were gung ho coming in over the chargers going there next year as the one team in the beginning but they were not impressed with carson at all but LOVED Inglewood.

that alone with the fact the NFL spoke to the dodgers,angels,USC and UCLA about using their facilitys for next year so they could play there a couple years before a new stadium is built and everyone of them EXCEPT USC bowed out and said no to the NFL.

USC said they will allow ONE TEAM to use it next year and that they WONT let the Raiders use it.they dont want them there.lol

that just leaves the chargers and rams to choose from.the athletic director there is former Rams quarterback Pat Haden,gee I wonder which team he will choose..:biggrin:

there is the fact that your own Jim Thomas of the st louis post dispatch wrote that ever since the Rams moved to st louis that he has gone to every home game there never missing one and that the pre season games against the chiefs and colts was EASILY the smallest crowds he had ever seen before including all preseason games in the past.:lmao:

stank louis is so desperate to get butts in the seats there they are GIVING away free tickets at wendys there as you well know and the tickets are as cheap as six bucks.that reeks of desperation. tickets were even more expensive than that when they were in LA back in the 60's than they are now in dogpatch USA.:rofl:

in commenting more on this,the NFL in fact stopped keeping track of actual tickets sold at the GATES at games several years ago. The actual tickets bought in stank louis,many by Kroneke,where the numbers they report to be of over 55,00 on the average for the games,the ACTUAL BUTTS in the seats are never more than 30,000 to 35,000 with about 25,000 of those fans being from the opposing team all the time.Its the only city where the opposing teams fans greatly outnumber the home fans every week.:biggrin::lmao:

The apathy phase arrives for many in St. Louis
On Saturday night, in what was both the preseason home opener for the Rams and the most important of the three meaningless exhibition games, the fans showed their current feelings — by not showing up.

Jim Thomas of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch noted at Twitter that he’s been to every preseason game since the Rams moved from L.A. in 1995, and that Saturday night’s crowd for the game against the Colts was “easily the smallest crowd I’ve seen.” Thomas estimates that 25,000 people were present for the game; he also says that only 37,460 tickets were distributed for the contest.:biggrin:
The apathy phase arrives for many in St. Louis

Inside the Edward Jones Dome, the Rams announced that 37,616 tickets were distributed for the preseason finale. That's not a good number to begin with but there were far fewer in attendance. Many of the fans that did attend were wearing red and rooting for the Chiefs."

Anybody home? Not so far for Rams : Sports

Looks like a ghostown to me in that stadium from that pic on the left hand side in this article.hee hee:biggrin::biggrin:

"Considering the horde of Chiefs fans who traveled across the state, and the thousands of empty crimson seats on Thursday night at the Edward Jones Dome, a sea of red more suited to Arrowhead Stadium became the backdrop for their game against the Rams."

Three fanbases demonstrated their support at home games for teams that are considering relocation. Here are the numbers:
SAN DIEGO - 58,556 (83% capacity)
OAKLAND - 50,500 (90% capacity)
ST. LOUIS - 37,460 (57% capacity)


Announced Attendance for the game tonight in St. Louis

For Reference:
  • San Diego: 58,507
    Oakland: 50,801
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TOPS' crew shares their thoughts on which NFL team will be most likely to make the move to Los Angeles. Amy nailed it!

"I will say this, not the altogether surprise is if the league announces one team will relocate and that perhaps. That is the Rams. And that leaves the situation to see if San Diego or Oakland can work something out to put a second team within the Rams. I will also say this, here's what I know it won't happen. Now watch will happen. I do not believe the league will put the Rams and Raiders in Los Angeles and leave San Diego in its current market without a stadium solution in place. Because to put the Rams and Raiders in Los Angeles and leave San Diego in San Diego with no new stadium in site. Would doom the Chargers and the league won't do that to San Diego"


Forever Oakland - "Stay in Oakland" Message Loud & Clear... | Facebook
he City of Oakland is determining with Alameda if the city should cover the infrastructure costs of the Coliseum area. The decision could be determined by theend of the month as sources were indicated. Raiders President Marc Badain is still in positive talks with Assistant City Developer Claudia Cappio on a new Raiders stadium. These coming days the City of Oakland are set to vote and move forward the ENA with Floyd Kephart. Claudia Cappio will set discussions at the upcoming October 6th National Football League conference in New York City.

The Warriors just unveiled a new animated video of the proposed Arena in San Francisco today. The proposal still needs to fight through UCSF medical center over parking congestion issues. If the Coliseum City proposal makes major steps in terms of negotiations until the end of the year. Warriors could be retained in Oakland.
Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams's Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Timeline Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Timeline Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Timeline Photos - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

Lisa Habbib

yowsa.hee hee.

Mobile Uploads - Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook

love prediction number 2.:beer:

10 bold predictions to kick off the 2015 NFL season

2.The Rams will finish their last season in st louis by going to the playoffs for the first time since 2004.They'll announce their move to Los Angeles shortly after.

I’ve been on and off the Rams hype plane so many times in recent years, I have jetlag. For the fourth straight season, the Rams start out with the youngest team in football, and for the fourth straight year, I love them. That’s OK. This is the year they put it all together. Lost in all the Sam Bradford love this summer was an awfully strong preseason from the guy St. Louis traded Bradford for: Nick Foles. Signed to a two-year extension a few weeks back, Foles completed 12 of 14 passes in his last two preseason starts, with the only two misses coming on a drop and a receiver falling down. St. Louis has quietly added pieces at every position, and when rookie running back Todd Gurley hits his stride in Week 4 or 5, the offense is going to be a far better unit than expected. I see a nine-win season for the Rams; enough to get them the second wild-card spot in the NFC. I also see them announcing a move to Los Angeles, once and for all, sometime in February.

a tale of two cities.

Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams - FordEver Frank Jr. | Facebook

i love it.

Carson mayor under investigation for not filing disclosure reports with the state

Andre Jeanbart - Photos of Bring Back the Los Angeles Rams | Facebook
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@el_belson: "They had a sense of foreboding, partly because Mr. Kroenke, who rarely speaks in public, has done nothing to dispel the notion that he intends to move."


Stop listening to the Vinny's and others, the common narrative is way off, and I told this to Vinny and Sam who have been sharing their narrative thoughts with media conference calls and writing baseless stories.

The City of Los Angeles does not wanttwo teams in LA. They both disagreed with me stating I was way off and that's not true.

Part of the reason an additional meeting in LA was scheduled was for the NFL LA relocation committee and LA city leaders to discuss the relocation and other processes .. There's a coalition within the city of Los Angeles challenging the two team scenario proposal by the NFL to just have one team. The city leaders want the Rams back, by themselves!


  • And why go right back to 2 teams when that was situation when teams bolted. Of course horrible ownership/leadership had plenty to do with that as well.#babysteps
    6·Yesterday at 12:07am
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    Danny HernandezThat's what I told those guys, I said you are setting up a team to fail. The Rams have a 69 year fan base here, The Rams will succeed because of that. The other will be fighting to establish that..And it will be a huge problem because they'll want to relocate again.
The reality is and won't change, The Raiders are an after thought. Mind you if they were important as their NATION thinks they are, the NFL would be doing more for them. They aren't, Kroenke is one of the wealthiest league owners and has the money to back up his project, Spanos is widely respected in NFL circles .. The league A. Always follows the money and B. Takes care of their favorites, Spanos. The Raiders can have Ice Cube, Ice Water and Ice Tea followers.. The brand is damaged goods..

I've worked in this industry over 25 years, my godfather and cousin played for the Rams. Georgia had no business taking them out of LA, yet she did for a $29 million payoff.

The NFL is less inclined to work or include the Raiders in the relocation, because they offer ZERO to the move, no money, no brand ..Nada..

Raiders fans are stuck in the past. The franchise is irrelevant.. When was the last time they won a SB?

Policy's solution is only grabbing money and running .. Southern Cal does not need a 2nd banana. .. Same goes for the Chargers, they need to stay in SD ..

Los Angeles Rams are the only viable solution ..

If anyone thinks otherwise, they are clueless of the bigger picture.. The NFL wants to maximize LA's marketability to fatten their pockets. In doing that, deep pockets will have to be involved.. Hence: Kroenke!

Adam Pendleton the NFL would be wise to listen to LA, especially the fans, before moving two teams to the city. While the city can technically support two teams, of the ones offered, only the Rams has a solid fanbase and support. There is some supportfor the Raiders, but much less than the Rams have, and the Chargers have virtually no support in LA.

If the NFL wants two teams to succeed in LA, they will let the Rams move for 2016, then hold off and wait a decade or two until the league is ready to make a major expansion (such as the rumored International expansion Roger Goodell seems to favor), and add a team to the market then. Not by taking a team from a city that supports theirs (Oakland and SD have solid support), but through expansion. Give LA a fresh second team, one that can grow a fanbase organically, alongside the strong support the Rams enjoy.

That might not make CBS (or whoever ends up with the AFC TV contract next) happy, but it is the best option for the NFL overall.

There's no way TO keep the team. To think that the OWNERS will decide that a city can break a promise to an OWNER and the OWNER have no recourse in that is just plain silly. They can't rule against the Rams move without setting that precedent against THEMSELVES and that's not going to happen.

Simple terms: You make a promise to get a team to move there, you don't keep that promise, you don't keep that team. Done deal. Token offer for less than half of a rathole stadium doesn't make that go away.
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john gruden said on fred roggins show it is inevitable there will be at least one team in LA next year saying it will be the raiders and there is too much going on at hollywood park.how delusional.hee hee.

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