Expert panel rates NHS the worlds

^people only wait for treatment because they are not seriously ill. Its a triage system, the sickest are seen first, and those with snotty noses are left to wait.

I know that. And, again, I AM NOT DEFENDING US HEALTH CARE. I don't even live there or know what it is like these days, though I never had any problems with it when I did live there. But, I've never been seriously ill.

However, people I know who are UK citizens complain endlessly about the long waits for treatment, even for serious conditions, for surgery. My point in this thread is that the OP has cited a study saying the NHS is the best health care system in the world. I do not believe in the veracity of that study. No one I have ever met from the UK praises their health care system, and they have a lower life expectancy rate of most of the EU countries, at least the Western European ones.
People complain about long waiting times here too - and those complaints are rarely valid. You can pay upfront and go in as a private patient, but it will cost you.
I have never had an issue with the system here. Its not the same as the system they have in England, I don't think, but it works well.
I don't know what is different about the UK system, does anyone from the UK know?
I certainly wouldn't move to the UK in the hopes of taking part in their great health care system. Mostly, all I've ever heard from the Brits about it are complaints. Frankly, based on what I've heard about it from the many, many British folks I've known and know now, I am shocked that it would be considered the best in the world. Truly, honestly: I'm extremely surprised and very sceptical. And this is not defensiveness about the health care in the States; I am considering retiring in a country other than the States and have done some research. The health care in other European countries seems to actually be better than in the UK. I would move to Italy, France or Spain before I'd move to the UK. And they have sunshine too! :)
ask Harrison Ford about his treatment.

Should I judge your system by the way it treats your most deserving heroes:badgrin::badgrin:
The VA's troubled history -
Are all those muslims who are flooding your country getting good health care too (on your dime)?

Muslims? I am still trying to figure out what the hell Harrison Ford has to do with the link.
There are two other things about the NHS I've read about. One is that very often, when going to a clinic, the patients do not see doctors. During their entire visit, they see nurses or nurse practitioners, not doctors. Also, I read that the many foreign doctors in the NHS system have been trained in other countries and their skills are not up to par with the Western trained doctors. I am truly perplexed as to how the NHS could be rated 'best in the world.' Truly perplexed.
best healthcare system. I have witnessed both and I have to agree with the international experts. I'm sure Obama Care will improve the situation as socialized healthcare is the way to go.
NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

Ps how come great treatment by the NHS costs less than 50% per head than shit treatment costs in America?
From your link:

"The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
best healthcare system. I have witnessed both and I have to agree with the international experts. I'm sure Obama Care will improve the situation as socialized healthcare is the way to go.
NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

Ps how come great treatment by the NHS costs less than 50% per head than shit treatment costs in America?
From your link:

"The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
BBC News - Why do Americans die younger than Britons?
There are two other things about the NHS I've read about. One is that very often, when going to a clinic, the patients do not see doctors. During their entire visit, they see nurses or nurse practitioners, not doctors. Also, I read that the many foreign doctors in the NHS system have been trained in other countries and their skills are not up to par with the Western trained doctors. I am truly perplexed as to how the NHS could be rated 'best in the world.' Truly perplexed.
absolute rubbish, you register with a doctors practice, you then visit the doctor if you are ill.If its an emergency you are taken to a casualty dept of the nearest hospital, triaged then you are seen by the relevant doctor or specialist.
What are these clinics you are talking about?
ask Harrison Ford about his treatment.

Should I judge your system by the way it treats your most deserving heroes:badgrin::badgrin:
The VA's troubled history -
Are all those muslims who are flooding your country getting good health care too (on your dime)?
is Harrison Ford a muslim ? perhaps some of your vets should convert and get good treatment over here:badgrin::badgrin:

Harrison Ford is a multimillionaire and a movie star. If you are suggesting that everyone gets the same level of care that Harrison Ford gets you are more delusional than anyone could possibly be.

I know many people from Britian. The hospitals run on bribery. If you want a glass of water, someone can be bribed to make sure you get it. Do you want your floor mopped, a few quid in the right pocket will get your floors clean. Your doctor will not only prescribe medication that you need, but the nurses will actually make sure you get it, IF you pay for the favor.
"settled science" no doubt. What an absurdity. They might be better than the VA but not much.
Let's say that you're right. It would be a better system because it's objective is healthcare, not control. Obamacare is not about healthcare, it's only a vehicle for achieving a whole lot of other objectives that have nothing to do with healthcare.

Really? Like what?

government control over every aspect of your life

my god you left-wingers are stupid

Actually, the people who are more than willing to pay the highest price in the world by far for healthcare without questioning why, are the stupid folks. They drank of healthcare industry's claim (and the politicians who are in the back pocket of the healthcare industry) that we "have the best healthcare in the world" Kool-aid
Look, America is a great country, there is no reason not to be a proud American. But, America isn't perfect. With the USA, the cost of healthcare eats up our GDP like no other country. The cost of healthcare in the USA also hurts US business's bottom-line making them less competitive internationally. It hurts the expendable income of families and individuals so they can't contribute as much to the US consumer driven economy.
So, what is good about the US having the highest cost for healthcare in the world?
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best healthcare system. I have witnessed both and I have to agree with the international experts. I'm sure Obama Care will improve the situation as socialized healthcare is the way to go.
NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

Ps how come great treatment by the NHS costs less than 50% per head than shit treatment costs in America?
From your link:

"The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
BBC News - Why do Americans die younger than Britons?
Probably fewer minorities with shorter life spans, but it's certainly not NHS that's keeping Brits alive.
dont blame me that an American foundation using global experts found your system expensive crap.
ps I have read on this board that for the last 20 years or longer the healthcare of your brave vets is crap like your system?

I am not blaming you for anything, I am mocking you. You really should learn the difference.
then answer the question re the VA healthcare mocking bird.

Was there a question in there? Are you under the impression that sticking a question mark at the end of an incoherent sentence somehow turns it into a question?

FYI, I am still mocking you.
^people only wait for treatment because they are not seriously ill. Its a triage system, the sickest are seen first, and those with snotty noses are left to wait.


I actually started a thread about the wait times under NHS, you should read it before you end up looking even dumber than usual. People who recieve urgent refereals for cancer treatment have absurd wait times, but feel free to tell me how they don't actually need treatment.
best healthcare system. I have witnessed both and I have to agree with the international experts. I'm sure Obama Care will improve the situation as socialized healthcare is the way to go.
NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

Ps how come great treatment by the NHS costs less than 50% per head than shit treatment costs in America?
From your link:

"The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:

The operation was a success, but the patient died.
^people only wait for treatment because they are not seriously ill. Its a triage system, the sickest are seen first, and those with snotty noses are left to wait.


I actually started a thread about the wait times under NHS, you should read it before you end up looking even dumber than usual. People who recieve urgent refereals for cancer treatment have absurd wait times, but feel free to tell me how they don't actually need treatment. now compare it to your stats.
From diagnosis to treatment.
Liver Cancer 40 days
oesophagus 34 days
lung 35 days
breast 24 days
rectal 26 days

the chart shows what the article states, year on year your waiting times increase.
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Are all those muslims who are flooding your country getting good health care too (on your dime)?
is Harrison Ford a muslim ? perhaps some of your vets should convert and get good treatment over here:badgrin::badgrin:

Harrison Ford is a multimillionaire and a movie star. If you are suggesting that everyone gets the same level of care that Harrison Ford gets you are more delusional than anyone could possibly be.
read the link idiot, Harrison Ford crushed on Star Wars set: Han Solo star airlifted to hospital - Daily Record
He received standard NHS accident and emergency treatment.
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From your link:

"The only serious black mark against the NHS was its poor record on keeping people alive.":badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
BBC News - Why do Americans die younger than Britons?
Probably fewer minorities with shorter life spans, but it's certainly not NHS that's keeping Brits alive.
nothing to do with the stats of uninsured in this article.:badgrin::badgrin:
Remember the 5 million people without Medicaid? That's a health care*scandal.

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