Expert reveals tampering in JFK assassination photos

thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?
And once again you fail to make an argument of any kind but just babble.

The evidence proves you wrong and that is the end of that

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

Except that you read them.

And they infuriate you because my posts are accurate and prove you wrong.
The amount of proof that has been uncovered since the public murder makes the lame attempts and efforts by the shills so amusing to me. Watching them hang themselves by giving them enough rope to do so has been very entertaining to say the least.

as we all know,without getting well paid as he does,the nazi shill would not come back here to suffer one constant ass beating after another as he has.:D he will really ask for some big bucks fro his handler on what kind of new dodgeball tactic to use after me and you both took him to school that he was working for the CIA.:rofl::D

Let them keep coming back and defending the (snicker) "official version" because there is SOOOOO much information out there that has come to light like the "Lee and Harvey Project" and how does Lee Harvey Oswald and the U-2 shoot down is related and how Oswald was given free passage back to America with no repercussions. It should be blatantly obvious but the shills are gonna do what shills are gonna do. James Wilcott's testimony in 1978 that Oswald was on the CIA's payroll. The CIA is and has been for some time nothing but a rogue agency that works at the behest of the owners of USA.INC.

I had remembered reading somewhere before of the documented facts that came out after the ARRB opened up files and found out oswalds connections to the CIA being exposed in the 90's that i spoke of earlier,but i had not heard of James Wilcotts testimony of that.Thanks for mentioning that.i will have to look into that one.:thup:

does not surprise me in the least to hear because Robert Morrow,he was also a top level CIA operative who wrote a book i think it was in the 80's or 90's where he also went into great detail and exposed oswalds CIA connections as well.:thup: do you know of this researcher i am talking about by chance?

Nope, I haven't heard of Robert Morrow but will definitely give him a search. One other thing is that should give anyone pause for thought is why would certain records pertaining to the murder of JFK be "off limits/classified" for 50 years if Oswald was simply a loony lone gunman? Some people simply have no critical thinking skills.

Now that is very good.

Why would the government HIDE these records, if the case was easily proved?

Just another clear example of lies we have been told by a lying government.

The thing is some Americans just can't wrap their heads around the fact that our government is a criminal operation. They want to believe the Utopian vision of government, told to them in the 4th grade.

Like I said for many reasons.

You ignore that fact and insist it proves your case when in fact it does not.

And once again you make no argument of any kind and present no evidence or facts of any kind
The burden of proof is on you to prove that all of the evidence are lies and distortions and you have no evidence of this and are incapable of providing any or you would have done so.

Since you have not done so there is no evidence and there fore you are wrong and the evidence against Oswald still stands.

There is no such evidence of a conspiracy or you could cite some and you never have and you never will.

No one on this thread has shown any such evidence so clearly your statement is false.

Repeating the same thing over and over and over is meaningless. Your word is not sufficient and that is all you have. You LARAM and all the other conspiracy loons have not yet shown a shred of evidence. Instead you simply scream that it exists yet you cannot cite any.

You are not especially researched or well read in this manner and that is not an insult it is simple fact.

Citing Orwell is a general philosophical approach and it means nothing since you are distorting what he was warning us of.

You are not en expert or especially well informed or enlightened again that is no insult but simple truth.

You are only stating a belief you have which is not based on any facts or evidence and in fact the evidence which is credible and true completely refutes and proves you wrong.
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.


yeah this stupid fuck shill of the governments always likes to think he won by having the last word but he exposes how he has no crediblity talking to himself all the time when he addresses me in the first person. knowing i have him on ignore.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

the whole world can see what a moron he is addressing someone in the first person as he does with me.:haha::haha::haha::haha:

i guessing you use logic and common sense with me that when someone puts YOU on ignore,you dont talk to them in the first person as he does am i right>:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?


Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:
No...the State has not proven it's case. It made up everything and you have chosen to believe the State's lies and ignore the enormous, massive, HUGE amount of evidence proving conspiracy.

As I have told you, but you are too duped to comprehend, Oswald was NOT a commie but an ardent anti-communist. This fact alone destroys everything you believe.
thats because he wants to believe the state NEVER lies obviously only seeing what he wants to see.:D

Oswald was CIA until he was set up to be the patsy. Subject Index Files/B Disk/Brussell Mae/Item 25.pdf

Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.


yeah this stupid fuck shill of the governments always likes to think he won by having the last word but he exposes how he has no crediblity talking to himself all the time when he addresses me in the first person. knowing i have him on ignore.:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

the whole world can see what a moron he is addressing someone in the first person as he does with me.:haha::haha::haha::haha:

i guessing you use logic and common sense with me that when someone puts YOU on ignore,you dont talk to them in the first person as he does am i right>:haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:
You quoted me several times proving i am not on ignore with you and you are just crying because you have been defeated.
Oswald was never CIA.

Nor was he ever set up to be a patsy nor was he a patsy.

He was the lone shooter.

As usual your link is a massive fail with nothing but speculation and supposition.

Notice how it says Miss Russell is not alone in her BELIEF that he sabotaged the U2 spy plane.

Belief is not fact or evidence.

It stated she CLAIMS that CIA officials were interviewed who confirmed this but can name no such agent or document to support this claim.

Oswald had nothing to do with the U2 spy plane other than general geographic proximity which tens of thousands of people also had.

Oswald was a Marine and he was never seconded to anyone else while serving as a Marine he was consistently present for duty and never unaccounted for.

Sorry but once again you are debunked and proven wrong mainly by what you claim as evidence but is not evidence.

And LARAM will brag about your ass beating which was done with facts any time now

Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Spare me the rhetoric and false bravado, dipshit. I have read your illiterate spew of "state propaganda" concerning JFK's public murder only as a source of amusement. You proposed nothing in the way of a decent refutation of those that have spent thousands of hours researching this OBVIOUS conspiracy that has changed the path we have been on for the worse. I have no respect for you, I don't see you as a worthy adversary and your "me too" puppet Faun has even made an even bigger fool of himself trying to provide support in hopes of a cyber pat on the head. LA RAM FAN is a peer of mine, gipper is a peer but you are utterly pathetic. Your punctuation skills and ability to communicate a coherent thought is not that of someone that is as "well read" as you sum this all up in a salient manner? You are simply a poseur.....nothing more, nothing less.

Please (and by all means) have the "last word" because you are not worthy of my time. Your fool-fueled "Uh-uh!" posts proves that you never were worth the effort.

Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?
Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

Ask a former employer.

Still no argument or evidence from your foolish argument.

So by now we all know you are full of BS and proven wrong
Wrong sonny boy I provided devastating fact and evidedne based refutation for a subject you are massively ignorant of and I shredded and debunked you without mercy.

And you know this is true.

You are not well read researched or informed on this topic. Your only argument is the government lies. Which is not an argument.

If it were an obvious conspiracy you could provide evidence yet you cannot and have not and have in fact failed to do so every time you have tried..

I am your better boy and that is why you cry like such a bitch every time I shred and destroy your claims and everyone knows it
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

The nazi has become nothing but a time wasting parody poster. He can post from now until doomsday and I won't give a shit. He has already proven that he doesn't know anything but the official "gubermint" line.There are actually people out there that pose more of a challenge than that clown and his lapdog.
You believe what Uncle told you to believe.

You would do well in an Orwellian world. Uncle says jump, you say how high.

Do you get a good retirement plan from the CIA?

I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

How predictable I proved you wrong and debunked you every time and you deny it
I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

The nazi has become nothing but a time wasting parody poster. He can post from now until doomsday and I won't give a shit. He has already proven that he doesn't know anything but the official "gubermint" line.There are actually people out there that pose more of a challenge than that clown and his lapdog.

Actually you just run away and bitch because you know I debunked your claims and proved you wrong.

And there are no nazis here
I suspect that he is just a google way that anyone would pay for his illiterate rantings.....JMHO.

yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

The nazi has become nothing but a time wasting parody poster. He can post from now until doomsday and I won't give a shit. He has already proven that he doesn't know anything but the official "gubermint" line.There are actually people out there that pose more of a challenge than that clown and his lapdog.

as i said before,i would actually spend time with CIA stooge Robert Blakey in a discussion on this because he is a far more clever agent than this stupid fuck.

Blakey as i said before,wrote a book that it was a mod hit and the mob alone that did it and ignored anything that pointed towards CIA involvement during the HSCA investigation.

Blakey i would actually waste my time on watching him try and weasel out of facts that we have proven how oswald was a CIA agent. since he DOES admit the truth there was a conspiracy,i would fine him to a worthwhile opponent worth my time because it would actually be fun and amusing seeing him try and dodge the facts we posted how oswald worked for the CIA.:D this stupid fuck? nobody should ever waste their valuable time on.
yeah your probably right.I think i have been giving him way too much credit all these years as a CIA employee because they are much more clever than this stupid fuck. .Like that one lead investigater who was on the investigative team in the 70's after the public saw past the lies of the warren commission and knew there were multiple shooters they invented a new patsy the Mob since the american people were no longer falling for their bullshit anymore on oswald being the lone assassin.

He wrote a book claiming it was a solo mob hit ignoring the CIA's role in THAT is a government agent who is far more clever than this stupid fuck.

He probably lives in the basement of someone that looks out after him because he cant fend for himself in the real world and since he has no friends in his life,he spends all day trolling message boards and gets money from them for his living expenses.that would explain his childlike obsession he has of talking to himself in the first person and so obsessed with trying to get everybody to believe him.:lmao::haha:

I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

The nazi has become nothing but a time wasting parody poster. He can post from now until doomsday and I won't give a shit. He has already proven that he doesn't know anything but the official "gubermint" line.There are actually people out there that pose more of a challenge than that clown and his lapdog.

as i said before,i would actually spend time with CIA stooge Robert Blakey in a discussion on this because he is a far more clever agent than this stupid fuck.

Blakey as i said before,wrote a book that it was a mod hit and the mob alone that did it and ignored anything that pointed towards CIA involvement during the HSCA investigation.

Blakey i would actually waste my time on watching him try and weasel out of facts that we have proven how oswald was a CIA agent. since he DOES admit the truth there was a conspiracy,i would fine him to a worthwhile opponent worth my time because it would actually be fun and amusing seeing him try and dodge the facts we posted how oswald worked for the CIA.:D this stupid fuck? nobody should ever waste their valuable time on.

You have never proven that Oswald was a CIA agent, no one has.
I am talking to you and you are reading it.

Otherwise you would not be directly quoting my post which is not ignoring anyone.

I just prove you wrong every time and make you my bitch.
Hey Soupy is it true that once you are CIA, you are always CIA?

that would explain why he comes back for the ass beatings he gets here everyday,he cant walk away and quit trolling like he wants to because he has gotten into deep with them and he knows they will kill him if he tells them he wants out.:biggrin:

The nazi has become nothing but a time wasting parody poster. He can post from now until doomsday and I won't give a shit. He has already proven that he doesn't know anything but the official "gubermint" line.There are actually people out there that pose more of a challenge than that clown and his lapdog.

as i said before,i would actually spend time with CIA stooge Robert Blakey in a discussion on this because he is a far more clever agent than this stupid fuck.

Blakey as i said before,wrote a book that it was a mod hit and the mob alone that did it and ignored anything that pointed towards CIA involvement during the HSCA investigation.

Blakey i would actually waste my time on watching him try and weasel out of facts that we have proven how oswald was a CIA agent. since he DOES admit the truth there was a conspiracy,i would fine him to a worthwhile opponent worth my time because it would actually be fun and amusing seeing him try and dodge the facts we posted how oswald worked for the CIA.:D this stupid fuck? nobody should ever waste their valuable time on.

You have never proven that Oswald was a CIA agent, no one has.
Yeah he just hung out with CIA agents for the fun of it. :wtf:

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