Expert panel rates NHS the worlds

best healthcare system. I have witnessed both and I have to agree with the international experts. I'm sure Obama Care will improve the situation as socialized healthcare is the way to go.
NHS is the world's best healthcare system, report says | Society | The Guardian

Ps how come great treatment by the NHS costs less than 50% per head than shit treatment costs in America?

The idea that Americans receive shit treatment is a complete fallacy. Those who are not covered or covered by Medicaid are going to receive lesser care than those who are insured. For those who are insured, the system works quite well and the healthcare available is second to none. The problem is with those who find it difficult to access this system. Many are left out, and in some cases some are forced out if they are deemed too expensive. The ACA has changed much of this, but still at a cost. The biggest problem with this system is that we are paying way too much for it, and the reasons are numerous. We really need to determine why we are paying so much and why costs are so high. There is very little competition in healthcare.
Obamacare is a failure. It must be "all in" or "all out." I prefer "all out" as "all in" is communism.

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