expect Rams to be back in LA next year.

NFL panel meets with backers of Carson Inglewood stadium proposals - LA Times

Rams to L.A., Chargers 80% in SD, 20% as tenants in Inglewood, Raiders stay in Oakland.

The best solution for the NFL is to not alienate 2 markets (Oakland & San Diego) for the sake of a small failed market in STL. The NFL will likely choose to use the relocation fee to help solve the Stadium financing of SD & Oakland.

I believe that the NFL has been aggressively pushing the "2 team" theory as a way to retain use of the leverage that Los Angeles has provided for the past twenty years. I do not, for a minute, think that the NFL owners think it wise to experiment in LA with 2 mediocre teams. Stan has the team, the property, and the business acumen to be the NFL's dream-owner in LA. His team has MASSIVE history here, and it is a public relations dream to promote a 50th season in LA, along with the re-establishment of the sport in the entertainment capital of the WORLD. I have ZERO doubts that the Rams are returning. None. Those of you who do doubt it will see soon enough.

There's only going to be 2 teams in SoCal ...

I happen to think there will be one team in Los Angeles, one in San Diego, one in San Francisco, and one in Oakland, as God and Nature intended. I think those days were great days for the NFL, and the NFL has taken a beating lately. They could do worse than to go classic. It's what California deserves. The natural balance.#larams#truecalifornia

with the two home team design of Kroenke's new Inglewood stadium, the NFL will be able to continue to use the LA threat.

he carson plan is not even funded and will have to go through a maze of environmental studies being on a landfill...plus all the future settling issues would make it seem that this site will be a money pit...sorta like my house.

All the people who have evaluated these scenarios say that if you're going to have two teams in the market, you can't let one have an established base and start over the other," Policy said." So Mr. Policy isn't that the exact situation with the Chargers and the Raiders.

Policy is too stupid to realize that if the Raiders and Chargers moved here, that the Raider fans would overwhelm the place.

I read an article that said the Rams were willing to help the Chargers and Raiders secure funding in their own markets. I wonder what that is based off of. As soon as I find it again I will post it. Maybe a huge chunk of relocation fee goes to SD or something.

Carson will not happen, they will need public money. Will not happen, Owners of both teams are using site, to get their stadium in their city. After this year, they will not have a chance, when the NFL decides on the Return of the LA RAMS!

Beebe: Glad you have finally accepted it. But you also forgot everyone in STL is a hick. Lol.
I got nothing against STL other than I do see ironies. Thomas Sularski is correct! The very rules and regulations that some people in STL are screaming shouldmake it impossible for the Rams to leave STL, are the same rules and regulations that were ignored and let them move to STL.
As you can see from this group, most LA football fans don't want the city to get two NFL teams, they would rather just have the Rams. I'm just guessing, but if STL was offered two NFL teams instead of the Rams, they would jump on it!
Is it ironic that STL insisted Georgia Frontiere sell 30% or 40% of the team to local STL businessman Stan Kroenke believing with that kind of pull, Kroenke would keep the Rams in STL. As minority owner, he probably wanted the team to stay in STL. When he became the majority owner, his priorities changed.
STL feels cheated and used. LA felt the same way in 1995. Difference is in LA we had 2 idiot owners to deal with: Al Davis and Frontiere! We lost two teams in a matter of months and no one enforced any relocation rules for us.

Kroenke attends as NFL committee on LA meets Sports
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The thinking is clear.the NFL has 1 shot to get it right in LA.and thats the Rams in inglewood while also helping chargers and raiders.

rams declined comment but thinking is clear.their site and long history in los angeles are keys insuring a successful return to LA.

rams also stressing being willing participants helping chargers and raiders secure financially beneficial new stadiums and features.
LATimesFarmer: "Pending league approval — which could come by year's end — Kroenke intends to begin construction in December on a complex that includes a stadium, a performance-arts theater and a massive area of housing and retail space."

NFL panel meets with backers of Carson Inglewood stadium proposals - LA Times

Chargers and Raiders are AFC West division RIVALS, and obviously both in the AFC conference.... that stadium's plans better include a jail and it's own police force....how could this joke even get this far.
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"Sponsorship dollars are likely one reason Kroenke has shown significant interest in moving the Rams to Los Angeles, where the organization could more than double its local revenue with sponsorships including a massive stadium naming rights contract...For Kroenke, a new stadium in L.A. would likely garner more than $20 million annually for naming rights."

St. Louis Rams owner Stan Kroenke s soccer club Arsenal FC of the English Premier League soars in value - St. Louis Business Journal

Audio The Beast 980

I heard it....I love the fact the he said St. Louis is trying to reach out to the Rams but it's falling on deaf ears! Love it!

When the Vote happens FOR 1 STADIUM as the NFL Said ONLY 1 Will be... If INGLEWOOD and Stans Stadium... Spanos will have LOST EVERYTHING PERIOD!!! That includes the Votes to Block Stan... because Stan OWNS INGLEWOOD LAND... Not the City or anyone else NOT DEAN SPANOS..... Yes on Stans Inglewood Stadium means 1 Carson is DEAD and so are the Blocked Votes for rams relocation
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The Rams declined comment, but their thinking seems clear: They are selling their site and their long history in Los Angeles as the keys to insure a successful return to Los Angeles, while also being willing participants in helping the Chargers and Raiders secure financially beneficial new stadiums and futures.

With a ready-made fan base in L.A., the financial might of a multi-billionaire owner and an extravagant stadium on a site Los Angeles fans are familiar with, the Rams are pushing their plan as NFL’s best bet for a successful re-entry into the second-biggest market in the country after a 20-year absence.

Rams Raiders Chargers pitch proposals to bring back NFL to L.A.
Bernie thinks the six members of the LA Opportunities committee will give STL a fair shake... it's nice that they will have the opportunity to present their case that LA never did.

FYI, of the six members of the "Los Angeles Opportuities" Committee, two of them (Kraft, Richardson) voted AGAINST the Rams moving to STL, three of them (Hunt, Rooney, Mara) are sons of owners who voted AGAINST the Rams moving to STL in the first vote.

(* in the second and final vote, Kraft, Richardson, Hunt voted to let GR move the Rams, while Dan Rooney and Wellington Mara remained NO votes to the end)

The last, McNair, was not in the NFL at the time, but was awarded his Houston franchise over LA in the 1999 expansion.

Here's the real story. The NFL would burn 2 historically great NFL cities (San Diego & Oakland) by approving Carson. Stan has the votes to block Carson. STL has already failed as a NFL market. No corporate support or hometown fan support for the team.The NFL can use the relocation fee to help finance new stadiums in 2 distressed cities (San Diego & Oakland) by approving Inglewood.

Inglewood kills 3 birds with one stone. LA is made whole by restoring the Rams. SD & Oak keep their teams. That's the best solution for league stability.
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My answer to Bernie the Brain's latest article "is StL getting a fair shake from the NFL"
You are a sport writer Bernie (sneezing bullshit) you know the world "fair" is relative. But what makes you disingenuous is that you know the full story (I hope) and you are writing just to please the only delusional, hard core, stubborn, StL Rams fans with IQs less than 82 and common sense less than 0 left who still think the Rams are staying AKA LTRISTL. I understand you need your paycheck from the StL DP what I don't understand is how you put your head on a pillow and sleep! Here, this is fair sir: To uprooted the LA Rams from LA after 48 years, YOU StL sweetened the lease agreement so much so to attract them to include a binding clause in the 30 year lease that their new home, EJD must be top tier in the NFL! That is something YOU StL agreed to provide to the Rams during the duration of the lease until 2024 without any out of pocket to the owner! Are we fair so far? Kroenke took that same lease agreement and rightfully asked the city to update the EJD at $700 million to abide with his lease terms to top tier the dome. YOU StL refused. YOU StL agree to go to arbitration, and YOU StL lost. YOU StL still chose not to upgrade, which broke the lease and started all this mess of relocation. YOU StL waited until the last minute, while you knew Stan was exploring LA to put a stadium proposal that still has incomplete financing and land acquisition with two pending lawsuits! ARE WE STILL FAIR SIR? If with a business miracle you were able to have your stadium shove and finance ready in the next two months (August 11 special owner's meeting) YOU StL are now asking Stan Kroenke to use $450 million of his money in return for a non-top tier stadium at Riverfront!! Should I remind you sir, Stan was in a lease YOU StL agreed to until 2024 to top tier EJD at NO COST TO OWNER!!and now you want him to pay $450 million for a non-top tier?????? Here is a better question to ask sir: IS KROEKE GETTING A FAIR SHAKE FROM STL? Now YOU StL know why a local son, who helped bring you the Rams is gettin outta dodge!! YOU StL screwed up another NFL team and then you # me with‪#‎STLNFL‬?? Get the fuck outta here.........
Watch this end up on LTRISTL with name calling and no critical thinking counter argument (the usual)

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